Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,261 to 3,280 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Selected records. Obóz Koncentracyjny Stutthof Konzentrationslager Stutthof (GK 138)

    Personal files of guards at the Stutthof concerntration camp, including Ukrainians, Lithuanians and Russians; lists of soldiers of the dissolved National Army of General Kurdic, operating in Lithuania (approximately 1,000 names) and pay lists, surveys of arrested persons; list of children from Tuszynek admitted to the camp.

  2. Selected records of the commune Duraczów Akta gminy Duraczów (Sygn. 524)

    Registers of inhabitants of individual villages, industrial and commercial cards from 1941-1942, name lists and statistics of population from 1939-1943, and documentation regarding Jewish real estate, 1942. Includes the pre-war period records of the spa in Czarnecka Góra, a registration book of spa patients, also correspondence regarding the contribution to the Jewish religious community.

  3. Selected records from the Salzburger Landesarchiv

    Records pertaining to the Nazi office of the Reichsstatthalter in Salzburg, as well as of the Bezirkshauptmannschaften and Landräte. Includes the expropriation records ("VMS Arisierung") for the provincial state of Salzburg, records of the city of Salzburg, records pertaining information on Roma people, camps in Salzburg, labor camps for "asocial "prisoners, Russian labor workers and prisoners of war.

  4. Ice skating in Brno

    An older boy, the son of the family Klein - the Eckstein’s housekeeper, ice skates with Michaela in Brno in January 1941. Boys play ice hockey in the BG. The Klein boy twirls and skates and tries some tricks. A nanny helps Antonin and Michaela on the ice. They rest on a bench. The older boy shows off again. More shots of ice hockey and ice skating. End 01:04:23

  5. Selected records of the Prosecutor's Office of the District Court in Kielce Prokuratura Sądu Okręgowego w Kielcach (Sygn. 144) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected records of the Prosecutor's Office of the District Court in Kielce consist of civil and criminal files. Includes cases related to political, economic and criminal-social matters, as distribution of illegal prints, anti-state speeches, espionage activities, Communist activities of Jewish organizations, and election fraud. A separate group are files relate to the abuse and neglect of official duties, taking bribes, forgery of documents, etc. The collection also includes cases of theft, beatings, litigation and others.

  6. Selected records of the Ministry of Justice of the Government of the Republic of Poland in London Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Londynie (GK 160)

    Contains selected records of the Ministry of Justice of the Polish government-in-exile in London: interrogations of witnesses regarding German crimes during the war in Stanisławów, District of Lviv (liquidation of the ghetto), list of Gestapo members in Stanisławów (15 names), testimony of Stanisław Kocyan about SS-man in KL Auschwitz Concentration Camp. „Central registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects “prepared in 1945 and 1946.

  7. Selected records of the Central Committee for Social Welfare in Warsaw Centralny Komitet Opieki Społecznej w Warszawie (Sygn. 164/0)

    Questionnaires of children who were abroad (in Denmark and Norway), correspondence and name lists on the persons returned to Poland after the Second World War. Includes documents related to financial assistance for children and lists of former KL Auschwitz-Birkenau prisoners who survived the camp.

  8. Polish Workers' Party. Central Committee and Districts Polska Partia Robotnicza. Komitet Centralny i Obwody (Sygn. 1314)

    Protocols, instructions, appeals, ideological programs, correspondence, reports, diplomatic telegrams, lists of members and other records of the Central Committee of the Polska Partia Robotnicza (KC PPR) and its regional branches in Poland.

  9. Komendant Policji Bezpieczeństwa i Służby Bezpieczeństwa dla Okręgu Warszawskiego (GK 106) Selected records of the Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD für den Distrikt Warschau Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD fur den Distrikt Warschau (GK 106)

    Anonimous denunciations to Gestapo mostly related to Jews in Warsaw, training of Jewish policemen in Warsaw ghetto and lists of policemen, various ordinances and reports, daily orders of Der Kommandeur der Sipo und SD for 1940, files on illegal trade carried out by Jews, files of investigations against Germans suspected of accepting a bribe, maintaining contacts with Polish women, illegal trade and other.

  10. Personal collection of Georges Neu

    Consists of digital scans of the handwritten diary (tagebuch) of Mr. Neu's grandmother, Clementine Neu (1923-1943), with family phographs, identity cards, correspondence, letters, immigration documents, and press clippings. Also includes an English translation of a book on the Neu family by Martin Ruch, published by Hartung-Garre Verlag Konstanz in 1998, entitled "Aus der Heimat verjagt"; and an 18th century book by Isaac Berr, which Mr. Neu found among his father Erwin's belongings at his death. The French translation of Clementine Neu's diary is included.

  11. Selected records of the Communal Council in Sędziszów Gminna Rada Narodowa w Sędziszowie (Sygn.1666)

    Contracts for the lease of Jewish real estate, ordinances, circulars, minutes of meetings, budget and financial documentation, correspondence related to abandoned properties, martyrdom and war damage. Includes registers of Jewish properties and population statistics,

  12. Playing outdoors in early summer 1938

    June 1938. Antonín and Michaela in the garden in Brno, Hlínky 18, bright red tulips. Michael on the balcony of the family home. Michaela pulls her brother in a toy car, the nanny helps. The children play with a toy castle doll-house with the red/white flag. 01:02:00 A woman walks from the house along the garden path. Garden furniture. The children play outdoors. Slow pan of the gardens. Woman (possibly the sister of Michael, Berta Freudenfeld, or her daughter, Lilli?) and teenage boy in dark suit (grandson of Berta, Gustav Landsmann, died in Auschwitz) closes the garden gate. 01:03:12 Vever...

  13. Selected records of the commune Topola Akta Gminy Topola (Sygn. 2230)

    Lists of commercial and industrial plants and their owner, lists of tax payers; files called "religious issues", 1926-1928 related to Jewish religious community; lists of inhabitants of the commune,1932-1948 and lists of those born between 1930-1932. Also consists files of the official correspondence regarding the forced labor of Jewish population, registration obligations, property registration and others. Includes very rare lists of Poles from the commune employed to transport Jews during the liquidation of ghettos in Miechów county, 1941-1944.

  14. Selected records of the commune Radzynów located in Olganów Akta Gminy Radzanów w Olganowie (Sygn. 2141)

    Lists of voters to the Sejm (Polish Parliament) from 1922 and 1930; census of Jews from 1930; index to permanent population books and records of postwar fate of the property belonging to Jews.

  15. Selected records of the Presidium of the Municipal Council in Chmielnik Prezydium Miejskiej Rady Narodowej w Chmielniku (Sygn. 2447)

    Records of the Jewish properties abandoned after war in Chmielnik, Poland. Included are official correspondence of the city council, rent registers, and registry books of individual properties with information about their previous Jewish owners.

  16. Sevillia and Mevorah families papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era history of the Sevillia and Mevorah families of Athens and Komotini, Greece. Documents include pension and medical disability records of Markos Mevorah, identification cards of Markos and his wife Eleonara Mevorah (née Sevillia), and postwar correspondence of Elonara’s brother Elias Sevillia. The bulk of the collection consists of photographs depicting the Mevorah and Sevillia families in Greece before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  17. Wiera Pupko collection

    Documentation, photographs, albums, and correspondence documenting the experiences of Wiera Pupko and her attempts to leave Europe, and ultimately come from Cuba to the United States.

  18. Mossad LeAliyah collection

    Four photo albums (approximately 540 photographs) and a typewritten report document the activity of a representative of the "Mossad LeAliya" (Institute for Immigration) in Iran, Turkey, and Israel in the late 1940s to early 1950s in preparation for bringing Jews to Israel. The information documents an investigative journey from Tehran, Iran, to Haifa, Israel. Includes printed reports: "The Suez Canal of the revolution: outlines of the history of the Communist Movement in Iran,” dated 7.8.1951 (Hebrew); Prisoners of Zion in Eastern European countries, from the establishment of the state to t...

  19. Search Bureau For Missing Persons Album

    Lot 139. Album of personnel. Search bureau for missing persons (May 1946) Search Bureau For Missing Persons, album containing fifty-three original snapshot photographs, each captioned with name and departmental office. Compiled by the Jewish Brigade personnel attached to the Bureau. Dedicated to Col. J.R. Bowring, founder of the Bureau. ff. 24. Original printed stiff wrappers.