Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,681 to 31,700 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Records of the Pest District Royal Law Court, 1872-1944

    • A Pestvidéki Királyi Törvényszék iratai, 1872-1944

    The collection holds the records of the Pest District Royal Law Court, including the records of the civil court and the records of criminal court as well as land register records. VII.1. a. Presidential Records mostly hold organizational and administrative matters and personnel files VII.1. b. Records of lawsuits and out-of-court settlements from the years 1874-1944, which cover various aspects of the life of Jewish and non-Jewish citizens in Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County. This part of the collection holds civil lawsuits concerning various private law issues, including marriage and divorce,...

  2. Records of the Hungarian Royal Police Department of Vác, 1942, 1944

    • A M.Kir. Rendőrség Váci Kapitányságának iratai, 1942, 1944

    The collection holds the survived records of the Police Department of the town of Vác, mostly from the fateful year of 1944. Jewish-related cases are scattered throughout the material and include, but not limited to the following topics: permits and licenses of Jewish individuals and companies, extensions of permits and licenses, including events of communities and social organizations, citizenship and naturalization cases, certificates and residence permits, documents pertaining to the conscription of Jews and the yellow star decree and many other anti-Jewish measures in April 1944, the co...

  3. Records of the Budapest District of the Royal Hungarian Financial Directorate, 1863-1944

    • Budapestvidéki M. Kir. Pénzügyigazgatóság iratai, 1863-1944

    Between 1938 and 1944, financial directorates played a crucial role in the state-controlled campaign to systematically seize the assets of Hungarian Jews. The most relevant part of the collection is the Records of the Presidential Department No I., 1896-1944 (VI.101.c.), which is divided into three major sections (A-C): General Records, Declarations on the assets of citizens considered Jewish, 1944 and Inventories of Jewish property, 1944. Pre-1944 files are of fragmented nature. However, the 1944 records contain detailed information on the state sequestration and inventory of Jewish proper...

  4. Records of the Mayor of the Town of Cegléd, 1872-1944

    • Cegléd város polgármesterének iratai, 1872-1944

    The collection holds the records of the Mayor, the head of the administration of the town of Cegléd between 1872 and 1950. Records from the years 1938-1944 include but not limited to documents concerning the implementation of Jewish Laws and antisemitic bureaucratic procedures, including the withdrawal of trade licences and permits, quitting rental agreements of Jews, exclusion of Jews from the municipal committee and social organizations, discharge of Jewish private and state employees, registration and expropriation of Jewish landholdings; administrative procedures against Jewish communit...

  5. Records of the Mayor of the Town of Nagykőrös, 1872-1944

    • Nagykőrös város polgármesterének iratai, 1872-1944

    The collection holds the records of the Mayor, the head of the administration of the town of Nagykőrös between 1872 and 1950. Records from the years 1938-1944 include, but not limited to documents concerning the implementation of Jewish Laws and other antisemitic bureaucratic procedures, including the withdrawal of trade licences and permits, quitting rental agreements of Jews, exclusion of Jews from the municipal committee and social organizations, discharge of Jewish private and state employees, registration and expropriation of Jewish landholdings; administrative procedures against Jewis...

  6. Records of the Subprefect of the Administratively Temporarily United Counties of Bars and Hont, 1939-1944

    • Bars és Hont k. e. e. vármegyék alispánjának iratai, 1939-1944

    The collection holds the records of the former Bars and Hont counties pertaining to the Szob district and certain municipalities of the Ipolyság (Šahy) district from the period of 1939–1944, when the southern part of the two counties was under Hungarian rule. Major thematic groups in the collection include the personal matters of county and municipal employees, matters concerning local autonomy and organization of the county and the municipalities, administrative and special matters, as well as political matters. Holocaust-related files include cases of exemption from the Jewish laws, vario...

  7. Records of the Administrative Committee of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County, 1876-1944

    • Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun Vármegye Közigazgatási Bizottságának iratai 1876-1944

    The collection holds the records of the Administrative Committee of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County and its several subcommittees, including minutes of the committee meetings and administrative records. The minutes and the general records contain plenty of information about various aspects of economic life, including taxation and finances, trade licenses and permits, and matters of petty offences, as well as on justice, passports, public education matters, including the matters of Jewish schools, orphans and guardianship, health care, infrastructure and many other matters. The Administrative ...

  8. Records of the Orphans’ Court of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County, 1876-1950

    • Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun vármegye Árvaszékének iratai, 1876-1950

    The records of the Orphans’ Court from 1944 is one of the key sources pertaining to the nationalization of the wealth of Hungarian Jews in spring-summer of 1944. According to decree no. 230.000/1944 of the Ministry of the Interior on April 10 1944 on the handling of the assets of “absent” Jews (that is, those who were promptly taken to the ghettos and collection camps after April 16 and therefore could not report their property as prescribed in governmental decree no. 1600/1944 issued on the same day) fell on the Orphans’ Courts of the counties and cities. They were entitled to appoint publ...

  9. Records of the Municipal Committee of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County, 1876-1949

    • Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun vármegye Törvényhatósági Bizottságának iratai, 1876-1949

    The collection holds all the minutes of the meetings of the Municipal Assembly and the Small Assembly of the Municipal Committee of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County between 1876 and 1944. Holocaust-related records are scattered throughout the collection and include but not limited to the following issues: trade permits, lease agreements and other financial transactions, permits and small offences concerning the right to sell alcohol; regulations concerning prices and leases, procurement involving Jewish businesses, matters of temporary and permanent financial aid for Israelite schools and Jewi...

  10. Records of the Districts of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County, 1886-1944

    • Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun Vármegye járásainak iratai 1886-1944

    The collection holds all the records of the 20 administrative districts (járás) that existed in Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County between 1886 and 1944. Relevant parts of the material include lists of taxpayers (taxation of lands, houses and other real estate), tax registries, lists of largest taxpayers, lists of permits of tradesmen and merchants, lists of apprentices and employees, drafts of conscripts, various records of industrial, commercial and financial enterprises, regulation of press and movies, lists of citizens committed to public works, lists of permits of tradesmen and merchants an...

  11. Okupační vězeňské spisy

    • Occupation prisoners files
    • OVS/KT-OVS
    • Národní archiv
    • 1077
    • English
    • 1938-1948
    • 160,8 linear metres from which 160,8 linear metres of documents are processed and inventoried and accessible and 41,8 linear metres are unprocessed and probably not accessible.

    In this collection, there are documents related to Czechoslovak citizens who were imprisoned in German jails and in the concentration camps. There are also files related to (Czechoslovak) Jews, or persons of Jewish nationality, who were gathered and then deported to the Terezín ghetto and the concentration camps. Furthermore in these files, there are information about "death marches" and about post-war repatriation.

  12. Arizační spisy

    • Aryanization files
    • AS/NSMPO
    • Arizační spisy - Národní správa majetkových podstat
    • NAD 375
    • Národní archiv
    • 375
    • English
    • 1938-1945
    • The collection consists out of 101 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 3.5 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The collection Arizační spisy was in the 1950s divided into seven main groups by its origins: 1. "Müller": named after the "Sonderbeauftragter für Ernährungsfragen beim Reichsprotektor", Rudolf Müller. These are documents connected with Jewish food companies (70 boxes). 2. "Regierungspräsident Aussig" (Vládní president Ústí nad Labem): Documents which are connected with the Aryanization in Northern Bohemia from 1938 to 1945 under the administration of the Regierungspräsident Aussig an der Elbe (23 boxes). 3. "Landespräsident Brünn" (Zemský president Brno): Documents which are connected with...

  13. Matriky židovských náboženských obcí v českých krajích

    • Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Jewish Communities in the Czech Lands
    • HBMa
    • NAD 167
    • Národní archiv
    • 167
    • English
    • 1784-1949
    • The collection consists of 93,8 linear meters of documents, all processed and inventoried.

    Holocaust-related material was categorised into classes as follows: death certificates from Theresienstadt (1941-12-03 to 1943-09-05), recorded deaths in Theresienstadt (in alphabetical order by the names A - Z) and alphabetical card index lists of persons. Requests for additional entries to the registers of death in Theresienstadt were prepared on the basis of death certificates and kept in two series. The first series in alphabetic order consists of actual death records in the register of deaths of Theresienstadt. The second series is arranged numerically and consists of the applications ...

  14. Československý červený kříž, Londýn

    • Czechoslovak Red Cross, London
    • ČsČK-L
    • NAD 634
    • Národní archiv
    • 634
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • The collection consists of 25 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents.

    The collection primarily consists of organisational material of the Czechoslovak Red Cross, including its main offices in London and its branches, as well as documents concerning their tasks. The annual report provides information about the medical and social care of Czechoslovak citizens in exile. The most important Holocaust-related documents in the collection of the Czechoslovak Red Cross - London include the card files and directories of Czechoslovak Jews who were interned in concentration camps erected shortly after the Reichskristallnacht in the Sudetengau, of Jews who were interned i...

  15. Generální velitel uniformované protektorátní policie, Praha

    • General Commander of the Uniformed Protectorate Police, Prague
    • Generalkommandant der uniformierten Protektoratspolizei, Prag
    • NAD 912
    • GVČ
    • Národní archiv
    • 912
    • English
    • 1942-1945
    • The collection consists out of 14,55 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 9,15 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The documents in the collection of the Generalkommandant der uniformierten Protektoratspolizei, Prag are mostly of organisational nature. During the deportation of the Jews in the Bohemian lands to the Theresienstadt Ghetto members of the Uniformed police forces supported Gestapo and SS. The Uniformed police forces also formed a special unit for guarding the prisoners in the Theresienstadt Ghetto. Also the Roma camps Lety u Písku and Hodonín u Kunštátu were guarded by Uniformed Police forces.

  16. Německé státní ministerstvo pro Čechy a Moravu, Praha

    • Deutsches Staatsministerium für Böhmen und Mähren, Prag
    • German State Ministry for Bohemia and Moravia, Prague
    • NSM, former fonds SÚ MV č. 110
    • NAD 1464
    • Národní archiv
    • 1464
    • English
    • 1939-1945
    • 13.6 linear meters of documents, all processed and inventoried.

    Records generated by German occupational institutions (Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren) and Czech auxiliary agencies dealing with matters of internal security and racial policy, especially anti-Jewish measures. Includes the national affairs and state police catalogue of confiscated art and precious metal objects of Jewish property.

  17. Drážďanská banka

    • Dresdner Bank
    • NAD 1335
    • DB
    • Národní archiv
    • 1335
    • English
    • 1871-1944
    • 1.32 linear meters of documents are processed and inventoried, 0.03 linear meters of documents are non-processed and inaccessible.

    The collection consists of minutes of the Executive Board of Dresdner Bank from October 1931 to December 1943. Furthermore, the collections consists of suggestions of the Board (May 1938 - December 1940), minutes of the meetings of the Directors of the Liquidation Commission (April 1935 - May 1938), minutes of the General Assembly (1870-1930), minutes of the Board (1871-1943), minutes of Committee Meetings (1914-1938) and minutes of the Executive Committee (1938-1943). The most relevant Holocaust-related material is the collection of minutes of the Executive Board of Dresdner Bank from Octo...

  18. Košice – mesto s municipiálnym zriadením

    • Košice - City with the Municipal Administration

    The town municipality agenda, summarized in a special the fonds named "Košice City with a Municipal Administration" covers the period 1939-1944 and reflects the life of Košice during the war years. By the Ordinance of the Hungarian Government no. 9330/1938 M.E. and the introduction of civilian administration in Košice on 20 December 1938 Kosice was incorporated into the Hungarian public administration as a "municipal town" - a free royal city. The fond contains a total of 125 inventory units, all of which is in Hungarian. Anti-Jewish measures agenda is present in the entire fonds and it doc...

  19. Ústredný hospodársky úrad

    • The Central Economic Office
    • ÚHÚ

    The Central Economic Office (Ústredný hospodársky úrad) was one of central offices of the Slovak Republic (1939-1945) with the statewide competences related to so called "Aryanization" of Jewish property. The fond contains documents about the Liquidation and Aryanization of businesses, disposal of Real estate property of Jews, Work permissions as well as documents about the activities of Jewish Center (Ústredňa Židov). Preserved documents are from the period between 1940 - 1945.

  20. Národný súd

    • National Court

    The fonds contains files pertaining to the activities of the National Court, the highest court within the system of retributive justice in Slovak part of Czechoslovakia after the Second World War. Within the jurisdiction of National Court fall main representatives of Hlinka Slovak People´s Party regime as well as main officials responsible for the anti-Jewish policy in Slovakia 1939-1945. The National Court also prosecuted several former officials of Nazi Germany active at the territory of Slovakia during the years 1939-1945. The fonds of National Court stored in Slovak National Archives co...