Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 61 to 80 of 3,431
  1. 3. Sozialistischer Widerstand, I

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Hammer, Walter (Hösterey, Walter)
    3. Widerstand

    Allgemeines: Manuskript Weisenborn: "Widerstandsarbeit des Sozialismus"; allgemeine Korrespondenz und Berichte (unter anderem mit Walter Fabian und Hermann Lücke); Sozialdemokratie, Berichte: Hanna Berthold über Siegbert Katz; Max Gloger über eine Widerstandsgruppe im Bezirk Lausitz (Sorau, Forst, Sommerfeld und Christianstadt); Adolf Unger über eine sozialdemokratische Widerstandsgruppe im Sudetenland; Kurt Bär: "Die Arbeit der Unabhängigen Sozialistischen Gewerkschaft (USG) in Hamburg in der Nazi-Zeit"; hier auch: Fotos vom Parteitag der SPD 1904, von einer Rathenau-Gedenkfeier (ohne Datu...

  2. 4 Original-Ordner der Gestapo Düsseldorf betr. Deportation von Juden 1942 - 1943. - Die Ordner enthalten: Befehle von RSHA an Stapoleitstellen und Rapporte von Stapo-Leitstelle Düsseldorf an RSH; - ...

    1. Gestapo
    2. Akten der Gestapo und Informationen über die Gestapo

    4 Original-Ordner der Gestapo Düsseldorf betr. Deportation von Juden 1942 - 1943.Die Ordner enthalten: Befehle von RSHA an Stapoleitstellen und Rapporte von Stapo-Leitstelle Düsseldorf an RSH;Befehle von Stapo-Leistelle Düsseldorf an Außendienststellen und Lokale Behörden, sowie die Rapporte dieser untergeordneten Dienststellen an Stapo-Leitstelle, Düsseldorf;Dokumente betr. die Konfiskation von jüd. Eigentum, ärztliche Zeugnisse, betr. die Transportfähigkeit von Juden, die für die Deportation vorgesehen sind.Gestapo Rapporte betr. Selbstmord oder Flucht von Juden, die für die Deportation b...

  3. 40th Anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany bronze medal acquired by a Polish Jewish concentration camp survivor

    1. Herbert and Ursula Cohn Lichtenstein family collection

    40th Anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany bronze medal acquired by Herbert Lichtenstein. This commemorative medal was issued by the State of Israel in 1984 in a numbered edition. It features an image of the Monument to the Jewish Soldiers and Partisans who fought against Nazi Germany erected at Yad Vashem. In January 1939, 22 year old Herbert was arrested in Oberwesel, Germany, and sent to a forced labor camp. In August 1941, he was transferred to Bielefeld forced labor camp. In January 1943, he was sent to Auschwitz concentration camp and marked with prisoner number 105483. In Janu...

  4. 49.

    1. Località di internamento, campi di concentramento e carceri in Italia
    2. Campi tedeschi di polizia e di transito

    "Relazione sul campo di concentramento di Bolzano"; "elenco dei 23 italiani soppressi dalla Gestapo il giorno 12 settembre 1944 a Bolzano e a Bolzano sepolti nello stesso giorno nella fossa comune"; fotografie del campo di concentramento di Bolzano scattate dal signor Pedrotti di Bolzano nel primo dopoguerra; cartine di segnalazione dei campi di concentramento e delle sedi di confino in Italia; "diario di Emilio [Sorteni] donato da Pietro Ruberl nel 1981"; "documenti raccolti dalla dott.ssa [Giacomozzi] del Comune di Bolzano versati in copia al CDEC nel 1995; "testimonianza di Ada Buffulini...

  5. 68.

    1. Massimo Adolfo Vitale
    2. CRDE - ricerca sulla deportazione
    3. "Vicissitudini dei singoli"
    4. Lettera B

    Lettera della Comunità Israelitica di Merano, indirizzata al colonnello Massimo Adolfo Vitale, sulla sorte di Wilhelm Breuer e della moglie Caterina, denunciati alla Gestapo di Merano dagli alto - atesini locali di lingua tedesca. In allegato fotografia di Wilhelm Breuer.

  6. 714. Sorani Settimio

    1. Vicissitudini dei singoli
    2. Vicissitudini dei singoli - Serie I

    Racconto di Settimio Sorani dal titolo "Come sono riuscito a imbrogliare la Gestapo" e risposta di Settimio Sorani al CDEC all'invito a partecipare al convegno su "L'occupazione tedesca e gli ebrei di Roma".

  7. 808-838 dépositions 808 Paul Derchue, ancien surveillant-chef de la prison de la Santé 809-811 Stanislas Bilquez, ancien directeur de la prison de la Santé, original et copie Franc-Tireur 812 coupure du journal du 14 août 1945 "Une des hontes du régime Pétain. Mme Breitscheid nous raconte comment son mari et Hilferding furent livrés à la Gestapo" Franc-Tireur 813 déposition de Daniel Ungemach-Benedite, administrateur du journal " " 814 déposition de Etienne Mercière, ancien commissaire de police mobile à Marseille 815 lettre du commissaire central de Marseille au commissaire divisionnaire, 21 février 1941 816 déposition d'Etienne Ciais, ancien commissaire central d'Arles 817 lettre adressée par Mme Breitscheid à Mme Landauer le 14 avril 1946, original 818 déposition de Mme Landauer née Joucla 819 copie d'une lettre adressée le 5 janvier 1941 par Breitscheid à Maurice Joucla, ancien secrétaire en chef de la sous-préfecture d'Arles 820 copie d'une lettre adressée le 5 janvier 1941 par Breitscheid au beau-père de M. Joucla 821 lettre de M. Joucla suite à sa déposition, 12 février 1947 822 déposition de Maurice Joucla 823 déposition de Mme Oggier, propriétaire de l'hôtel du Forum à Arles 824 déposition de Yves Bouthillier, ancien ministre des Finances 825 déposition de Paul Baudouin, ancien ministre des Affaires étrangères 826 déposition de l'amiral Fernet, secrétaire général de la Présidence du Conseil auprès du Maréchal Pétain 827 déposition du général Doyen, président de la Délégation française de Wiesbaden 828 déposition de l'ambassadeur Léon Noël 829-830" général Koeltz, directeur des Services d'Armistice à Vichy 831 déposition de Pierre-Etienne Flandin 832-833" Ernest Lagarde, ancien directeur des Affaires politiques et commerciales au ministère des Affaires étrangères 834 " Jean Jardel, ancien secrétaire général du Chef de l'Etat 835 " Alphonse Perrier, ancien directeur à la Direction de la Sûreté nationale 836 " d'Yves Fourcade, ancien directeur de la Police du Territoire 837 " Henri Chavin, ancien directeur général de la Sûreté nationale 838 " Pierre Berger, ancien chef de cabinet de Peyrouton

  8. ["Judenangelegenheiten"- Bayern II]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the second part of a collection of correspondence between the Gestapo Würzburg and various government bodies. Its topics include the restrictions on social Jewish gatherings and the prevention of public unrest after the killing of Wilhelm Gustloff. It includes a letter by Rudolf Hess about the correct labeling of signs (Jews not welcome) in wake of foreign outcry. A search warrant by the Gestapo is included for a couple on a motorbike taking pictures of signs restricting access to Jews. Most correspondence deals with economic issues. For example, an interpretation of the Nurembe...

  9. ["Judenangelegenheiten"- Bayern III]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This file is the third part of a collection of correspondence between the Gestapo Würzburg and various government bodies. Among them a letter from the Interior Ministry on the exclusion of monetary and other contributions by Jews to institutions. Correspondence on the curfew for Jews on the day of national solidarity among others by R. Heydrich. A letter by the mayor of Würzburg on the “aryanization” of Jewish businesses with a list of businesses and the names of interested applicants. The Reichsführer SS and Chief of German Police on the elimination of Jews from German business activity. I...

  10. ["Judenangelegenheiten"- Bayern IV]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This file is the fourth part of a collection of correspondence between the Gestapo Würzburg and various government bodies. Among them are circulars by H. Göring, R. Heydrich and H. Müller about the prohibition to deport Jews from Germany proper to Poland, a request for the exact number of Jews and their assets in Würzburg and a request by the Gestapo to send custom employees to various concentration camps in order to interview affluent Jewish prisoners about the whereabouts of their assets. Another circular by H. Göring deals with guidelines for housing of Jews, a ban for Jews to stay in pu...

  11. ["Judenangelegenheiten"-Bayern I]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the first part of a series of files containing correspondence by the Ministry of the interior, the Bavarian political police and the Gestapo Würzburg and press clippings. Included is a confiscated copy of the magazine “Der Stürmer” held back because of an article about the ritual slaughter of Christian children. Correspondence includes dealings between “aryan and non aryan ” businesses and an investigation of a boycott of „Arian“ shoe factories by Jewish businesses. Further documents about the confiscation of Jewish newspapers and magazines from news stands,the boycott of Jewish...

  12. [Boycott of German Economy I]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains diplomatic correspondence between the German Foreign Ministry, represented by Vicco von Bülow-Schwante, and various German diplomatic missions on international boycott activities directed against Nazi Germany. The first part contains letters and reports from German diplomats regarding the situation of boycott initiatives directed against the Nazi German economy in their respective countries. Diplomats replied to a survey on the structure, the extent, and the people organizing or promoting economic boycott strategies, and specifically on the participation of Jewish people i...

  13. [Carl Schmitt documents - Arguments that see Schmitt as an opponent of the SS ]

    1. Carl Schmitt – The Confidential File

    The first part of this file is a notification from SD-Hauptamt (Main Security Office), department II/2, dated 26./28.08.1936, to the "Stabsführer des SD-Hauptamtes" (Staff Leader of the Main Security Office) with the request to present it to C. Compilation of arguments based on what Schmitt supposedly said or did in order to prove that he clearly sees the SS as his opponent regarding ideologies and tries to work against it. The notification is signed by [Reinhard] Höhn, the leader of this department. The second part is a copy of a notification of the Gestapo (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt - Sec...

  14. [Carl Schmitt documents - Internal correspondence of the SD]

    1. Carl Schmitt – The Confidential File

    The file consists of several parts: 1.) Internal note concerning Schmitt from SD-Hauptamt (Main Security Office),department II/222 to department II/2, dated November 27,1936. Investigations regarding the whereabouts of letters need to be made. Schmitt claims having received letters from Jews and having forwarded them to the Gestapo (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt – Secret State Police Agency). According to information from both the Gestapo and the Stapostelle Berlin (Staatspolizeistelle Berlin - Berlin State Police Office), their department of observation of Jews does not know of such a writing....

  15. [Carl Schmitt documents: letters, and dossier on political views]

    1. Carl Schmitt – The Confidential File

    Various letters and reports on Schmitt,different authors and addressees:1.) Letter by Security Service Central Office to "Das Schwarze Korps", dated 15.01.1937 about Günther Müller from Danzig; 2.) Report by [Heinz] Lämmel, dated 15.01.1937 to SD Central Office, Department I 3; 3.) Letter by Security Service-Oberabschnitt Ost (Superior District East) [no direct author given, hand signature not readable] to Security Service Main Office, Werner Braune , dated 12.01.1937, announcing an attached shorthand report from 19.12.1936 by Hans-Dieter Schmidt on Schmitt's reply concerning the allegation...

  16. [Correspondence regarding the Bern trial records access]

    1. Bern Trial, Bern, Switzerland, 1934-1935

    The file contains a correspondence regarding the Bern trial records access in April 1935. Various letters from Fleischhauer regarding the inspection of russian files can be seen. Loosli used some russian files for the Bern trial, which he promised not to handle over or show unauthorized people. Fleischhauer however wanted to see them, as they were part of the trial and might have been important also for his expert opinion. The judicial office in Bern, spezifically judge Walter Meyer, refuses this wish, as he did not want to sent any files to Germany. The explanation was clear: 'as the Swiss...

  17. [Correspondence regarding the Bern trial records access]

    1. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    The file contains a correspondence regarding the Bern trial records access in April 1935. Various letters from Fleischhauer regarding the inspection of russian files can be seen. Loosli used some russian files for the Bern trial, which he promised not to handle over or show unauthorized people. Fleischhauer however wanted to see them, as they were part of the trial and might have been important also for his expert opinion. The judicial office in Bern, spezifically judge Walter Meyer, refuses this wish, as he did not want to sent any files to Germany. The explanation was clear: 'as the Swiss...

  18. [Correspondence regarding the Bern trial records access]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a correspondence regarding the Bern trial records access in April 1935. Various letters from Fleischhauer regarding the inspection of russian files can be seen. Loosli used some russian files for the Bern trial, which he promised not to handle over or show unauthorized people. Fleischhauer however wanted to see them, as they were part of the trial and might have been important also for his expert opinion. The judicial office in Bern, spezifically judge Walter Meyer, refuses this wish, as he did not want to sent any files to Germany. The explanation was clear: 'as the Swiss...

  19. [Correspondences regarding racial desirable children, 1941-1943]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    All the correspondences in the file regard racial desirable children for the purpose of Germanization in special homes and institutions. Among them is an order to Germanize the names of the children before placing them in German families, a letter from Himmler to Sollmann, sending Sollmann to Prague to discuss the matter of the children spared from the Lidice massacre, that have been found racial desirable. Appendant, a notification from the Gestapo to the immigrations center of Litzmanstadt follows, stating the arrival of 90 unaccompanied children from Lidice between the ages of 1-16 years...