Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 304
Language of Description: English
Country: Ukraine
  1. Дзюньківська сільська управа, с. Дзюньків Плисківського району

    • Dziunkiv village administration
    • Dziunkivska silska uprava

    File 1. Contains an order by Plyskiv district administration to elder of Dzyunkiv village to provide lists of Jews who live in the village; order by Plyskiv district administration to elder of Dzyunkiv village to assist in collection of the stolen Jewish cooper instruments and to deliver them to Plyskiv industrial factory. File 2. Contains an order by Plyskiv district administration to elder of Dzyunkiv village to collect non-ferrous metals in the amount of 32 kg from each Jewish family in two-day term.

  2. Хронологічні довідки про тимчасову окупацію німецько-фашистськими загарбниками населених пунктів Вінницької області

    • Chronological references about temporary occupation by the German-Fascist occupiers of Vinnytsia region

    Some files contain information about the persecution and murder of the Jewish population: Inventory 1, file 15. Komsomolsky district: p. 6 contains information on the shooting of the Jewish population of Komsomolsk. Inventory 1, file 18. Lypovets district: pp. 6-7 contain information about the persecution and murder of the Jews of Lypovets. Inventory 1, file 22. Murovanokurilovetsky district: p. 16 contains information on the shooting of the Jewish population of Murovany Kurylivtsi; p. 19 contains information about the death of the Jewish population in the village Bakhtyn of Mur-Kurilovets ...

  3. Вінницький міський мировий суд Вінницького окружного комісаріату (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia magistrate court of Vinnytisa gebietskommissariat
    • Vinnytskyi miskyi myrovyi sud Vinnytskoho okruzhnoho komisariatu

    Inventory 1, files 34, 137, 1123, 1133, 1351, 1464, 1554, 1618, 1706, 1708, 1793, 1841, 1846, 1866, 1966, 2142, 2200, 2221, 2244, 2254, 2298, 2320, 2332, 2418, 2773 - uniformed sets of documents, representing criminal and civil cases examined by magistrate court at gebietskommissariat. These include, in particular, the complaints of Jews: the alienation of houses, robbery of property, etc. The cases cover the circumstances in which the damage occurred. The group of civil cases testifies about fining of Jews who did not leave their homes in time and did not move to areas determined by the oc...

  4. Наказнянська сільська управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), с. Наказне Плисківського району

    Orders of district administration; minutes of general meeting; information on harvesting of agricultural products; accounts of workdays; information on the amount of land in rural agriculture; profit and expense orders; lists of villagers; lists of persons deported to work in Germany. Inventory 1, file 2. Letter of gebietskommissar to the district head of the town of Pliskiv and elder of village of Nakazne with refusal to give a Jewish house for repair.

  5. Вінницький окружний комісар (гебітс-комісар) (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia gebietskommissar
    • Vinnitskyi gebitskomisar

    Files 4-8, 15, 17, 19, 20, 23 contain decrees, orders regarding management of subordinate territories and, in particular, the Jewish population of Vinnytsia and region. The documents contain information on imposition of indemnities, exploitation of Jewish labor, payment for work, taxes, requirement to wear marking signs in the form of bandages and badges with hexagonal star, forcible relocation to isolated areas of settlements.

  6. Погребищенська районна управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Погребище

    • Pohrebishche district administration
    • Pohrebyshchenska raionna uprava

    Inventory 1, file 12, pp. 1-224; file 27, pp. 1-4; inventory 2, file 5, pp. 1-4; file 7, pp. 1-5; file 18, pp. 1-90; file 19, pp. 1-68; file 68, pp. 1-264; file 80-83. Statistical information of population in the district which shows principal reduction of the Jewish population after the mass killings. Inventory 1, file 1, 3, 4-6, 9. Orders and decrees on wearing of marking signs for the Jews, imposing taxes on the Jews, etc.

  7. Гайсинська міська управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Гайсин

    • Haisyn city administration

    File 2. Lists of able-bodied Jewish individuals in ghetto on Robitnicha street in the town of Haisyn

  8. Могилів-Подільська повітова управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Могилів-Подільський

    • Mohyliv-Podilska povitova uprava
    • Mohyliv-Podilskyi county administration

    Some files contain registration materials in the form of lists of ghetto prisoners and labor camps, prisoners in the workers' columns, lists of people for food aid, etc. for 1942-1943. In particular, this is information about the place of residence and composition of Jewish families [inventory 2, files 302, 305-307]. There are documents on deportation of prisoners of the Mogilev ghetto to the labor camp at Skazynets village and to Pechora camp where they performed heavy works [inventory 2, file 24, p. 31]; the severe regime of detaining of prisoners, famine among local Jews and infectious d...

  9. Могилів-Подільська районна управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Могилів-Подільський

    • Mohyliv-Podilska raionna uprava
    • Mohyliv-Podilskyi district administration

    Statute of the Commission for survey of Jewish settlements and ghettos in May-June 1942, orders, instructions by Pretor [inventory 4, file 13]. Instructions for organization of Jewish labor, lists of Jews working in industrial enterprises [inventory 4, file 13]. Correspondence with the county administration on the employment of Jews and remuneration for them [inventory 4, file 22].

  10. Краснянська районна управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), с. Красне Тиврівського району

    • Krasne district administration
    • Krasnianska raionna uprava

    Inventory 3, file 5, page 32 is an order to use Jews only as unskilled laborers. All those who work as skilled laborers are to be replaced with non-Jews.

  11. Вінницька районна управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia district administration
    • Vinnytska raionna uprava

    File 4, p. 57. Orders of the financial department of the Vinnytsia district administration in 1942 containing information on the imposition of a national tax on the Jewish population of towns in the district.

  12. Районні управи Херсонщини (Об'єднаний архівний фонд)

    • District Boards of Kherson Region (Joint Archival Fund)

    Selected files may contain information about occupation policy of population and the Holocaust: Berislav district board. File 1. Data about population in rural areas; information about the movement of goods, payroll and financial aid. 1941-1942. 93 pages. File 2. Information on the registration of the population. 1941-1942. 30 pages. File 9. Lists of village elders, police officers and their families, farm managerial stuff, former kulaks, who returned to farms. 1944. 14 pages. Genichesk district board. File 13. Correspondence between Rykivsk village board and the heads of rural communities ...

  13. Bureau of Stocktaking of the Simferopol City Council

    • Инвентаризационное бюро Симферопольского городского управления
    • Inventory Bureau at the Simferopol City Council

    Reports on the work of the bureau. Acts and inventory of the property of missed individuals, industrial facilities, institutions and organizations of the city. Floor - plans of streets and settlements. For information on apartments and property of persons of German nationality. Files dated from November 1941 to February 1943. Most of the files are dated by January-August 1942. Files 1-80. Acts and inventories of belongings of the evacuated citizens. January 1942 onward. File 81. Instruction for inspection of a district. February 1942. Files 100, 112, 114. The same. 1941-42. File 151. Index ...

  14. Agricultural management of the Crimean district (WiKo Krim)

    • Областное сельскохозяйственное управление Крыма (ВИКО Крыма)

    Information related to the occupation politics and the Holocaust can be found in the following files: Inventory 1. File 8. Policy directives and circulars of the German chief of land management, beverage industry control of Crimea and special headquarters of the agricultural management. 1.05.1942-21.08.1943 File 9. Circulars and guidelines from Special Staff of the agricultural management. 1.05.1942-14.07.1943 File 10. Orders for the regulation of wages and working conditions for local residents working at German institutions, and tariff rates. 1942 File 19. Minutes of meetings at the Regio...

  15. Претура Біляївського району, с. Білявка Біляївського р-ну Одеської області.

    • District Pretura, Beliaevka District, Village of Beliaevka (Ovidiopol’ County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. A significant number of documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. Documents of the Romanian authorities regarding the conscription of Jews into forced labor include copies of orders of the governor and official correspondence with prefectures and preturas on procedures for the payment of Jewish labor (f. ...

  16. Collection of house register books of the house management at the housing department of Simferopol city administration

    • Колекція будинкових книг домоуправлінь міського житлового відділу Симферопольського міського управління

    Books contain listing of city dwellers registered in each street of the city of Simferopol. Books of 1941 contain names of Jewish dwellers as well.

  17. Department of housing of the Feodosia city council, city of Feodosia

    The following file may be related to the Holocaust history: File 1. Orders of the city board. Estimates for building reconstruction. Acts about faulty housing. Acts on acceptance of abandoned housing. Correspondence on economic issues. 15.03.1942 – 18.03.1944.

  18. State Commission for Planning at the Council of Peoples’ Commissars of the Crimean ASSR

    • Государственная плановая комиссия при СНК Крым АССР

    Information about statistics of the Crimean population (including Jewish population) could be found in the files of Inventory 9. File 7. Data about composition and quantity of population of the Crimean ASSR. 1941-45. 33 pages. File 14. Data about quantity of population of Crimea from 1897 to 1941. 1941. 72 pages.

  19. State Archive at the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

    • Государственный архив при Совете Министров Автономной Республики Крым

    The files relating to the Nazi occupation regime and the Holocaust can be found in the files of the Inventory 2: File 1Б. Materials on the former soviet citizens who served in the German military units. 25.05.1943-22.04.1955. 25 pages. File 1В. List of the German-Fascist criminals, who committed crimes on the temporarily occupied territory of the Crimea. 28.08.1944. 4 pages. File 1Г. List of pseudonyms of the newspaper “Golos Kryma” reporters. 9.03.1945. 179 pages. File 11А. Reference list of the publications in the Crimea during the occupation period. 31.01.1996. 10 pages. File 13Б. Refere...

  20. Collection of letters of the Soviet nationals deported to Germany in 1941-1943

    • Коллекция писем советских граждан, угнанных в Германию в 1941-43 гг.