Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,141 to 31,160 of 55,889
  1. Bosboom, M.

    Het archief bevat een aantal circulaires, formulieren e.d. van o.m. de Joodsche Raad, die verzameld zijn door mr. M. Bosboom (de op de stukken vermelde nummers corresponderen met de nummers van een door Bosboom vervaardigde inventaris, aanwezig in map 1).

  2. Fontijn, I.A.

    Het archief bevat stukken over het beheer over een bedrijf, over de gevangenschap van de familie en over hun pogingen tot compensatie van financiële schade.

  3. Durlacher, G.L.

    Het archief bestaat voor een groot deel uit verslagen van gesprekken met overlevenden van de Jodenvervolging, alsmede uit correspondentie van dhr. Durlacher, congresverslagen en door Durlacher bijeengebracht materiaal gebruikt als verdere documentatie voor het schrijven van zijn boeken.

  4. Landmann, familie

    Het archief bevat correspondentie van de zaakwaarnemer van de familie Landmann met diverse Duitse en Nederlandse instellingen om hun vermogen veilig te stellen en om te gaan met de anti-joodse maatregelen. Voorts bevat het archief brieven van beide echtelieden. Enkele stukken beslaan de periode van Landmanns burgemeesterschap in Frankfurt am Main. Tenslotte zijn stukken aanwezig over het opstellen en uitvoeren van het testament van de Landmanns.

  5. Atrinkti duomenys iš Tsentralnyj Archiv Ministerstva Oborony Rossijskoj Federatsiji

    • Selected Records from the Tsentralnyj Archiv Ministerstva Oborony Rossijskoj Federatsiji
    • Selected Records from the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
    • Atrinkti duomenys iš Rusijos Federacijos Centrinio Gynybos ministerijos archyvo
    • Vilniaus Gaono žydų istorijos muziejus
    • HE-Podolsk
    • English
    • 130 pages of the paper copies from the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (in the town of Podolsk). The copies were brought to the museum in 1995 by a visitor of the museum. The copies are with the stamp of the archives only, without any references except number of description.

    The copies of the documents (numbers of the description: 288278, 288287, 288289, 288290, 288291, 288292, 288339, 288340, 288344, 288390, 288787, 288790, 288792,289462, 353266, 353267) consist of the information (name, surname, father's name, date and place of birth, military rank, date and place of death, place of burial) for 277 Lithuanian Jews who were soldiers in the Soviet Red Army's 16th Lithuanian Division and were killed in 1943-1944 in battles with the Nazis.

  6. Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė

    • Stadtverwaltung Wilna
    • Municipality of the City of Vilnius

    This collection holds "documents dealing with the use of the Vilnius Ghetto inmates for work, payrolls, food cards for Jews, lists of the Jews in Vilnius 1 and 2 ghettos (September 1941), requests by gentiles to buy confiscated Jews' property" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, p. 11. The fonds consists of personal documents of residents (154108 personal cards), docum...

  7. 396-oji vyriausioji karo lauko komendantūra

    • Oberfeldkommandantur 396
    • Headquarters of Higher Field Command Number 396

    Documents about forced labour; certificates of workers; correspondence with military authorities in Königsberg and Riga about armaments supply.

  8. Kazys Škirpa

    • Kazys Škripa, Ambassador of Independent Lithuania in Germany, 1942

    The fond consists of the collection of personal documents (see also UHSMM collection description). The most important document in this fonds is the anti-Jewish proclamation of the Front of Lithuanian Activists (LAF; col. Kazys Škirpa was a leader of this Front). The LAF organized the June Uprising (June 23-26, 1941) with the aim of re-establishing Lithuanian independence with the help of Nazis. The members of this Uprising were fighting against communists and Jews and participated in pogroms throughout Lithuania. Excerpts from the third part of the memoir book of Kazys Škirpa, "Kovok! Pasta...

  9. Dokumentų kopijų kolekcija

    • Collection of Document Copies
    • Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
    • F. 1742
    • English, Lithuanian
    • 1916-1947
    • 2 subfonds and 47 files. Parts of the documents are handwritten. Some files are microfilmed and some consist of photographs, maps, drawings.

    USHMM: "material on resistance and rescue in Lithuania". Copies of documents concerning the annihilation of Jews in town of Vilnius and region, Nazi propaganda, anti-Nazi movement, position of the Catholic Church during WWII; documentation and correspondence between embassies (interwar period); copies of agreements between USSR and Germany; documentation regarding diplomatic relations; copies (microfilmed) of the monographs and studies by M. Jaloveckis "Lenkijos sodybos. Kaimo sodybų architektūra ir statiniai" ("Dwor Polski. Architekci į budowniczowie siedzib wiejskich") and "Lenkijos Respu...

  10. Palestinos žydų fondams - Pamatinio Palestinos fondo (Karen Hajesod) ir Žydų tautinio fondo (Karen Kajemet Lejisroel) - remti draugija

    • Associciation for Support of Jewish Palestine (Karen Hayesod), Lithuanian Branch, 1920‒1940

    "This collection consists of records and correspondence files with local branches of the Karen Hayesod across Lithuania from 1920 to 1940, concerning the registration of local organizations and fundraising activities for the Jewish settlements in Palestine before World War II. The collection also includes minute meetings; correspondence with Zionist organizations worldwide, local banks, and Lithuanian government authorities; bylaws; donor lists; cashier books; and financial reports" (From: USHMM finding aid).

  11. Darbo birža Kaune

    • Arbeitsamt Kauen
    • Labour Office in Kaunas

    Various documents on forced labour of Jews as well as for locals; lists of artisan, trades and specialists in the town and the district; correspondence concerning labour; statistics; applications/permissions for work. Lists of local citizens brought to Germany for forced labour and their propagandistic correspondence to family members (they were forced to write misleading letters that claimed that their circumstances were fine.)

  12. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvoje Vilniaus skyrius

    • Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Litauen Aussendienststelle Wilna
    • Chief of the SS and SD in Lithuania, Vilnius Department

    Reports, correspondence, documentation about activities of SS battalions, personal documents of SS soldiers; lists of arrested Jews, permissions given to relatives to visit arrested persons, lists of residents accused of criminal activity, documentation about arrested Soviet soldiers, prisoners of war; lists of Jews workers, and etc.