Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,781 to 16,800 of 22,191
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Buchenwald

    French prisoners (dressed well, coats, shoes) standing by RC jeeps and in them. View from rear of jeep/truck, everyone getting off. MS, former prisoners talking amongst themselves. CU, three seated on bench, heavy white coat on. CU, on stretcher being taken away (smoking). Jeeps/trucks driving away, soldiers wave. From above, LS, camp square, barracks. People scattered around, walking. View directly down of civilians in square. MS, soldier walks by camera, in front of small stack of mostly naked corpses, winding a little camera; same pile, different angle, different soldier, crosses left. M...

  2. Kurt Grubler collection

    Contains a bound manuscript written by Kurt Grubler titled, "Death or Survival: A Survivor's Holocaust Experience," correspondence and documents relating to the Nazi persecution of Jews in Austria and Poland, and materials comprised chiefly of correspondence (1915-1948) and official documentation (1900-1942) of the Grubler and Littner families. The collection includes copies of drawings, photographs, and articles about the history and persecution of the Jewish community of Linz, Austria, as well as documents and copies of documents relating to Nazi propaganda and the Nazi occupation of Aust...

  3. "Minsk - Im lager der deutschen Juden"

    Photocopy of a published article by Karl Loewenstein, titled "Minsk--Im Lager der deutschen Juden," 16 pages, which originally appeared in "Die Mahnung: Organ des Bundes der Verfolgten des Naziregimes Berlin, e.V.," Vol. 4, No. 1, 1 January 1957. The article describes Loewenstein's experiences, from the point in which he was arrested by the Gestapo in Berlin in 1941, through his deportation to Minsk and what he experienced and witnessed there until his transfer to Theresienstadt the following year. He describes living conditions in the camp to which deportees from Berlin were assigned, the ...

  4. Materials relating to the imprisonment of Josif Gerber and the death of Teodor Gerber

    Relates to the death of Teodor Gerber, a Jewish youth who was killed by the Iron Guard in Bucharest in 1940, and his brother Josif, who was imprisoned on grounds of Communist connections.

  5. Records relating to treatment of Jews by Italian and German nationals during the Holocaust

    Relates to the general treatment, incarceration, deportations, repatriation of Jews by the Nazis and Italian fascists in the Balkans, Greece, Italy, Sweden, France, Norway, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

  6. Herman Seligman and Alfred Mayer papers

    The material pertaining to Hermann Seligman consists of: orders and instructions to the Jewish community in Germany which were distributed by the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland; a letter from the American consulate in Hamburg; and information regarding their settlement of Jews in Terezín (a.k.a Theresienstadt). Additional material in this collection consists of a letter from the American consulate in Hamburg to the American Senator James M. Mead, dated 20 February 1940, describing the status of one Heinz Langstaedter's attempt to emigrate to the United States from Germany; and ...

  7. Peter Clapham collection

    The collection consists of photocopies of hand written personal letters, prison documents, and memorabilia relating to accused Nazi war criminals for crimes committed at Bergen Belsen, Auschwitz, and other concentration camps as well as to other major war criminals in the British zone who were imprisoned, tried, and/or hanged at Lüneburg, Hameln Zuchthaus, and Werl Zuchthaus and Allied National Prison.

  8. Joseph Crane collection

    The material relates to Joseph Crane's experiences and relationships with people he met at Civilian Internment Camp #5. The collection consists of photographs of SS personnel, a statement given by an internee of Civilian Internment Camp #5, a letter of protest from some internees regarding the delay in their release, two poems, a report about war criminals and war crimes trials, and an arrest report.

  9. Helmut Eschwege collection

    Contains copies of documents relating to the confiscation of property from Dr. Albert Einstein, Kurt Grossmann, and two German Jews who fled Nazi Germany. Also includes records from a synagogue in Leipzig, Germany.

  10. "Nur die toten durften bleiben"

    Martina Baudis' memoir describes why she felt the Nazis wanted to exterminate Jews and the result of Nazi racial policies.

  11. Records relating to Jews in Ober-Ramstadt

    Contains photocopies of documents regarding Ober Ramstadt, Germany during the Nazi era, including a list of Jews living in the town in 1933; local NSDAP election results; documents regarding the seizure of Jewish apartments for Germans; and local government memos regarding Jewish persecution and taxation for Kristallnacht destruction.

  12. Diary of experiences at Terezín

    Contains photocopies of pages of Eugenie Singer's diary as the pages appeared in the original diary and a copy of the transcription located at Beit Theresienstadt.

  13. Helping Jews during World War II My reminiscences

    Contains a typescript testimony, 2 pages, about the author's experiences in occupied Lwów during war.

  14. Edit Molnar collection

    Consists of an untitled chapter of a memoir, 22 pages, written by Klara Molnar, regarding her experiences at Auschwitz. She describes her memories of the reaction of neighbors to being rounded up and taken to the brick factory at Budakalász, Hungary, in July 1944, and her experiences on the train to Auschwitz. The chapter ends as she arrives at the camp. Also includes a poem by Klara Molnar about the Holocaust and a photocopy of a four-page essay entitled "The Punishment" about the beating of prisoners at Auschwitz in September 1944. Klara's daughter, Edit, translated the material.

  15. The story of my tragic life

    Testimony, photocopy of Yiddish manuscript (104 p) and English translation (168 pages), titled "The Story of My Tragic Life" by Sonya Papper, translated by Morris Nimovitz. Describes Papper's experiences in German-occupied Ukraine.

  16. Irving Ganz letter

    Contains a photocopy of a letter, 8 pages, written by Chaplain Irving Ganz to his parents in the U.S., sent from Frankfurt in January 1946 (although mistakenly dated 1945), describing his work with displaced persons (DPs) at Zeilsheim and elsewhere.

  17. People's Court Trial records of July 1944 against members of Germany's armed forces who had tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler

    The collection relates to the People's Court Trial of July 1944 which tried members of the Germany military who had plotted against and had tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Contains interrogations, narratives, and photographs of the trial's participants.

  18. Max Hertz correspondence

    Consist of two letters relating to the affidavit requests, and two photographs of members of the Hertz family.

  19. Rudolf Hess deposition

    The deposition of Rudolf Hess, taken 30 August 1947, relating to the activities of war cimes. The interview was conducted by Robert Donihi.

  20. Melanie Marinkovic collection

    Relates to Holocaust experiences in in Yugoslavia.