Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 41 to 54 of 54
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Country: Czechia
Holding Institution: Národní archiv
  1. Policejní ředitelství Praha II

    • Polizeipräsidium Prag II
    • Prague Police Directorate II
    • PŘ II
    • NAD 1420
    • Národní archiv
    • 1420
    • English
    • 1914-1953
    • The fonds consists out of 4809,23 linear meters of processed and accessible documents. 4766,23 linear meters are inventoried and accessible documents. 84,34 linear meters are unprocessed and unaccessible.

    The fonds has informations about police, police authorities, criminal police, street police, passports, arms passports, national security, public safety, national security Corps, National Guard security, national security, police affairs, censorship, confiscation of print, personals, population registers and civil defense

  2. Generální velitel neuniformované protektorátní policie, Praha

    • Generalkommandant der nichtuniformierten Protektoratspolizei, Prag
    • General Commander of the non-uniformed Protectorate Police
    • NAD 919
    • Národní archiv
    • 919
    • English
    • 1942-1945
    • The collection consists out of 1,2 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 12,2 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The fonds contents out of different material concerning the Criminal Police in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Of special interest are the camp rules of different Arbeitserziehungslager (AEL) including Svatobořice (Swatoborschitz), were also family members of emigrated Jews ("jüdisch versippt") were captured.

  3. Generální velitel četnictva, Praha

    • GVČ
    • Generalkommandant der Gendarmerie, Prag
    • NAD 1009
    • General Commander of the Gendarmerie
    • Národní archiv
    • 1009
    • English
    • 1918-1942
    • The collection consists out of 25 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 1.9 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The Gendarmerie in the pre-war Czechoslovak Republic was a militarily organized security force, according to the applicable legal requirements and according to the relevant state authorities to maintain public order and security throughout the territory of Czechoslovakia. It was also responsible for the border control and sent illegal emigrants from Nazi-Germany, under them also Jews, back to Germany. After the establishment of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the Gendarmerie became part of the occupation administration. Gendarmes were given functions such as auxiliary police, accom...

  4. Ministerstvo zemědělství I - sekretariát protektorátních ministrů, Praha

    • Ministry of Agriculture I - Secretary of the Protectorate Ministers, Prague
    • Landwirtschaftsministerium I - Sektretariat der Protektoratsminister, Prag
    • MZ I
    • NAD 751_11
    • Národní archiv
    • 751_11
    • English
    • 1938-1945
    • The fonds consists out of 10.6 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents.

    The fonds consists of the correspondence of the Ministers of Agriculture in the years of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia and a re covering the fields Agriculture, occupation, chambers of agriculture, agricultural labor, taxation, agricultural cooperatives, hunting, hop growing and agricultural statistics. Holocaust relevant material consists mainly out of documents about Aryanization of Jewish property in Agriculture and the exclusion of the Jewish population from specific agricultural products.

  5. Německá osídlovací společnost Karlovy Vary

    • Deutsche Ansiedlungsgesellschaft Karlsbad
    • German Settlement society Carlsbad
    • NOS
    • DAG Karlsbad
    • NAD 556
    • Národní archiv
    • 556
    • English
    • 1938-1945
    • The fonds consists out of 241 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 1 linear meter of documents is not processed and inventoried and inaccessible.

    In the Sudeten region were since 1938 four different organisations involved into the Nazi-settlement policy. These were the Sächsischen Bauernsiedlung GmbH Dresden, the Schlesische Landgesellschaft mbH Breslau, the Bayerische Bauernsiedlung GmbH and the Deutsche Ansiedlungsgesellschaft which openened in February 1939 an office (Geschäftstelle) in Carlsbad (Karlsbad/Karlovy Vary) and an office in Mährisch Schönberg (Šumperk). The main activity of the Deutsche Ansiedlungsgesellschaft was the settlement of German farmers on farms which belonged to Czechs, Jews or other "foreigners". Czech prop...

  6. Sippenamt für Böhmen und Mähren, Praha

    • Sippenamt for Bohemia and Moravia, Prague
    • Rodopisný úřad pro Čechy a Moravu
    • Národní archiv
    • 790
    • English
    • 1939-1944
    • The fonds consists out of 1,8 linear meters of processed and accessible documents. 5,4 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The fonds is incomplete. Of particular interest are documents from a survey of persons of Jewish descent in 1944.

  7. Ministerstvo vnitra - Londýn

    • Ministry of Interior - London
    • MV - L
    • Národní archiv
    • 828
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • 53,25 linear metres from which 53,25 linear metres of documents are processed and inventoried and 0,0 linear metres are unprocessed. The fonds is partially accessible.

    The fonds consists of documents of the Ministry of Interior and its departments. The state-security department kept records of all Czechoslovak citizens living in the Great Britain during the WWII and provided passports and visas and also their extension or verifications. The administrative and juristic department edited standpoints of the Ministry to the bills. The educational department took care about all matters of the Czechoslovak schools in Great Britain and also in foreign countries. The Ministry of Interior also cooperated with Czechoslovak intelligence service in the matters of sec...

  8. Sbírka Československé školy ve Velké Británii

    • Collection of the Czechoslovak school in the United Kingdom
    • Národní archiv
    • 1578
    • English
    • 1941-1945
    • 1,3 linear metres of which 1,3 linear metres inventoried. The fonds is partially accessible.

    The collection consist of originals and copies of the various documents, such as copies of identity documents, birth certificates, writing pads, textbooks, school certificates, photographs, messages from teachers to parents (or to the legal representatives of children), memoirs, school notes, presentations and newspapers. These materials also relate to more than 670 mostly Jewish children saved by the Kindertransporte organised by Nicolas Winton and other rescuers.

  9. Ministerstvo hospodářské obnovy - Londýn

    • Ministry of Economic Recovery - London
    • MHO - L
    • Národní archiv
    • 786
    • English
    • 1941-1945
    • 8,5 linear metres of documents from which all are processed and inventoried. The fonds is accessible.

    In the fonds, there are files from government meetings about post-war economic plans and works - such as ledgers, data used for preparations of the state budget, correspondence between departments, various economic reports for the Minister or memos. There are also documents related to post-war reconstruction plans (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, UNRRA) such as documents of activities of each commissions (planning commission, industrial commission, medical commission...) and furthermore various statistics, files or newspapers. The Jewish-related documents are not we...

  10. Ministerstvo financí - Londýn

    • Ministry of Finance - London
    • MF-L
    • Národní archiv
    • 819
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • 24,85 linear metres from which are 16,5 linear metre processed and inventoried and 8,8 linear metres are unprocessed. The fonds is partially accessible.

    The fonds consists of documents of Ministry of Finance activities - documents for preparing and compilation of the state budget, documents for payments of Czechoslovak military and civil authorities. There can be found documents from other financial matters such as checks, accounts, financial confirmations, contracts or travel expenses. Documents that refer to jewish issue can be found in several boxes. The most important one might be the box n. 131, there are registers of Czechoslovak Jews (and other citizens) deported in to the Terezín ghetto and later in to the concentration camps in occ...

  11. Norimberský soud, Norimberk

    • Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg
    • NS/Nor.
    • NAD 1463
    • Národní archiv
    • 1463
    • English
    • 1946-1948
    • 71 linear metres of documents, all are processed and inventoried and accessible.

    The fonds consists of stenographic records (250 000 pages) from each of 12 subsequent trials which were as copies submitted to all national delegations participating at the Nuremberg proceedings and investigation. The fonds also consists of several folders with various documents such as hearings of witnesses or given judgements etc. The 12 subsequent trials were: the Doctors' Trial (against 23 medical doctors), the Milch Trial (against the Field Marshal Erhard Milch), the Judges' Trial (against 16 jurists and lawyers), the Pohl Trial (also known as Economics and Administrative Departments o...

  12. Národní arijská kulturní jednota, Praha

    • National Aryan Cultural Union, Prague
    • Nationalarische Union, Prag
    • NAKJ
    • NAD 677
    • Národní archiv
    • 677
    • English
    • 1939-1945
    • The collection consists out of 1.25 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents which are all accessible.

    The National Aryan Cultural Union (Národní arijská kulturní jednota, NAKJ) was founded on 24th May 1939, officially as a non political society "to improve the situation of the national culture, spirit and peoples behaviour according to modern aryan principles". The association opened 20 branches in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia. Together with the fascist movements "Vlajka" (The Flag), "Národní tábor fašistická" (National Fascist Union) and "Fašistická garda" (Fascist guard) they unified in October 1939 to "Český národně socialistický tábor, ČNST" (Czech Nationalsocialist Union). In t...

  13. Česká liga proti bolševismu, Praha

    • Czech League against Bolshevism
    • ČLB
    • ČLpB
    • Národní archiv
    • 739
    • English
    • 1944-1945
    • The collection consists out of 0,5 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents.

    The official reason for the founding of the Czech League against Bolshevism (Česká liga proti bolševismu) was the Czechoslovak-Soviet treaty of alliance in December 1943 signed by Edvard Beneš in Moscow. The Founding General Meeting of the Czech League against Bolshevism (Česká liga proti bolševismu) was held 23rd January 1944 in Prague. The organization reported directly to the Ministry of Education and Propaganda, led by Emanuel Moravec. Since its founding until January 1945 the Liga organized 231 public speeches and lectures. The Propaganda of the Czech League against Bolshevism was not ...

  14. Národní souručenství, Praha

    • National Community, Prague
    • Nationale Gemeinschaft
    • N Sour.
    • Národní archiv
    • 453
    • English
    • 1939-1945
    • The collection consists out of 30,5 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 0,62 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The National Community included all male citizens of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia. The membership was virtually a formality. The Preparatory Committee was established soon after the occupation, namely 21 March 1939 under President Hacha. The aim was to create a mass organization which would support the Protectorate government. Subsequently on 6th April 1939 the Národní souručenství was declared the only political party in the Protectorate. About ninety percent of the male population of the Protectorate were members of Národní souručenství. The organisation Národní souručenství was a...