Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 46,381 to 46,400 of 55,890
  1. Janet M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Janet M., who was born in 1921 in Be?ndzin, Poland. Mrs. M. details traditional Jewish life; German invasion; burning of the synagogue; confiscation of their valuables; ghettoization in late 1940; forced labor which they thought would save them; and liquidation of the ghetto in August 1943. She recalls hiding in an attic overnight; her father being found and shot; deportation to Auschwitz; living in a barrack next to the gas chamber; hearing screams and "shma's" day and night; becoming ill with typhus for six weeks; standing naked outside for hours during a delousing ...

  2. Haim D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Haim D., who was born in 1928 and grew up in Metz, France. He recalls Jewish refugees from Germany; antisemitic incidents; his father's conscription into the French military; his oldest brother's disappearance; their transfer with other military families to another town; attending a Catholic school; his father's release after eight months; German invasion; orders in November 1940 for all Jews to register; leaving for Paris with his family; compulsory wearing of the yellow star and other anti-Jewish restrictions in 1941; his bar mitzvah at year's end; frequent arrests ...

  3. Maria P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maria P., who was born in Dzerzhinsk, Ukraine in 1931. She describes extreme poverty; abandonment by her father; close relations with extended family members; pervasive antisemitism; German invasion in June 1941; anti-Jewish restrictions; random killings; a mass murder of Jews in July 1941; returning home with her mother and aunt; hiding with them during a round-up; another mass killing; their escape to Korche?vka; hiding in a cattle shed; their arrest; her release by the head policeman; her mother joining her in the house of a Czech woman; hiding with her mother in Y...

  4. Berthe B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Berthe B., who was born in Paris, France in 1935. She relates traveling with her parents after the war began; her father's enlistment in the French military in 1939; his return in 1940; learning to read from him; her father's arrest in May 1941; reading his letters from Pithiviers and visiting him in the summer of 1941; her mother arranging for her to live in Normandy in June 1942; hiding with a French woman in Conde?-sur-Huisne (she later learned her father advised her mother to hide her); Marcel, a French man, arranging her transfer to another family; studying for c...

  5. Jacqueline R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacqueline R., who was born in Paris, France in 1938. Ms. R, recalls being placed by her parents with Christians in Normandy after German occupation; her parents' visits; traveling with her mother, with help from the underground, to her father in Free France; happy times living in Grenoble; escaping to Switzerland after the German takeover; life in refugee camps; and being placed with foster parents. She describes fond relations with her foster family; her parents' visits; attending Catholic school; affinity for the Church; her parents' return to Paris at war's end; s...

  6. Ernest G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ernest G., who was born in Hajdu?na?na?s, Hungary in 1920, the youngest of twelve children. Mr. G. recalls his family's Hasidism; his father's death in 1935; becoming secularized; attending a commercial school; obtaining a one-year exemption in 1941 from service in a Hungarian slave labor battalion; skepticism about rumors of concentration camps in Poland; being stationed in Budapest; German occupation in March 1944; visiting his mother who had moved to Budapest; escaping; hiding with nuns; obtaining papers for a Swedish safe house; escaping a round-up from the safe h...

  7. Ilia E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ilia E., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1916, one of seven children. He recalls attending communications school; working in Kastoria; military service; working in Giannitsá; returning home in 1939; working for the state communications service; German invasion; transfer to Sokhós; joining EAM partisans; supplying information to them; providing food for his family in Salonika; advising his relatives to escape, and their refusal to do so; arranging the escape of his parents and younger sister in October 1942 with partisan assistance; learning all the Salonika...

  8. Jack K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack K., who was born in Poland in 1920, the oldest of three brothers. He recounts his family moving to Trier in 1925; attending school; antisemitism beginning in 1932; moving to Barcelona, then Palma de Mallorca; moving to Marseille, then Paris in 1936 due to the Spanish Civil War; participating in Betar; organizing illegal emigration to Palestine; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; deportation with his father and brothers to Pithiviers in May 1941; his mother's visit; transfer to Auschwitz/Birkenau in June 1942; obtaining a privileged office position because...

  9. Oswald R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Oswald R., who was born in a Polish village near Żywiec in 1922, the older of two brothers. He recalls learning German; attending a local school; cordial relations with non-Jews; being sent to live with an aunt in Bielsko-Biała to attend a better school; graduating from high school; moving with his family to Żywiec; participating in Akiba; fleeing toward Kraków during the German invasion; his parents returning home (he never saw them again), but sending him and his brother away from German-occupied areas; finding an Akiba group in Lʹviv; his assignment smuggling ot...

  10. Aron Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aron Z., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1927, the youngest of seven children. He recalls his family's Hasidism; their butcher shops; antisemitic violence; visiting relatives in Radoszyce; summers in Ko?o; German invasion; his father's arrest; assistance from their German landlord to free him; being sent to relatives in Kielce and Mnio?w; walking home because he missed his mother; ghettoization; forced labor; occasionally driving H?ayim Rumkowski; deportations including siblings, nephews, and nieces; deportation with his brother and parents to Auschwitz/Birkenau in ...

  11. Abe A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abe A., who was born in approximately 1923 in Bodzanow?, Poland, one of four children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; attending cheder and public school; his large, extended family; visiting relatives in P?ock; participating in Agudat Israel; antisemitic harassment; German invasion in September 1939; forced labor; organization of the Judenrat; slave labor in Drobin in spring 1940; his cousin being shot; illness; returning home; transfer with his family to Dzia?dowo in March 1941, then four weeks later to Cze?stochowa; ghettoization; slave labor in Gidle; visiting...

  12. Reiza R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Reiza R. She recalls living in Z︠H︡danov; moving to Tulʹchin in 1937; German occupation in July 1941; ghettoization; forced labor; transfer to Pechora with her parents, three sisters, and nephew; the shooting of eight young men in front of them to demonstrate the guards' severity; a four month illness (her parents died prior to her recovery); being told they would all be killed in a mass shooting; the trucks leaving with one group and not returning; feeling no joy at their reprieve; escaping with another prisoner; arrest; imprisonment and torture in Tulʹchin; being se...

  13. Margaret P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Margaret P., who was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1923. She recounts her father's death before she was born; her mother's return to her parents in Budapest; visits with her paternal grandparents in Czechoslovakia; and anti-Semitic incidents in school. Mrs. P. describes sudden changes when Germany occupied Hungary; her marriage on April 8, 1944 during her husband's leave from a Hungarian labor battalion; a round-up in December; a fascist guard giving her the opportunity to escape but refusing since she had no place to go; and arrival in Bergen-Belsen on the last trans...

  14. Maria B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maria B., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1918. She recalls her affluent childhood; rampant antisemitism; German invasion in September 1939; her father's unwillingness to leave despite having the financial means; anti-Jewish measures; her younger brother's escape to the Soviet zone; refusing an offer to hide with Poles because of her reluctance to leave her family; ghettoization in March 1941; marriage in 1942; her family running a ghetto factory; her father and brother being arrested; bribing an official to release them; transfer with her family to P?aszo?w; mass ...

  15. Fanny S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fanny S., who was born in Braunschweig, Germany in 1924, the oldest of three daughters. She recounts her father earned the Iron Cross in World War I; his orthodoxy; attending public school; visiting relatives in Dresden; antisemitic restrictions after 1933, including expulsion from school; attending camp in Leiden in 1937; confiscation of her father's business; her father's severe beating; his emigration to the United States in 1938; forced relocation; arrests and destruction on Kristallnacht; emigration with her mother and two sisters via Hamburg to the United States...

  16. Zelda P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zelda P., who was born in Sighet, Romania in 1921, one of six children. She recalls her family's poverty; attending Catholic school; Hungarian occupation; working for an architectural firm; German occupation in 1944; her employers hiding her; leaving to join her family in the ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz; briefly seeing her sister; transfer to Nachtsheim; slave labor; friends helping her when she couldn't walk; transfer to Ravensburg; liberation by Soviet troops in April 1945; hospitalization until July; traveling to Bucharest; learning a brother and sister had su...

  17. Elaine L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elaine L., who was born in Bilki, Czechoslovakia in 1923. She recounts six siblings; her father being killed in crossfire during Hungarian occupation in March 1939; learning of mass killings in Poland from an escapee; her brothers's draft into Hungarian forced labor battalions; traveling to Budapest to help her sister-in-law with their business in Berehove; returning to Bilki; deportation with her mother and sister to the Berehove ghetto; separation from her mother and sister-in-law upon arrival at Auschwitz (she never saw them again); transfer with her sister to Gels...

  18. Bertha W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bertha W., one of ten children, who grew up in Mukacheve (presently Ukraine). She recalls her family's orthodoxy; attending a Hungarian school; their move to a mixed neighborhood in 1918; cordial relations with non-Jews during the Czech period; Hungarian occupation; the draft of three brothers into Hungarian slave labor battalions (another had emigrated to France); her father's death in 1941, and her mother's in 1943; ghettoization with her sisters in a brick factory for one week; deportation with one sister to Auschwitz in spring 1944; slave labor in a chemical facto...

  19. Eve C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eve C., who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 1921. She recounts moving with her parents to Offenbach; her parents' divorce; moving with her mother to Erfurt; the boycott of her grandparents' store in 1934; disappointment at not being able to join the Hitler Youth; joining a club of German foreigners; her father's emigration to the United States in 1935; her uncle's arrest for being homosexual; brief arrest with her mother during Kristallnacht; emigrating to Great Britain with her mother's encouragement in 1939; and emigration to the United States in 1940. Mrs...

  20. Fred K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fred K., who was born in Oberlauringen, Germany in 1927. He recalls his father's butcher shop closing when kosher slaughtering was outlawed; harassment by non-Jewish children; his older sister's emigration to the United States in 1937; his father twice being arrested and released; hiding on Kristallnacht while their apartment was vandalized; and leaving on a children's transport to England in the summer of 1939. Mr. K. describes brief stays on the coast and in London; emotionally difficult years at the Bunce Court School in Kent; and nurturing weekends in the home of ...