
Displaying items 4,501 to 4,520 of 7,748
  1. Judiska församlingen i Göteborg, E 10

    1. The Jewish Community of Gothenburg
    • Handlingar ang Flyktingkontorets i Göteborg verksamhet

    File E10 (in fact, part of volume E 5) contains a few records, ten documents, concerning the activities of the Refugee Office of Gothenburg (Flyktingkontoret i Göteborg) between 1949 and 1956. Most of the documents are accounts of the office’s activities and calculations of how many refugees have emigrated to different countries, such as the USA. There is also documentation regarding the office (Stigbergstorget 4, Gothenburg) and the director (Dr Otto Schütz).

  2. Collection of the Rijksvreemdelingendienst (Government Service for Foreigners in the Netherlands), 1929-1945

    Collection of the Rijksvreemdelingendienst (Government Service for Foreigners in the Netherlands), 1929-1945 Koninklijke Marechaussee - the Border Police, subordinate to the Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands, was responsible for the implementation of the policies toward foreigners in the Netherlands until 1940; its function included the issuing of entrance visas, registration of foreigners, and guarding of the country's borders; during the Nazi occupation period, the Germans controlled the borders of the Netherlands and set the policies towards foreigners; despite this, the Dutch borde...

  3. O.36 - David Boder Collection: Testimonies of survivors in DP camps in Germany

    O.36 - David Boder Collection: Testimonies of survivors in DP camps in Germany This record group is a collection of testimonies recorded by David Boder, a Professor of Psychology at the Illinois Institute of Technology, in DP camps in Europe in 1946. The collection is comprised of testimonies of Jews and non-Jews, recorded in various languages and translated into English. The testimonies focus on the events in the lives of the survivors during the war in the ghettos and camps, while serving in the military, in hiding and in children's homes. The testimonies also contain information regardin...

  4. [Correspondence with the League of Nations Union]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a correspondence between the 'League of Nation Union', the 'Council of the Central British Fund for Jewish relief and rehabilitation', the 'Board of Deputies of British Jews' and the 'German Jewish Aid Committee'. The correspondence is concerning two conferences reagarding the refugee question. One conference is called the 'Evian ' conference concernig the coordination and cooperation to assist the German and Austrian refugees. A memorandum has been prepared by the 'League of Nation Union' based on political and pratical grounds. The idea of the 'Evian' conference should b...

  5. [Correspondence & Reports of Dutch, Jewish Relief Organizations regarding Jewish Refugees]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains correspondence and numerous reports of Jewish refugee relief organizations in the Netherlands pertaining to the situation of Jewish refugees and the contiguous stream of Jewish and political exiles into Holland during the 1930s up until 1940 when the subsequent German occupation of the Netherlands began. The file contains reports in particular by two organizations, the "Comite voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen" as well as the "Comite voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen", moreover the High Commisioner for Refugees of the League of Nations as well as the Red Cross pertaining to the ...

  6. [Reports from Brussels Relief Committee]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several information about the activities of Belgium relief organisation and association in the years of the German occupation and after World War II. Some of the organizations had there basis in Belgium, but most of them were in America. The organizations had several methods and allies to broadcarst informations, collect money or help the people in Belgium during WWII or after the war. The Belgian Information Centre, based in America, started a radio broadcasts in July 1942, giving informations about activities in Belgium and other countries. This broadcarst gave people in...

  7. [Correspondence & Reports of Dutch, Jewish Relief Organizations regarding Jewish Refugees]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains correspondence and numerous reports of Jewish refugee relief organizations in the Netherlands pertaining to the situation of Jewish refugees and the contiguous stream of Jewish and political exiles in Holland during the 1930s up until 1940 when the subsequent German occupation of the Netherlands began. The file contains reports in particular by two organizations, the "Comite voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen" as well as the "Comite voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen", moreover the High Commisioner for Refugees of the League of Nations as well as the Red Cross pertaining to the nu...

  8. The Jews of Switzerland by Dr. Willy Guggenheim

    1. Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto collection 1926-2018

    The file contains an essay written by Dr. Willy Guggenheim, published by the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities, entitled as 'The Jews of Switzerland'. It deals with the history of Jews in Switzerland, in detail the history before the World War I, between the two Wars, during World War II and after the War is described. Switzerland was for example the last country of all Western Europe which grant Jews full civic rights (1866) and only under strong foreign pressure. The fight for emancipation started from the canton of Aargau. From there the Jews fanned out to other places in Switzerlan...

  9. [Conference for the relief of German Jewry]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Conference for the relief of German Jewry - submitted documents: 1. The work of the Joint Foreign Comittee in connection with the league of Nations; 2. The Central British Fund for German Jewry - Interim Report on the Work of the Allocations Committee; 3. The German Jewish Problem - Some economic factors; 4. The conomic position of the German Jews; 5. The Jewish Question regarded statistically (German/English); 6. Suggested Programme of the Allocations Committee of the Central British Fund for German Jewry; 7. The German Jewish Refugee Problem - A suggested Plan; 8. The German Jewish Refuge...

  10. Registreringsavdelningen

    1. Jewish Community of Stockholm
    • Riksarkivet Täby
    • Registreringsavdelningen
    • English
    • 1944-1948
    • 9,6 linear meters of textual material.

    The archive contains lists and files compiled in the course of researching and registering deported Jews (e.g. for the purpose of sending aid) and Holocaust survivors. There are 19 volumes of registers of Jews researched (deported) in Germany or German-occupied countries 1944--1945, a four-volume register of Jews in Theresienstadt 1944--1945, a corresponding two-volume register of Jewish prisoners in Bergen-Belsen 1944--1945 and a volume of registers of prisoners in smaller camps 1944--1945. There is also an index of 1945 rescues and lists in 18 volumes of Jewish survivors in various countr...

  11. Generalkonsul Olof Herman Lamms arkiv

    • Stockholms Stadsarkiv
    • Generalkonsul Olof Herman Lamms arkiv
    • English
    • 1866-1955
    • 22 linear meters of mostly textual material.

    Olof Lamm's archive includes documents concerning his involvement in refugee aid, and relief activities for Jews in Nazi Germany. There are also correspondence between Lamm and other Jews in Sweden, and abroad, about the situation for Jews in countries under German control. The correspondence includes negotiations with Swedish and foreign state representatives and relief organizations about refugee aid, relief and rescue initiatives.

  12. Archives Max Gottschalk.

    Ce fonds est riche et varié. Il peut être subdivisé en plusieurs sous-fonds. Aide aux Réfugiés d’Allemagne: Ce sous-fonds comprend principalement de la correspondance. On y trouve de la correspondance échangée entre le Comité d’assistance aux enfants juifs réfugiés d’Allemagne et la Croix-Rouge, qui s’occupa du transport d’enfants (1939-1940) [2 classeurs, 1 boîte], on notera également la correspondance administrative entre le Comité d’Aide aux Enfants Juifs Réfugiés et le Movement for the Case of Children from Germany, concernant le transfert de 96 enfants de Belgique vers le Royaume-Uni ;...

  13. Dossiers Décès.

    Il s’agit de dossiers individuels concernant le décès de victimes de guerre. Il y existe des doublons. Ces dossiers sont progressivement reclassés dans les dossiers individuels/personnels SDR-DDO. De nombreux dossiers concernent des Juifs décédés en déportation. Ces dossiers comprennent de la correspondance, des documents administratifs, des attestations de décès ou attestations présumées de décès, des informations concernant leur potentielle émigration et de la correspondance avec l’AIVG, l’URO.

  14. Fonds Aide aux pauvres.

    Ce fonds comprend un fichier alphabétique des bénéficiaires, indiquant leur nom, prénom, adresse, l’âge de leurs enfants, les objets reçus et en quelle quantité, comme des manteaux, des draps, chemises et pulls. [Il s’agit des boîtes 110 (lettres A à K) et 111 (lettres K à Z)].

  15. Fonds Hertz et Yvonne Jospa.

    Ce fonds comprend des notes, de la correspondance et de nombreux dossiers de Hertz et Yvonne Jospa [boîte 210]; on y trouvera notamment des notes manuscrites et dactylographiées, de la correspondance, des documents internes du MRAX et des documents du Comité « Hommage des Juifs de Belgique à leurs Héros et Sauveurs » [Il s’agit de la boîte 210 et de 20 boîtes en dépôt]

  16. Fonds Office Palestinien, section belge.

    Ce fonds contient des dossiers individuels de demandes d’émigration auprès des bureaux d’émigration de l’Office Palestinien, on y trouve également des photographies et de la correspondance des requérants. Les questionnaires reprennent les données personnelles des requérants, les raisons pour lesquelles ils souhaitaient immigrer, s’ils avaient des parents en Palestine, des enfants ou des parents ayant été déportés, quelle fut leur activité sous l’occupation, s’ils avaient des possessions matérielles et s’ils appartenaient à un mouvement sioniste. [Il s’agit des boîtes Y 73 à 86 b]

  17. Collection des Acquisitions du Département III.

    Cette collection est riche et variée. On y trouve notamment les dossiers suivants : n° 458 « dossiers concernant le Mémorial National de Breendonk et le monument Ianchelevici » (1947-1964) ; n°776 « rapports de la mission du Commissariat aux prisonniers, déportés et réfugiés, Mission de Londres, Service d’action et de propagande, Rapport sur les camps de concentration en Allemagne, 30 juin 1944, Rapports du Jewish Central Information Office, mai 1945 » ; n° 892 « deux fiches tirées du Registre des Juifs ».