Politikatörténeti és Szakszervezeti Levéltár

  • The Archives of Political History and of Trade Unions


Alkotmány u. 2.


36 1 301 2021


36 1 301 2029


The precursor of the Archives was established in 1948, it served as a department of the Institute of Labour Movement of the Hungarian Workers’ Party until 1955, of the Institute of Party History of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party from 1957, of the Institute of Political History of the Hungarian Socialist Party between 1989 and 1998, and as a part of the non-profit organisation of the Institute of Political History from 1998. Its maintainer is the Foundation of Political History.

Geographical and Cultural Context


Archival and Other Holdings

The Archives collects the documents of the pre-1945 legal and illegal movements of the Hungarian labour movement, of the parties of the popular democratic period following the First World War, of the left-wing youth organisations, and of the people connected to these movements and organisations. The Archives stores the documents of the Hungarian Workers’ Party, the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party and the documents of the Hungarian trade-unionist movement. In the care of the Archives there are 4298 running-metres of documents, and also 1215 cassettes and tapes, 30 discs and 284 rolls of research films.

Opening Times

The Archives of Political History and of Trade Unions is open to the researchers on Mondays from 8:30 to 18:00, on Tuesdays to Thursdays from 8:30 to 16:00, on Fridays is closed.

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