Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,101 to 2,120 of 3,433
  1. Emmanuel F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emmanuel F., who was born in 1922 in Kosiv, Poland (presently Ukraine), the oldest of six children. He recounts his family's affluence; attending engineering school in Warsaw beginning in 1936; German invasion; returning home; Soviet occupation; military draft; German invasion before he could report for duty; forced labor with his father and brothers in a brick factory; his father's death; selection as a mechanic (the rest of his family was deported or killed); transfer to Kuty; escaping with assistance from a German soldier; capture; escaping; joining partisans in fo...

  2. Jacqueline F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacqueline F., who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1921, an only child. She recalls her family's affluence; close relations with grandparents; emigrating to Strasbourg with her family in April 1933 after her uncle's arrest and torture; moving to Tours in 1934; her father's business success; relatives en route to the United States urging them to leave; her father's refusal; the outbreak of war; incarceration with her family in Gurs as enemy aliens; liberation in 1940; living in Limoges; moving alone to Grenoble; studying law; participating in the communist Resistance; ...

  3. Ernie M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ernie M., who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1916, one of three children. He recounts his father was an American citizen, thus he was as well; attending Jewish school; working as an auto mechanic; participation in Habonim; becoming a counselor at a Youth Aliyah camp outside of Berlin; police confiscating the identification papers of everyone there in November 1938; traveling to Berlin; arriving on Kristallnacht; observing Jews being beaten and synagogues burning; visiting a friend who had just been released from a concentration camp; returning to the youth camp; lear...

  4. Libiena E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Libiena E., who was born in Nová Paka, Czechoslovakia (presently Czech Republic) in 1923, the youngest of five children. She recounts her family moving to Pardubice; attending school; their move to Prague in 1935; German occupation in 1939; surprise when her parents informed them they were Jewish; an uncle's arrest by the Gestapo (they never saw him again); anti-Jewish restrictions; expulsion from school; a non-Jewish teacher's offer to remain; choosing to work; removing her star to attend movies and swim; deportation with her parents to the Łódź ghetto; working in...

  5. Bernard O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bernard O., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1937, an only child. He recalls his familys' affluence; their insistence he speak only Polish; German invasion; his father's mother giving them gold coins; joining relatives in Warsaw; moving to the Piotrków ghetto; his mother obtaining false papers for herself and him; taking a train with her (his father was hidden with non-Jews); observing Gestapo inspecting papers; jumping off the train without their documents; entering the nearby Radom ghetto; his mother contacting his father; his father joining them; hiding during de...

  6. Pierre T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pierre T., a non-Jew, who was born in Brittany, France, in 1909. Mr. T. recounts serving as chief purser on the ocean liner Normandie in 1939; his capture at the defeat of the French army in 1940; escaping to join his family in Cha?teaubriant; shock at the execution of twenty-seven townsmen; obtaining a job which enabled him to issue false documents; and serving the Resistance as a guide for downed Allied fliers. He recalls his arrest in January 1944; Gestapo interrogations and torture; being transported naked (to deter escape attempts) in overcrowded boxcars to Mauth...

  7. Leonard B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leonard B., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1926. He recalls his father's high position in a German company and his mother's as a school principal; living with his grandparents due to his parents' work situations; attending a private school; German invasion; closure of all schools; moving with his parents and grandparents to the ghetto area; an uncle being summoned by the Gestapo (they never saw him again); his aunt working in the hospital; his mother arranging a tutor for him in their home; hospitalization three times; his aunt saving him from a hospital deportatio...

  8. Alfred B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred B., a non-Jew, who was born in the Schaerbeek section of Brussels, Belgium in 1917. He recalls frequent visits to relatives in Paris and Normandy; attending school, then university, in Brussels; strong anti-Rexist feelings, resulting in active participation in a liberal student group; military enlistment; call-up in 1939; German invasion; capture; transfer to Emmerich; assistance from the Red Cross; forced labor in Alt Garge and Fallingbostel; a German official taking him to his home in Hannover; release; returning home; attending university; working with the r...

  9. Mary L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mary L., who was born in Zagreb, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (now Croatia) in 1910. She recalls the beginning of World War I; her father's military service; living in Vienna from 1916 to 1918; the family's move to Berlin in 1926; working for an insurance company; Hitler's ascent to power; losing her job due to anti-Jewish laws; the anti-Jewish boycott in April 1933; returning to Zagreb; studying English in Britain in 1935; marriage to a Catholic; German invasion in April 1941; moving to the United States Consulate where her husband worked; anti-Jewish measures; denuncia...

  10. Kreisgericht Wiener Neustadt: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The collection includes following cases: Vr 229/92 Otto Merich; Vr.517/74 Franz Kandler; Vr 671/72 Erwin Johann Schober, and StA Wiener Neustadt Bruno Eggerth.

  11. Captain Robert Philip Baker-Byrne: personal papers

    This collection of personal papers documents, in part, the life of Robert Philip Baker-Byrne, formerly Rudolf Philipp Becker, a German Jewish emigrant to Great Britain who, having served in the Pioneer Corps, ended his war time activities working for the British Secret Service, and after the war as a war crimes investigator.

  12. Harry Jarvis: family papers

    This collection contains the family papers of a Jewish immigrant from Chernivtsi (formerly Czernowitz), Bukovina, Ukraine. It is a relatively rare example of material from the German speaking Jewish community of this region and, as such, is valuable evidence of a now effectively extinct era. Item 1617/14 is an accrual which was added on 3.2.2011.

  13. Mini Chazen photographs

    1. Mini Chazen collection

    The collection consists of copyprint photographs depicting Mini Chazen (born Mini Oppenheimer), originally of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and her family prior to fleeing Germany in 1939. Depictions include a group portrait, Mini’s sibling Eli, Mini and her siblings among other children in the Bergerac orphanage, and Mini with her siblings.

  14. Short stories about the Łódź Ghetto

    1. Salomea Herszenberg Kape family collection

    Contains short stories relating to the Łódź Ghetto and its inhabitants by Salomea Kape. Also contains a photocopy of a worker identification card from the ghetto.

  15. Salomea Kape photograph

    1. Salomea Herszenberg Kape family collection

    Collection consisting of a photograph of Dr. A. Weiskopf, a physician in the Łódź ghetto.

  16. Okresní soud Bechyně

    • District Court in Bechyně / NAD 70

    The fonds contains documents of the Bechyně District Court from the years (1849) 1850-1949 concerning the civil and criminal agendas, as well as the agenda for the establishment of new land registers. Information on Jews can be found in expropriation documents ordered by the Gestapo during the Nazi occupation, and the inheritance agenda (file No D) of Jews perished in WW II in concentration camps dealt with in 1946.

  17. Nederlandse oud-gevangenen van kamp Buchenwald, interview 38, Arthur Joseph Neve

    1. World War II

    De heer Arthur Joseph (Arthur) Neve vertelt dat hij tot het begin van de oorlog een rustig bestaan leidde in Terneuzen. Hij doorliep de middelbare school en werkte daarna bij de Rotterdamsche Bank. Hij was woedend dat de Duitsers zijn land hadden bezet. Hij haalde met vrienden een paar anti-Duitse kwajongensstreken uit. Neven en zijn vrienden vonden echter dat er te weinig gebeurde en besloten naar Frankrijk te gaan om zich aan te sluiten bij de Maquis. Ze slaagden er niet in contact te leggen en reisten verder naar Engeland. In november 1942 werden ze in de Pyreneeën vlakbij de Spaans-Fran...

  18. Nederlandse oud-gevangenen van kamp Buchenwald, interview 12, Frans Spierings

    1. World War II

    De heer Frans Antoon Timotheus Marie (Frans) Spierings vertelt dat hij een gelukkige jeugd heeft gehad in ’s-Hertogenbosch. Tijdens de eerste bezettingsjaren behaalde hij zijn lyceumdiploma. Aanvankelijk zag hij de Duitsers niet als de vijand, maar als een keurige bezetter. Toen dit laatste toch niet het geval bleek te zijn en hij de dienstplichtige leeftijd bereikte, besloot hij naar Engeland te gaan. Met twee medereizigers vertrok hij richting Spanje. Op 23 juni 1943 werd hij opgepakt tijdens een controle in de trein van Bordeaux naar Biarritz en aan de Gestapo overgedragen. Vervolgens kw...

  19. MFS 4 Bezirksverwaltung für Staatssicherheit Dresden

    • Bundesarchiv-Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv Dresden
    • MFS 4 Bezirksverwaltung für Staatssicherheit Dresden
    • German
    • 1942-1988
    • 10 Vorgänge innerhalb der Klassifikationspunkte 1.1 Stellvertreter Operativ, 2.2 Auswertungs- und Kontrollgruppe, 2.3 Büro der Leitung, 5.1 Untersuchungsorgan, 6.1.2 Personalakten, 7.1 Kreisdienststelle Bautzen, 7.2 Kreisdienststelle Bischofswerda bzw. 7.4 Kreisdienststelle Dresden-Stadt 1 Tonträger im Nebenbestand MFS 4-TON

    Ermittlungen gegen den Leiter des Referates IV.4 der Staatspolizeileitstelle Dresden Henry Schmidt; Recherchen gegen Beteiligte an der Ermordung jüdischer Häftlinge während eines Transportes in der Nähe von Burkau und wegen des Einsatzes im Ghetto Lodz, Theresienstadt; Hinweise zum Mord an jüdischen Bürgern Bad Gottleubas und Umgebung; Tonaufnahme der Vernehmung eines Angehörigen des Sicherheitsdienstes zur Beteiligung an Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit in Polen.