Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,641 to 31,660 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Чернівецька районна управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Чернівці

    • Chernivtsy district administration
    • Chernivetska raionna uprava

    Orders and correspondence regarding sending Jews to work on road repair and cleaning, to perform public works [inventory 3, file 6].

  2. Теплицька районна управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Теплик

    • Teplyk district administration
    • Teplytska raionna uprava

    Inventory 1, file 4, page 114 contains correspondence regarding financial issues, particularly about imposing indemnity on the Jewish population of the town of Teplyk.

  3. Вінницька міська управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia city administration
    • Vinnytska miska uprava

    Inventory 1, files 1, 2, 12, 13, 22. Documents on the use of Jewish labor at the objects related to Hitler's headquarter in the suburbs of Vinnitsa, the eviction of the local population, in particular Jewish, from the city districts, where later the German military and occupation agencies were stationed. Inventory 1, files 12, 18, 22. Documents on activity of the passport registration department of the city administration: obtaining passports, residence permits, registration of the Jewish population, the search for fugitives, etc. These issues and similar ones are covered in the instruction...

  4. Archives allemandes de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale

    This collection, a conglomerate of several archival fonds produced by German institutions (among others, the Militärbefehlshaber in Frankreich), contains first and foremost archives of the Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich. It was responsible for key aspects of the Shoah in Belgium. The archives in this collection contain several files that explicitly concern the anti-Jewish policies of the occupier – see for instance the files including documents on the inventory of ‘vacant’ Jewish homes in Belgium and northern France (nr. AJ40/37; year 1942); orders and application of anti...

  5. Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad v Košiciach

    • Főszolgabírói hivatal Kassa
    • Chief Constable´s Office in Košice

    The fonds contains various documents of the Chief Constable´s Office in Košice (Kassa) which pertain various political and economical issues of the area during the period 1939-1945. Among others, this fonds contains documents on the economic persecution of Jews in Košice and its vicinity, such as limitations of new licenses for Jews, various sanctions against Jewish tradesmen etc. The fonds also contains the list of Jewish businessmen (licence owners). There are also documents pertaining to the revision of the state citizenship of Jews as well as the documents on their concentration in the ...

  6. Attività dell'Unione delle Comunità Israelitiche Italiane fino al 1933

    • Activities of Union of Italian Jewish Communities untill 1933
    • AUCII fino al 1933

    The above mentioned series are important since they can document the situation in Europe, the flee of Refugees, the necessity to recover them; beside that, the series "Demografia e Statistica; anagrafe" can be important to know the situation before the census of Jewish population, of immigrant population, and the total amount of italian and foreign Jews before the 1938 racial laws

  7. Fondo Aucii dal 1948 (Attività dell'Unione delle Comunità Israelitiche Italiane dal 1948)

    • Attività dell'Unione delle Comunità Israelitiche Italiane dal 1948

    Some files, found in the previous collection of Fondo Aucii dal 1934, were inserted in this Fund, for chronological or content reasons. The Registers contain minutes of Council, junta; payment accounts, heredities, Italian Rabbinical College.

  8. Fondo Aucii dal 1934 (Attività dell'Unione delle Comunità Israelitiche Italiane dal 1934)

    • Activities of Union of Italian Jewish Communities since 1934

    Very important are the Delasem papers, an organization for the assistance to the refugees; other subjects the documents related to the persecution of italian Jews in the Fascist Era; Racial Laws; Israel; Censuses on population and heritage possessed by Jews.

  9. Prefettura di Trieste

    • Trieste Prefecture

    This collection contains documents on Italy’s fascist racial laws and their implementation in the city and region of Trieste; a registry of Jews in 1938; lists of Jews deported from Trieste and Adriatic region; and lists of Jewish refugees to Palestine. Documents mention the Risiera di San Sabba transit camp, part of Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland (OZAK), a German-occupied enclave on the Adriatic coast. The records also concern Jewish communities in the coastal provinces of Fiume, Gorizia, Pola, Trieste, and Zara. The records are from two series: the Gabinetto series, on the registr...

  10. Corte di Appello di Trieste

    • Triest Court of Appeals

    Contains various records concerning the legal discrimination against and expulsion of Jews from various professions in Trieste and the Adriatic coast during the war. It also contains postwar court records concerning the restitution of expropriated Jewish property.

  11. Eichmann Trial Collection

    The Eichmann Trial Collection is a wide-range collection of documents dating from 1937 to 1962, related to the Adolf Eichmann’s trial held in Jerusalem between April and December 1961. The collection mainly consists of the documentary basis presented by the Israeli Police for the prosecution case against the Nazi SS chief, one of the major organizers of the “Final Solution”. Records include hundreds of letters, telegrams, reports and decrees produced by the Third Reich’s Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) on the subject of the “Final Solution” plan (1937-1944). Postwar-period documentation co...

  12. Срески одбор Савеза бораца Народноослободилачког рата Србије, Београд

    • County Council of the People's Liberation War Veteran's Association of Serbia, Belgrade
    • Sreski odbor Saveza boraca Narodnooslobodilačkog rata Srbije, Beograd

    Different documents about prisoners in concentration camps in Yugoslavia and abroad, lists of WW II victims, questionnaires for deaths and missed persons during WW II.

  13. Градски одбор Савез бораца Народноослободилачког рата Србије, Београд

    • City Council of the People's Liberation War Veteran's Association of Serbia, Belgrade
    • Gradski odbor Saveza boraca Narodnooslobodilačkog rata Srbije, Beograd

    53 books, 70 boxes Different documents about prisoners in concentration camps in Yugoslavia and abroad, lists of WW II victims, questionnaires for deaths and missing persons during WW II.

  14. Župné mesto Nové Zámky (1939 - 1944)

    • Érsekújvár megyei város

    In the fragmentary fonds, it is possible to find traders' records, records pertaining to business restrictions, revisions and withdrawals of Jewish concessions and trades. The fonds also contains documents on the aryanization of the mill and Jewish shops. The fonds contains also inventories of Jewish property, documents pertaining to the confiscation of Jewish homes and shops, as well as to a ban on Jews attending public baths. There is also a decree defining the streets of the ghetto preserved in the fonds. The fonds also contains a list of books from the town library that remained with Je...

  15. Notársky úrad v Štúrove (1874 – 1945)

    • Notary Office in Štúrovo (1874-1945)
    • Jegyzőségi hivatal Párkány

    The preserved content of the fonds is very fragmented. The fonds contains a list of associations in the Štúrovo district, merchants' records. It also contains an inventory of Jewish district residents and lists of Jewish real estates have been preserved.

  16. Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad v Leviciach

    • Chief Constable´s Office in Levice
    • Főszolgabíroi hivatal Léva

    The fonds contains documents pertaining to the Jews living in villages in part of the district that was annexed to the Hungarian Kingdom. These documents include data on the dissolution of Jewish societies and the removal of the city physician in Levice from 1938. Files of 1939 then document the restrictions on the businesses of Jewish merchants after the adoption of the Second Jewish Law. The fonds also contains many appeals and rejections of requests for the return of business licenses. Besides that, there are also documents about the police surveillance of Jewish traders and the confisca...

  17. FSJF Post-War Period Collection

    The FSJF Post-War Period Collection is the archival collection of the Fédération des Sociétés Juives de France (Federation of Jewish Societies of France) related to the Post-war period (1944-1994). The collection reflects the large range of activities promoted by the organization in the social, cultural and political sphere. Topics include the commitment to the memory of the Holocaust, the renewal of Jewish life and culture in France, the legal aid to survivors, the social assistance to the poor, the promotion of Yiddish language, as well as the support to the State of Israel. The collectio...

  18. Nuremberg Trials - NMT Collection

    The Nuremberg Trials - NMT Collection is a collection of documents related to the 12 U.S. trials against 185 Nazi chiefs held before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals (NMT) between 1946 and 1949. NMT documentation includes the proceedings (transcripts of depositions, suits and judgments) of the following war criminals’ prosecutions: the Doctors’ Trial, the Milch Trial, the Judges’ Trial, the Pohl Trial, the Flick Trial, the IG Farben Trial, the Hostages Trial, the RuSHA Trial, the Einsatzgruppen Trial, the Krupp Trial, the Ministries’ Trial and the High Command Trial.

  19. Ambassade d'Allemagne (German Embassy)

    This collection contains files and correspondence of Carltheo Zeitschel, counselor of legation (Legationsrat) at the German Embassy, in charge of Jewish affairs in connection with the Sipo-SD France in Paris. It also contains his correspondence with Theodor Dannecker, head of the Jewish Affairs department within the Sipo-SD in Paris. It also includes verbal notes, certificates, telegrams, circulars, lists, notes prepared for Otto Abetz, extracts from the Journal Officiel de la République française, reports, resumes, brochures, minutes, as well as individual files. Most of the correspondence...

  20. Nuremberg Trials - IMT Collection

    The Nuremberg Trials - IMT Collection is a wide-range collection of documents related to the well-known trial against 23 major Nazi war criminals, held by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg between 1945 and 1946. Nuremberg documentation includes: the trial’s transcripts, the archival series NG (Nazi Government), NO (Nazi Organization), OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Supreme Command of the Armed Forces), NI (Nazi Institutions), RSHA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Reich Security Head Office), SD (Sicherheitsdienst, Security Service), Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret S...