Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 32,241 to 32,260 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. 1942/1943 School book from the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Štip”

    • Училишна книга од 1942/1943 од средното училиште „Славчо Стојменски“ во Штип
    • Ucilisna kniga 1942/1943 od srednoto uciliste "Slavco Stojmenski" vo Štip
    • Државен Архив на Република Македонија—Oдделение Штип
    • 1942/1943 School book from the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Štip”
    • English, Macedonian
    • 1942-1943
    • 1942/1943 School book from the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Štip” is an archival file within the Fund for primary and secondary schools in Štip and Štip district placed in the Department Štip. The School book is handwritten and it includes all the students enrolled in the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Stip” in 1942/43.
  2. Fund Aleksandar Matkovski

    • Фонд Александар Матковски
    • Fond Aleksandar Matkovski

    The Fund Aleksandar Matkovski is consisted of rich material in regards to various historical periods of the region of Macedonia. Within this archival material, in separate three boxes, there are various documents referring to the history of the Jews on the Balkans, starting from ancient times, the period of the Ottoman Empire and the Second World War. In that context, the archive material contains important material about the history of the Jews from Macedonia, before the Holocaust, during the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Macedonian Jews after 1943. Aleksandar Matkovski's material for t...

  3. 427.Central Committee of the Communist Party of Macedonia/ League of Communists of Macedonia - Skopje (1945-1990)

    • 427.Централен Комитет на КПМ/СКМ - Скопје (1945-1990) / Centralen Komitet na KPM/SKM-Skopje

    Jews from Macedonia - holders of the 1941 Partisan Commemorative Ribbon, participants in the National Liberation War: Beno Ruso, Moritz Shami, Rosa Kamhi, Berto Ruso, Viktor Meshulam, Nisim Alba, Zhamila Kolonomos, Haim Sadikario, Isak Sion, Haim Levi, Gjorgi Blaer, and Aleksandar Fritshand Register of all the Jewish participants of National Liberation Movement in Macedonia: from Skopje – Adolf Piskar, Aron Bahar, Gjorgi Blaer, Aleksandar Fritshand, Sami Mizrahi, Josif Polak, Dr. Avram Nisim, Dr.. Chaim Abrvanel, Jakob Biti, Deborah Kaserto, Rebecca Sason, Rashel Sason, Bela Sason, Isidor A...

  4. Complaint lodged by the Macedonian-Jewish Community, No.28

    • Тужба од македонско-еврејската општина Скопје Бр. 28
    • Tuzba od makedonsko-evrejskata opstina Skopje, br. 28

    The structure of the Complaint: The Complaint is divided into 13 parts and an appendix. The content of the Complaint concerns the tragedy of Macedonian Jews, described as one of the greatest crimes committed by the Bulgarian-German occupiers in Macedonia, beginning April 6, 1941. Three types of offenders are noted: the commanding officers represented by the central authorities in Sofia, the executive local bodies of the Fascist occupation authorities and the domestic collaborators of the executive bodies.

  5. Complaint lodged by the Macedonian-Jewish Community Bitola

    • Тужба од македонско-еврејската општина Битола
    • Tuzba od makedonsko-evrejska opstina Bitola

    The Complaint is structured in 10 individual sections explaining the course of events conducted with the help of domestic collaborators, contributing to the tragedy of the Macedonian Jews: events explaining the period from the introduction of anti-Jewish laws in April 1941 to the period of deportation of Bitola Jews to Treblinka, in March-April 1943. Within the complaint there is also a testimony of a witness who spent some time in the Skopje camp but was released as a family member of a doctor.

  6. 1945 List of Jews registered in the Jewish Community in Skopje

    • Список на Евреите кои се пријавени во Еврејската општина во Скопје, 1945
    • Spisok na Evreite koi se prijaveni vo Evrejskata opstina vo Skopje, 1945

    Тhe document is structured in the following way: - Ordinal number of the family and ordinal number of each member of a family - Name and surname, profession, place of birth, date of birth and remark - 124 families or 305 people have been recorded

  7. Register books of the Jews in Skopje, 1919-1943

    • Матични книги 1919-1943 на Евреите од Еврејската општина во Скопје
    • Matichni knigi 1919-1943 na Evreite od Evrejskata opstina vo Skopje
    • Еврејска заедница на Република Македонија
    • Матични книги 1919-1943 на Евреите од Еврејската општина во Скопје
    • English, Macedonian
    • 1919-1943
    • Register books of the Jews in Skopje, 1919-1943, are consisted of five separate handwritten books: I. Register of births of the Jews from Skopje for the period from 1919 to 1933 II.Register of births of the Jews from Skopje for the the years from 1933-1943 III. Register for the 1923-1924 Census of the Jewish population from Skopje IV. Register of marriages of the Jewish population in Skopje, 1920-1943 and the V. Register of deaths of the Jews from Skopje 1919-1943
  8. Ministerstvo veřejných prací, Praha

    • Ministry of public works, Prague
    • Ministerium für öffentliche Arbeiten, Prag
    • NAD 1004
    • Národní archiv
    • 1004
    • English
    • 1918-1942
    • The fonds consists out of 490 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 28 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The Ministry of Public Works played a minor role in the persecution of the Jews in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Although it was responsible for the development of infrastructure also in the years of the German occupation during taht Jews were used for Forced labour in this field, it seems that no documents in the collection are referring to that. According to the finding only boxes 2599 and 1649 are dealing with "the Jewish question".

  9. Documenti sulla persecuzione degli ebrei in Italia

  10. RSI, Segreteria particolare del ministro Paolo Zerbino

  11. RSI, Prefettura di Milano

  12. RSI, Carteggio ordinario

  13. Alto Commissariato per le sanzioni contro il fascismo

  14. Alta corte di giustizia per le sanzioni contro il fascismo


  16. Státní tajemník u říšského protektora v Čechách a na Moravě, Praha

    • State Secretary by the Reichsprotector in Bohemia and Moravia, Prague
    • Staatssekretӓr beim Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren, Prag
    • ÚŘP-ST
    • NAD 1799
    • Národní archiv
    • 1799
    • English
    • 1939-1945
    • 23 linear meters, all processed and inventoried and fully accessible.

    The documents in the fonds can be divided into several main thematic groups. There are files related to: 1) the protectoral state administrative, 2) matters of SS and wehrmacht (call-up papers of soldiers), 3) activities of Czechoslovak home and foreign resistance, 4) reports from the investigation of the Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich and worshipping his memory, 5) documents from Reich labor service (Reichsarbeitsdienst, RAD), 6) matters of Protectorate press censorship, 7) personal and family matters of K. H. Frank. There are also Jewish related documents - mostly concerning Aryanizat...

  17. Zvláštní dopisovatel Československé tiskové kanceláře, Norimberk

    • Special Correspondent of the Czechoslovak Press Office, Nuremberg
    • NAD 1023
    • Národní archiv
    • 1023
    • English
    • 1945-1949
    • 6,2 linear metres of documents from which all are processed and inventoried. The fonds is fully accessible.

    The fonds consists of the documents and files created by Rostislav Kocourek the only special correspondent working for the Czech Press Office in Nuremberg in 1945 – 1949. The documents contains his correspondence with Bohumil Ečer, the Czechoslovak delegate in the Commission, stenographic records from the trials, hearings of witnesses, information to each defendant, Commission conclusions such as the list and the characteristics of Nazi organizations, crimes committed on the Czechoslovak territory, hand written notes, outlines and drafts etc. Documents were selected to be used for a journal...

  18. Житомирське обласне управління

    • Zhytomyr regional administration
    • Zhytomyrske oblasne upravlinnia

    Lists of personnel of the statistical department of the Zhytomyr administration and applications for employment, personal files of teachers, regulations of the administration on organization of police, the procedure recording acts of civil status, instructions on census of population and of livestock, information on land in public farms of the region, certificates of teachers, lists of industrial enterprises of the region and of settlements of the region, curricula and reports of the work of schools. File 7. Lists the population of districts and settlements of Zhytomyr region by age, gender...

  19. Pomocný výbor pro uprchlíky, Paříž

    • Committee for Refugee Assistance in Paris
    • PVU
    • NAD 658
    • Comité d’Assistance aux Refugiés
    • Národní archiv
    • 658
    • English
    • 1936-1942
    • The fonds consists of 47,84 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. All material is accessible.

    The fonds Pomocný výbor pro uprchlíky, Paříž contains mainly of the correspondence of refugees, mainly from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland, with the Comité d’Assistance aux Refugiés. The correspondence is sorted by surnames of the refugees. Czechoslovak refugees are organized separately. Box 322 contains correspondence of the Comité d’Assistance aux Refugiés with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the other refugee organisations like the Schutzverband deutscher Schriftsteller.