Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,741 to 23,760 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Varda H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Varda H., who was born in Czernowitz in 1915. At the time of the German occupation Mrs. H. and her husband were in the Ukrainian town of Kamenet?s?-Podol?skii?. She describes the massacre of the Jews in Kamenet?s?-Podol?skii?; the difficulties she and her husband encountered in making their way back to Czernowitz; the ghettoization of Czernowitz, where Mrs. H. remained for the next three years, witnessing frequent deportations; and her postwar life in Israel. As Mrs. H. had difficulty expressing herself in English, the interview was ended after twenty-six minutes.

  2. Irene H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irene H., who was born in Nagykanizsa, Hungary circa 1922. She recalls her close family; antisemitic laws; her brother's draft into a forced labor battalion; moving to Budapest in 1944; German invasion on March 19; returning home; incarceration with her family in the synagogue in April; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her family upon arrival on May 2; assistance from the Slovak head of the block (she saved many prisoners); assignment to the Union Kommando; receiving extra food; sharing it with other prisoners; extermination of the Zigeunerlager (Gyp...

  3. Ernest H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ernest H., who was born in 1925 in Neumarkt, Germany. He recalls moving to Fu?rth in 1938 so he and his siblings could attend a Jewish school (they were expelled in Neumarkt); his brother's emigration to the United States in 1941; deportation with his parents and sister to Jungfernhof, Latvia in December 1941; forced labor as a car mechanic, which he believes saved him from extermination; transfer to the Ri?ga ghetto in July 1942 (he notes the sadism of the Gestapo commander), then to Kaiserwald and Stutthof in 1943; and liberation from Rybno (Rieben) by Soviet troops...

  4. Misa D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Misa D., who recalls cordial relations between ethnic groups before 1933; attending gymnasium in Sarajevo, university in Belgrade, and reserve officers' school in S?abac; creation of independent Croatia; returning to Sarajevo; arrest; transfer to Belgrade, then Kosovska Mitrovica; round-ups of Jews by the Ustas?a; returning to Sarajevo; hiding briefly; deportation to Kruscica (he never saw his family again); forced labor in Krapje; transfer to Jasenovac; forced labor, starvation, deportations, torture, and mass killings; preparation for a Red Cross visit including liq...

  5. Eva B. Holocaust testimony

    A follow-up, directed videotape testimony of Eva B., whose two testimonies were recorded in 1979. Mrs. B. notes she now wants to deal with the emotional aspects of her experience rather than the factual portions, as she did in her other testimonies. She discusses not sharing her story with her children in order to protect them; her sense of aloneness (she is a widow); returning to Prague with her children; her ease at speaking Czech compared to English; feeling she has no home to which she can return or place where she really belongs; vivid images of incidents in Theresienstadt and Auschwit...

  6. David R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David R., who was born in Krako?w Poland in 1925, one of seven children. He recalls attending public school; antisemitic harassment; joining Akiba, a Zionist group; a brother and sister emigrating to the United States; German occupation; anti-Jewish measures; fleeing to Szyd?owiec with his father and brothers in April 1941; obtaining false papers; posing as a non-Jew to smuggle food to his family in the Krako?w ghetto; assistance from Marek Bieberstein, the Judenrat chairman; his parents' and siblings' deportations (he never saw them again); smuggling himself into the...

  7. Rivka P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rivka P., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1923, the oldest of four children. She recounts her father's role in the community as a rabbi; her mother managing their large business; graduating from a Jewish-Lithuanian school; Soviet occupation in 1940; confiscation of the family business; participating in Betar; marriage in 1941; German invasion; round-up of her husband and his father (she never saw them again); returning to her parents' home; round-up of her father (he did not return); one brother's arrest; his release due to the influence of a cousin who was on th...

  8. Ralph B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ralph B., who was born in Bia?ystok, Poland in 1915. He recalls his family's involvement in the textile and leather industries; antisemitic incidents; a futile attempt to emigrate in 1938; German invasion; fleeing to Vilnius; returning after Soviet occupation of Bia?ystok; German invasion in June 1941; mass killings and burnings; ghettoization in August; marriage; working outside of the ghetto, thus obtaining additional food; both altruistic and self-serving members of the Judenrat; an unsuccessful uprising at the ghetto's liquidation in August 1943; selection to clea...

  9. Genia H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Genia H., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in approximately 1927 to a wealthy family of six children. She recalls their orthodoxy; her father, mother, and three younger siblings fleeing German invasion (she never saw them again); remaining with a sister and brother to safeguard the family money; ghettoization; slave labor in a factory; her brother burying their uncle and grandfather after they died; her older sister giving birth; hiding during selections for deportation; the ghetto liquidation in 1944; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her brother (he did not su...

  10. Sara W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara W., who was born in Będzin, Poland in 1929. She recalls her family's affluence; attending private school; many close relatives; antisemitism beginning in the late 1930s; German invasion in 1939; moving to the ghetto; separation from her family (she never saw her father or sister again); slave labor at camps, including Gross-Rosen, under brutal conditions; often being the youngest; assistance from older prisoners; conversations about the war ending; liberation from a death march by Soviet troops; traveling to Prague, then Katowice; Red Cross assistance; reunion w...

  11. Georges P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Georges P., who was born in Belgium in 1909, the third of three children in a religious Catholic family. He recalls attending school in Brussels; his family's exile to Le Havre in 1914; returning to Brussels after the war; studying humanities; entering Abbaye de Maredsous in 1926 to study for the priesthood; ordination in 1933; providing safe havens for Jewish refugees beginning in 1934; hiding Jews in the abbey in 1939; enlisting in the army during German invasion in 1940; traveling with his brother to Boulogne-sur-Mer; imprisonment by the Germans; escaping to Brusse...

  12. Henry B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry B., who was born in Simmern, Germany in 1922. He recalls antisemitic harassment; expulsion from school; his bar mitzvah; attending school in Frankfurt in 1937; returning home during Kristallnacht; their house being vandalized; a Protestant minister helping them; joining an aunt in Mainz; attending school in Cologne; his parents joining him in spring 1940; his parents receiving a deportation notice; arranging to be deported with them; deportation to the Ri?ga ghetto in December 1941; transfer to the ghetto, then to Salaspils (he never saw his parents again); a se...

  13. John M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of John M., who served in the United States military during World War II. He recounts attending officer training school in 1941; attachment to an anti-aircraft regiment; transfer to England, then Oran; landing in Sicily; transfer to Marseille; moving through Germany; observing emaciated prisoners in striped uniforms and prisoners of war in Seeshaupt; corpses piled in box cars; moving to Landsberg; corpses everywhere; photographing the camp; guarding German prisoners in Schwabmu?nchen; and preparing a barrack to contain war criminals in Kornwestheim. He shows photographs.

  14. Max R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Max R., who was born in Tekovske? S?arluhy, Hungary (presently Tekovske? Luz?any, Slovakia) in 1908. He recalls attending yeshiva until he was nineteen; working in the family business; marriage in 1934; moving to Nitra, Czechoslovakia (his wife's hometown); his successful business; and cordial relations with non-Jews. Mr. R. recounts antisemitism in newly formed Slovakia beginning in 1939; attempts to prove his Hungarian citizenship since Hungary was not liquidating Jews; having his children smuggled to Hungary; attempts to smuggle himself and his wife; arrival in Bud...

  15. Emil L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emil L., who was born in Berehove, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1920, one of four children. He recounts attending cheder; emigration with his family to Antwerp in 1930; moving to Brussels; attending a Flemish school; cordial relations with non-Jews; his bar mitzvah; participating in the Young Socialists (JS); participating in a meeting in Louvain to unite socialists and communists; arrest at an anti-Rexist demonstration; release; briefly fleeing to France; apprenticeship as a tailor; German invasion; fleeing with his family to France; his aunt's death and his...

  16. Leon P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon P., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1920. He recalls studying Hebrew, French, and Greek in a private Jewish school; German invasion; his brother's emigration to Palestine; increasing hardships in the Salonika ghetto; arranging to join the partisans in the mountains; deciding to remain with his parents when they wept at his impending departure; their deportation to Birkenau; separation upon arrival (he never saw them again); assistance from a Polish block commander; transfer to Auschwitz; slave labor in a Krupp munitions factory, then in the Union Kommand...

  17. Meyer K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Meyer K., who was born in Poland in 1920. He discusses living with his family in the Starachowice ghetto; his parents' killing during the ghetto's liquidation in October 1942; selection with his five brothers for forced labor in a munitions factory; his older brother's death; transfer with his brothers by train to Birkenau in June 1944; claiming, with one brother, that they were blacksmiths (he never saw the other two brothers again); waiting for work assignment in the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager); helping his brother during the death march on January 18, 1945; transfe...

  18. Lea W. and Ruth S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth S., who was born in Sinsheim, Germany in 1933 and her sister Lea W., who was born in Mannheim in 1932. Most of the information is included in previous testimonies. Ruth S. discusses recent trips to Germany and France during which she reconnected with her own past; the importance of learning while in Israel in 1981 that her parents had been deported to Auschwitz and gassed; active participation in a survivors' group; and sharing her experience with her children after 1981. Lea W. discusses her sense of responsibility for Ruth, as the older sister, and both sisters...

  19. Valentina S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Valentina S., a non-Jew, who was born in Brest-Litovsk, Russia (presently Brest, Belarus) in 1912. She recounts her family's evacuation to Chuhuïv, then Z︠H︡ytomyr, in 1914; her father's death resulting from Russian army service in World War I; pleasant childhood memories; her grandmother hiding Jewish neighbors during pogroms after the revolution; working in an orphanage during the famine in 1933; marriage in 1934; the arrest of Jewish doctors during purges in 1936-1937; German invasion in June 1941; her husband's military draft (he was killed during the 1941 offens...

  20. Salo F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Salo F., who was born in Poland in 1919. He recalls attending a yeshiva; German invasion; ghettoization; public hangings to discourage escapes; arrest following a failed escape (he never saw his parents or siblings again); incarceration in Auschwitz and Flossenbu?rg; a beating which resulted in permanent back injuries; transfer to Dachau; liberation two days later; living in Munich; assistance from the Joint and UNRRA; marriage to an Auschwitz survivor; living in Bayreuth; his son's birth in 1947; his strong desire to leave Germany; and emigrating to Bolivia in 1953. ...