
Displaying items 7,361 to 7,380 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Mirko L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mirko L., who was born in Novska, Yugoslavia in approximately 1920. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; attending school in Novska, Nova Gradiška, and another town where his sister and her husband lived; German invasion in 1941; emergence of local Ustaša; anti-Jewish regulations including the armband and forced labor; empathic indignation from most of the population; imprisonment of Romanies in Jasenovac; learning they were being sadistically killed; corpses floating in the river; local Ustaša killing Serbs, then rounding up Jews; arrest with his brother as...

  2. Boris P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Boris P., who was born in Slutsk, Belarus in 1929, the second of four sons. He recalls his father's Communist Party membership; attending Jewish, Belorussian, and Russian schools; visiting relatives in Lyakhovichi; German invasion in June 1941; his father's mobilization (he never saw him again); his older brother's escape; public shootings of Jews; a policeman warning them of a mass killing; hiding with his father's non-Jewish friend; ghettoization; a mass killing including his grandmother; the policeman placing his family in a barrack for non-Jewish workers; one youn...

  3. Isaac Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isaac Z., who was born in Ri?ga, Latvia in 1920, the oldest of four children. He recalls living in Li?va?ni; antisemitic harassment; participation in Gordonyah; leading Gordonyah in Daugavpils and Ri?ga; Soviet occupation in 1940; returning to Li?va?ni; German invasion in June 1941; escaping to the Soviet Union; deportation to Cheli?a?binsk; forced labor; transferring to Alma-Ata; teaching in western Kazakhstan; enlisting in the Soviet military; serving in Stalingrad; transfer to forced labor in coal mines in Novosibirskai?a? because he was born in a capitalist countr...

  4. Ladislav W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vladislav W., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1918, the youngest of three children in an assimilated family. He recounts living in Nové Mesto nad Váhom; attending a Jewish school; his father's and uncles' manufacturing business; his oldest sister's disability due to polio; his other sister's marriage and move to Prague; living with her to attend high school; his father's death; returning to assist his uncles in the business; wanting to emigrate but not doing so in order to help his mother and sister; expulsion from his hockey team by Hlinka guards; non-Jewish f...

  5. Gertrude M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gertrude M., who was born in Germany in 1915. She recalls a happy childhood; living with aunts in Alzey; cordial relations with non-Jews; attending business college; working in Cologne; her father's arrest in 1933 as a Social Democrat; moving to Mainz after his release; her fiance's emigration to the United States in 1938; difficulties leaving Germany after Kristallnacht; obtaining passage on the St. Louis to Havana in May 1939; refusal by the Cuban government to allow debarkation of any passengers; futile attempts to obtain landing rights by the Joint; forced return ...

  6. Fernand V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fernand V., a Catholic, who was born in Ndjoko-Punda, Congo in 1909, one of three children of a Belgian man and a Congolese woman. He recounts his father's death in approximately 1911; his father's family bringing him to Belgium without his mother's permission (he never saw her or his siblings again); living with his father's sister in Uccle; German invasion in World War I; attending school; racist harassment; enlisting as a reserve cavalry officer; studying art; working in a bank and as a newspaper illustrator; marriage in 1937; his daughter's birth; military mobiliz...

  7. Nathan L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nathan L., who was born in Łańcut, Poland in 1934, the younger of two brothers. He recounts living in bunkers in the woods with his family, including grandparents, aunts, and uncles; often running and hiding in cemeteries; his uncle carrying him when he could not run through high snow; assistance from some non-Jews; his grandparents giving up; his mother not returning when she went for food (he never saw her again); liberation six month later; returning to Łańcut; living with his aunt, then in an orphanage for a few months; living in Rzeszów with his brother, fathe...

  8. Magdalena N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Magdalena N., who was born in Ružomberok, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1920, one of two sisters. She recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; her strong Slovak identity; teaching Jewish students in L̕ubochňa; anti-Jewish restrictions, including the humiliation of having to wear the star; moving to Bratislava with her family; her father hiding them, then arranging for her and her sister to be smuggled to Hungary; interdiction in Senec; return to Bratislava; two strangers paying for their release; her sister's marriage to a man legally exempted from deportat...

  9. William S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of William S., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1920, the elder of two sons. He recounts his family moving to Prague when he was four years old; their relative affluence; summer vacations with grandparents in Bratislava and other locations; his and his brother's b'nai mitzvah; Passover celebrations in their home with extended family; attending a German gymnasium; German invasion on March 15, 1939; his father leaving for Hungary, due to his Hungarian citizenship, intending to send for them; having to vacate their apartment; deportation to...

  10. Boz?o S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Boz?o S., who was born in approximately 1920. He recalls his arrest in Zagreb in spring 1941; slave labor in Danica; receiving food from the Zagreb Jewish community; transfer to Jadovno a few months later; being sent to Gospic? by a Ustas?a, a former schoolmate, with ten other prisoners (also former schoolmates) while everyone in Jadovno was being killed; their transfer to Jasenovac in August; volunteering as an electrician, a privileged job; being assigned to collect hundreds of corpses when nearby Krapje was liquidated; Ustas?a viciously killing those not already de...

  11. Martin P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin P., who was born in Boskovice, Czechoslovakia in 1918, when his family evacuated during World War I. He recounts their return to Sasiv (then Poland) when he was three; attending public school and cheder, then gymnasium in Zolochiv for a year; apprenticeship as a sign painter; participating in a Zionist youth group; training for emigration to Palestine; his father's death in 1934; supporting his family; Soviet occupation; Soviet military draft; capture during German invasion; escape; returning to Sasiv; forced labor; incarceration in concentration camps in Sasiv...

  12. Cherna G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cherna G., who was born in Z︠H︡ytomyr, Ukraine in 1927, one of five children. She recalls all her siblings dying during the famine; German invasion; her family fleeing to Staraya Kotelʹnya; encountering German troops; returning to Z︠H︡ytomyr; local police beating her grandparents, then killing her grandmother and three young cousins; hiding with her parents and other relatives; ghettoization; her mother's assignment for forced labor with one hundred Jewish women; learning they were killed in a mass shooting; escaping disguised as a Ukrainian; hiding with a non-Jewish ...

  13. Zvi A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zvi A., who was born in Beodra, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Novo Miloševo, Serbia), in 1913, one of four children. He recounts his family's poverty and Hasidism; attending school in Kikinda, and Veliki Beckerek (Zrenjanin); antisemitic harassment; moving to Belgrade; studying under Rabbi Mortiz Levi and others at a Jewish seminary in Sarajevo; moving to Vienna; the Anschluss; relocating to Budapest; ordination after completing his studies in 1940; his rabbinical position in Veliki Beckerek; military draft; serving in Skopje and Štip; German invasion in Apri...

  14. Howard W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Howard W., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1920. He recalls his family's strong German patriotism; their sense that nothing bad could happen to them in Germany; increased antisemitism following Hitler's ascent to power; Kristallnacht; expulsion from school; arrest; incarceration in Oranienburg; release due to intervention from his father's friend and a promise to leave Germany; traveling to Bratislava; detention in Patronka while awaiting a ship to Palestine; two months traveling on the Danube and Black Sea; severe weather; being shipwrecked on Kamilonisi; rescue b...

  15. Gilberte W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gilberte W., who was born in Paris, France in 1913. She recounts that her mother was a French Catholic and her father a German Jew; visiting her paternal grandparents in Germany when World War I started; her father's draft into the German military; living in several places including Rastatt, Mannheim, then Magdeburg; attending a convent school; living with her paternal grandfather after her grandmother died; attending Friday night services with him and church on Sunday with her mother; moving to Leipzig, then Vienna; marriage to a Jew in 1935; the Anschluss; obtaining...

  16. Sarah M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sarah M., who was born in Je?drzejo?w, Poland in 1928. She recalls her family's focus on education; antisemitic harassment in public school; friendship with a non-Jew; her father's military draft in 1939; German invasion; her father's return in 1940 (he had been a POW); leaving family possessions with her non-Jewish friend when they were ghettoized (she returned them after the war); deportations, including her father; receiving letters from him (she never saw him again); her mother arranging her treatment for appendicitis in the non-Jewish hospital; deportation of the...

  17. Abe L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abe L., who was born in a small town near Vilna, Poland in 1925. He recalls poverty in the shtetl; attending Yeshiva for one year; prohibitions against Jewish land ownership in the late 1930s; schooling from 1939-1941 under Soviet occupation; arrival of German troops in July 1941; immediate killing of Jews; imposition of forced labor; round-ups of Jews from surrounding areas; living in ghettos in Kozyany and Szarkowzczyzna; and mass killings (including two nephews), carried out by local Lithuanians and White Russians, beginning in spring 1942. He describes the formati...

  18. Rolf W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rolf W., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1912. He recounts his assimilated family's affluence; his parents' divorce; attending gymnasium; business training in Breslau, Du?sseldorf, Berlin, and Bremen; termination because he was Jewish; working in his father's business in Auerbach; his father's death in 1934; economic and social problems resulting from the Nuremberg laws; returning to Berlin; a warning about Kristallnacht; hiding with his brother's friend; obtaining immigration papers for San Salvador from his half-brother who was there; his brother's emigration to ...

  19. Henri S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henri S., who was born in Aurich, Germany, the younger of two children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; moving to Norden around 1935; attending a Jewish school; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father's deportation to Buchenwald and his grandfather's arrest on Kristallnacht; their release; smuggling themselves to Brussels via Aachen; German invasion in 1940; hiding with non-Jews during round-ups; his parents contacting the underground to hide him and his sister; placement with a farmer in Grendel; hearing from his sister through a priest (he did not know where she was...

  20. Marvin N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marvin N., who was born in Yasinya, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1929, one of eight children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; Hungarian occupation; forced labor with his brother for the German military; escaping from a round-up; witnessing a mass killing; returning home; deportation with his family in 1943 to Hungary, then Kos?ice, then Auschwitz/Birkenau; selection for work with his older brother and father (his remaining family were murdered); a fellow inmate, too sick to eat, sharing his food; transfer with his brother to Mauthausen eight days later, t...