Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 44,861 to 44,880 of 55,889
  1. Serge H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Serge H., who was born in Ti?rgu Ocna, Romania in 1928, one of two children. He recounts moving to Podu Iloaiei in 1931, then Ias?i in 1936; antisemitic harassment in school; having his bar mitzvah in their apartment during a violent round-up on June 28, 1941; not being included in the round-up due to the configuration of their housing complex; resuming "normal" life; his father retaining his business through "partnerships" with non-Jews; forced labor digging trenches; his mother's injury during Allied bombings; liberation by Soviet troops in August 1944; moving to Bu...

  2. Claire G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Claire G., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1923, one of four children. She recounts moving to Paris in 1925; her family's assimilated lifestyle; German invasion; anti-Jewish laws; hiding with friends after the July 1942 round-up; illegally entering the unoccupied zone with her cousin, using false papers and posing as Christians; benign conditions in Italian-occupied Nice; one brother's arrival (her parents and other brothers were arrested); German occupation; hiking to Italy; returning to Nice; denunciation and arrest; transport to Drancy, then Auschwitz/Birkenau; e...

  3. Joseph and Dorothy B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph B., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1927. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; his father teaching in a Jewish school; attending a Jewish boys' school; participation in Maccabi; his father's trip to Palestine and return, thinking he could not make a living there; antisemitic harassment; being warned prior to Kristallnacht; his father leaving (he went to the synagogue to rescue a Torah); Gestapo coming to arrest his father; his father's return days later (they attribute his survival to the Torah); difficulties trying to emigrate; receiving exit visas outside o...

  4. Barbara G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Barbara G., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924. She describes her happy childhood; attending a private Jewish school; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; her brother fleeing to Soviet territory; traveling to Cze?stochowa via Warsaw in December 1939; ghettoization; learning from her mother's letter about her grandparents' deaths from starvation in the ?o?dz? ghetto; losing contact with her parents in May 1942; deportations from the Cze?stochowa ghetto; her marriage; forced labor in a factory; public executions; the small ghetto's liquidation; transfer with h...

  5. Eva G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva G., who was born in 1923 in Liepa?ja, Latvia. She recalls secular and Jewish life in Liepa?ja; attacks on Jews by Latvian Nazis beginning in 1936; Soviet occupation in 1939; loss of the family business and residence; German air raids for a week starting June 22, 1941; German occupation on June 29th; immediate forced labor and mass killings; round-up of her father and grandfather on July 8th (they were shot); ghettoization of the last 860 Jews (out of 9,000) in one square block; and liquidation of the ghetto on Yom Kippur, 1943. Mrs. G. describes transport to Kaise...

  6. Eric E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eric E., who was born in Rastatt, Germany in 1921. He recalls anti-Jewish laws resulting in loss of the family business; moving to Westphalia where his father worked for former employees; his terror when hiding in a haystack alone during Kristallnacht; his father's incarceration in Buchenwald; his mother arranging for him to join a kindertransport to England; leaving the day of his father's release; living in Harwich for several months; an apprenticeship; living with a family; learning his parents had gone to Belgium; emigrating to the United States in 1940, believing...

  7. Raphael E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Raphael E., who was raised in Lyon, France. He describes the formative influence of participating in scouting; fleeing with his older brother after German invasion in 1940; returning to Lyon after the armistice; graduating from technical school in 1942; participating in Resistance activities through the scouts; working with Sixie?me and Organisation juive de combat; fabricating false documents; arrest in January 1944; imprisonment in Montluc; torture during interrogations; transfer to Drancy; meeting and falling in love with his future wife; deportation to Auschwitz; ...

  8. Saul C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Saul C., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1925. He recalls his family's relative poverty; attending Bund summer camps; German occupation; the family's move to Cze?stochowa; forced labor in the ghetto; transformation of the ghetto into labor camps (his mother, sister, and one brother were deported to Treblinka); hiding during a round-up; capture and escape; rejoining his father in the camp; separation from his father; escaping with a friend; building a bunker in a forest; hostile Polish partisans (AK); returning to camp because he feared death; denunciation; imprison...

  9. Charles L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles L., who was born in Paris, France in 1929. He recalls the outbreak of war; moving with his family to Montargis; living with cousins; returning to Paris; antisemitic regulation, including wearing the yellow star; his father's arrest in August 1941 (he never saw him again); his brother's arrest and release (he went to Vichy, the unoccupied zone); being warned by non-Jews of the July 16, 1942 round-up; hiding with his mother; being smuggled to Vichy France; a station master in Angoule?me helping them avoid detection; boarding a train for Saint-Junien; being force...

  10. Julia S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Julia S., who was born in Velyikyy Bychkiv, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1925, one of eleven children. She recounts Hungarian occupation; a brief trip to Budapest; an older brother's draft into a slave labor battalion and an older sister's emigration to Belgium; transfer with her family to the Ma?te?szalka ghetto; deportation four weeks later to Auschwitz; separation from her parents and siblings; finding one sister and a cousin in the barrack; sharing food; visits from her younger brother; selection of her sister and cousin for death; the Blocka?lteste light...

  11. Roger B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Roger B., a Catholic, who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1921. He recounts attending school; working as an accountant; contact with Jewish refugees fleeing to the United States; German invasion; military draft; service in France; capture by Germans; escaping with others; returning to Brussels; his father's participation in the underground; notification of his draft for labor in Germany; hiding; observing a killing of Jews from his hiding place; remaining in hiding despite obtaining false papers; liberation by British troops; joining a Belgian section of the British ...

  12. Regina P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Regina P., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1925. She recalls her comfortable childhood; German invasion; anti-Jewish regulations; ghettoization; working in a brush shop; one sister's deportation to Treblinka; a Passover seder; hiding in bunkers during the uprising; deportation with her family to Majdanek; separation from her father; transfer ten weeks later with her sister to Auschwitz (her mother remained in Majdanek); digging ditches; separation from her pregnant sister (she never saw her again); her emotional state during selections; working in potato fields and ...

  13. Leo L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leo L., who was born in 1924 in ?o?dz?, Poland, one of eight children. He recounts his family's Hasidism and extreme poverty; antisemitic harassment; work from age fourteen; cutting his payis (sidecurls) and buying non-Hasidic clothing; his older brother's death in 1938; German invasion; ghettoization; smuggling food with assistance from a non-Jew; denouncement in October 1940; arrest, interrogation, and severe beating; hospitalization; release three weeks later; returning to smuggling; deportation to Poznan?; pervasive deaths resulting from filth and cold; a prisoner...

  14. Harry Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry Z., who was born in Zawiercie, Poland in 1919. He recalls growing up in a religious family, the fifth of eight children; his father's death when he was nine years old; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; German invasion; an unsuccessful attempt to flee; anti-Jewish measures; separation from his family when he was deported to Auenrode in October 1940 (he never saw them again); slave labor building roads; receiving packages from home until 1941; his experiences in Gross Sarne, Geppersdorf, and Klettendorf; liberation from Waldenburg by Soviet troops in April 1945; ...

  15. Saul H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Saul H., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in approximately 1925. He recalls German invasion in 1941; avoiding forced labor during a round-up in Independence Square; forced labor with his brother on the rail line to Athens; ghettoization in 1943; his family's deportation; escaping with his brother; hiding with a non-Jewish friend, then in the country; obtaining false papers; being caught; torture as partisans; incarceration in Haidari; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; his brother's escape en route; assignment to the Sonderkommando; burning bodies in outside pits...

  16. Hermina H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hermina H., who was born in Uz?h?horod, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) to a family of five daughters. She recalls her Hungarian, rather than Czech, sense of identity; beginning to work in 1938; Hungarian occupation; antisemitic laws; her father's death in 1939; German invasion in March 1944; ghettozation in a brick factory; deportation to Auschwitz in June; maneuvering to stay with three of her sisters; learning her mother and other family members had been gassed; starvation and selections; receiving clothes from her mother's cousin; transfer to Stutthof; being be...

  17. Beatrice S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Beatrice S., who was born in 1933 in a small town near Vilna, Poland (now Lithuania.) She recalls her prewar home life and schooling, and the Russian occupation in 1939. She relates her vivid memories of the German occupation in 1941 and the atrocities which followed, including the murder of her mother and two-year-old brother (which she and her father witnessed from their hiding place); her flight to relatives in another town; her escape with her father into the woods; and the 900 kilometer walk to the Russian front. She describes their journey to Siberia; her separa...

  18. Martha W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martha W., who was born in the Netherlands in 1908. She recalls attending public and Hebrew schools in a small town; living in Paris in the spring of 1939 with her husband and baby; returning to Leiden, Netherlands from a vacation in Biarritz when the war started in September; returning to Paris in 1940; and re-establishing correspondence with her family after the German invasion in May. Mrs. W. describes escaping from Paris in May 1940; crossing to Oran, Algeria; traveling to Casablanca, Morocco; receiving affidavits from relatives in the United States; traveling via...

  19. Paul F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paul F., who was born in Cluj, Romania, in 1929. Mr. F. describes his family; lack of antisemitism in Cluj; Hungarian occupation of Transylvania; changed attitudes and behavior toward Jews; his family's exemption from deportation because his father was a state physician; their subsequent transfer to an area near Bras?ov, then to Sighis?oara; ghetto conditions; and the brutality of Hungarian collaborators. He tells of transport to Birkenau; separation from his mother; then transport to Buchenwald. He describes camp conditions; work as a bricklayer; and transfer with hi...