Archival Institutions

Displaying items 1,321 to 1,340 of 2,292
  1. Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor

    • Regional Archives Maribor
    • Slovenia
    • Glavni trg 7, Maribor, Maribor City Municipality
  2. Polish - Jewish Heritage Foundation Of Canada

    • Canada
    • 4174 West Hill Avenue, Montreal, Quebec
  3. Politikatörténeti és Szakszervezeti Levéltár

    • The Archives of Political History and of Trade Unions
    • Hungary
    • Alkotmány u. 2. , Budapest, Budapest
  4. Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes / Auswärtiges Amt Politisches Archiv

    • Political Archive of the Federal Foreign Office
    • PAAA
    • PA-AA
    • Germany
    • Kurstraße 36, Berlin, Berlin
  5. Polska Akademia Nauk - Archiwum w Warszawie

    • Polish Academy of Sciences Archive in Warsaw
    • Poland
    • ul. Nowy Świat 72, Warszawa, Województwo mazowieckie
  6. Polski Czerwony Krzyż. Biuro Informacji i Poszukiwań

    • Office of Information and Tracing of the Polish Red Cross
    • Poland
    • ul. Mokotowska 14, Warszawa, województwo mazowieckie
  7. Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota

    • Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota
    • Slovenia
    • Trubarjev drevored 4, Murska Sobota
  8. Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri

    • Prime Minister's Office
    • Palazzo Chigi
    • Italy
    • Piazza Colonna 370, Roma
  9. Prímási Levéltár

    • Primate's Archives of Esztergom
    • Hungary
    • Szent István tér 10. , Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom
  10. Privéarchieven Home Van Hellemont

    • Belgium
    • Raymond Vander Bruggenlaan 62-64, Anderlecht, Brussels Capital
  11. Provinciaal Archief Limburg

    • Provincial Archive Limburg
    • PAL
    • Belgium
    • Universiteitslaan 1, Hasselt, Flanders
  12. Provinciaal archief Oost-Vlaanderen

    • Provincial Archive East Flanders
    • PAOVL
    • Provinciearchief Oost-Vlaanderen
    • Belgium
    • Pelikaanstraat 38, Gent
  13. Provinciaal Archief West-Vlaanderen

    • Provincial Archive West Flanders
    • PAWV
    • Belgium
    • Gistelse Steenweg 528, Sint-Andries, Flanders
  14. Provinzarchiv der Nordtiroler Kapuziner

    • Provincial Archive of the North Tyrol Capuchins
    • Austria
    • Kaiserjägerstr. 6, Innsbruck, Tirol
  15. Provinzarchiv der Serviten

    • Provincial Archive of the Servite Order
    • Austria
    • Maria-Theresien-Straße 42, Innsbruck, Tirol
  16. Provinzarchiv der Wiener Kapuziner

    • Provincial Archive of the Viennese Capuchins
    • Austria
    • Tegetthoffstraße 2, Wien, Wien
  17. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

    • PRONI
    • United Kingdom
    • 2 Titanic Boulevard Titanic Quarter, Belfast, Northern Ireland