Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 191
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Russian
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Country: Slovakia
  1. Povereníctvo priemyslu a obchodu - VII. odbor

    • Commission for the Industry and Commerce - Department VII
    • PPO - VII

    The subfonds of the Comission for the Industry and Commerce - Department VII contains documents pertaining to the restitution of property of Jews living in Slovak part of Czechoslovakia after the Second World War. The Comission for the Industry and Commerce - Department VII was a special department with the task to legally deal with the issue of restitution of property Aryanized during the rule of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party in 1939-1945. The Department VII took over a big part of documents of former Central Economic Office (Ústredný hospodársky úrad) which was responsible for the majo...

  2. Pracovné tábory židov na Slovensku, 1940 – 1944

    • Jewish Labor Camps in Slovakia, 1940 – 1944

    Collection contains numerous copies of documents dedicated to the labor camps in the Slovak State (1939 – 1945) such as the lists of the Jews who were interned in the labor camp in Vyhne, memories of Marian Pavúk on the life in this camp in the years 1940 – 1944, copies of photographs from the labor camps in Sereď, Nováky and Vyhne.

  3. Plagáty s protižidovskou tematikou, 40. roky 20. storočia

    • Posters with anti-Jewish Theme, 1940s

    Collection is created by 9 posters pertaining the anti-Semitic propaganda in 1940s which was published and intentionally spread by the Propaganda Office (1938 - 1945) in Slovakia. Posters refer to the anti-Semitic policy and Jewish persecution during the Slovak State (1939 – 1945). Most of these posters were printed by Grafia or Andrej in Bratislava. Every unit contains basic information such as date and place of printing.

  4. Dokumentácia k dejinám židovstva na Slovensku, 20. storočie

    • Documentation on the History of Jewry in Slovakia, 20th Century

    This collection consists of numerous copies of the personal documents and correspondence pertaining the life of the Jewish inhabitants in 20th century, dominantly from 1940s. Second part of the collection contains manuscripts and copies of the memories on the Holocaust.

  5. Holokaust

    Collection consists of the documentation of the Holocaust memorials in Slovakia. It contains the list the list of the Jewish victims from the city of Prešov which was created for the planned memorial, material on the project Holocaust memorial tables which was realized in Poprad, Komárno, Nové Zámky, Košice, Bardejov, Liptovský Mikuláš and Nitra on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of deportations of Jews from Slovakia in 1942.

  6. Dokumenty k dejinám židovstva na Slovensku

    • Documents on the History of the Jewry in Slovakia

    Collection contains various documents on the history of the Jews in Slovakia, mainly materials dedicated to everyday life of the community members such as contracts, legitimations, licenses, testimonies, letters and postcards, birth certificates, school reports, photographs, health certificates, etc. One of the most relevant and unique Holocaust-related document is the original manuscript of the poem Crematorium (Krematórium) by Ladislav Grosmann, author of the scenario to the Oscar-winning movie The Shop on the Main Street (Obchod na korze). Newest items in the collection are declarations ...

  7. Dojč, Ľudovít, 1962 – 1995

    Fragmentary fonds contains Ľudovít Dojč´s curriculum vitae, personal documents and various correspondence with foreign institutions. The most relevant material to the Jewish history in Slovakia, including persecution during the World War II, in this collection is dedicated to the research, documentation and drafts of the publication Jewish religious Communities in Slovakia (Židovské náboženské obce na Slovensku).

  8. Zbierka XV. Letáky, plagáty

    • Collection XV. Leaflets, Posters

    Collection is created by various visual materials such as leaflets and posters referring to the official propaganda of the Slovak state as well as the anti-fascist propaganda which was intensively spread and circulated especially during the Slovak National Uprising in autumn 1944. In particular, 17 items are Holocaust-related and they are mainly pertaining the official anti-Semitic policy of Hlinkova slovenská ľudová strana (HSĽS).

  9. Zbierka spomienok o represáliách, perzekúciách, rasovom prenasledovaní a obetiach na Slovensku v rokoch 1938 – 1945

    • Collection of Memories of Reprisals, Persecutions, Racial Persecution and Victims in Slovakia in Years 1938 – 1945

    Among numerous written memories of radical and mass reprisals mostly from the period 1944 – 1945, this collection contains also various testimonies of the Holocaust survivors who were facing the mass persecution during and even after the suppression of the Slovak National Uprising by German Army forces, POHG, anti-fascist unit Edelweiss, etc. Significant attention is paid the to mass executions in Kremnička (November 5, 1944 – March 8, 1945), where more approximately 747 people were murdered, various memories are addressing the plundering and burning the villages of Kalište (March 18, 1945)...

  10. Zbierka IX. Nacistické okupačné jednotky

    • Collection IX. Nazi Occupation Forces

    Collection contains various documents dedicated to the activities of Nazi occupation forces which were operating in Slovakia after the outbreak of the Slovak National Uprising on August 29, 1944. Suppression of the armed uprising, which dominantly took place in the Central Slovakia with the center in the city of Banská Bystrica, was accompanied also by the massive and intentional persecution of the rest of the Jewish community in the Slovak territory. Material includes numerous information about mass executions in Kremnička and also about the later exhumation of the mass grave as well as th...

  11. Zbierka VIII. Slovenská republika

    • Collection VIII. Slovak Republic

    This collection contains various documents pertaining the general situation in the Slovak Republic (1939 – 1945), including some information about the racial persecution. Even though, the Holocaust does not represent the main topic of this collection, diverse material encloses relevant information about anti-Semitic measures which were enforced and implemented by the main political bodies in the Slovak Republic as well as their latter practical realization in the country, in particular in the city of Banská Bystrica and its surroundings.

  12. Zbierka VII. Armáda

    • Collection VII. Army

    This collection contains numerous selected documents which investigate the activities of the Army in the period of the Slovak National Uprising in autumn 1944. The most relevant Holocaust-related materials concerning information, including some photos, about VI. Labor Battalion which intentionally consisted of racially persecuted – Jews and Roma people.

  13. Okresný úrad v Bardejove

    • District Office in Bardejov

    Fonds contains the torso of documents of the former District Office in Bardejov. Besides the documents on the Communist movement in the district from late 1938, and late 1940 there are also several documents pertaining the activities and the staff of the Hlinka Guard and Hlinka Youth in the district. This includes lists of the Hlinka Guard members who were considered as the candidates for so called "temporary administration" of Jewish households from December 1940; set of historical photos of local dignitaries of the regime including some HG and HY members; file pertaining the confiscation ...

  14. Policajné riaditeľstvo v Prešove

    • Police Directorate in Prešov

    Fonds contains various documents pertaining the persecution of Jews and political oponents of the regime. Besides that it contains various important lists of Jews living at the territory under the control of the Police Directorate in Prešov such as the list of Jewish employees living in Prešov from 1941; the list of Jews who were not subjected to the social security and health insurance from districts Michalovce, Medzilaborce, Bardejov, Sabinov, Stropkov, Vranov nad Topľou, Trebišov, Giraltovce and Humenné. Then there is a list of Jews of so called problematic citizenship who lived in Prešo...

  15. Okresný úrad v Trenčíne

    • District Office in Trenčín

    Fonds contains documents of the District Office in Trenčín, which was the regional state administration body. Besides important documents pertaining to the political, economical and social history of the region in 1923-1945, fonds contains significant number of files concerning the persecution of Jews in 1938-1945. It contains documents pertaining to the appointment of so called governmental trustees into the firms owned by Jews, documents pertaining to the so called aryanisation of enterprise property in the district Trenčín. Besides that there are files pertaining to the dismissal of Jews...

  16. Okresný úrad v Trebišove

    • District Office in Trebišov

    The District Office in Trebišov was the state administration body. The fonds contains just a small part of the original documents of the District Office in Trebišov. Documents of District Offices in Slovakia are usually divided into presidial, administrative, military-related, technical and accounting files. The fonds is partially processed and the researcher has access to presidial documents of the District Office covering the basic political, social and economic events in the district Trebišov during the period of existence of the office. This part of preserved documents is cataloged in d...

  17. Okresný úrad v Piešťanoch I

    • District Office in Piešťany I

    The fonds of the District Office in Piešťany as the regional state administration body contains the imporant documents on political, economical and social history of Piešťany district in 1938-1945. Many files concern the anti-Jewish policy of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party regime at the territory of Piešťany district. Several files concern various reports on Jews living in Piešťany, and visiting famous spa in Piešťany. There is also a file concerning the preparation of aryanisation of Jewish enterprise property in Piešťany and document suggesting specific businesses for aryanisation. Some...

  18. Okresný úrad v Hlohovci

    • District Office in Hlohovec

    Reports on expulsion of Jews in 1938 by members of Hlinka Guard, dismissal of Jewish Party. It also contains documents on imprisonment of individuals in political prison in Ilava. As for the property persecution, the fonds contains documents on cancellation of licences belonging to Jews and appointing of governmental officials into the enterprises owned by Jews. There are documents on compulsory marking of stores owned by Jews in the district too. Fonds also contains various instructions and circular letters concerning variety of anti-Jewish measures, including the dismissal of Jews from pu...

  19. Okresný úrad v Dolnom Kubíne

    • District Office in Dolný Kubín

    The Fonds of the District Office in Dolný Kubín, as the state administration body at the regional level, contains the documents concerning political, economic, cultural and social situation in this district during the period 1923 – 1945. As such it contains many documents pertaining to the persecution of Jews living in this district in 1938-1945. Among others there are documents concerning dismissal of Jews from public service. Other documents pertain to the confiscation of ritual accessories of Jews or confiscation of their radios. Whole set of documents pertains to the so called revision ...

  20. Ľudový súd v Košiciach

    • People´s Court in Košice

    The fonds contains files of People´s Court in Košice which existed in 1948 as the retributive justice court . It contains several important Holocaust-related files pertaining to the persecution of Jews in Košice (then Kassa) which was part of Hungary (1938-1945). Among others there is a case file of former head of the ghetto in Košice (Kassa), then a case file of the former guard from the labor camp in Košice. One case file pertains to the denunciation of Jewish family in 1944 and its subsequent deportation to Auschwitz. Several files concern the persecution of Jews at the territory of Slov...