Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,461 to 23,480 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Chava K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chava K., who was born in Komárno, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1931, the older of two children. She recounts visiting relatives in Budapest; her family's conversion in 1942, hoping to save themselves; enjoying church services; her father's illness and death; German invasion in 1944; her mother's deportation; their former maid assisting her and her brother; living with her ballet teacher, then her grandparents; ghettoization; living with her friend's family; deportation to Auschwitz; attaching herself to an older woman; transfer a week later to Płaszów; us...

  2. Judy F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judy F., who was born in Czechoslovakia in 1929. She describes her childhood in a small, Hungarian-speaking town; the gathering of the town's Jews in a synagogue in April 1944; and her transport, with family members, to Auschwitz in a cattle car. She recalls conditions at Auschwitz; being taken to Birkenau, where she worked in the Canada kommando, sorting belongings; the camp's evacuation and liberation by Russians; and her emaciated condition upon liberation. She remembers returning to Budapest to search for her father; meeting her present husband and his sister; her...

  3. Simon B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Simon B., who was born in Poland in 1923. He recounts his family's emigration to Paris in 1924; living in Les Lilas, then Villers-Bretonneux; German invasion in 1940; returning to Paris; escaping to Toulouse in the unoccupied zone in 1942; obtaining false papers; a failed escape to Switzerland; traveling to Lyon; living in Grenoble with a friend; joining the resistance; arrest in November 1943; incarceration in Compie?gne; deportation as a non-Jew to Buchenwald in January 1944; slave labor in a munitions factory; posing as a technician to remain with his friend; their...

  4. Jack O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack O., who was born in Sierpc, Poland in 1924, one of six children. He recalls his family's poverty; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; ghettoization in Sierpc, then Warsaw; escaping back to Sierpc; transfer to another ghetto, then M?awa; transport to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from his family; slave labor collecting corpses; sterilization; contact with his father; receiving food from him; assignment to a bricklayer's school; castration on one side in Josef Mengele's "experimental" hospital and, a year later, on the other side; a privileged position sortin...

  5. Salo P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Salo P., who was born in 1904 in an Austrian town which became Polish after World War I. He recalls joining an older brother in Germany in 1921; increasing antisemitism after Hitler's rise to power in 1933; moving to Katowice, Poland; German invasion; fleeing to Soviet-occupied Kolomyi?a?; German invasion; ghettoization; refusing to join the Judenrat; hiding with his family from a mass killing; selling clothing to obtain food; escaping from a train transport; returning to the ghetto; forced labor; and beatings resulting in a hearing loss in one ear. Mr. P. recounts tr...

  6. Jack Y. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack Y., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1926. He recalls his traditional family; German invasion; his father's brief flight to Warsaw; ghettoization; forced factory labor; hiding his younger brother during round-ups; pervasive starvation, disease, and deaths; deportation to Auschwitz in 1944; separation from his parents and brothers; transfer to Oberbayern soon after; slave labor repairing bombing damage; transfer to Buchenwald, then Theresienstadt; liberation by the Red Cross and Soviet troops; learning his father was alive; their reunion in ?o?dz?; his father's r...

  7. Magda Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Magda Z., a twin, who was born in Budapest, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1915. She recounts living in Mukacheve; attending a Hungarian school; marriage in 1936; her son's birth; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; her husband's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; ghettoization; deportation with her family to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her parents, siblings, and son (she never saw her parents or son again); her twin brother identifying her as a twin; placement with other female twins for "medical experiments" by Josef Mengele; being assig...

  8. Charles B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles B., a Roman Catholic, who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1925. He recalls German invasion; joining the Resistance with his brother in November 1942; their denouncement and arrest in June 1943; his brother's release; imprisonment in St. Gilles and Essen; transfer to Esterwegen, then to Gross-Strehlitz, in January 1944; sabotaging production in a munitions factory; receiving Red Cross packages; recovering from a serious injury with assistance from a prisoner doctor; a trial at Opeln; transfer to Laband; celebrating Christmas; an unsuccessful attempt to escape f...

  9. Interpreting survivor Testimony

  10. Celina S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Celina S., who was born into a large Jewish family in Krako?w, Poland. Mrs. S. describes the active Jewish community in Krako?w; spending summers in the town of Oswiecim (Auschwitz); the outbreak of the war; and the Bochnia ghetto, where she worked as a cleaning woman for the Lagerfuh?rer. She relates her escape from the ghetto, aided by non-Jews; her arrest while attempting to cross the border from Slovakia into Hungary; her imprisonment in Kos?ice, where she was registered as a non-Jew; her release from Kos?ice, after which she attempted to escape to Romania and was...

  11. Dina O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dina O., who was born in Białystok, Poland in 1932. She recounts attending a Jewish school; emigration of many relatives to Argentina; German invasion; her father fleeing to Vilnius; Soviet occupation; her mother organizing three unsuccessful attempts to smuggle them to Vilnius; a month in a Soviet jail with her mother and sister during one attempt; reaching Vilnius in June 1940; reunion with her father; obtaining visas for Argentina; acquiring transit visas from the Japanese consul; a month in Moscow; traveling to Vladivostok in March 1941; a month stay in Kōbe, Jap...

  12. Iakov K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Iakov K., who was born in Sarajevo, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 1905, one of four children. He recalls his father's death in 1915; completing business school in 1923; interning at the Jewish bank in Sarajevo; working at a bank in Prague for two years; returning to Sarajevo; establishing successful businesses; friendships with Serbs and Muslims; losing his businesses when the Ustaša gained power; hiding in his basement from April to October, 1941; a non-Jewish employee providing food; daily meetings with a Jewish neighbor; escaping ...

  13. Yakov P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yakov P., who was born in Ostrava, Czechoslovakia in 1930, an only child. He recounts living in Čadca; attending Jewish school; participating in Gordonyah; his mother's arrest as a communist; he and his father visiting her in prison at Ilava; his father securing her release; her escape to Budapest; anti-Jewish restrictions; being warned of deportations in 1942; their relatives ignoring the warning (they were all killed); escaping with his father to Zvolen; illegally entering Hungary when his father bribed a train engineer; joining his mother in Budapest; being hidden...

  14. Michael R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael R., who was born in Dresden, Germany in 1926. He recalls leaving suddenly for Teplice right after he started school; moving to Prague; his grandparents, who remained in Dresden, emigrating to Palestine; his father obtaining Ecuadorian passports; the outbreak of war preventing their emigration; his father's death in 1940; anti-Jewish restrictions, including expulsion from school and wearing the yellow star; deportation with his mother to Theresienstadt in 1942; living in a children's barrack, then a youth barrack; visiting his mother daily; several forced labor...

  15. Marian I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marian I., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1925. She recounts her mother's death when she was five; her father's remarriage; anti-Jewish measures including wearing the star and having to leave school; meeting her future husband; visiting him in a labor camp; taking in relatives who didn't live in buildings designated for Jews; a non-Jewish friend giving her her birth certificate; her father urging her to hide with her non-Jewish friend when anti-Jewish violence escalated; working in a factory with Jews also posing as non-Jews; street fighting between German and S...

  16. Rea Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rea Z., who was born in approximately 1932 and lived in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. She recalls her father was a prominent architect; German invasion in 1941; friends convincing him his career would protect them; relatives escaping to Italian-occupied Split (they survived); her father going into hiding; arrest with her mother; release after ten days; her father's return; their arrest with her grandparents by Ustas?a; separation from the men; transport to Djakovo; Jews from Osijek bringing them food; her release to a Jewish family in Osijek; the traumatic separation from her...

  17. Antonia K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Antonia K., who was born in Worms, Germany in 1925. She recounts moving to her maternal grandparents' home in Nentershausen when she was eighteen months old; moving to Bunzlau (presently Bolesławiec) eight years later when her mother married a rabbi; anti-Jewish discrimination at school; the synagogue burning and her stepfather's brief deportation to Dachau on Kristallnacht; plans to join her maternal uncle in Palestine; traveling to Amsterdam to join her stepbrother while awaiting travel documents; German invasion; obtaining $425,000 from maternal relatives in Switze...

  18. Arnošt L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arnošt L., a renowned Czech writer who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia (presently Czech Republic) in 1926. He recalls his family's poverty; attending a German kindergarten; his mother's orthodoxy; attending religious school at her insistence; antisemitic harassment; German occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; deportation with his parents to Theresienstadt; developing pride in being Jewish; cultural activities; living in a Zionist barrack; developing deep friendships; observing communist and Zionist idealism; deportation to Auschwitz; assistance from fellow-prison...

  19. Eva S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva S., who was born in Trenčín, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1935. She recounts attending a Jewish school for one grade; her family's exemption from deportation due to her father's dental practice; conversion with her parents by an evangelical priest; a patient who was in the Hlinka guard warning them they would be deported the next day; staying with non-Jewish neighbors, who then led them to partisan territory; staying with an evangelical priest in ľubietová, who offered to save her; her parents insistence that they stay together; her father working fo...

  20. Itka Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Itka Z., who was born in Ciechano?w, Poland in 1926. She recalls antisemitic harassment; German invasion on September 1, 1939; anti-Jewish measures; Germans beating her mother; transfer with her family to the Nowe Miasto ghetto in 1941; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her family (she never saw them again); meaningless slave labor; shock at learning her family had been gassed; assistance from a friend from home; vowing to remain together; public hangings; a death march and train transport to Ravensbru?ck in January 1945; transfer to Malchow in February; slave...