Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,741 to 16,760 of 55,813
  1. Lilly S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lilly S., who was born in Czechoslovakia in 1924, one of six children. She recalls twenty-five Jewish families in her town; her parents' grocery store; cordial relations with non-Jews; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; her brother's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; German occupation in spring 1944; deportation to Irshava, the Munkács ghetto, then Auschwitz; separation from her parents and siblings (she never saw them again); remaining with three cousins; transfer to Płaszów; having to undress and burn corpses after a mass shooting; pointle...

  2. Ilona T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ilona T., who was born in 1926 in Czechoslovakia, one of seven children. She notes her town had twenty-five Jewish families; cordial relations with non-Jews; her mother's death when she was nine; her father's loving care; Hungarian occupation in 1939; increasing anti-Jewish restrictions; German occupation in spring 1944; deportation to Irshava, then a week later to the Munkács ghetto; her father giving his food to her and her siblings; deportation to Auschwitz three weeks later; separation from her father and brothers upon arrival (she never saw them again); remainin...

  3. Eva S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva S., who was born in Czechoslovakia, one of seven children. She recounts her oldest sister's death prior to her birth; being raised by her grandmother when her mother was ill; her mother's death; cordial relations with non-Jews; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; her eldest sister's emigration to the United States; her father's failed efforts to emigrate; harsh treatment from neighbors and former friends; her father's draft into forced labor; each child living with one of her mother's sisters; her father's return; reuniting of the family; German occupa...

  4. Hersh A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hersh A., who was born in Cluj, Romania in 1924, the oldest of four children. He recalls his impoverished family, hunger, and hardships; Hungarian occupation; forced labor during the day; German occupation; ghettoization; escaping often; obtaining food from non-Jewish farmers; one family attesting he was their child when Germans came; soldiers prohibiting him from entering the ghetto when deportations were occurring; lifelong sadness that he never said goodbye to his family; transfer to Budapest; liberation; walking to Debrecen; assistance from Soviet soldiers; return...

  5. Ella A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ella A., who was born in Mukacheve, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1925, one of six children. She recalls being poor, but happy; cordial relations with non-Jews; apprenticing as a seamstress; belonging to Mizrachi; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions, including confiscation of her father's business; one brother's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; German occupation in spring 1944; round-up to the ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her immediate family; staying with cousins; crying all the time; refusing to eat; a prisoner co...

  6. Aaron P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aaron P., who was born in the Hague, Netherlands in 1927 and raised in Amsterdam. He recalls attending public school; a pleasant life surrounded by extended family; German invasion in May 1940; anti-Jewish restrictions, including expulsion from school; round-ups of Jews; he and his sister being hidden by the underground with a family in Wormerveer; obtaining false papers; meetings with their parents who were hidden nearby; his parents' capture and deportation; returning to Amsterdam in August 1944; the underground hiding them two weeks later in a rural town; liberatio...

  7. Rella C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rella C., who was born in Cluj, Romania in 1927. She recalls antisemitic harassment at school; her religious, close family; Hungarian occupation; a brother's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; ghettoization with her uncle's family, her sister, and sister's fiancé; deportation to Auschwitz; staying with her sister and aunt's niece; slave labor; living in complete fear; cursing God; separation from her sister; having blood drawn; transfer with her aunt's niece to Bergen-Belsen; finding her sister; hospitalization; visits from her aunt's niece; her disappear...

  8. Elias S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elias S., who was born in Petrova, Romania in 1930, the oldest of six children. He recounts the family move to Strîmtura; attending public school; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor; German invasion in spring 1944; ghettoization in another town for a few weeks; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from his mother and younger siblings (he never saw them again); transfer with his father to Buchenwald a few days later; separation from his father when he was transferred to Dora, then Nordhausen; slave labor with his cousin constructing undergrou...

  9. Abraham S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abraham S., who was born in Strîmtura, Romania in 1923, the seventh of ten children in a Hasidic family. He recounts attending cheder and yeshiva; Hungarian occupation in 1940; anti-Jewish restrictions; continuing at yeshiva; deportation to Dragomirești in spring 1944; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from his family; transfer with a cousin to Buchenwald, then Dora; slave labor in tunnels; transfer to Bergen-Belsen; liberation by British troops; hospitalization in Sweden; learning two sisters and a brother had survived; emigration to the United St...

  10. Luna H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Luna H., who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands, the only child of Turkish parents. She recounts speaking French at home; her father annually renewing their Turkish citizenship; visiting relatives in Antwerp and France; German invasion; her father hiding a non-Turkish Jew; her father's belief they were protected by their Turkish citizenship; being rounded-up to the theater in Amsterdam; deportation to Westerbork; attending school and a cabaret; deportation a year later (September 15, 1944) to Bergen-Belsen; assignment to the Star camp, then the neutrals camp; hunger; ...

  11. Antonia K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Antonia K., who was born in Worms, Germany in 1925. She recounts moving to her maternal grandparents' home in Nentershausen when she was eighteen months old; moving to Bunzlau (presently Bolesławiec) eight years later when her mother married a rabbi; anti-Jewish discrimination at school; the synagogue burning and her stepfather's brief deportation to Dachau on Kristallnacht; plans to join her maternal uncle in Palestine; traveling to Amsterdam to join her stepbrother while awaiting travel documents; German invasion; obtaining $425,000 from maternal relatives in Switze...

  12. Howard K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Howard K., who was born in Tarnów, Poland in 1925, one of five children in a Hasidic family. He recounts attending cheder; beatings en route to public school; his sister's emigration to Palestine in 1937; his bar mitzvah; the family move to Kraków; German invasion; anti-Jewish violence; transfer to Wieliczka; living with relatives for about a year; a mass round-up (he never saw his parents and siblings again); transfer to Płaszów; slave labor laying railroad tracks; transfer to the Kraków ghetto in fall 1942; return to Płaszów; slave labor in a cable factory; ass...

  13. Max G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Max G., who was born in Grenchen, Switzerland in 1920 to Polish immigrants. He recalls participating in Hashomer Hatzair; attending the 1939 Zionist Congress in Geneva as a pageboy; completing medical school in 1945; employment as a physician for UNRRA; assignment to a displaced persons camp for Poles; transfer to Bergen-Belsen in May 1946; gaining the trust of the residents who had difficult relations with the British and UNRRA administrators; working closely with the Jewish Committee and its head, Joseph Rosensaft; working with UNRRA and Joint medical staff and the ...

  14. Sara M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara M., an only child, who was born in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland in 1938. She recounts early memories of fear; living among many relatives; constant hunger; her mother soothing her; being smuggled to a non-Jewish family friend during a round-up in about 1943; being smuggled back to the ghetto two weeks later (her mother was gone); being cared for by her mother's half-sister; a painful separation from her father when forced to board cattle trains; her aunt caring for her in Ravensbrück; sexual abuse by guards on Christmas; a female SS guard giving her extra food ...

  15. Avraham W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Avraham W., who was born in Radom, Poland in 1925, the second of three children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; attending cheder and a Jewish high school; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization in April 1941; round-up when visiting friends in August 1942; slave labor in a factory; escaping; return to the ghetto; learning his family had been deported (none survived); assistance from friends; deciding not to eat bread during Passover; his future wife sending him vegetables; Poles throwing food over the wall; volunteering for depor...

  16. Raye D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Raye D., an only child, who was born in Vilna, Poland (presently Vilnius, Lithuania) in 1928. She recalls her large, extended family; attending a private Yiddish school with Gabriel Weinreich; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; her father's execution in July; ghettoization; hiding with her mother and relatives during round-ups; deportation to Kaiserwald with her mother and one aunt (her daughter had been taken); slave labor for Organization Todt (OT); German OT staff giving them extra food; transfer to Stutthof in late 1943, then to a subcamp of Dachau; ...

  17. Harry J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry J., who was born in Częstochowa, Poland in 1932, the second youngest of eight siblings. He recounts their relative affluence and orthodoxy; German invasion; ghettoization; hiding in a bunker with his family during round-ups; one brother's deportation to Treblinka; smuggling themselves into the small ghetto; hiding with his younger brother, then with his mother and younger brother; his mother ordering him to join his sisters at HASAG Pelzery, knowing the younger boy could not survive; slave labor in a munitions factory; visiting his sisters; their "release" in J...

  18. Harry W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry W., who was born in Żychlin, Poland in 1927, one of four children. He recounts attending cheder and public school; German invasion; forced construction labor; ghettoization; his father's deportation; transfer to forced labor constructing roads with his father; their transfer to another camp; his cousin freezing to death; transfer to Poznań, then Kreuzsee; his father's deterioration since he was doing much of his (Harry's) work; his father's transfer to Auschwitz (he never saw him again); losing his will to live; transfer to Auschwitz five months later, then to...

  19. Frank A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frank A., who served in the United States Army in World War II. He recounts mobilization; transfer to England; landing in Normandy; being wounded by friendly fire; liberating Dachau; observing unburied corpses; taking photographs of the corpses and emaciated survivors; United States officers forcing local German civilians to walk through the camp (they denied knowledge of what happened there), to dig graves, and to bury the corpses; and his departure two hours later. Mr. A. notes sending his photographs of Dachau to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and show...

  20. Bery S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bery S., who was born in Galați, Romania in 1930. She recounts her family's move to Izmaïl; her parents' divorce; celebrating Passover with her extended family; her mother's remarriage and move to Bucharest; living with her grandmother; attending public school; their move to Bucharest in 1940; her grandmother's return to Izmaïl; anti-Jewish restrictions; attending a Jewish school; hiding during violence against Jews; seeing corpses in the street; renting part of their house to the Swiss embassy, which provided some protection; being protected by her stepfather's fr...