Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,021 to 33,040 of 33,519
Language of Description: English

    • County court in Nova Gradiška
  2. Вовчанська сільська управа (сільуправа), с. Вовча Кобеляцького р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Vovcha village board, village of Vovcha, Kobeliaky district, Poltava region
    • Vovchanska silska uprava, s. Vovcha Kobeliatskogo raionu Poltavskoi oblasti

    Orders by district board about collecting food for German army, arrest of population for refusal to work; requests to purchase farmlands; salary lists; list of volunteers to German army and persons deported to Germany. Titles of selected files related to local administration, population policies, and the Holocaust: File 1. Orders by Kobeliaky district board. File 2. Lists of evacuated school-age children, statistical data on the population of Vovcha village board. File 3. Orders by Kobeliaky district board. File 4. Decisions by district board. File 7. Instructions by district board. Holocau...

  3. Говтвянська сільська управа (сільуправа), с. Говтва Козельщинського р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Hovtva village board, village of Hovtva, Kozelshchyntsy district, Poltava region
    • Hovtvianska silska uprava (siluprava), s. Hovtva Kozelshchynskoho raionu Poltavskoi oblasti

    Some files related to occupation administration and the Holocaust: File 1. Orders and regulations by the district board and authorities. 1941. File 2. Lists of populations; orders and regulations. 1942. File 9. Orders of the board head. 1942. File 10. Orders and decrees of the board head. 1942. File 17. Decrees of the board. 1943. Holocaust-related documents in the files: File 1 contains, on pages 66-67 and 144, instructions issued to village elders about registration of the population. File 2 contains, on page 324, a template for registration of the population for January 1, 1943 including...

  4. Архівне управління Полтавського окружного виконавчого комітету рад робітничих, селянських та червоноармійських депутатів

    • Collection of Archival Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in Poltava oblast (region)
    • Arkhivne upravlinnia Poltavskoho okruzhnoho vykonavchoho komitetu rad robitnychykh, selianskykh ta chervonoarmiiskykh deputativ

    Opys 20 (Inventory 20). Reference lists about members of political parties, White Guard members, gendarmes, Red Army deserters, and persons employed in the authorities during the German-Fascist occupation. Selected files related to the Nazi occupation period: File 1 – Clergy who served German occupiers in the churches of Poltava region, 8 pages. File 4a – Germans who lived in the region during the occupation of 1941-43, 17 pages. File 5 – Staff of gendarmerie during the German occupation, 10 pages. File 6 – Employees of district (raion) and agricultural commandant's offices, 38 pages. File ...

  5. Külügyminisztérium, Elnöki Osztály iratai

    • Records of the Presidential Department, Foreign MInistry

    Circular 15226 from 1919 established the scope of action for the Presidential Department of the Foreign Ministry. This scope consisted of setting the agenda and centrally administering the Ministry, organizing the diplomatic representation, employing the personnel of Hungarian foreign policy, assuring the acquisition of proper offices abroad as well as equiping and maintaining them, organizing foreign policy training related exams, preparing the etiquette for diplomats and consuls active in Hungary, deciding upon their rank and accommodation and, last but not least, taking care of letters o...


    • Croatian Vocal Society "Vijenac" in Slavonska Požega
  7. Országos Zsidó Helyreállítási Alap iratai

    • Records of the National Jewish Rehabilitation Fund

    The National Jewish Rehabilitation Fund dealt with issues of restitution and compensation in Hungary. This collection contains decrees, studies, correspondence, memorandums, notes and background materials of the Rehabilitation Fund. It includes the correspondence of the National Jewish Rehabilitation Fund with a host of Hungarian Jewish individuals, with various Hungarian state authorities and other institutions regarding compensation and restitution. Individual claims that Hungarian Jewish survivors submitted to the Elhagyott Javak Kormánybiztosa (the Government Commissioner for Abandoned ...

  8. Népszövetségi képviselet és genfi főkonzulátus iratai, 1920-1945

    • Records of the Hungarian Agency at the League of Nations and the Consulate General in Geneva, 1920-1945

    Records of the Hungarian Agency at the League of Nations and its successor (from 1939), the Hungarian Consulate in Geneva, Switzerland, contain material concerning Hungarian Jews from 1920 to 1939. The overwhelming majority of the records are from 1938 and 1939. The most relevant parts of the collection include various reports concerning the “Jewish question”, Zionism and the Palestine problem between 1930 and 1939, comprehensive political reports, and general documents pertaining to Hungarian Jews, such as demographical statistics and charts, the memorandum of Foreign Minister Kálmán Kánya...

  9. Miniszterelnökség Nemzetiségi és kisebbségi osztály

    • Prime Minister’s Office Department of Nationalities and Minorities

    The most relevant part of the collection is thematic unit no. 222. entitled “Jewish matters” It contains records pertaining to anti-Jewish laws and decrees in Hungary and in foreign countries, as well as various types of documents on Jewish organizations, religious affairs and property issues. Besides, the collection includes other Jewish-related parts: Unit 13 contains files concerning the Anschluss (annexation of Austria to the Nazi Empire) in March 1938, including the cases of Hungarian-Austrian bilateral agreements and the complaints and other matters of Hungarian citizens in connection...

  10. Reményi-Schneller Lajos pénzügyminiszter iratai, 1938-1944

    • Records of Finance Minister Lajos Reményi-Schneller, 1938-1944

    The Hungarian Ministry of Finance was headed by Lajos Reményi-Schneller (1892-1946) between 1938 and 1944, i.e. Reményi-Schneller served in this position in the successive governments of Darányi, Imrédy, Teleki (his second term), Bárdossy, Kállay, Sztójay, Lakatos and Szálasi. Reményi-Schneller even held the position of economic superminister (gazdasági csúcsminiszter) in the governments of Teleki, Bárdossy and Kállay. His policies were strongly in favor of Nazi Germany during the war years. In 1946, he was sentenced to death and executed as part of the Sztójay-trial. The collection contain...

  11. Magyar Távirati Iroda iratai. Ügyviteli iratok (1920-1944)

    • Records of the Hungarian News Agency. Administrative documents (1920-1944)

    The collection of the administrative documents of the Hungarian Telegraph Agency contains the documents from the executive committee of the Hungarian Telegraph Agency, minutes of the meetings of its directorate, papers related to its economic matters and personnel questions as well as its correspondence. This last part of correspondence includes exchanges between the Hungarian Telegraph Agency and various other national and international telegraph agencies and reporters. Among others, there is correspondence with agencies in Berlin (1936-1939), Rome (1924-1936) and Vienna (1936-1938). The H...

  12. Vatikáni követség iratai, 1920-1944

    • Records of the Hungarian Embassy in the Vatican, 1920-1944

    The Hungarian Embassy in the Vatican was established in 1920 and represented the Hungarian state at the Holy See. It was neither a representative of the Hungarian churches, nor of the Roman Catholic Church and was therefore not a person belonging to the Church. He was sent by the Head of the Hungarian State and worked for the Foreign Ministry. The Ambassador was accredited at the Papacy, had to be reaccredited by each new Pope and had a canonical adviser as his aide. His main role was to represent the church policies of the Hungarian government, prepare the visits of Hungarian statesmen and...

  13. Concentration Camp Esterwegen

    The collection includes: Report by the commander’s office of Concentration Camp Esterwegen to the Inspector of the Concentration Camps in Berlin, Prinz-Albrechtstr. 8, and record of the interrogation of the post responsible for the shooting of a prisoner on protective custody who had tried to escape on 8.5.1935, Prisoner registration card created in Concentration Camp Esterwegen for Mr Charles Weise For the history of Concentration Camp Esterwegen 1933-1945 cf.:

  14. Külügyminiszter Kabinetjének iratai (1918-1944)

    • Records of the Cabinet of the Foreign Minister (1918-1944)

    The Cabinet of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry was responsible for presenting matters of foreign policy to the Council of Ministers as well as addressing internal matters that concerned the Foreign Minister as a member of the government. The Cabinet also prepared laws proposed in Parliament that belonged to the realm of foreign policy, parliamentary inquiries and ministerial decisions. The Cabinet also arranged meetings of foreigners with the Regent who did not have diplomatic status in Budapest. Last but not least, the Cabinet served as the secretariat of the Ministry.

  15. Ankarai követség iratai, 1924-1945

    • Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Ankara, 1924-1945

    Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Ankara, the capital city of neutral Turkey, that are relevant for the study of the history of the Holocaust include citizenship cases of Hungarian Jews, cases of Jews deprived of German citizenship, visa requests to enter as well as to leave Turkey, including the visa of emigrating Jews, records of extradition, records related to Jews expelled from Hungary, to the granting of diplomatic visa (such as that of Oscar Schindler). There are also birth, death, marriage and baptism certificates, documents of employment, of criminality, of settling in Turkey, inh...

  16. Видавництво газети "Українська думка" - орган Черкаської районної управи, м. Черкаси

    • Editorial board of the "Ukrainska Dumka" newspaper, an official organ of the Cherkasy district board, city of Cherkasy
    • Vydavnytstvo hazety "Ukrainska dumka" - orhan Cherkaskoi raionnoi upravy, m. Cherkasy

    As an occupation media, this newspaper contained orders and instructions addressed to the local population, as well as materials of propaganda nature, and thus can be related to the history of the Holocaust. File 1. Orders and instructions within the editorial board, 140 pages. File 2. Lists of workers and employees for 1942, 38 pages. File 3. Lists of workers and employees, 1943, 46 pages. File 4. Profiles and autobiographies of the staff, 1942, 8 pages. Files 5-7. Salary registers, 1942-43, each file is approx. 40 pages on average. File 8. Cash journal for honorarium payment to the author...

  17. Amszterdami főkonzulátus iratai, 1924-1945

    • Records of the Hungarian Consulate General in Amsterdam, 1924-1945

    Records of the Hungarian Consulate General in Amsterdam, the capital city of Netherlands contain considerable material concerning Hungarian Jews, especially from the period 1938 to 1944, the era of anti-Jewish laws in Hungary and the Nazi occupation and the Holocaust in the Netherlands. Relevant parts of the collection include in large quantities citizenship cases and visa-related documents of the Hungarian Jews residing in the Netherlands. After the German occupation in May 1940, Jews were subjected to various anti-Jewish measures. In this context different types of records can be found in...

  18. Колекція. Листи громадян, які служили в німецько-фашистських військових частинах

    • Collection. Letters of persons who served in German-Fascist military units.
    • Kolektsiia. Lysty hromadian, yaki sluzhyly v nimetsko-fashystskykh viiskovykh chastynakh

    File 1. Letters of persons who served in German-Fascist military and police units, 52 pages.

  19. Népbíróságok Országos Tanácsa, 1945-1950

    • National Council of People’s Courts, 1945-1950

    Documents of the People’s Courts are among the most significant sources pertaining to the interwar and wartime history of Hungary as well as the Holocaust. The materials include trials against former prime ministers, several ministers, undersecretaties of state and other protagonists of the anti-Jewish policies as well as the direct perpetrators of murders and other atrocities against labour servicemen and Jewish civilians, trials against members of the Arrow Cross, the Volksbund, gendarmerie and various other pro-Nazi organizations and institutions, journalists, informants, beneficiaries o...

  20. Sudbeni stol u Požegi

    • The Independent State of Croatia Court in Požega