Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,181 to 9,200 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Jay Becker newspaper clipping collection

    Collection of 17 laminated newspaper clippings pertaining to World War II.

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Various captured newsreels

    Hermann Goering, Albert Speer, Wilhelm Keitel, and others at a ceremony in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin. Inside the Chancellery, men and women receive small crosses (Kriegsverdienstkreuz) that indicate their level of civilian (non-combat) service to the nation. One man receives the highest level honor. An officer pins this man's cross medal around his neck, and the medal recipient reviews troops with Goering in the courtyard of the Chancellery. 01:01:59 According to the dope sheet, this footage shows foreign workers watching a performance in a Berlin music hall. A band and a couple danci...

  3. Jubilee celebration in Bad Saarow, Germany: boat, parade, sports

    "Jubilaeums-Woche / Bad Saarow / 1931" Ascher family and friends in Bad Saarow. Boat, lake, horses, town at lakeside, spectators on bank, bridges. PAROLO motorboat with Hans Ascher at wheel speeds by (boat is labeled with the name of the pension that the Aschers visited in Bad Saarow). Diving [film is backwards]. Parade with floats, people in costume, Boy scouts marching, waving flags. Sporting events, sailors, soccer game.

  4. Swedish Red Cross Aid for prisoners in Germany, 1945

    "Witness Stand: Diverse Clips" Red Cross ship "Crown Princess Ingrid" in port. More unloading refugees. Transport from Lubeck to Sweden. Bathing women.

  5. US Army 31st Tank Battalion soldier's wartime movies in Europe and Washington, DC

    Silent amateur footage taken by Stephan Minovich, a US Army soldier and member of the HQ 31st Tank Battalion. Footage shows homefront scenes in Minovich's hometown of Washington, DC with his wife and family, wartime scenes in England, Germany, and possibly France and Czechoslovakia circa 1944-45, and the liberation of a concentration camp. Minovich family posing for the camera with pets, various shots, in a snowy yard; celebrating Christmas in Washington, DC in 1942, dancing, cameraman can be seen in mirror in BG; playing ping-pong. Child and dogs playing in the snow. Tourist shots of DC mo...

  6. Nazis in Łódź and other cities in Poland

    Quick pan of German officials inside building, meeting. EXT, Nazi elite (some with wives) on steps in uniforms, waving. Speech in field. 01:07:55 "AGFA 1940" Nazis speaking to large crowd, marching band. LS Polish landscape. HAS, inspecting soldiers, crowd, speaking. 01:10:08 "AGFA 1940" Soldiers marching, parades, demonstrations, band, gathered to hear speech, uniforms with swastikas, cavalry unit in forest, Germans heiling, speaking from balcony in street, swastikas in Łódź city square. CUs, Hitler Youth. [01:12:33 - 01:12:40 black screen] HAS, parade. Civilians in city streets. Nazi marc...

  7. Swedish Red Cross Aid for prisoners in Germany, 1945

    "Witness Stand: Diverse Clips" Malmo: ambulance on a dock. Ferry station. Refugees go inland. Malmo ferry arrives. More women getting naked, bathing, getting new clothes, and getting disinfected.

  8. Atrocities - reburial of slave laborers

    Reel 1: MCU German civilians, carrying shovels on their shoulders. CU German civilians digging graves. CU German civilians putting dead slave labor victims into graves. LS German civilians covering up graves. MS Civilians putting the dead into a pile.

  9. Wuhlfel burial of Russian POWs

    (LIB 6232) Disinterment, Reburial of Russian Prisoners of War, Wuhlfel, Germany, May 2, 1945 SEQ: Germans under supervision of the British Military Government Detachment #518 and the US 35th Inf. Div. XII Corps are assembled, briefed, and provided with picks and shovels. MSs, Russian officer speaks to German civilians through an interpreter. MSs, CUs, British officers supervise the exhumation and reburial of murdered prisoners by German civilians. MCU, MS, former Russian prisoners identify bodies. Several women are crying. CU, body of Russian woman killed by the Nazis. MSs, trucks carrying ...

  10. Stutthof trial and inspection of the camp

    Opening titles in Polish. The defendants in the Stutthof trial enter the dock. The judges enter and are seated. The camera focuses on each defendant as he or she is named, including Commandant Johann Pauls, Kapo Josef Reiter, Kapo Waclaw Kozlowski, Jan Breit, and Kapo Tadeusz Kopczynski. There are several female defendants, including Gerda Steinhoff, Jenny Barkmann, Elisabeth Becker, Ewa Paradies, Wanda Klaff, and Erna Beilhardt. A female witness comes forward to point out one of the women defendants. Several of the defendants are shown speaking animatedly, presumably in their own defense. ...

  11. Post-war satirical leaflet

    Consists of a leaflet entitled "Velkonĕmecká R̆ís̆e" (Greater German Empire). The leaflet sarcastically mourns the death of the Third Reich; cause of death is described as a bleeding heart and giving in to the will and the hand of Hitler.

  12. Memel vote

    Map showing the area surrounding the region of Memel, situated between Lithuania and Germany. The narrator speaks of the elections to the provincial government, which had voter turnout of almost one hundred percent, despite the terror inflicted on the Volksdeutsch by the Lithuanians. Shot of a pro-German banner on a street in Memel. View of the Queen Luise Bridge and the plaque designating the border between Memel and Germany. Memel was annexed to Lithuania in 1923. Low aerial shots of Memel and the river and the bridge in the distance. Brief shot of election posters on a post. Long line of...

  13. Brunn and Ornstein family photographs and diary

    The Brunn and Ornstein family photographs and diary consists of photographs related to the families of Anna Brunn and Paul Ornstein, originally of Szendrő and Hajdúnánás, Hungary, respectively. Photographs include pre-war and wartime originals and copies of Anna and Paul and their extended family in Hungary. Some of the photographs include captions provided by the donor and several photographic postcards have writing on the back. The collection also includes a pocket calendar used as a diary and carried by Paul's father, Lajos Ornstein, while in a Hungarian labor battalion on a forced march...

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Food delivery to liberated Paris

    Scenes in liberated Paris. Jubilant crowds carrying an American and a British soldier on their shoulders. Tanks and trucks crowded with people through the streets. British and French flags. Germans are driven through the crowd in jeeps. People jeer as they pass by. Brief shot of high-ranking German officers. The dope sheet indicates that they are at the train station being shipped to an internment camp. 01:21:50 Trucks carrying food supplies arrive in Paris. Crowds surround the trucks and people wave to the camera. Soldiers unload big bags of flour or sugar while the crowd cheers. Signs and...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Paintings from the Louvre being returned to the museum; coffin-making in France; Melun prison in France

    Large covered trucks pull up outside the Louvre, the entrance to which is guarded by armed police. Shots of large crates containing works of art as they are unloaded from the trucks. A woman checks off items against a list. 01:24:52 Hearses enter and exit the garage of "104 rue d'Aubervilliers, the building of municipal undertakers" (according to the dope sheet). Interior shots of men building coffins and coffins traveling down a conveyor belt. Completed coffins, some of which are child-size, being unloaded from a dolly. The dope sheet states that some 7,000 coffins are contained in this bu...

  16. Dedication of the Rapoport monument to the Warsaw ghetto uprising

    A long line of people walk through the ruins of the Warsaw ghetto on the fifth anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Some of the people hold wreaths and banners with Yiddish writing. There are students, men in military uniforms, and a Zionist youth group, among others. 00:03:10 Close-up of a young man in a helmet and uniform holding a rifle. Groups lay wreaths in a church (?). More shots of the parade as it walks past important streets in the former ghetto. The crowd pauses for the unveiling of a plaque at the Umschlagplatz before continuing on. 00:05:47 Brief pan of the ruins of the g...

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- David Ben-Gurion and Stephen Wise at the World Zionist Congress

    David Ben-Gurion speaks (in English) to a roomful of men at the first postwar gathering of Zionist leaders. Rabbi Stephen Wise sits beside Ben-Gurion. There is a Zionist flag and a map of the middle east hanging on the walls behind Ben-Gurion. Long shots of Ben-Gurion speaking. 01:35:50 Closer shots of Ben-Gurion, speaking at great length. Mute: Various shots, medium close and close, of portions of the audience. 01:40:20 close-ups of Stephen Wise listening to the speech. 01:40:36 Sign reading "World Zionist Conference." Sound is mostly comprehensible, better in closeup scene.

  18. The Southern Israelite (Atlanta, Georgia) [Newspaper]

    The newspaper includes the headline article, "Joint Distribution Committee Speeds Aid to 300 Refugees in Tirana, Albania."

  19. J Malan Heslop papers

    The papers consist of two binders holding photographs, newspaper clippings, a copyprint of a cartoon, a pamphlet, "Betrifft Widerstand," and an unpublished memoir by J Malan Heslop, who was a photographer with the 167th Signal Corps Unit that documented the experiences of the United States Army in Europe during World War II culminating with the liberation of Ebensee and Mauthausen concentration camps.

  20. March of Time -- outtakes -- Pierre Laval trial

    The trial of Pierre Laval, former head of the Vichy government in France. Views of the interior of the crowd in the courtoom, including civilian spectators. Laval's attorney, Albert Naud, is also shown. A group of attorneys or judges enter the courtroom and are seated. One of them is Attorney General Mornet, who is shown seated alone at a high desk framed by two lamps. Naud is shown standing and reading from a sheet of paper, then speaking with Laval. Laval's other attorney, Jacques Baraduc, is shown speaking. Shots of Laval listening to the proceedings, then speaking angrily. He speaks at ...