Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 43,081 to 43,100 of 55,889
  1. Executive Committee of the Glinoe (Hlinaia) village council of workers' Deputies in Grigoriopol district

    • Исполнительный комитет Глинянского сельского Совета депутатов трудящихся Григориопольского района
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Glinyanskogo sel'skogo Soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Grigoriopol'skogo rayona

    The register of damage caused by the Fascist invaders to the Glinoe (Hlinaia) village council in 1944

  2. Executive Committee of the Tașlîc village council of workers' Deputies in Grigoriopol district

    • Исполнительный комитет Ташлыкского Сельского совета депутатов трудящихся Григориопольского района МССР
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Tashlykskogo Sel'skogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Grigoriopol'skogo rayona MSSR

    Registration of military cemeteries; lists of soldiers buried in 1944-1945

  3. Executive Committee of the Coroteni village council of workers' deputies in MSSR's Slobozia district

    • Исполнительный комитет Коротянского сельского Совета депутатов трудящихся Слободзейского района МССР
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Korotyanskogo sel'skogo Soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Slobodzeyskogo rayona MSSR

    List of 13 citizens shot by the Nazi occupiers in 1941-1945. List of Nazi invaders. The list was compiled by the village and collective farm commission on the basis of statements and testimonies by the local residents et al.

  4. Executive Committee of Tiraspol city council of people's deputies

    • Исполнительный комитет Тираспольского городского совета народных депутатов
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Tiraspol'skogo gorodskogo soveta narodnykh deputatov

    Decision to create a commission to investigate atrocities and damage caused by the German Fascist invaders to state-owned enterprises and institutions, collective farms and residents of Tiraspol; List of citizens forcibly driven into slavery during the flight of the Germans; the decisions of the executive committee to commemorate more than 1,000 Soviet citizens arrested by the Romanian occupiers for assisting the Red Army Workers' Committee and shot by the Germans in early April 1944 in Kirpichnaya slobodka area; list of repatriated Soviet citizens шт 1949 - POWs taken from from Tiraspol an...

  5. Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova

    • Comitetul central al Partidului Comunist al Moldovei
    • Центральный комитет Коммунистической партии Молдавии
    • Tsentral'nyy komitet Kommunisticheskoy partii Moldavii

    Telegrams and reports on the restoration of the national economy; correspondence about "contamination by alien elements in the Chisinau district"; report on the work of the group of the Union Control Commission for the return of property and equipment from Romania; lists of commissioners and commissions on accounting for the damage caused to the national economy of the Moldavian SSR; materials on the restoration of the national economy in cities liberated from the German-Romanian occupiers; certificates of political parties that existed in the territory of Bessarabia; lists of traitors and ...

  6. Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova

    • Comitetul central al Partidului Comunist al Moldovei
    • Центральный комитет Коммунистической партии Молдавии
    • Tsentral'nyy komitet Kommunisticheskoy partii Moldavii

    Lists of Moldavian partisans nominated for government awards; materials on the verification of the facts of a rude attitude towards evacuees - citizens of Moldova; documents on the work of the Commission for Accounting for Damage to the MSSR; correspondence with the People's Commissariat of State Security of the MSSR; correspondence with various military organizations; information on the results of the German-Romanian occupiers in Chisinau; information about the political moods of the population of the MSSR; materials on the restoration of infrastructure in areas liberated from the German-R...

  7. Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova

    • Comitetul central al Partidului Comunist al Moldovei
    • Центральный комитет Коммунистической партии Молдавии
    • Tsentral'nyy komitet Kommunisticheskoy partii Moldavii

    General information about the Soviet Moldavian Republic; materials on persons evacuated in 1941; the list of persons evacuated from the Moldavian SSR in 1941; information provided by the authorized Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Moldova and the Council of People's Commissars of the MSSR for the Turkmen SSR on the registration of personnel evacuated to Turkmenistan; lists of evacuated enterprises of the Moldavian SSR; lists of communists evacuated from the Moldavian USSR to the Rostov, Saratov, Stalingrad, Turkmen, Uzbek and Chkalov regions; lists of communists evac...

  8. The Moldovan Regional Committee of the Communist (Bolshevik) Party of Ukraine

    • Comitetul Regional Moldovenesc al Partidului Comunist (bolşevic) al Ucrainei
    • Молдавский обком Коммунистической партии (большевиков) Украины
    • Moldavskiy obkom Kommunisticheskoy partii (bol'shevikov) Ukrainy

    Reports on provocative flights of the Romanian aircraft over the territory of the MASSR; memoranda on the defense of the border and the fight against border intruders; correspondence on the scope of the OZET (Land Management Society for Jewish Workers) voluntary society, lists of the department of culture and propaganda of Leninism

  9. Кримінальні справи на нереабілітованих осіб

    • Criminal files of individuals who were not rehabilitated
    • Kryminalni spravy na nereabilitovanykh osib

    The collection contains: Criminal files of persons served in the tsarist police, White army, insurgents, spies, as well as participants in the uprisings of 1918-1923, and of the OUN and UPA activists; Files of persons trained at German specialist institutions (intelligence, counterintelligence, police, military ones); Files of employees and agents of intelligence and counterintelligence agencies of Nazi Germany; Files of persons who worked in the German occupation administrative authorities; Files of persons served in German security bodies (gendarmerie, police, commandant's offices); Files...

  10. Archive and manuscripts collection of the Cabinet of Jewish culture at the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR

    • Архів та зібрання рукописів Кабінету єврейської культури Академії Наук УРСР

    Available are: collection of manuscripts; documents and materials of the folklore department: a collection of Jewish folk songs, stories, proverbs and sayings, aphorisms, jokes; Soviet Jewish antireligious folklore; clippings from periodicals with publications about Jewish folk art, and archives; protocols of work meetings; lists of Cabinet staff; materials on the work of the Department for collecting materials about the Great Patriotic War (1947); materials for the collection "Jewish folk art of the days of the Great Patriotic War" (1948-1949); testimonies of Jewish population under German...

  11. 3 відділ УДБ НКВС УРСР – 2 управління НКДБ- КДБ УРСР

    • 3 Department of DIrectorate of State Security of NKVD UkrSSR -- 2 Directorate of NKGB-KGB UkrSSR

    The following documentary material is related to the history of Jews and the Holocaust: Materials on the search of the traitors of Motherland, agents of the Nazi intelligence, police and security bodies, as well as other individuals who actively collaborated with Nazi Germany during the Second World War (fond 1, op. 1, pp. 12-28, 108-246, 260-280). Materials on the search of individuals who served in the unit of Einsatzgruppe D detachment created by the occupants - the so-called "SD Caucasian company" and "SS battalion 32", and actively participated in police operations on the territory of ...

  12. Колекція друкованих видань КГБ УРСР

    • Collection of printed publications of KGB of UkrSSR

    The following cases contain information about the history of the Jews, the occupation regime and the Holocaust: File 252. Collection of reference materials on the German intelligence agencies acting against the USSR during the Second World War. 1952 Vol. 1-2-3-4-1. File 306. List of Romanians who committed crimes against the USSR during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. 1945 Vol. 1-7. File 319. List of persons working in Romanian police and intelligence agencies. 1942. Tom 1-5. File 322. List of employees of the German gendarmerie and the police and persons who were persecuted by these ...

  13. Секретаріат ГПУ–КГБ УРСР

    • Секретариат ГПУ-КГБ УССР
    • UkrSSR GPU-KGB Secretariat

    The documents were mainly generated within four periods: 1930-1941; 1941-1945; 1945-1954; 1964-1991 The documents of the period of the Second World War (1941-1945) contain: • resolutions and orders of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR; • directives and instructions by NKVD of the USSR on work issues; • directives and instructions by NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR on work issues; • correspondence by NKVD of the UkrSSR with organizations, authorities and administration of the UkrSSR on the activities of the state security agencies; • special reports sent by NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR a...

  14. Управління боротьби з бандитизмом МВД, Управління 2-Н та 4-те Управління МГБ–КГБ УРСР

    • Directorate on fight against banditism at the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    Materials relevant to history of occupation regime and the Holocaust: File 24. References about employees of the Ukrainian Police in Kharkiv. 1943. 87 pp. File 26. Search for agents of foreign intelligence, traitors of Motherland, occupants’ auxiliaries. 1942. 300 pp. File 27. Investigation of foreign intelligence agents, traitors of the Motherland, occupants’ auxiliaries. 1942. 315 pp. File 28. List No. 2 (Attachment to file No. 9 “Investigation of foreign intelligence agents and their helpers”). 1942. 286 pp. File 29. List No. 1 (Attachment to file No. 9 “Investigation of foreign intellig...

  15. Оперативно-статистична звітність КГБ УРСР

    • Operational and statistic reporting by KGB UkrSSR

    • File 48. Information on intelligent and investigative work for 1941 (appendix-chart). • File 49. Information about secret-service and operational work for 1942. • File 50. Information on operational and investigative work for the first half of 1943. • File 51. Information on operational and investigative work for 1943. • File 53. Information on the results of operational and investigative work for 1944 (reference). • File 57. Information on the results of operative and investigative work for 1945 (reference and review of activities). • File 58. Information on operational and investigative...

  16. Колекція кінофотодокументів КГБ УРСР

    • Collection of film- and photodocuments of KGB UkrSSR

    Microfilmed documents of the Reich Ministry for the Eastern Occupied Territories and its head A. Rosenberg: • documents on the activities of the German occupation administration in Ukraine; • reports on the actions of partisan detachments and groups and underground in Ukraine; • documents on the activities of the German occupation administration in Belorussia and the Baltic States; • Reports on socio-political and economic situation in the occupied territories of the USSR; • Reports on the reaction of the population of the occupied territories to events of the German administration, at the ...

  17. Колекція друкованих видань КГБ України

    • Collection of printed publications of KGB of Ukraine

    There are, particularly, copies of memos, reports, reviews, orientations, analytical materials and other documents on the operational situation in Ukraine, emergency events, results of search operations, investigations of individual criminal cases; reference books and bibliographic publications; materials about the shooting of Jews during the Second World War. Of particular significance is file No. 98 "Materials on the killings of Citizens of Jewish Nationality by Nazi Occupiers" (1999-2000, 101 pages), which contains an inquiry (signed on January 22, 1999 by the Deputy Head of the SBU V. P...

  18. Слідча частина МГБ і Слідчий відділ КГБ УРСР

    • Investigative section of MGB and Investigative department of KGB UkrSSR

    The following cases contain information about the history of the Jews, the occupation regime and the Holocaust: • Documents on the identification of witnesses for the Nuremberg International Trial against the Nazi war criminals (1945); • documents on the preparation and conduct of an public trial in Kiev over Nazi war criminals (1946); • documents on the activities of the OUN and the UPA in the western regions of Ukraine (informations on the arrested persons, minutes of interrogations, memorandums on the conduct of trials) (1946-1949); • Correspondence of state security bodies with party an...

  19. Редакція газети «Голос Волині», м. Житомир

    • Editorial office of "Voice of Volyn" newspaper
    • Redaktsiia hazety "Holos Volyni"

    File 3. Register on payment of wages to employees of "Holos Volyni" newspaper and payment of honorarium for reporters of the newspaper for October 1941, October 7 - November 11, 1941, 811 p. File 4. Register on payment of wages to employees of the editorial office and the printing house of "Holos Volyni" newspaper and payment of honorarium to reporters of the newspaper for October-November of 1941, October-December 1941, 989 p. File 10. Correspondence with the General Commissariat and the Gebietskommissariat on economic and organizational matters. Daily reports of the Supreme Command by the...

  20. Novoheorhiivsk town administration

    • Міська управа Новогеоргіївського району
    • Miska uprava Novoheorhiivskoho raionu

    Collection includes lists of the Jewish population of the town of Novoheorhiivsk as of 1941.