Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 153
Country: Greece
  1. Αρχείο Ανωτάτης Διευθύνσεως Δημοσίας Εκπαιδεύσεως της Προσωρινής Κυβέρνησης Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Archive of the Supreme Directorate of Public Education of the Provisional Government of Thessaloniki

    The archive is part of the archives of the Provisional Government of Thessaloniki (1916-1917). It is a source of information on important social and political issues of the New Countries (Macedonia & Thrace) in the face of the WWI and the National Schism (Ethnikos Dichasmos) in Greece. In the archive there is evidence concerning the actions of the Entente forces in Macedonia. It includes the correspondence of the adviser of Public Education with officials of the services of the Army of the Orient (Armée d' Orient), on matters of food supply, movement control, the release of detainees an...

  2. Συντονιστικό Γραφείο Μειονοτικών Σχολείων (πρώην Επιθεώρηση Θρησκευμάτων, Τεχνικών, Ξένων και Μειονοτικών Σχολείων Γενικής Διοικήσεως Μακεδονίας)

    • Coordinating Office of Minority Schools

    Archive of the Directorate of Religious Affairs, Foreign and Minority Schools of the General Administration of Macedonia: Reports, memoranda, caralogues, etc. regarding Occupation and civil war, 1941-1949; Inspection Archive: Circulars and Orders, reports and memos about foreign and minority schools (Armenian, Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, etc.), foreign monasteries, foreign clergy, etc., 1941-1955; Foreign private schools: Tables of enrolled students by nationality, religion, language,1947-1948; Incoming documents from the General Administration of Macedonia and the German Authorities: Reports...

  3. Αρχείο της Ιστορίας των Ελλήνων Εβραίων

    • Archive of the History of the Greek Jews
    • Archeio tis Istorias ton Ellinon Evraion

    The collection consists of documents related to the history of the Jews in Greece, the State policy towards the Jews, the situation of the Jews in Greece and the Balkan States as the Greek State was expanded from the end of the 19th century to the mid of the 20th century. It covers the Nazi-era and topics as the situation of the Greek Jews who lived in other countries, as Romania, the antisemitic measures taken by the German authorities, the deportations of the Jews in German and Bulgarian occupied zone, the case of the Jews in Dodecanese, the issue of the Italian Jews who lived in Greece, ...

  4. Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives

    This collection contains records from the "Jewish Collection-Archives of the History of the Jews in Greece, 1885-1957". Copies of documents taken from various fonds in the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives, mainly from the central political files and the reports from Greek embassies and consulates, to create the "Jewish Collection".

  5. Συλλογή Δεληγιάννη Ιωάννη

    • Deligiannis Ioannis Collection
    • Sillogi Deligianni Ioanni

    The collection consists of two sections. The first section concerns the academic career and the social action of Deligiannis. Participation in conferences, suggestions, articles, material about family law and teaching material. It also contains correspondence with his colleagues and institutions, and material from the administrative positions he held. The second section consists of legal cases undertaken by his legal office. There are many cases of divorce, contracts, real estate, corporate and civil disputes. Important for the history of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki are some record...

  6. Συλλογή Σαλτιέλ Μωρίς

    • Saltiel Maurice Collection
    • Sillogi Saltiel Moris

    The collection tracks Maurice Saltiel’s public action in the post-war cultural events of Thessaloniki. The largest and most important part of the collection is related to the "Art" Macedonian Artistic Society and its activity. The collection includes the founding declaration, bylaws, correspondence, event programs and diverse material from various actions and claims (e.g. the request for the establishment of a School of Fine Arts in Thessaloniki) of the union. There are documents related to the Coordinating Committee of Northern Cultural Associations of Greece, the State Theater of Northern...

  7. Συλλογή Αμίρ Μωύς

    • Amir Moys Collection
    • Syllogi Amir Moys

    A collection of 1.100 photos related to the postwar life and activities of the Jewish Community in Thessaloniki and a small collection of documents related to the local Jewish Community. The photos concern social and religious events of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki, mainly from 1960’s and 1970’s. The photographs were shot by Panos Tsiftsis, who maintained photo studio on Tsimiski Street. The photos were sold and distributed by Amir. The collection contains also some personal documents of Amir, as well as invitations and announcements of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki.

  8. Αρχείο Μωύς Μπαρτζιλάϊ

    • Mois Barzilay Collection
    • Archeio Mois Barzilay

    Correspondence for the years 1936-1956, and photographs.

  9. Συλλογή Άννας - Μαρίας Φαρατζή

    • Anna-Maria Faratzi Collection
    • Sillogi Annas-Marias Faratzi

    Photographs of members of the Jewish Faratzi family (Iossif, 1878-1935, tobacco merchant and Vitali, 1854-1918, lawyer).

  10. Συλλογή Εγγράφων Ραββίνου Μωυσή Πέσαχ

    • Collection of Documents of Rabbi Moshe Pesach
    • Sillogi Egragon Ravinou Moisi Pesah

    Photocopies of pages of periodicals that include articles about Moshe Pesach, and publications about the Jewish Community of Volos. Photocopies of texts (prints and manuscripts) concerning Jews, photocopies of photos of members of the Pesach family and the Jewish Community of Volos.

  11. Ιδιωτική Συλλογή Γιάννη Αλεξιάδη

    • Giannis Alexiadis Collection
    • Idiotiki Sillogi Gianni Alexiadi

    A folder containing a two-page sheet of paper with information on the Jewish community of Veria and one 1 sheet of paper with a sketch of the Jewish quarter (during the pre-war period).

  12. Συλλογή φωτογραφιών Εβραϊκής Κοινότητας Κέρκυρας

    • Photo Collection of the Jewish Community of Corfu
    • Sillogi Fotografion Evraikis Kinotitas Kerkiras

    595 photos related to the Jewish Community of Corfu. They depict buildings of the Jewish quarter, the transfer process of the Jewish Cemetery, Synagogues, and portraits of members of the Jewish Community. Also, important is the part that concerns the photographic depiction of Jews in concentration camps, during the Second World War. There are also reproductions of individual documents, in the form of photographs, such as: newspapers, minutes, as well as excerpts about the history of the Jews of Corfu from the book "Della Historia di Corfu" by Andreas Marmoras.

  13. Αρχείο 8ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Λάρισας

    • 8th Public Elementary School of Larissa

    Since 1931 there has been a Jewish school in Larissa which was founded and operates under a special Law of the Greek State as a Public School, under the title: "8th Primary School of Larissa (Jewish). The archive of the 8th Primary School of Larissa covers the years 1944 - 1997 and consists of books and folders with various documents produced during the daily operation of the school.

  14. Mapping the childhood

    • Χαρτογραφώντας την παιδική ηλικία

    The "Mapping the Childhood" digital application is the result of a research project (2021) aiming at compiling data on Jewish students in Thessaloniki from the archives of various types of schools (community schools, public and private schools, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the State Conservatory of Thessaloniki). Information on approximately 3,500 students in total was compiled. The data compiled were integrated into the website, which provides information on the age and time of enrolment of each student, the school and grades they attended, the names of their parents, their...

  15. USC Shoah Foundation's Visual History Archive

    A repository of Holocaust testimonies expanded with testimonies of other genocides.

  16. Yale Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies

    The Fortunoff Archive consists of testimonies of willing individuals with first-hand experience of the Nazi persecutions, including those who were in hiding, survivors, bystanders, resistants, and liberators. Testimonies were recorded in whatever language the witness preferred, and range in length from 30 minutes to over 40 hours (recorded over several sessions).

  17. Τόποι κράτησης και μνήμης: Nαζιστικά στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης στην Ελλάδα (1941-1944)

    • Places of Detainment and Memory: Nazi Concentration Camps in Greece, 1941-1944
    • Topoi kratisis kai mnimis: Nazistika stratopeda sigkentrosis stin Ellada, 1941-1944

    The project’s aim was the detailed description of three designated places of detention in Greece: the Pavlos Melas Camp in Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki, the Haidari Camp in Athens and the Larissa Camp. An additional aim of the program was the scientific documentation of the camps’ characteristics, of their mode of operation and of the purpose they served, according to: a) the conclusions drawn from the living conditions and the experiences of prisoners in the camps and b) the categorization applied by the German authorities (places of detention, ghettos, transit centers, concentration camps, e...

  18. Συλλογή Ιωάννη Μέγα

    • Megas Ioannis Collection; Syllogi Ioanni Mega

    The Megas Ioannis collection includes letters, photos, postcards related to the history of Thessaloniki. A large number of postcards depicts Jewish people or buildings belonging to members of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki.

  19. Συλλογή Ιωάννης Σταθάκης

    • Collection Ioannis Stathakis
    • Syllogi Ioannis Stathakis

    The collection covers the period from 1916 until 1982 and concerns mainly judicial cases of Christians and Jews of Thessaloniki the lawyer Ioannis Stathakis handled. In the collection one can find documents from a) collaborators'trials, b) cases of Jews that claim their confiscated property and b) the Max Merten Trial.

  20. Αρχείο 40ού Δημοτικού Σχολείου Θεσσαλονίκης (Ιωαννιδείου)

    • Archive of 40th Public Elementary School of Thessaloniki (Ioanideio)
    • Archeio 40ou Dimotikou Scholeiou Thessalonikis (Ioannideiou)

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.