Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 973
Country: Ukraine
  1. Претура Ландауського району, с. Ландау Ландауського району Березівського повіту

    • District Pretura of the Landau District, Landau Colony (Berezovka County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents on “the Jewish question” contained in the pretura fonds may provisionally be divided into the following thematic groups: 1. Directives of the Romanian civilian and military authorities that defined the legal status of the Jewish population of Transnistria; these include copies of Governorate of Transnistria orders halting the use of Jews as Ukrainian language translators (1942); on setting up ghettos for the Jewish population and using Jewish specialists for work in institutions and enterp...

  2. Колекція спогадiв та свiдчень колишнiх в'язнiв гетто й концтаборiв, остарбайтерів

    • Collection of memoirs and testimonies of the prisoners of ghettos and camps, Ostarbeiters

    The collection began to be created in 1997 as a complex of documents of oral history. It exists in form of paper, photo, audio and video documents. Approximately 500 interviews were conducted with former prisoners of Jewish ghettos and concentration camps. A separate block of documents - lists of former ghetto prisoners and labor camps, lists of burial places of the destruction of the Jewish population verified by the local government, photographs of victims, descriptions of monuments. There is a complex of documents on issues of popular art in Jewish ghettos and concentration camps (poetry...

  3. Комісія по розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників на території Іванівського і Нижньосірогозького районів, Херсонської області

    • Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Ivanovka and Nizhne Serogozy District, Nizhne Serogozy (Kherson Region)

    Selected files below contain information about German occupation regime and the Holocaust: File 1. Protocols, statements of investigation of the atrocities committed by Nazi invaders, lists of citizens forcibly deported to Germany, and statements of the citizens to the chairman of Commission for investigation of the atrocities of Nazi invaders. 1944. 204 pages. File 2. Acts about the atrocities of the Nazi occupiers in the Ivanovo district. 1944. 93 pages. File 4. The acts of the investigation of atrocities of German-Fascist invaders on the territory of the collective farm "Shliakh khliboro...

  4. Дирекція комерції Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса

    • Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Commerce

    The fond includes four inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents in the fond include an order (31 December 1942) by the civilian governor of Transnistria to utilize Jews interned in the Vapniarka camp in forced labor, and the governor’s permission (1942) to utilize Jewish specialists from the city of Odessa in institutions of Transnistria; lists of Jewish bookkeepers located in the cities of Balta and Mogilev-Podol’skii and in Mogilev county (1942); etc. The documents are in Romanian and Russian.

  5. Вінницький міський мировий суд Вінницького окружного комісаріату (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia magistrate court of Vinnytisa gebietskommissariat
    • Vinnytskyi miskyi myrovyi sud Vinnytskoho okruzhnoho komisariatu

    Inventory 1, files 34, 137, 1123, 1133, 1351, 1464, 1554, 1618, 1706, 1708, 1793, 1841, 1846, 1866, 1966, 2142, 2200, 2221, 2244, 2254, 2298, 2320, 2332, 2418, 2773 - uniformed sets of documents, representing criminal and civil cases examined by magistrate court at gebietskommissariat. These include, in particular, the complaints of Jews: the alienation of houses, robbery of property, etc. The cases cover the circumstances in which the damage occurred. The group of civil cases testifies about fining of Jews who did not leave their homes in time and did not move to areas determined by the oc...

  6. Редакція газети "Українське Полісся", м. Чернігів Чернігівської області

    • Editorial board of "Ukrainian Polissia" newspaper, city of Chernihiv, Chernihiv region
    • Redaktsiia hazety "Ukrainske Polissia", m. Chernihiv Chernihivskoi oblasti

    As an occupation media, the newspaper contained orders and instructions addressed to the local population, as well as materials of propaganda nature, and thus relates to the history of the Holocaust. Inventory 1. File 1-18. Copies of “Ukrainian Polissia” newspaper and concomitant materials. Each file is approx. 40 pages on average. File 19. Report on newspaper publication from November 1 – December 31, 1943, 1 page. File 21. Informational newsletter by Ortskommandantur from December 1941, 3 pages. File 23. Reports on expenses on economic issues, 8 pages. File 24. Invoices and receipts for t...

  7. Штаб командования начальника полиции безопасности и службы безопасности для оккупированных восточных областей, г. Берлин

    Среди отложившихся в фонде материалов информация о наличии евреев в советских партизанских отрядах, среди арестованных и подозреваемых членов подполья; упоминания о количестве выявленных евреев во время прочесывания местности и облав, проводимых в ответ на акции советских партизанских отрядов и УПА; о случаях помощи евреям, беглецам из лагерей принудительного труда и гетто

  8. Колекція. Історичні довідки про найважливіші події Великої Вітчизняної війни 1941–1945 рр. у м. Черкаси та Черкаському районі, м. Черкаси Київської області

    • Collection. Historical information about the most important events in Cherkasy and Cherkasy district during the Great Patriotic War of the USSR in 1941-1945 against the German-Fascist invaders
    • Kolektsiia. Istorychni dovidky pro naivazhlyvishi podii Velykoi Vitchyznianoi viiny 1941–1945 rr. u m. Cherkasy ta Cherkaskomu raioni, m. Cherkasy Kyivskoi oblasti

    The collection contains historical information about the events of the German occupation in Cherkasy and Cherkasy district; some files selected below may be relevant to the Holocaust history. File 3. Historical information about the most important events of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 in the villages of Cherkasy district, April-August 1944, 88 pages. File 4. Profiles, recollections and references about Nazi atrocities and about recruitment and deportations to Germany for forced labour; copies of letters sent from Germany; information about those deported. List of Cherkasy dwellers rep...

  9. Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Chaplynka District at the Executive Committee of the Chaplynka District Council of Toilers’ Deputies, Chaplynka Village (Chaplynka District, Mykolaiv Region, from 1944 Kherson Region)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized chronologically. The fonds house proceedings of district extraordinary state commissions and other materials (minutes of interrogations of witnesses, write-ups of the analysis of forensic medical experts, photographs of burial sites and exhumed bodies, etc.) containing data on the number of Jews who perished at the hands of the occupiers, the circumstances and places of shootings, on the German officers in charge of these, their local accomplices, etc. Chronological information on the occupation of population centers of the Chaplinka district includes...

  10. Запорізька обласна комісія по сприянню в роботі Надзвичайної державної комісії по встановленню та розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників та їх спільників і заподіяних ними збитків громадянам, колгоспам, громадським організаціям і державним підприємствам, м. Запоріжжя Запорізької області

    • Zaporizhzhia Regional Commission for assistance to Extraordinary State Commission on Establishment and Investigation of the Crimes committed by the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices, city of Zaporizhzhia
    • Запорожская областная комиссия по оказанию содействия в работе Чрезвычайной государственной комиссии по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков и их сообщников и причиненного ими ущерба гражданам, колхозам, общественным организациям, государственным предприятиям и учреждениям СССР (ЧГК), г. Запорожье Запорожской области

    The selected files from the collection contain information about crimes against the civilian population committed by the German occupation authorities. File 3. Minutes of interrogation, eyewitness testimonies, statements about crimes and atrocities of the German-Fascist invaders on the territory of Zaporizhzhia region; lists of the perished and deported to Germany. 1943-1944. 308 pages. File 4. Report about atrocities of the German-Fascist occupation authorities in Zaporizhzhia region. 58 pages. File 7. Statements about crimes of the German-Fascist occupiers in district of the region. 1943-...

  11. Архівна колекція документів з історії краю (Вінницька область)

    • Archival collection on the history of Vinnitsa region

    In some files, there are documents on the persecution and mass destruction of the Jewish population during the German-Romanian occupation, photocopies of documents on the preparations for resettlement of Jews into ghettos, announcements of the German and Romanian occupation authorities on taxes and indemnities imposed on the Jewish population of cities of Vinnytsia, Zhmerynka, Haysyn, Mogiliv-Podilsky, a photo of the exhumation of the killed Jewish population of Khmilnyk [inventory 1, file 141, pp. 1, 12, 19, 32]. Copies of chronological informations on the Nazi occupation of locations of V...

  12. Коллекция микрофотокопий документов немецко-фашистских административных учреждений, армейских групп и их тыловых охранных подразделений, действовавших на оккупированных восточных территориях

    Среди материалов коллекции: переписка рейхсфюрера СС с НСДАП и, в частности, с М. Борманом по еврейскому вопросу, рас: поряжения относительно евреев и их имущества Рейхсминистерства оккупированных восточных областей; документы специальных зон: дерштабов и зондеркоманд при Айнзацштабе Розенберга, которые осуществляли так называемые «изъятия культурных и исторических ценностей», нацистского Главного управления по вопросам еврейства и масонов; отчеты и переписка Главной рабочей группы Украины, рабочих групп в Харькове, Симферополе, Днепропетровске и Херсо: не о «перемещении», т.е. фактическом ...

  13. Рівненський гебітскомісаріат, м. Рівне Рівненської області.

    • Rovno Gebietskomissariat 1941-1944

    The copies of documents from Rivne archive are stored in USHMM and described as folllows: Opis 1 Folder 3, “The Government Gerald.” 1941. 1-3 pp. Folder 15, Appeals to the civil population. (undated). 1-5 pp. Folder 2, “How to treat Russians.” 1941. 38 pp. Folder 20, List of the houses owned by Jews. 1941. 89 pp. Folder 19, Documents of the Judenrat. 1941-1942. 29 pp. Folder 18, Orders concerning the Jewish police in the ghetto. 1941. 10 pp. Folder 7, Instruction and draft conclusion, creation of the gebitcomissariats. 1941. 25 pp. Folder 17, Orders concerning the Jewish population. 1941-19...

  14. Lutsk Gebietskommissariat

    • Луцький окружний комісаріат
    • Lutskyi okruzhnyi komisariat

    Collection includes: Circulars and correspondence between Lutsk Gebietskommissariat to heads of Lutsk district administrations from February 1942 discussing rules of using of the Jewish labourers. Lists of the Jewish workers (inventory 1, file 33). Correspondence between Lutsk Judenrat and Lutsk city administration regarding assignment Jewish skilled workers to various labor objects (inventory 1, file 40, pp. 1-3, 150). Report to the Generalkommissar Wolhynien u. Podolien on gasoline supplies for the “special treatment” of Jews in the Gebiet Luzk from August 27, 1942 (inventory 1, file 196,...

  15. Рівненська міська управа, м. Рівне.

    • Rivne Town Administration

    The copies of the documents from this collection are stored in USHMM and described as follows: Opis 1 Folder 4, Correspondence with the medical (sanitarian) department. (undated). 1 p. Folder 18, Reports of the sanitarian department. 1941. 1-85 pp. Folder 10, Correspondence with gebitkomissariat. 1941. 233 pp. Folder 8, List of Jewish craftsmen. 1941. 6 pp. Opis 3 Folder 1, List of the Jewish cutter shops (owned by Jews). (undated). 37 pp. Folder 16, List of the house owners in Rovno (Jews-VA) by street from A to B. (undated). 90 pp. Folder 7, List of the closed business (owned by Jews-VA)....

  16. Чернігівська районна управа, м. Чернігів Чернігівської області

    • Chernihiv district board, city of Chernihiv, Chernihiv region
    • Chernihivska raionna uprava, m. Chernihiv Chernihivskoi oblasti

    Local administration documentation can contain information connected to the Holocaust. Titles and sizes of the selected files potentially related to the subject: File 22. Orders and instructions of the German commandment and Chernihiv district board about drafting of volunteers to serve in the rear units of the German army; labour duty to serve wartime needs of the front area; registration of the population and other administrative and economic issues. Lists of the employees at town board of Kotovsk town, 264 pages. File 23. Decrees of the German commandment and Chernihiv district board abo...

  17. Редакція газети «Голос Волині», м. Житомир

    • Editorial office of "Voice of Volyn" newspaper
    • Redaktsiia hazety "Holos Volyni"

    File 3. Register on payment of wages to employees of "Holos Volyni" newspaper and payment of honorarium for reporters of the newspaper for October 1941, October 7 - November 11, 1941, 811 p. File 4. Register on payment of wages to employees of the editorial office and the printing house of "Holos Volyni" newspaper and payment of honorarium to reporters of the newspaper for October-November of 1941, October-December 1941, 989 p. File 10. Correspondence with the General Commissariat and the Gebietskommissariat on economic and organizational matters. Daily reports of the Supreme Command by the...

  18. Документы по истории Великой Отечественной войны 1941–1945 гг. (коллекция)

    Представлены персональные дела евреев, сотрудников комиссии, сведения о медико:санитарных службах партизанских отрядов (включая многочисленных евреев: врачей, медсестер и фармацевтов), о группах подрывников и еврейских семейных лагерях на тер: ритории Ровенской, Волынской обл.; протоколы допросов, тексты судебно:медицинских экспертиз об уничтожении еврейского населения: сведения о гетто, трудовых и концентрационных лагерях на территории Транснистрии, Львовской, Тернопольской, Станиславской (Ивано:Франковской) обл.; подробности расстрелов, уничтожения трупов, о принудительном труде в структу...

  19. Kamianets-Podilskyi regional commission to assist Extraordinary State Commission for investigation German-Fascist Crimes

    • Кам'янець-Подільська обласна комісія сприяння Надзвичайній Державній комісії по встановленню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників
    • Kamianets-Podilska oblasna komisiia spryiannia Nadzvychainii Derzhavhii komisii

    Collection includes statement of the Commission from May 10, 1941 about murder of the Soviet POWs, Soviet activists and the Jews in Shepetivka town and surrounding locations, as well as exhumation materials (inventory 1, file 2, pp. 316-331); statement of the Commission from May 10, 1941 about murder of the Soviet POWs, Soviet activists and the Jews in Kamianets-Podilskyi city and surrounding locations, as well as exhumation materials (inventory 1, file 2, pp. 341-354); statement of the Commission from June 8, 1941 about murder of the Soviet activists and "innocent civilians" in the town of...

  20. Районні управи Херсонщини (Об'єднаний архівний фонд)

    • District Boards of Kherson Region (Joint Archival Fund)

    Selected files may contain information about occupation policy of population and the Holocaust: Berislav district board. File 1. Data about population in rural areas; information about the movement of goods, payroll and financial aid. 1941-1942. 93 pages. File 2. Information on the registration of the population. 1941-1942. 30 pages. File 9. Lists of village elders, police officers and their families, farm managerial stuff, former kulaks, who returned to farms. 1944. 14 pages. Genichesk district board. File 13. Correspondence between Rykivsk village board and the heads of rural communities ...