Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,001 to 33,020 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Харсиківська сільська управа (сільуправа), с. Харсики Чорнухинського р-ну Полтавської обл

    • Kharsyky village board, village of Kharsyky, Chornukhy district (raion), Poltava region (oblast)
    • Kharsykivska silska uprava (siluprava), s. Kharsyky Chornukhynskoho r-nu Poltavskoi obl.

    Instructions issued by Chornukhy district board and orders by head of district board about population census, taxes, and fire-prevention measures. Lists of the employees at the district board and policemen. Selected files containing information on occupation and local administration, population policies, and the Holocaust: File 1. Orders and decrees by Chornukha district board. Lists of policemen and personnel of the board. 1941-1942. Holocaust-related documents in the files: File 1, page 4. Order on November 1, 1941 from the commandant's office to the burgomasters of the district to submit...

  2. Добрянська міська управа, с. Добрянка Добрянського району Чернігівської області

    • Dobrianka village board, village of Dobrianka, Dobrianka district of Chernihiv oblast
    • Dobrianska miska uprava, v. Dobrianka Dobrianskoho raionu Chernihivskoi oblasti

    Local administration documentation can contain information related to the Holocaust. Titles of the selected files: File 3. Order by Chernihiv District Department for Health Protection and instructions from Dobriansk district board about measures to fight spotted fever. List of settled German soldiers. Order by district board concerning establishment of the German-Ukrainian courses. Materials of the population census. File 6. Orders, certificates. List of population of Sidalevka to obtain passports. Materials of the population census.

  3. Колекція листівок, закликів та оголошень німецьких установ періоду окупації.

    • Collection of leaflets, appeals, and announcements of the German institutions of the occupation period.
    • Kolektsiia lystivok, zaklykiv ta oholoshen nimetskykh ustanov peroidu okupatsii

    These leaflets, appeals, and announcements were produced by various branches of the military and civil German authorities in the city of Chernihiv and surrounding areas, as well as by local municipalities and rural area administrative bodies. Some of the items in the collection can relate to the Holocaust. File 1. Orders, decrees and instructions of the Chernihiv district board, 20 pages. File 2. Orders, decrees and announcements of the joint-district board and district board of Chernihiv, 15 pages. File 4. Orders of Chernihiv city board, 56 pages. File 5. Announcements of Chernihiv city bo...

  4. Archive of Dr. Israel Kasztner, one of the leaders of the Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest, and Collection of Dov Dinur, Kasztner's biographer

    in the Collection there are 4,500 pages of original documentation, mostly regarding the following subjects: A. The history of the Jews of Hungary during the Holocaust;B. Efforts of the Relief and Rescue Committee in Hungary in whose framework Dr. Israel Kasztner was active, 1942-1944; C. The role of the Jewish institutions that were active in the Free World countries working to rescue Jews;D. Documentation regarding the Nuremberg Trial at which Dr. Kasztner testified on behalf of Kurt Becher; E. Documentation regarding the Kasztner Affair in Israel, 1952-1958;F. Documentation regarding the ...

  5. Židovské organizace

    • Jewish organisations

    The collection contains documents about activities of Jewish organisations and individuals that were examined by the Czechoslovak security apparatus during the 1950s. It includes materials of Jewish relief organisations, in particular of the American Joint Distribution Committee (JOINT) in Czechoslovakia, documents about Jewish emigration from Czechoslovakia (especially between 1945 and 1950), and of Zionist organisations. It also contains materials about Czechoslovak assistance to Israel in 1948-49, including training and shipments of weaponry. Among other materials, it also contains a fil...

  6. Card indexes of Jews persecuted during World War II

    The Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic (FJC) has several card indexes at its disposal: The central card index served the occupation authorities during World War II to keep an overview of most Jewish persons from Bohemia and Moravia. Before the end of the war, the Nazis tried to destroy the majority of important documents that could, inter alia, attest to their part in the extermination of Jews. They were particularly thorough with destroying the cards of deported persons. Yet they were not successful in destroying all the evidence. Some of the cards were preserved, and m...

  7. Управління Служби безпеки України в Черкаській області м. Черкаси Черкаської області

    • Cherkasy Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine, city of Cherkasy, Cherkasy region
    • Upravlinnia Sluzhby Bezpeky Ukrainy v Cherkaskii oblasti, m. Cherkasy Cherkaskoi oblasti

    Collection contains personal criminal investigation files on Soviet citizens accused of political or criminal crimes (Inventory 1), and on Soviet citizens who returned to the USSR from German captivity or from being Ostarbeiter (Inventory 2). Some of these persons may have been of Jewish background. Inventory 1. 10916 files; 1918–1995. Extrajudicial and aborted criminal files. Inventory 2. 30642 files; 1941–1945. Filtration files.

  8. Видавництво українсько-фашистської газети "Золотоніські вісті", м. Золотоноша Полтавської області

    • Editorial board of the Ukrainian-Fascist newspaper "Zolotonosha Herald," town of Zolotonosha, Poltava region
    • Vydavnytstvo ukrainsko-fashistskoi gazety "Zolotoniski visti", m. Zolotonosha Poltavskoi oblasti

    As an occupation media, the newspaper contained orders and instructions addressed to the local population, as well as materials of propaganda nature, and thus can be related to the history of the Holocaust. File 1. Copies of the newspaper of 1943 (incomplete set), 34 pages. File 2. Issues No. 5 (117), 38 (150), 39 (151) of 1943, 5 pages. File 3. Issues from December 17, 1942 to May 2, 1943, No. 91 (110) – 35 (147), 9 pages. File 4. Issues from June 20, 1943 to July 4, 1943, No. 49-53, 10 pages. File 5. Issues from February 4 to April 29, 1943, 10 pages. File 6. Issues from May 9 to June 6, ...

  9. Savska Banovina: upravno odijeljenje

    • Sava Region Governance: Department of Administration
  10. Pokrajinska uprava za Hrvatsku i Slavoniju

    • Regional administration office for Croatia and Slavonia

    Department for Religious Affairs; Department for the issue of national status and citizenship

  11. Virtual Collection Terezin

    • ehri terezin research guide
    • English

    The aim of the EHRI Terezín Research Guide is to create a comprehensive, innovative and easy to use guide through the dispersed and fragmented Terezín (Theresienstadt) archival material and to empower further research on the history of the ghetto. The Terezín Research Guide illustrates the primary raison d'être of EHRI - to connect collections spread in many archives and in more countries. EHRI research guides demonstrate what a collaborative archival project can achieve and how archivists can redefine their tasks beyond providing physical access and creating finding aids restricted to the ...

  12. Zbirka vjerske zajednice

    • Religious communities collection

    Box 2 (51-135); Box 3 • 2/1365, Izv. broj 131/ Document #131, Rad nove cionističke organizacije/ The work of the New Zionist organization, pgs 2 • 2/1365, Izv. broj 132/ Document # 132, Postupak njemačkih izbjeglica/ German refugees, pgs 2 • 3/ 1365, Izv. broj 159/ Document # 159, Gospodine podbane/ “Mr. Deputy Governor”,pgs 2 • 3/1365, Izv. #144, Cionistički.../ Zionist..., pgs 2 • 3/1365, Izv. #147, Boravak predsjedništva/ The visit of the presidency board

  13. Zbirka gradiva za povijest Židova

    • Collection of material related to the history of Jews

    The (somewhat modest in size) collection includes (random) documents about few Jewish individuals from Croatia. Part of the material consists of documents related to the work of Jewish societies and unions in Varazdin and Zagreb, and their correspondence with the Union of Jewish Communities in Belgrade, as well as the minutes from meetings of the Alliance of Belgrade. Also, the collecton includes a book'Israelite charity in Varazdin, 1926-1941'with information about donating and donors for engagements, weddings, wedding anniversaries, promotions, etc. A list of books has been preserved - ti...

  14. Savska banovina, odjeljak upravnog odjeljenja za državnu zaštitu

    • The Sava County, state security administration unit

    The collection contains reports on the monitoring of prominent political figures (V. Maček, I. Pernar, M. Radic, M. Šuflaj, A. Trumbić); reports of district city police; information on the political situation and events listings of separatist-oriented state and self-government officials, information on the assassination of King Alexander I, the writings about the founding and the combat of illicit organizations of former Croatian Farmers Party members, writings on liquidation of estates and districts bordering with Hungary, inspection of arms and ammunition, the data on foreign citizens, em...

  15. Latvijas PSR Ārkārtējā republikāniskā komisija (VĀK)

    • The Soviet State Extraordinary Commission for Ascertaining and Investigating the Crimes Committed by the German-Fascist Invaders and Their Accomplices
    • Чрезвычайная республиканская комиссия Латвйской ССР

    Losses to Latvian SSR and citizens of various regions of the USSR due to Nazi German occupation; inventory document sand statements; summary lists about Latvian SSR and its cities, districts, and rural municipalities, and about Lithuanian SSR, districts (oblast) of Minsk, Orel, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Kalinin, and Leningrad; summary notes and primary documents of losses made to institutions, enterprises, and public organizations of Latvian SSR; general notes about citizens killed in cities and districts of Latvian SSR and about Latvian SSR citizens deported to work in Germany; lists of Nazi Germ...


    • People's joint-stock savings bank in Nova Gradiska

    • Civil servants co-op for bank loans, Nova Gradiska

    • Craftsmen association of Nova Gradiska

    • Land registry books of the county court in Nova Gradiska

    • Land-registry of the county court in Nova Gradiška