Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,181 to 1,200 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Selected records of the Presidium of the County Council in Starachowice Prezydium Powiatowej Rady Narodowej w Starachowicach (Sygn. 2682)

    Records related to Jewish properties after the WWII in Starachowice region. Includes notary deeds, court decisions, and correspondence.

  2. Collection of materials from the "Kurier Polski" Editorial Board: Competition "This is how People's Poland began" Kolekcja dokumentacji Redakcji „Kuriera Polskiego”: Konkurs „Tak zaczęła się Polska Ludowa” (Sygn. 572)

    Memories, documents, publications, clippings, evacuation cards, certificates, ID cards, announcements, photographs, postcards, and other documents sent by readers for the competition to the newspaper "Kurier Polski" after WWII. Includes documents related to land reform, contingents, a map of the so-called Recovered Territories, and book ordinances of the City Board in Biskupiec.

  3. Selected records of the Electoral Commissions of the Kielce Voivodeship Komisje Wyborcze Województwa Kieleckiego (Sygn. 103)

    Selected records related to elections to the Legislative Sejm (Polish Parliament) in 1918, elections to the Sejm and Senate in 1928, 1930, 1935 and 1938; the Socialist Left Bloc (Bund and NSPP), the Żydowski Robotniczy Komitet Wyborczy "Polej Sjon" (Jewish Workers' Election Committee), Zjednoczony Żydowski Blok Gospodarczy (United Jewish Economic Bloc), Ogólno-Żydowski Narodowy Blok Gospodarczy (General-Jewish National Economic Bloc), Blok Obrony Praw Narodowości Żydowskiej w Polsce (Bloc for the Protection of the Rights of Jewish Nationality) and others.. Consists of correspondence, announ...

  4. Selected records of the Cooperative Bank of Merchant in Pińczów Spółdzielczy Bank Kupiecki w Pińczowie (Sygn. 2362)

    A register of members of the Spółdzielczy Bank Kupiecki (Cooperative Bank of Merchant) in Pińczów, membership declarations, a book of minutes of general meetings of members.

  5. May and Wolff families papers

    Correspondence primarily sent by Julius and Hermine May (donor Julie Wolff's grandparents) in Frankfurt, Germany, addressed to their daughter and family in the United States. The letters are dated between 1938 and until Julies and Hermine were deported in November 1941 from Frankfurt to Kovno, Lithuania, where they were killed. Includes memoirs written in 1946 in Johannesburg, South Africa, by Josef Wolff (donor Roy Wolff's grandfather), who was arrested after Kristallnacht in November 1938 in Munich, Germany and deported to the Dachau concentration camp. After some weeks he was released an...

  6. Communist organizations in 1940-1942. Collection of various files Organizacje komunistyczne w latach 1940-1942. Zbiór akt (Sygn. 1475)

    Consists of appeals, declarations, papers, training materials, and correspondence of various Communist organizations.

  7. Children get haircuts and play indoors

    April 1939. The children walk outdoors with the nanny. Indoors at their home on Hlinky 35 in Brno, the children get haircuts. Their room is filled with toys and is decorated with cars/robots on the wall. Michaela kisses her brother Antonin; he hugs her. Michaela gets her hair trimmed by the young male stylist. 01:02:07 The children play and laugh in their room. Antonin is lifted up and down by his nanny. He rides a red tricycle. The nanny puts mittens on his hands, and he spins around a few times for mother (behind the camera). The two children, dressed in different clothing, pose for the c...

  8. Marseilles consulate log book

    Contains digital images of pages 1-45 from a logbook maintained by the American consulate in Marseille, France, during and after World War II. The book documents the efforts of American citizens, including State Department officials, relief agency workers, and other Americans living in France to renew their passport documentation.

  9. Bombs to England

    Degeto Schmalfilm-Schrank. "Bomben Auf 'Engeland'" Luftwaffe bomber crew gets ready for a mission over the UK. German aircraft and artillery. Artillery was under camouflage. Artillery is loaded onto bombers. Very large bomb is moved by a tractor and loaded on bomber. German bombers take off and in flight. City on fire. Fires doused with water. The aftermath of the fires. (4:05) Film ends.

  10. Selected records of the County Department in Jędrzejów Wydział Powiatowy w Jędrzejowie (Sygn. 1654)

    Correspondence, protocols and a register related to abandoned Jewish properties in commune Sobków, Poland.

  11. Selected records of the Grodzki Court in Miechów Sąd Grodzki w Miechowie (Sygn. 1137)

    Court files of civil and criminal cases related to Jewish residents of Miechów region, Poland.

  12. Homefront activities in Washington, DC

    News documentary with intertitles and English narration produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade" 1942. "Washington in Wartime" Street scenes in Washington, DC and the Lincoln Memorial. Civilians mixed with soldiers and war workers. President Roosevelt at Union Station. Secretary of State Cordell Hull greets foreign statesmen. U.S. Information Building. US Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. gives short speech Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Donald M. Nelson- Office of Personnel Management. Paul V. McNutt- War Manpower Commission. War Department...

  13. Selected records of the County Office in Busko-Zdrój Starostwo Powiatowe w Busku-Zdroju [Kreishauptmannshaft in Busko] (Sygn. 2125). Wybrane materialy

    Records related to Jewish payers in Busko-Zdrój region. Includes reports, questionnaires and notes on collecting tribute and taxes from the Jewish population from Busko-Zdrój.

  14. Selected records of the County Council in Końskie Powiatowa Rada Narodowa w Końskich (Sygn. 629)

    Correspondence regarding Jewish properties, 1945 and a register of abandoned Jewish properties, 1947.

  15. Equestrian events at 1936 Berlin Olympics

    Ozaphan Film. Agfa. Title: “Olympische Spiele 1936.” [Olympic Games 1936] 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, from August 1-16. Germany won gold in all equestrian related events, teams and individual. The equestrian dressage happened on August 12-13 on the May Field. Title: “Große Dressurprüfung Major Podhajsky- Österreich Dritter im Einzelwettbewerb” [Dressage test Major Podhajsky-Austria third in individual competition] Followed by a man in uniform walking a horse in an arena. (00:57) Title card: “Zuschauer beim Geländereiten der Vielseitigkeitsprüfung” [Spectators riding the versatility test...

  16. 1944 news roundup: Rome fall to the Allies; D-Day

    News documentary with intertitles produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade" 1944. "Rome! Falls to Allies" Soldiers shoot mortars/artillery into the hillsides. "Determined American Tank and Infantry columns move in a final thrust toward the gates of the Eternal City!" Military convoy. Shells falling near an Allied soldier. Soldiers on a hillside firing rifles and shoulder artillery. Soldiers attacking a farmhouse using rifles and tossing grenades. In a narrow city alley- explosion in a building causes soldiers to drop. Officers and large artillery on a...

  17. Selected records of the District Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes in Warsaw Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Warszawie (GK 182)

    Reports, correspondence, hearings of witnesses regarding the action of the Polish underground in Warsaw, materials about the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 - various information, studies, accounts, notes, list of executions, situational sketches and maps, list of commanders and military units; account of German crimes committed in September 1939; investigation materials against Erich von dem Bach, Heinz Reinefarth, Otto Geibel and other German commanders suppressing the Warsaw Uprising; study on the Chełmno (Kulmhof) extermination camp; materials on the "Gęsiówka" and Pawiak prisons in Warsaw; que...

  18. Deutsche Umsiedlungs-Treuhand Gesellschaft m. b. H Verbindungsstelle Lemberg German Resettlement and Trust Society Office in Lviv Niemieckie Towarzystwo Przesiedleńczo-Powiernicze z o.o. Placówka Łącznikowa we Lwowie (Sygn. 643)

    Circulars, instructions, correspondence related to displaced persons: files of property, settlements, employment, and permissions to stay in the Generalne Gubernatorstwo (GG). Includes records of real estate administration and personal files of displaced persons.

  19. Selected records of the Herzfeld and Viktorius. Joint Stock Company, Factory in Końskie Herzfeld i Viktorius. Spółka Akcyjna, Fabryka w Końskich (Sygn. 724)

    Correspondence, reports, protocols, notarial deeds, excerpts from mortgage books, excerpts from the commercial register, inventory books, contracts and plans of the Herzfeld i Viktorius Compan in Końskie, Poland..