Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 161 to 180 of 296
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Dutch
Country: Ukraine
  1. Приморська районна комісія по сприянню в роботі Надзвичайної державної комісії по встановленню та розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників та їх спільників і заподіяних ними збитків громадянам, колгоспам, громадським організаціям і державним підприємствам, смт. Ногайськ Приморського району

    • Prymorska District Commission for assistance to Extraordinary State Commission on Establishment and Investigation of the Crimes committed by the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices, town of Nogaisk, Prymorskyi district
    • Приморская районная комиссия по оказанию содействия в работе Чрезвычайной государственной по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков и их сообщников и причиненного ими ущерба гражданам, колхозам, общественным организациям, государственным предприятиям и учреждениям СССР

    File 2. Statement about exhumation of the mass grave of the victims of German-Fascist occupation. 1943-1944. 8 pages.

  2. Collection of documents about German-Fascist regime on the territory of Kharkiv region

    • Колекція документів про німецько-фашистський окупаційний режим на території Харківської області
    • Kolektsiia dokumentiv pro nimensko-fashistskyi rezhim na terytorii Kharkivskoi oblasti

    Collection includes essays (memoirs) of pupils of the IV-X grades of rural schools of different districts of Kharkiv region and of city of Kharkiv on the subject "What did I experience during the German occupation", written in 1943-1945. The following essays relate to the Holocaust: Essay by L. Ianovska (inventory 1, file 103, p. 91). Essay by R. Emets (inventory 1, file 113, pp. 6-7). Essay by L. Holovkina (inventory 1, file 118, p. 172). Essay by V. Kulia (inventory 1, file 119, p. 57). Essay by H. Zakhlivna (inventory 1, file 131, pp. 115-118). Essay by Ye. Ovdenko (inventory 1, file 134...

  3. Labor Office of the city of Kerch

    • Керченская биржа труда

    File 1. Lists of employees (shaped out of placer). 2-17.12.1941 File 2. Lists of city dwellers registered by the Kerch Labor Office. File 3. Card index of city dwellers registered by the Kerch Labor Office. Of 3 files the file No. 2 relates to the Holocaust as it contains names and ethnicity of the Krymchaks registered along with the other city dwellers. Lists include information about 3005 persons. Below are examples: Page 5rev: No. 200 Purim Akim Moiseevich, 1893, Krymchak, seller, Kolkhoznaia str., 9. Page 37rev: Bakshi Rakhil Khaimovna, 1887, Krymchak, seamstress, Proletarskaia str., 21...

  4. Колекція Центру «Героїзм євреїв у Великій Вітчизняній війні»

    • Collection of the “Jewish Heroism during the Great Patriotic War” Center
    • Card index of the Jewish veterans of the Second World War. - Card index, biographies and photos of the Jews whom "Hero of the Soviet Union" decoration was awarded; - Card index, biographies and photos of the Jews whom "Orden of Glory" decoration was awarded;
  5. Черкаська районна управа, м. Черкаси

    • Cherkasy district board, city of Cherkasy
    • Cherkaska raionna uprava, m. Cherkasy

    Local administration documentation can contain information related to the history of the Holocaust. Titles and sizes of files potentially related to the subject: File 1. Orders appointing village elders and delegates from city districts to the establishments of Cherkasy city; correspondence with Smila gebietskommissariat about rewarding village elders and policemen for their participation in anti-partisan warfare; statements and memos about situation with the railway bridge and other issues, 31 pages. File 2. Lists of staff of the housing department of district board, of communication depar...

  6. State Commission for Planning at the Council of Peoples’ Commissars of the Crimean ASSR

    • Государственная плановая комиссия при СНК Крым АССР

    Information about statistics of the Crimean population (including Jewish population) could be found in the files of Inventory 9. File 7. Data about composition and quantity of population of the Crimean ASSR. 1941-45. 33 pages. File 14. Data about quantity of population of Crimea from 1897 to 1941. 1941. 72 pages.

  7. Clinic in city of Evpatoria, 1941-1944

    Files regarding the situation of the Jewish physicians of Evpatoria before they had been murdered in the end of November 1941 can be found in some of the following files. Files 1-8. Statute of the clinic, orders book, minutes of general meetings, correspondence on economic issues with the city board and other organizations, inventories, cash book, the materials on personnel. 1941. Files 9-26. Orders, minutes of meetings of the Evpatoria city board, balance lists, estimates, reports, expense receipts, cash journal, referral, personal accounts of employees, work report cards, lists of workers...

  8. Балтська фабрика по виробництву валянок Дирекції індустрії Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Балта Балтського р-ну Одеської області

    • Felt Boot Factory of the Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Industry, City of Balta (Balta District, Balta County)

    The fond includes one inventory systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Materials in the fond include a report of the board of directors of the Balta felt boot factory addressed to the Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Industry on the number of Jews brought in to work there, a list of these, and a list of men from the Balta ghetto who did not show up to work on 13 August 1943; letters from the felt boot factory board of directors to the prefect of Balta county and the leaders of the Balta ghetto requesting that Jews be sent to work at the factory (1943), a...

  9. Lypniazhka village administration in Dobrovelychkivskyi district

    • Липнязька сільська управа; с. Липняжка Добровеличківського району
    • Lypniazka silska uprava, s. Lypniazhka Dobrovelychkivskoho raionu

    Collection contains decrees, orders of the Dobrovelychkivskyi district administration on administrative and economic issues. Statements of the dispossessed and repressed persons on the allocation of land. Lists of officers of the Ukrainian Police in Lypniazhka village. Lists of members of public households of the village for the donation of money to orphans. Information and correspondence on the issues of accounting of the population, on agriculture, taxation, judicial proceedings, on cattle plague, on the registration of the Soviet prisoners of war, who stayed on the territory of the villa...

  10. Administration of Holoby district

    • Районна управа с. Голоби
    • Raionna uprava sela Holoby

    Collection includes: information from Holoby district administration to Kovel city administration from 13 August 1941 containing statistics of the population in Holoby district, particularly Jewish population of Holoby district (file 1, p. 3); order from Lutsk oblast (region) administration to the heads of district administrations translating the order issued by the German military authorities prohibiting the Jews to run religious activities and requiring from them to submit all the liturgical things made of precious materials to the local Ortskommandanturen (file 1, p. 8); order by Holoby ...

  11. Херсонська міська надзвичайна комісія по розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників на території м. Херсона, Херсонської області

    • Kherson City Extraordinary Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the City of Kherson, Kherson Region

    File 2. Materials about the atrocities committed by the German-fascist invaders. Acts on the persons shot. 1944. 197 pages. File 4. Lists of Soviet citizens who were forcibly deported to Germany. 1944. 64 pages. File 5. Lists of citizens who were shot and taken to Germany (according to personal testimonies). 1944. 131 pages. File 6. Lists of partisans and peaceful citizens killed during the occupation. 1945. 9 pages. File 7. Act on the damage caused by the German-fascist invaders to Kherson and information on accounting the damage. List of citizens of Kherson shot by the German-fascist inva...

  12. Крюківська міська управа (міськуправа), пос. Крюків м. Кременчука Полтавської обл.

    • Kriukiv town board, town of Kriukiv, Kremenchuk district, Poltava region
    • Kriukivska miska uprava, pos. Kriukiv m. Kremenchuka Poltavskoi oblasti

    Orders concerning activities; requests for obtaining passes; lists of Germans and Volksdeutsche; certificates for goods confiscated from evacuees; lists of inhabitants; lists and certificates for obtaining bread and ration cards; budget documentation; receipts. Selected files containing information about the Holocaust: File 25 – Statistical data about population of Kriukiv; register of Beletsk ceramic factory, 1942. The first 7 pages of the file contain statistical information (population data) from Kriukov which was provided to the district board of Kremenchuk; there is a separate column f...

  13. Shostka district office of the Ukrainian auxiliary police at Sumy city administration

    • Шосткинське районне управління Української допоміжної поліції Сумської міської управи
    • Shostkinske raionne upravlinnia Ukrainskoi dopomizhnoi politsii Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains minutes of interrogation of partisans, questionnaires. List of policemen and elders killed and wounded in the fight against the partisans. Report on the partisan attack in the villages of Chaplevka, Sobichevo. Applications for admission to the police. Communist personal cards, communist lists, denunciations of citizens, report about Jewish family, reports on fighting partisans. Personal file of a policeman. File 7, page 5 - contains request from a dweller of the village of Chapleevka to the head of the Shostka police to pay him a reward for reporting to the Germans about...

  14. Префектура Одеського повіту, м. Одеса

    • Odessa County Prefecture, City of Odessa

    The fond’s inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are orders, circulars, and instructions of the Governorate of Transnistria and the Romanian Army command, and correspondence with various institutions on restrictive measures regarding Jews and their conscription in forced labor. Among these are orders of the prefecture and district preturas of Odessa county expelling Jews to Berezovka and confiscating their valuables (1942-43). A considerable portion of the documents consists of lists of the Jewish population, including of Jewish specialis...

  15. Вінницький окружний комісар (гебітс-комісар) (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia gebietskommissar
    • Vinnitskyi gebitskomisar

    Files 4-8, 15, 17, 19, 20, 23 contain decrees, orders regarding management of subordinate territories and, in particular, the Jewish population of Vinnytsia and region. The documents contain information on imposition of indemnities, exploitation of Jewish labor, payment for work, taxes, requirement to wear marking signs in the form of bandages and badges with hexagonal star, forcible relocation to isolated areas of settlements.

  16. Українська республіканська надзвичайна комісія зі встановлення збитків та злочинів, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками, м. Київ

    USHMM has copied from this fonds and describes the copies as follows: Opis 1, Ukrainian Extraordinary State Committee to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory Folder 31: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population, for the Stalino oblast. Folder 48: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population, for the Poltava oblast. Folder 51: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population of various villages in the Ukraine. 1943. Folder 52: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population, Oleinik. Folder 53: Ostarbeiter...

  17. Volyn regional administration

    • Волинська обласна управа
    • Volynska oblasna uprava

    Collection contains order of the Gebietskommissar on the organization of the work of the district administration, the structure of the administrative department, the departments of education and health care; instructions, reports of departments of the regional administration and rayon departments, reports of the congress of teachers; lists of hospitals of the region, heads of district administrations, teachers, medical staff, intellectuals; lists of individuals repressed by the Soviet authorities, prisoners; questionnaires of employees of enterprises and institutions of Lutsk, teachers, inf...

  18. Колекція документів "Чернігівщина в роки Великої Вітчизняної війни 1941-1945 рр."

    • Document collection "Chernihiv region in the years of the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945"
    • Kolektsiia dokumentiv "Chernihivschina v roky Velykoi Vitchiznianoi viyny 1941-1945"

    As the collection contains testimonies and memoirs, as well as official records on various aspects of the German occupation, some files relate to Holocaust history. Files 1-40. Student essays entitled “What I survived during the German-Fascist occupation”; each file is 30 pages on average. File 42. Report entitled “Photographs of the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders on the Territory of Chernihiv Region During the Occupation Period,” 10 pages. File 43. Memoirs by R.I. Tovstukha-Novitskaia about the occupation period of Chernihiv region, 34 pages.

  19. Sumy city committee of the Communist party of Ukraine

    • Сумський міський комітет Комуністичної партії України
    • Sumskyi miskyi komitet Komunistychnoi partii Ukrainy

    The collection contains protocols of Communist party conferences, plenums, meetings of the bureau, materials to them. References, informations, reports on issues of organizational and propaganda, social and economic development. Information about the damage inflicted by the Nazi invaders. Inquiries, specifications, awards letters to the fighters of the Great Patriotic War. Statistical reports on the numerical composition and movement of the party organization. Accounting books, registration membership cards, candidate's and registration cards. Lists of communists left behind in the occupied...

  20. Погребищенська районна управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Погребище

    • Pohrebishche district administration
    • Pohrebyshchenska raionna uprava

    Inventory 1, file 12, pp. 1-224; file 27, pp. 1-4; inventory 2, file 5, pp. 1-4; file 7, pp. 1-5; file 18, pp. 1-90; file 19, pp. 1-68; file 68, pp. 1-264; file 80-83. Statistical information of population in the district which shows principal reduction of the Jewish population after the mass killings. Inventory 1, file 1, 3, 4-6, 9. Orders and decrees on wearing of marking signs for the Jews, imposing taxes on the Jews, etc.