Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,381 to 33,400 of 33,707
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Language of Description: Latvian
  1. Przełożony Starszeństwa Żydów w Getcie Łódzkim

    • Der Aelteste der Juden in Litzmannstadt-Getto
    • Head of the Jewish Council in the Łódź Ghetto

    The collection documents all aspects of the fate of the Jews in the Łódź ghetto, because the administration of the Judenrat (Jewish Council) was very highly developed (it employed over 10,000 people) and generated vast quantities of documents, which, fortunately, have survived. The inventory to the Rumkowski Archive comprises an extensive preface that offers good insight into the ghetto offices, and a body of archives categorized by department and section. These materials will be described in greater detail in Part II of this Guide. Among them is a large collection of original contact sheet...

  2. Rada Żydowska w Lublinie

    • Judenrat in Lublin
    • Jewish Council in Lublin

    The collection contains documents including circulars and public announcements; minutes of meetings; reports on the work of the council to the German authorities; personal materials; documents on financial and economic matters, forced labour, aid to children, the poor and the needy; and lists of populations, resettled people, those employed in the labour camp at Lipowa Street, and the deceased.

  3. Urząd Okręgu Lubelskiego

    • Amt des Distrikt Lublin
    • Lublin District Office

    The collection contains i.a. a large quantity of documents of Referat do spraw żydowskich (Referat Judenfragen, Office for Jewish affairs, units 270-809) and Wydział administracji i pracy (Abteilung Innere Verwaltung und Abteilung Arbeit, Department of Administration and Labour), including lists of transports. These reference Lublin and many other places in the district, including Biłgoraj, Krasnystaw, Puławy, Radzyń and Zamość.

  4. Spółka Zarządzająca Skonfiskowanymi Gruntami Oddział w Lesznie

    • Grundstücksgesellschaft der Haupttreuhandstelle Ost mbH. Zweigstelle Lissa
    • Land Company affiliated to the Main Trustee Office for the East with limited liability, Leszno Branch Office

    The collection contains files concerning confiscated land assets (with and without buildings) previously owned by Poles and Jews, as well as highly accurate lists of all real estate in Leszno, and other documents and legal files on property and property confiscations.

  5. Urząd Okręgu Kraków

    • Amt des Distrikts Krakau
    • Krakow District Office

    The collection contains i.a. the files concerning matters related to passports (including those of Jews) and confiscation of property; they also hold personal files of Jews from Nowy Targ (1940-1942) and lists of Jews from a number of locations in Nowy Targ county.

  6. Akta miasta Wieliczki

    • Files of the town of Wieliczka

    The collection contains i.a. lists of the real estate on particular streets, dating from March 1941, together with the details of owners and tenants (a very large number of them Jews); some sheets bear the annotation “Jewish home” in German and in red pencil. In addition to these, there are applications and permits for Jews to move into the ghetto in Wieliczka, and residence registration questionnaires for around 1,400 people

  7. Izba Zdrowia w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie

    • Gesundsheitskammer in Generalgouvernement
    • Chamber of Health in the General Government

    The collection contains various circulars and ordinances related to the functioning of the health service, and personal questionnaires containing very detailed personal data and photographs of people of several professions (doctors, dentists, dental technicians, midwives, nurses), including several thousand questionnaires of people of Jewish descent from the district of Galicia (their questionnaires were stamped with a star of David or the word “Jude”), as well as lists of Jewish doctors from various places in the GG.

  8. Rada Starszych Żydowskiej Gminy Wyznaniowej w Dąbrowie Górniczej

    • Aeltestenrat der jüdischen Kultusgemeinde in Dombrowa
    • Committee of the Jewish Community Organization in Dąbrowa

    This record group contains information about the organization of the communities, reports on the work of the financial and social welfare divisions of the organization, various compilations of statistics and budgets, lists of names of people working in the Jewish community organizations, and materials on employment and work among the Jews.

  9. Sąd Specjalny w Katowicach

    • Sondergericht Kattowitz
    • Special Court in Katowice

    The collection contains the files of the criminal cases investigated by the court refer to common offences and those committed in violation of German war legislation, including theft, fencing, illegal slaughter (including ritual slaughter for the needs of the Jewish community), crimes defined as defiling the German race (Rassenschande), possession of firearms, listening to the radio, and other misdemeanours; these files include several dozen criminal cases against Jews in the Silesia region.

  10. Bank Drezdeński Filia w Katowicach

    • Dresdner Bank Filiale Kattowitz
    • Dresden Bank, Katowice Branch

    The collection contains information on accounts belonging to Jews, reports on liquidation of Polish and Jewish economic institutions, information on Jewish firms under German trustee administration, information on liquidation and expropriation of assets in Jewish accounts, and files of firms employing Jews, including those in the ghetto in Sosnowiec

  11. Prezydent Policji w Sosnowcu

    • Der Polizeipräsident in Sosnowitz
    • President of the Police in Sosnowiec

    The collection contains extensive statistical and demographic data, and documents on religious matters such as the fate of the cemetery, as well as an accurate list of Jewish prayer houses, forced labour, the introduction of the curfew, correspondence regarding arrests and deportations of Jews to the camps, lists of the names of those arrested in the Sosnowiec and Będzin ghettos, a map of the Czeladź ghetto, documents regarding the liquidation of the ghetto in August 1943, and police situation reports.

  12. Rejencja Katowicka

    • Regierung Kattowitz
    • Katowice Regional Administration

    The collection contains large quantities of information on the fate of the Jews, such as statistics; public identification (oznakowanie); special transportation regulations; forced labour; the prescript to add the first names Israel and Sara; matters connected with the ghettos in Sosnowiec, Będzin, Dąbrowa and Czeladź; expropriation and administration of Jewish property (assets, land, businesses); Jewish cemeteries; and police documents and reports on the action to “cleanse the lands of the Region of Jews” and many others.

  13. Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Rawie Mazowieckiej

    • Commission for the Investigation of Hitlerite Crimes in Rawa Mazowiecka

    The collection contains postwar witness statements by Polish witnesses to events connected with the extermination of the Jews in the surrounding localities, above all Biała Rawska and Rawa Mazowiecka; also questionnaires connected with the register of locations and facts about the crimes.

  14. Akta miasta Mogielnicy

    • Files of the town of Mogielnica

    The collection contains i.a. correspondence with parties including the Judenrat; cases concerning real estate.

  15. Akta miasta Rawy Mazowieckiej

    • Files of the town of Rawa Mazowiecka

    The collection contains i.a. lists of commercial and artisan enterprises including the addresses and names of their proprietors; postwar documents on the synagogues and the cemetery.

  16. Akta miasta Piaseczna

    • Files of the town of Piaseczno

    The collection contains i.a. German circulars and orders; files on social welfare; correspondence in connection with the establishment of the ghetto in Piaseczno; lists of real estate owned by Jews; population records; goods confiscated from Jewish shops.

  17. Akta miasta Sochaczewa

    • Files of the town of Sochaczew

    The collection contains i.a. documents of Sochaczew city governor’s office, including lists of shops owned by Jews; ordinances from the period of the occupation concerning or affecting Jews, including some concerning the establishment of a Jewish quarter in January 1941; correspondence of the Judenrat concerning forced labour and food ration cards; lists of Jews by labour details.

  18. Akta miasta Grójca

    • Files of the town of Grójec

    The collection contains i.a. cases of forced labour, execution of fines and other dues; files containing records and inspection reports on population movements; business, revenue and currency matters; correspondence regarding expulsion of the Jews and confiscations of their real estate; files on apartment and house searches and sanitation issues; statistics; lists of Jewish shops, industrial plants and farms; German propaganda documents.

  19. Akta miasta Góry Kalwarii

    • Files of the town of Góra Kalwaria

    The collection contains i.a. postwar documentation regarding Jewish real estate.

  20. Akta miasta Grodziska Mazowieckiego

    • Files of the town of Grodzisk Mazowiecki

    The collection contains i.a. the list of farms owned by Jews; German public announcements and ordinances affecting or concerning Jews; documents of the Zarząd Komisaryczny Nieruchomościami Żydowskimi (Jewish Real Estate Trustee Administration Board); a list of names of Jews assigned for forced labour; files on specific real estate owned by Jews; personal files of some people from Grodzisk, among them Bernard Kampelmacher, later a cooperator with Oneg Shabat in the Warsaw ghetto;