Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 362
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Russian
Country: Ukraine
  1. Видавництво газети "Уманський голос" гебітскомісаріату м. Умань Київської області.

    • Издательство газеты «Уманский голос» гебитскомиссариата, г. Умань Киевской области

    Представлены гранки и отдельные номера газеты «Уманский голос», содержащие заметки, статьи и анекдоты антисемитского характера; распоряжения рейхскомиссариата Украины, указы и объявления Уманского городского управления о сборе с населения города и района всех видов налогов, где в качестве отдельных параграфов зна: чится «налог для евреев», устанавливаемый каждым гебитскомисса: ром, и особые условия оплаты труда для работников:евреев

  2. Видавництво українсько-фашистської газети "Золотоніські вісті", м. Золотоноша Полтавської області

    • Editorial board of the Ukrainian-Fascist newspaper "Zolotonosha Herald," town of Zolotonosha, Poltava region
    • Vydavnytstvo ukrainsko-fashistskoi gazety "Zolotoniski visti", m. Zolotonosha Poltavskoi oblasti

    As an occupation media, the newspaper contained orders and instructions addressed to the local population, as well as materials of propaganda nature, and thus can be related to the history of the Holocaust. File 1. Copies of the newspaper of 1943 (incomplete set), 34 pages. File 2. Issues No. 5 (117), 38 (150), 39 (151) of 1943, 5 pages. File 3. Issues from December 17, 1942 to May 2, 1943, No. 91 (110) – 35 (147), 9 pages. File 4. Issues from June 20, 1943 to July 4, 1943, No. 49-53, 10 pages. File 5. Issues from February 4 to April 29, 1943, 10 pages. File 6. Issues from May 9 to June 6, ...

  3. Вовчанська сільська управа (сільуправа), с. Вовча Кобеляцького р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Vovcha village board, village of Vovcha, Kobeliaky district, Poltava region
    • Vovchanska silska uprava, s. Vovcha Kobeliatskogo raionu Poltavskoi oblasti

    Orders by district board about collecting food for German army, arrest of population for refusal to work; requests to purchase farmlands; salary lists; list of volunteers to German army and persons deported to Germany. Titles of selected files related to local administration, population policies, and the Holocaust: File 1. Orders by Kobeliaky district board. File 2. Lists of evacuated school-age children, statistical data on the population of Vovcha village board. File 3. Orders by Kobeliaky district board. File 4. Decisions by district board. File 7. Instructions by district board. Holocau...


    Судебно-следственные дела.

  5. Володимирецька районна надзвичайна комісія зі встановлення збитків та злочинів, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками.

    • Районные чрезвычайные государственные комиссии по установлению и расследованию злодеяний и убытков, нанесенных немецко-фашистскими захватчиками во время оккупации - Владимирецкая, м. Владимирец

    Представлены списки еврейских жителей городов и местечек Ровенской обл., пострадавших в период немецкой оккупации, и данные о размере нанесенного им ущерба; показания очевидцев массовых расстрелов еврейского населения, географические координаты мест захоронений, акты вскрытия могил и осмотра трупов. Имеются также сведения о материальном ущербе, нанесенном синагогам, перечень разграбленного имущества и др.

  6. Володимирська районна поліція м. Києва

    • Vladimirskiy rayon Ukrainian guard police

    USHMM has copied from this fonds and describes the copies as follows: Fond 4437: 1: Orders of the commandants of staffs of the city and rayon police for October 1941-December 1942 (copies). List of employees of the city and Vladimirskiy rayon police. 1941-42. 385 pp. Fond 4437: 2: Registry book of persons arrested. 1942. 48 pp. Fond 4437: 3: Registry book of persons arrested. 1942-1943. 200 pp. Fond 4437: 4: Police duty roster book. 1941-1943. 500 pp. Fond 4437: 5: Police duty roster book. 1942. 200 pp. Fond 4437: 6: Police duty roster book. 1943. 234 pp. Fond 4437: 7: Sketch of police rout...

  7. Вінницька міська управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia city administration
    • Vinnytska miska uprava

    Inventory 1, files 1, 2, 12, 13, 22. Documents on the use of Jewish labor at the objects related to Hitler's headquarter in the suburbs of Vinnitsa, the eviction of the local population, in particular Jewish, from the city districts, where later the German military and occupation agencies were stationed. Inventory 1, files 12, 18, 22. Documents on activity of the passport registration department of the city administration: obtaining passports, residence permits, registration of the Jewish population, the search for fugitives, etc. These issues and similar ones are covered in the instruction...

  8. Вінницька обласна комісія сприяння роботі Надзвичайної державній комісїї по встановленню і розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників

    • Vinnytsa regional Commission for assisting to the work of the Extraordinary State Commission on Investigation of the German-Fascist Crimes

    Inventory 1 contains resolutions of the SNK of the USSR, of the Ukrainian SSR, and instructions on the activities of the Commission (hereafter ChGK). It also includes decisions and instructions from local authorities; instructional materials by ChGK USSR and that of the USSR; summaries of records, registers, acts, lists of crimes and damage caused by the German-Romanian occupants and their accomplices to citizens, organizations, enterprises, and collective farms; reports, notes on the work of regional, district, city committees of the ChGK sent to the republican ChGK and Moscow’s ChGK. Inve...

  9. Вінницька обласна управа

    • Vinnytsa regional administration
    • Vinnytska oblasna uprava

    Inv. 1, file 8. Order of occupation authority on supply of meat by population, including requirements for Jews and orders regarding animals belonging to Jews. Inv. 1, file 9, 17, 23, 270, 274, 278, 283, 286 - information on the socio-economic directions of the persecution of Jews. Inv. 1, file 9, 17, 23; file 236, p. 7; file 237, p. 21; file 238, p. 11; file 240, p. 4-5; file 246, p. 17; file 247, p. 74-76 - contain correspondence with subordinate district councils on "Jewish question". Inv. 1, file 1-4, 7, 8, 16 - correspondence from Sidor Bernard, head of the administration, with the Germ...

  10. Вінницька районна управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia district administration
    • Vinnytska raionna uprava

    File 4, p. 57. Orders of the financial department of the Vinnytsia district administration in 1942 containing information on the imposition of a national tax on the Jewish population of towns in the district.

  11. Вінницький міський касаційний суд при Вінницькому окружному комісарі

    • Vinnytsa city appeal court at Vinnytsa gebietskommissariat
    • Vinnytskyi miskyi kasatsiynyi sud pry Vinnytskomu okruzhnomy komisari

    Inventory 1, files 18, 24, 28, 43, 45, 90, 91, 102, 139, etc. - uniformed sets of documents, representing criminal and civil cases, produced by cassation courts at the district commissariat. These include, in particular, the complaints of Jews: the alienation of houses, robbery of property, etc. The cases cover the circumstances in which the damage was occurred. The group of civil cases testifies about fining of Jews who did not leave their homes in time and did not move to areas determined by the occupation authorities, or did not contribute their share into the indemnity imposed by the au...

  12. Вінницький міський мировий суд Вінницького окружного комісаріату (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia magistrate court of Vinnytisa gebietskommissariat
    • Vinnytskyi miskyi myrovyi sud Vinnytskoho okruzhnoho komisariatu

    Inventory 1, files 34, 137, 1123, 1133, 1351, 1464, 1554, 1618, 1706, 1708, 1793, 1841, 1846, 1866, 1966, 2142, 2200, 2221, 2244, 2254, 2298, 2320, 2332, 2418, 2773 - uniformed sets of documents, representing criminal and civil cases examined by magistrate court at gebietskommissariat. These include, in particular, the complaints of Jews: the alienation of houses, robbery of property, etc. The cases cover the circumstances in which the damage occurred. The group of civil cases testifies about fining of Jews who did not leave their homes in time and did not move to areas determined by the oc...

  13. Вінницький окружний комісар (гебітс-комісар) (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia gebietskommissar
    • Vinnitskyi gebitskomisar

    Files 4-8, 15, 17, 19, 20, 23 contain decrees, orders regarding management of subordinate territories and, in particular, the Jewish population of Vinnytsia and region. The documents contain information on imposition of indemnities, exploitation of Jewish labor, payment for work, taxes, requirement to wear marking signs in the form of bandages and badges with hexagonal star, forcible relocation to isolated areas of settlements.

  14. Гайсинська міська управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Гайсин

    • Haisyn city administration

    File 2. Lists of able-bodied Jewish individuals in ghetto on Robitnicha street in the town of Haisyn

  15. Клеванський гебітскомісаріат, м-ко. Клевань Рівненської області

    • Gebietskomissariat in Klevan

    Opis 1 Folder 12, Statistical information on civil population. 1941. 1 p.

  16. Костопільський гебітскомісаріат, м. Костопіль Рівненської області

    • Gebietskommissariat Kostopol

    The copies of documents from this collection are stored in USHMM and described as follows: Opis 1 Folder 13, Census of the Jewish Population in Berezna. (undated). 31 pp. Folder 3, Information on confiscated property. 1941-1943. 48 pp.

  17. Рівненський гебітскомісаріат, м. Рівне Рівненської області.

    • Rovno Gebietskomissariat 1941-1944

    The copies of documents from Rivne archive are stored in USHMM and described as folllows: Opis 1 Folder 3, “The Government Gerald.” 1941. 1-3 pp. Folder 15, Appeals to the civil population. (undated). 1-5 pp. Folder 2, “How to treat Russians.” 1941. 38 pp. Folder 20, List of the houses owned by Jews. 1941. 89 pp. Folder 19, Documents of the Judenrat. 1941-1942. 29 pp. Folder 18, Orders concerning the Jewish police in the ghetto. 1941. 10 pp. Folder 7, Instruction and draft conclusion, creation of the gebitcomissariats. 1941. 25 pp. Folder 17, Orders concerning the Jewish population. 1941-19...

  18. Говтвянська сільська управа (сільуправа), с. Говтва Козельщинського р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Hovtva village board, village of Hovtva, Kozelshchyntsy district, Poltava region
    • Hovtvianska silska uprava (siluprava), s. Hovtva Kozelshchynskoho raionu Poltavskoi oblasti

    Some files related to occupation administration and the Holocaust: File 1. Orders and regulations by the district board and authorities. 1941. File 2. Lists of populations; orders and regulations. 1942. File 9. Orders of the board head. 1942. File 10. Orders and decrees of the board head. 1942. File 17. Decrees of the board. 1943. Holocaust-related documents in the files: File 1 contains, on pages 66-67 and 144, instructions issued to village elders about registration of the population. File 2 contains, on page 324, a template for registration of the population for January 1, 1943 including...

  19. Головна регістратура Губернаторства Трансністрії, м Одеса

    • Main Registry of the Governorate of Transnistria, City of Odessa

    The fond consists of four inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents (op. 1, 3-4) include correspondence of Governorate directorates with administrative institutions and military and police departments of Romania and Transnistria on the deportation of the Jewish population of Odessa, Bessarabia, and Bukovina into ghettos, the location and movements of Jews in the territory of Transnistria and their labor conscription fulfillment, on food ration deliveries, etc. (1942-43); lists of Jews (including a breakdown by sex and profession) in the ghettos ...

  20. Голтська міська примарія, м. Голта Голтського повіту.

    • Golta Town Primaria (Golta District, Golta County)

    Inventories of the fonds’ files are systematized chronologically. Materials housed in the fonds include a copy of an order of the Sixth Army Corps forbidding the use of Jews as couriers (1943); lists of Jewish specialists working in the primaria technical service and in workshops in the city of Golta (1943); a receipt of the Golta hydroelectric power plant for payment for the illumination of the forced labor camp for Jews located at the former October 25 factory on Radzhele Mikhai Street (1943); a list of food items necessary for Camp no. 1 and the Golta ghetto for June 1943, and also of ex...