
Displaying items 9,881 to 9,900 of 10,857
  1. Baťa, a. s., Zlín

    • Baťa, a.s., Zlín / NAD 1921

    The fonds contains documents on the operation of the company and its activities in 1894-1948. Information on Jews can be found in individual documents from the 1930s and the first half of the 1940s: personal files of employees of Jewish origin (over 70 pieces entitled "Jewish nationality", "Jewish religion" or "Jew") - including Jewish employees of Zlín companies, Jewish doctors at the Baťa Hospital in Zlín, Jewish employees sent abroad by the management, Jewish employees who later joined the Czechoslovak military units abroad, Jewish employees in the company for forced labor; a name list o...

  2. Hans Rosenblatt. Collection

    This collection contains: a digital copy of the Rosenblatt-Ginsberg family photo album, including photos of Hans Rosenblatt, his parents Adolf Rosenblatt and Lea Ginsberg, his uncle Samuel Rosenblatt and his adoptive parents David Dorn and Hanna alias Fanny Dorn taken before, during and after the war ; Samuel Rosenblatt’s American immigrant identification card from 1939 ; an album with handwritten messages of friends of Lea Ginsberg which she took with her when she migrated from Poland to Vienna to marry Adolf Rosenblatt ; postcards received by Lea Ginsberg in France in 1941 from her family...

  3. Manes Klinger. Collection

    This collection contains documents regarding Manes alias Martin Klinger's life in Germany, his work for copyright agencies including Auteursbureau ALMO, Independant Management Entity, attestations from employers, correspondence, his passport, documents regarding his service in the German army during the First World War, family photos and two medals awarded to Manes Klinger.

  4. U.S. Private David (“Doov”) Stein World War II Letters from Antwerp. Collection

    This collection contains letters written by Private David “Doov” Stein during his first months of service in the US Army in Antwerp, from November 10 to December 31, 1944. There are also letters written by Private David “Doov” Stein during 5 ½ of his 7 months of service in the US Army in Antwerp from January 1 to June 10, 1945, and a similar number of letters from individuals and organizations to him, concerning his relief activities on behalf of the Jewish community of Antwerp following the Nazi occupation. This collection also consists of Stein’s notepad containing names, addresses and so...

  5. Szabo family papers

    The Szabo family papers document the Holocaust experiences of the Szabo family of Vienna, Austria, including Viktor Szabo’s imprisonment in Dachau after Kristallnacht, his death in Zasavica in 1941, his daughter Nelly Szabo Ullman’s account of Kristallnacht, and her immigration to the United States in May 1939. Material related to Nelly Szabo Ullman consists of a handwritten account in German of the German-annexation of Austria (Anschluss) and Kristallnacht, written fall 1939, along with an English translation she produced in 1996. Material related to Viktor Szabo includes 3 letters written...

  6. Bequest Wilhelm Boger

    The bequest Wilhelm Boger was given to the Fritz Bauer Institute by his granddaughter in 2012. Wilhelm Boger was born in Stuttgart on December 19, 1906. His father was a businessman and Boger also completed a commercial traineeship after graduating from high school. Starting in 1925, he worked for the Deutschnationaler Handlungsgehilfenverband in Stuttgart. During his school years, he became an active member of the Nazi youth (NS-Jugend), later the Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend), and the Artamanenbund. In 1929, Boger joined the NSDAP and the SA. A year later, he changed to the SS. At the begin...

  7. Documentation from the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) which was active in Crimea, 1944

    Documentation from the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) which was active in Crimea, 1944 The State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK), 1942-1951, was established by order of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union, 02 November 1942. The ChGK was responsible for the collection of documentary data and the preparation of material regarding the atrocities committed by Nazi criminals and the damage caused to Soviet citizens, kolkhozes and the State as a result of the occupation of ...

  8. Dino A. Brugioni collection

    The collection documents C.I.A. photograph interpreter Dino A. Brugioni’s work on the research and analysis of aerial photographs taken of Auschwitz II (Birkenau) by reconnaissance planes in 1944-1945, as well as other Holocaust-related locations. The collection includes prints and negatives of the aerial photographs, correspondence, writings, articles and publications, clippings, and scrapbooks. Series 1. Photographs includes prints and negatives depicting aerial reconnaissance photographs taken by the Mediterranean Allied Air Force of Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II, Auschwitz III, I.G. Farben ...

  9. Tertaas-Huijsman family. Collection

    This collection contains: photos from the album of the Tertaas-Huijsman family, including photos of Hartog Tertaas and his wife Clara Huijsman (Huysman), of their daughters Rebecca and Jacomina Tertaas, of Rebecca Tertaas's husband Francois Verachtert and of their son Jozef Verachtert ; a congratulatory letter from the city of Antwerp to Rebecca Tertaas and Francois Verachtert on the occasion of their marriage

  10. George Rothman papers

    The George Rothman papers document the Holocaust-era experiences of George Rothman (born Georges Bardenstein) and his parents Emmanuel and Esfira Bardenstein in Bordeaux and Paris, France, including Emmanuel’s enlistment in the French Army, George’s hospitalization due to a severe illness, his parent’s deportation to Drancy and Auschwitz, and his survival as a hidden child in a Catholic orphanage. Included are pre-war biographical papers, correspondence, photographs, and a memoir. The bulk of the biographical materials consists of correspondence and immigration documents regarding George’s ...

  11. Silberberg-Litmanowicz family. Collection

    This collection is highlighted by a prisoner uniform from Auschwitz, stitched together by Benjamin Silberberg, a survivor of the camp, from original fabric swatches sourced from various Auschwitz camp uniforms collected during the liberation of the camp. Notably, one of these swatches bears the prisoner number 133427, belonging to Chil Icek alias Jacques Raffeld, a deportee from the Dossin barracks who endured internment at Auschwitz and Jaworzno before being repatriated to Belgium in 1945. Also included in the collection are three prints of Benjamin Silberberg's prisoner number, 178678. Ad...

  12. Dr. Douglas M. Kelley papers

    The collection documents Dr. Douglas M. Kelley’s role as a United States Army psychiatrist examining 22 high-ranking Nazi defendants awaiting trial in the Nuremberg War Trials. Included are case files for each defendant; war trial documents, memorandums, and clippings; Rorschach test results; Nazi Rorschach research papers and correspondence; and manuscript drafts of his book 22 Cells in Nuremberg. Nuremberg War Trials papers include administrative documents and memorandums, a diary and ledger with handwritten notes by Kelley, clippings regarding the trial defendants, and copy prints of pho...

  13. Bequest Henry Ormond

    In 2012, the Fritz Bauer Institute obtained a part of the bequest of Henry Ormond (1901-1973) with extensive records regarding his time as a soldier in the British Army and as a representative of the accessory prosecution and attorney in various proceedings concerning Nazi violent crimes (NSG-Verfahren) as a deposit from his son Thomas Ormond. Between 2016 and 2018, Thomas Ormond handed over further records of his father to the Fritz Bauer Institute, as well as documents regarding the business activities of Ormond's law firm. Parts of Henry Ormond's bequest are also archived in Munich at th...

  14. Bequest Konrad Morgen

    In 2005, friends and neighbours of the Morgens offered the bequest of Konrad Morgen (1909-1982) as a gift to the Fritz Bauer Institute. Konrad Morgen was a SS judge and witness at the First Frankfurt Auschwitz trial. Before her death, Morgen's wife had transferred her husband's bequest with all rights to the couple living in the neighbourhood of their vacation home in Niedernhausen im Taunus. Konrad Morgen was born on June 8, 1909 in Frankfurt (Main). He studied law at the University of Frankfurt (Main), Rome, Berlin and The Hague. In 1933, he joined the NSDAP and the SS. In the following y...

  15. Dr. Erwin and Edie Koranyi fonds

    • Ottawa Jewish Archives
    • I0058
    • English
    • 1944-2011
    • textual records; 1 framed document; 3 books; 3 artifacts; 1 DVD interview 1 box in OS

    Fonds consists of the following documents, photographs and items: 1 framed document entitled Schutz-Pass No. 0176, issued in July 1944 by R. Wallenberg. It is written in German and Hungarian and contains a photograph of Erwin Koranyi (see 1-969); 1 Displaced Person’s Identity Card (with photograph) from Wiesenhof, Austria DP Camp (see 1-972-02/03); 1 document written 28 Feb 1951 from the International Refugee Organization (IRO) in Dusseldorf to Mr. Erwin Koranyi (see 1-972-04); 1 document written in Hungarian, issued by the Swedish Royal Embassy which exempted Erwin Koranyi from forced labo...

  16. Werner Friedmann

    1. Biographical press cuttings collection (1945-1970s)

    "Wilhelm Frick (12 March 1877 – 16 October 1946) was a prominent German politician of the Nazi Party, who served as Reich Minister of the Interior in the Hitler Cabinet from 1933 to 1943 and as the last governor of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. After the end of World War II, he was tried and convicted of war crimes at the Nuremberg Trials and executed by hanging."--wikipedia (English)(viewed 24.7.2016). "Kurt Fricke (8 November 1889 – 2 May 1945) was an Admiral with the Kriegsmarine during World War II and a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (German: Ritterkreuz d...

  17. Okresný úrad v Trebišove

    • District Office in Trebišov

    The District Office in Trebišov was the state administration body. The fonds contains just a small part of the original documents of the District Office in Trebišov. Documents of District Offices in Slovakia are usually divided into presidial, administrative, military-related, technical and accounting files. The fonds is partially processed and the researcher has access to presidial documents of the District Office covering the basic political, social and economic events in the district Trebišov during the period of existence of the office. This part of preserved documents is cataloged in d...

  18. Сільські управи Дніпропетровської області (об'єднаний фонд)

    • Village boards of Dnipropetrovsk region (joint collection)
    • Silski upravy Dnipropetrovskoi oblasti (objednanyi fond)

    Village boards were the lowest level administrative bodies responsible for implementation of the German orders on the ground and facilitation of the occupation policies. Some of the files included in the Inventory 2 of the collection are connected to the German population policies and the Holocaust. Inventory 2 (Opys 2) File 1. Orders of the chef of district board in Apostolovo district, Soldatovo village board. 1941-42. 549 pages. File 4. Orders and decrees of Apostolovo district board about prohibition of Soviet propaganda, giving help to prisoners of war, awarding for arrests of communis...

  19. Префектура Очаківського повіту, м. Очаків Очаківського повіту.

    • County Prefecture of the Ochakov County, Town of Ochakov, Governorate of Transnistria

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives of the Romanian occupation authorities dealing with restrictive and discriminatory measures with regard to the Jewish population of Transnistria: an order of the governor of Transnistria that Jews be employed only by permission of the Directorate of Labor and the General Inspectorate of the Gendarmerie (1943); copy of a decree of the Governorate of Transnistria (4 August 1943) that Jewish labor be compensated at 75% of the salary established for local residents; a telephonogr...

  20. Префектура Голтського повіту, м. Голта Голтського повіту.

    • County Prefecture of the Golta County, Town of Golta, Governorate of Transnistria

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives of the Romanian occupation authorities dealing with restrictive and discriminatory measures with regard to the Jewish population of Transnistria: an order of the Golta prefecture that Jews be sent from the local ghetto to work at the Akmechetka camp (Domanevka district) (1943); copies of decrees (7 December 1942) of Transnistria governor G. Alexianu on procedures for the internment of the Jewish population in ghettos and on using Jews for work in institutions, enterprises, an...