Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,421 to 33,440 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Central Location Index of the Relatives Search Department

    In the collection there are documents, lists and index cards. There are two main sections to the collection: Index Cards and Boxes of Documents.1. Index Cards: There are approximately 1,200,000 index cards, not in alphabetical order. Most of the cards are in good physical condition; 2. Boxes of documents: There are approximately 210 boxes of documents clearly divided into two kinds of material:A. The lists are located in 83 boxes including the names of those survivors for whom the organization has searched. The names appear on the index cards as well (in Part 1), because with every applicat...

  2. The Ball-Kaduri Collection: Contemporary testimonies and reports regarding the Holocaust of the Jews of Germany and Central Europe, 1943-1960

    The Record Group includes memoirs of Jewish leaders in various areas of Jewish life in Germany. Although there is much documentation regarding the fate of individual Holocaust victims, the main emphasis of the Record Group is on the different Jewish organizations. There is much information about local community organizations and the central Jewish organizations of German Jewry, including general, Zionist, and religious organizations. There is also documentation regarding emigration preparations and relations with the Nazi authorities as seen by the Jews. There are over 300 files in the reco...

  3. Austrian Communities Registry

    The 404 files in the collection are devoted to various subjects, a minority to specific organizations, and a small number of the files to personalities. In some of the files there is documentation regarding general subjects such as the Jews in Music and Philosophers, however, the great majority of the documentation is devoted to specific subjects, some according to states and years, for example, identification of the names of the Jews who died in various places in World War I, correspondence of the Jewish institutions with specific governmental bodies (for example, the Niederoesterreichisch...

  4. The Attorney Jean Brunschvig Personal Archive: Certificates from the San Salvador Consulate in Geneva, 1942-1944

    The collection is composed of documents signed by Mantello certifying that the bearer of the document is a San Salvadorian citizen.

  5. Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    The Erich Kulka Record Group contains: Personal and family documentation; documentation regarding the trial conducted against Sebesta, an antisemitic Czech writer who libeled Erich Kulka; the struggle to clear the names of the Sonderkommando workers as set forth in the book "People In Auschwitz" by Herman Langbein; trials against Nazi war criminals; documentation regarding Holocaust denial; escape of inmates from Auschwitz-Birkenau; research he conducted and published throughout his life, mainly regarding Jewish fighters in the Svoboda Army in the Soviet Union; Kulka's struggle against anti...

  6. Δημοτικό Αρχείο - Γενικό Αρχείο

    • Municipal Archive-General Archive
    • Dimotiko Archeio-Geniko Archeio

    Decisions of the municipal council, correspondence with the government, correspondence with the Jewish community, files of Jewish clerks of Thessaloniki Municipality, Jewish associations, the issue of the Jewish cemetery, Jewish properties, certificates for the Holocaust victims and survivors.

  7. The Arvid Elstoft Collection - Documents of the underground resistance movements in Denmark in WWII

    Content of the folders: 1. Forged personal documents, illegal newspapers of the various underground movements, illegal flyers and pamphlets, brochures and propaganda material, lists of various underground publications. 2. Letter answering condolences by Lise Munk, hectographed lists of underground publications of the "Frit Nordisk Forlag", flyers with news concerning resistance activities, printed material with instructions on street fighting, essay by Kaj Munk on the objectives of the underground, Poems, songs and a drawing "Liberté mort". 3. Propaganda material: satirical post cards, cart...

  8. Hans Helm - policijski izaslanik pri Poslanstvu Trećeg Reicha u Zagrebu

    • Hans Helm - the representative of the Third Reich police administration in Zagreb
    • Hrvatski državni arhiv
    • HR-HDA-1521
    • English
    • 1942-1945
    • 39 boxes (material relating to Jews: two binded books)

    Collection contains records on members of the German intelligence service, the members of the intelligence and police authorities of the ISC and the British intelligence services; a list of members of the various intelligence agencies, and information about them, information about members of the state apparatus of the NDH/ISC/ Ustasha officials, on various nationalist organizations, participants of the'People's Liberation Movement'(anti-fascist fighters); communists and the partisan leaders, Home Guard officers (NDH/ISC) gone into the partisans,"white Guards"in Sušak and Rijeka, Masons, Che...

  9. Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottság (interjúprojekt)

    • National Relief Committee for Deportees (interview project)

    The three main tasks of the Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottság (the National Relief Committee for Deportees or DEGOB) were to help the repatriation of survivors to Hungary, provide them with social aid, and pursue projects of documentation. As part of the project of documentation, around five thousand survivors articulated their experiences in the offices of the National Relief Committee for Deportees as early as 1945-46 whereby the largest collections of early witness accounts was created. To facilitate the task of the interviewers and standardize the contents, DEGOB gradually develo...

  10. A Zsidó Világkongresszus Magyarországi Képviselete iratai

    • Documents of the Hungarian Representation of the World Jewish Congress

    The collection includes miscellaneous materials of the Hungarian Representation of the World Jewish Congress. It contains activity and financial reports for the years 1946 to 1949, materials from the Statistical Department as well as the correspondence of the Hungarian Representation of the World Jewish Congress. The materials of the Statistical Department provide data on the demographic situation, family status, educational structure, mother tongue, generational structure and institutional network of Hungarian Jewish survivors alongside information on the aid provided to them. It also incl...

  11. Київський генералкомісаріат, м. Київ

    • Kiev Generalkommissariat

    USHMM has copied from this fonds and describes the copies as follows: Fond 2411, Opis 1, Delo 14: Record of salary payments. 1942-1943 Fond 2411, Opis 1, Delo 15: Schedule of lessons and tests for students in German schools. 1942-1943 Fond 2411, Opis 1, Delo 18: Copies of notices distributed to Volksdeutsche in May-June 1943. 1943 Fond 2411, Opis 1, Delo 23: Instructions of the Reichskommissar, correspondence of the Generalkommissar with the Gebietskommissar on payment and work conditions in enterprises and organizations. 1941-1943. Fond 2411, Opis 1, Delo 25: Orders of the person in charge...

  12. Подільська районна управа, м. Київ.

    • Administration of Podol rayon, city of Kiev

    Оpis 1 1. Decrees of the general kommissar of Kiev general region and the Kiev city administration 2. Decrees and orders of the Podol rayon administration 3.-3a. Orders of the Podol rayon administration 4. Materials and orders 5. Records of meetings and sessions of the Podol rayon administration 6. Lists of employees of the Podol rayon administration and staff rosters Opis 2 1. Orders and instructions of the Kiev city administration and the Podol rayon administration Opis 4 1. Statements regarding investigations of families sent to work in Germany 11. Lists of families of soldiers, police e...

  13. A közigazgatás területi szervei

    • The Territorial Bodies of Administration

    The collection on the Territorial Bodies of the Administration at the Budapest Municipal Archive contains much that is of relevance for the study of anti-Semitic radicalization and the Holocaust in Hungary. First of all, there is the documentation of the Hungarian police organs of the capital city who were among the Hungarian authorities actively involved in the persecution of Jews. The collection includes vast records of the Chief Captancy of the Hungarian Royal Police of Budapest (Magyar Királyi Államrendőrség Budapesti Főkapitánysága), its Central Organization (Budapesti Rendőr-főkapitán...

  14. A jogszolgáltatás területi szervei

    • The Territorial Bodies of Jurisprudence

    During the ever more drastic anti-Semitic turn of Hungary in the late years of the 1930s and the years of the Second World War, anti-Semitic radicalization has largely been a legalized process – even if a host of regulations that may not have been explicitly anti-Semitic were also applied to anti-Semitic effect (called bureaucratic anti-Semitism) and there were initiatives coming from lower levels that often violated the discriminatory laws in place (i.e. illegal anti-Semitism). Nevertheless, how exactly the Hungarian justice system functioned in these years and how it related to the escala...

  15. Sajtógyűjtemény

    • Press Clipping Collection

    The Hungarian Jewish Archives holds an extensive collection of press clippings. This collection consists of tens of thousands articles, reports, editorials, commentaries, interviews, essays, book reviews, poems. These items were originally published in over one hundred Hungarian and some international newspapers and journals between 1909 and 1948. They cover topics such as Hungarian and international politics of the interwar-period, extreme-right wing movements and parties, the “Jewish question” and anti-Semitism, “race protectionism”, anti-Jewish atrocities and legislation, fascist Italy, ...

  16. Hitközségi szervezet: Vidéki hitközségek

    • Jewish Community Organizations: Countryside communities

    This is a vast collection that contains miscellaneous documents that relate to the history of Hungarian Jewish communities both in the years before 1944 and after 1945 and document key aspects of the Holocaust in Hungary. The collection offers rich documentation on the history of the following Hungarian Jewish communities in the era of Nazism: Bácsalmás, Baja, Bonyhád, Csongrád, Dombóvár, Eger, Esztergom, Gyöngyös, Jászberény, Kalocsa, Kaposvár, Kisújszállás, Kőbánya, Marcali, Mezőkövesd, Miskolc, Nagykőrös, Sárbogárd, Sopron, Szarvas, Szeged, Szentes, Szigetvár, Tata, Vác. There are also s...

  17. Gradsko poglavarstvo Dubrovnik

    • The Dubrovnik City Authority Office
  18. Župska redarstvena oblast Karlovac

    • The county police authorities Karlovac
  19. Poglavarstvo grada Karlovca

    • The administration of the town of Karlovac
  20. Zbirka matičnih knjiga

    • Register (of births / deaths / marriages)