Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 973
Country: Ukraine
  1. Statistical Bureau of Simferopol City Council

    • Городское статистическое бюро Симферопольской городской управы

    The following files contain statistical information about Jewish and Krymchak population of Simferopol and the Crimea during the Nazi occupation: File 1. Statistical reports for November and December 1941. File 2. Statistical reports for January 1942. File 3. Statistical reports for February 1942. File 4. Statistical reports for March 1942. File 5. Statistical reports for April 1942. File 6. Statistical reports for May 1942. File 7. Statistical reports for June 1942. File 8. Information on the age and gender composition of the population of Simferopol and its suburbs. 01.12.1941 – 01.01.194...

  2. Житомирське обласне управління

    • Zhytomyr regional administration
    • Zhytomyrske oblasne upravlinnia

    Lists of personnel of the statistical department of the Zhytomyr administration and applications for employment, personal files of teachers, regulations of the administration on organization of police, the procedure recording acts of civil status, instructions on census of population and of livestock, information on land in public farms of the region, certificates of teachers, lists of industrial enterprises of the region and of settlements of the region, curricula and reports of the work of schools. File 7. Lists the population of districts and settlements of Zhytomyr region by age, gender...


    Опись 1. Распоряжение финансовой дирекции о порядке взимания налога с арендаторов промышленных предприятий, кустарей-одиночек и др. Инструкция по делопроизводству канцелярии налогового участка. Списки налогоплательщиков – арендаторов предприятий и магазинов. Дела об обложении налогом арендаторов, владельцев ресторанов, буфетов, закусочных и сведения о поступлении дохода с налогов. Список арендаторов предприятий и магазинов – плательщиков пожарного сбора. Инструкция о пожарном сборе. Списки арендаторов и соарендаторов с указанием их предприятий и адресов. Списки обслуживающего персонала и пе...

  4. Деражненська районна надзвичайна комісія зі встановлення збитків та злочинів, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками.

    Акти розслідувань злочинів та збитків, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбника під час окупації, списки потерпілих осіб Деражненського району Рівненської області

  5. Подільська районна управа, м. Київ.

    • Administration of Podol rayon, city of Kiev

    Оpis 1 1. Decrees of the general kommissar of Kiev general region and the Kiev city administration 2. Decrees and orders of the Podol rayon administration 3.-3a. Orders of the Podol rayon administration 4. Materials and orders 5. Records of meetings and sessions of the Podol rayon administration 6. Lists of employees of the Podol rayon administration and staff rosters Opis 2 1. Orders and instructions of the Kiev city administration and the Podol rayon administration Opis 4 1. Statements regarding investigations of families sent to work in Germany 11. Lists of families of soldiers, police e...

  6. Agricultural management of the Crimean district (WiKo Krim)

    • Областное сельскохозяйственное управление Крыма (ВИКО Крыма)

    Information related to the occupation politics and the Holocaust can be found in the following files: Inventory 1. File 8. Policy directives and circulars of the German chief of land management, beverage industry control of Crimea and special headquarters of the agricultural management. 1.05.1942-21.08.1943 File 9. Circulars and guidelines from Special Staff of the agricultural management. 1.05.1942-14.07.1943 File 10. Orders for the regulation of wages and working conditions for local residents working at German institutions, and tariff rates. 1942 File 19. Minutes of meetings at the Regio...

  7. Претура Мостівського району, с. Мостове Мостівського району Березівського повіту.

    • District Pretura of the Mostovoe District, Village of Mostovoe (Berezovka County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents on “the Jewish question” contained in the pretura fonds may provisionally be divided into the following thematic groups: 1. Directives of the Romanian civilian and military authorities that defined the legal status of the Jewish population of Transnistria; 2. Orders of local authorities dealing with the forced labor of the Jewish population; 3. Documents on the situation of Jewish doctors and on hygiene and sanitary conditions in which the Jews of Transnistria lived; 4. Materials on financ...

  8. Інспекторат в`язниць Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса.

    • Governorate of Transnistria Inspectorate of Prisons
  9. Центральний Комітет Комуністичної партії України

    Постанови Політбюро ЦК КП(б)У, Оргбюро і Секретаріату ЦК Компартії України, нелегального ЦК КП(б)У і матеріали до них з питань організації і розгортання партизанського руху, створення підпільних груп і організацій, діяльності комісій по встановленню збитків та злочинів заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками. Довідки, інформації відділу агітації і пропаганди ЦК КП(б)У про газети, листівки, що видавалися для населення окупованих районів і партизанських загонів; про пропаганду у військах противника та настрої німецьких солдатів і офіцерів. тематичні плани основних передач радіостанцій '...

  10. Колекція фонду "Пам'ять Бабиного Яру"

    • Collection of the “Memory of Babyn Iar” Foundation
    • Collection of the "Memory of Babi Yar" Foundation
    • Коллекция фонда "Память Бабьего Яра"
    • Всеукраїнська єврейська рада
    • Колекція фонду "Пам'ять Бабиного Яру"
    • English
    • 1920-2015
    • 1. Card index, includes names of the Jews perished in Babyn Iar and other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII. 2. Photograph collection, includes personal and family photos of the Jews perished in Babyn Iar and other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII. 3. Audiocollection, contains testimonies recorded from those Jews who survived Babyn Iar, as well as the other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII.
    • Card index contains over 22.000 names of the Holocaust victims. - Photo collection contains over 1000 personal and family pictures. - Audio-collection contains over 60 testimonies recorded on tapes.
  11. Дирекція юстиції Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса.

    • Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Justice
  12. Кримінальні справи на нереабілітованих осіб

    • Criminal files of individuals who were not rehabilitated
    • Kryminalni spravy na nereabilitovanykh osib

    The collection contains: Criminal files of persons served in the tsarist police, White army, insurgents, spies, as well as participants in the uprisings of 1918-1923, and of the OUN and UPA activists; Files of persons trained at German specialist institutions (intelligence, counterintelligence, police, military ones); Files of employees and agents of intelligence and counterintelligence agencies of Nazi Germany; Files of persons who worked in the German occupation administrative authorities; Files of persons served in German security bodies (gendarmerie, police, commandant's offices); Files...

  13. Крижопільська районна управа

    • Kryzhopilska raionna uprava
    • Kryzhopil district administration

    The minutes of the meeting of the Kryzhopol district administration contains, in particular, the requirements to wear Jewish marking signs on clothes, to provide the Jews with bread made of flour of second quality [inventory 2, file 5, p. 9], prohibiting Jewish children from attending school [inventory 3, file 15, p. 34], and prohibition to all Jews to walk in the central streets of small towns, and so on. Documents on the organizational and economic activity of Jewish communities in the ghetto: permission for shoe, tailoring and pottery workshops, the opening of barbershops, sofas, bakerie...

  14. Претура Александерфельдського району Очаківського повіту.

    • District Pretura of the Aleksanderfel'd District, Village of Aleksanderfeld (Ochakov County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents on “the Jewish question” contained in the pretura fonds may provisionally be divided into the following thematic groups: 1. Directives of the Romanian civilian and military authorities that defined the legal status of the Jewish population of Transnistria; these include copies of decrees of Transnistria civilian governor G. Alexianu (4 August 1943) on remuneration of Jewish labor in accordance with rates established for the local population; (3 May 1943) on remuneration of the labor of Jew...

  15. Партійний архів Полтавського обласного комітету Комуністичної партії України

    • Party archives of the Poltava regional committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine

    Within this collection the following files contain information on occupation and local administration, population policies, and the Holocaust: • File 789 - Selected documents for 3-volume collection of the documents "Ukrainian SSR in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", 252 pages. This file contains documentation on the evacuation of economic structures of Poltava region (pp. 49-117); and on the activities of diversionary-partisan groups and occupier atrocities (pp. 118-172); • File 240 - Manuscript of the "Chronological reference book abour liberation by the Soviet Army of the region's loca...

  16. Костопільський гебітскомісаріат, м. Костопіль Рівненської області

    • Gebietskommissariat Kostopol

    The copies of documents from this collection are stored in USHMM and described as follows: Opis 1 Folder 13, Census of the Jewish Population in Berezna. (undated). 31 pp. Folder 3, Information on confiscated property. 1941-1943. 48 pp.

  17. Говтвянська сільська управа (сільуправа), с. Говтва Козельщинського р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Hovtva village board, village of Hovtva, Kozelshchyntsy district, Poltava region
    • Hovtvianska silska uprava (siluprava), s. Hovtva Kozelshchynskoho raionu Poltavskoi oblasti

    Some files related to occupation administration and the Holocaust: File 1. Orders and regulations by the district board and authorities. 1941. File 2. Lists of populations; orders and regulations. 1942. File 9. Orders of the board head. 1942. File 10. Orders and decrees of the board head. 1942. File 17. Decrees of the board. 1943. Holocaust-related documents in the files: File 1 contains, on pages 66-67 and 144, instructions issued to village elders about registration of the population. File 2 contains, on page 324, a template for registration of the population for January 1, 1943 including...

  18. Propaganda Headquarters in the Crimea, 1942-1944

    • Штаб пропаганды в Крыму, 1942-44 гг.

    File 1. Policy guidelines for "cultural" events. Reports on cultural activities (most of the documents in German). 2.09.1942-1.04.1944. 219 pages. File 2. Article by Bykovich in "Commonwealth in-arms" newspaper for volunteers (No. 2 from 11.12.1944) entitled "The Destruction of the center of the bandit movement in Crimea. Release of the civilian population from prison." International information for February 1944 (in German). 1944. 108 pages. File 3. Reports of an international character (in German). 1944. File 4. Short essay about Soviet Russia (in German). 1944. 134 pages. File 5. Reviews...

  19. Lutsk district administration

    • Луцька районна управа
    • Lutska raionna uprava

    Collection contains circulars, orders of the head of the administration; correspondence with village administrations of the district, budget, balance, regulations on youth courses, reports on budget expenses, economic plan, work of district hospital, registration of school-age children, school premises, lists of institutions and enterprises of the district, lists of district residents, employees of the district administration and village administrations, teachers; lists of the residents deported to Germany, personal statements, certificates issued to individuals, orders of receipts and expe...

  20. Претура Біляївського району, с. Білявка Біляївського р-ну Одеської області.

    • District Pretura, Beliaevka District, Village of Beliaevka (Ovidiopol’ County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. A significant number of documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. Documents of the Romanian authorities regarding the conscription of Jews into forced labor include copies of orders of the governor and official correspondence with prefectures and preturas on procedures for the payment of Jewish labor (f. ...