Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 161 to 180 of 296
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Finnish
Country: Ukraine
  1. Central Library of the city of Kirovohrad

    • Кіровоградська центральна бібліотека
    • Kirovohradska tsentralna biblioteka

    Collection includes lists of prohibited authors received by the Central Library from the Propaganda Staffel-Ukraine through the Stadtskommissariat, totally 266 Ukrainian and foreign authors including those of Jewish origin (file 3, pp. 1-4).

  2. Дніпропетровський штадткомісар, м. Дніпропетровськ

    • Dnepropetrowsk Stadtkommissar
    • Dnipropetrovsk City Commissar
    • Dnipropetrovskyi shtadtkomisar, m. Dnipropetrovsk

    As an occupation German civil administration documentation, the collection contains the following files which are -- or potentially could be -- related to the Holocaust: File 1. Orders, decrees by Reichskommissariat Ukraine, gendarmerie and city board instructions about organization of gendarmerie, registration of anti-Soviet individuals, prohibition to Germans to marry persons of another ethnicity, reporting police and gendarmerie activities, fight against partisans, Jews, arrest of communists in Piatikhatskyi district. Minutes of propaganda staff meeting and gendarmerie officers meeting; ...

  3. Примарія села Мар'янівка Велико-Врадіївського району Голтського повіту

    • Village Primaria, Village of Mar’ianovka (Velikaia Vradievka District, Golta County)

    Inventories of the fonds’ files are systematized chronologically. Materials housed in the fonds include list of Jews residing in the territory of the village of Mar’ianovka (1942) The documents are in Romanian, Russian, and Ukrainian.

  4. Hmeliove district administration in Hmelivskyi district

    • Хмелівська районна управа; с. Хмельове Хмелівського району
    • Hmelivska raionna uprava; s. Hmeliove Hmelivskoho raionu

    Collection includes information from 22 December, 1941 by the chef of civilian administration at the town of Mala Vyska about execution of several Jewish persons in retaliation for firing an apartment of the Gebietskommissar (file 1, p. 4).

  5. Житомирська обласна комісія зі встановлення збитків, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками під час Великої Вітчизняної війни, м. Житомир

    • Zhytomyr regional commission for investigation of the damage caused by the German-Fascist invaders

    Inventory 1. File 2. Report on the results of the work of Zhytomyr Regional Commission on damage accounting and investigation of atrocities committed by the German-Fascist invaders and their accomplices in Zhytomyr region, 78 p. File 3. Memorandum "Results of damage calculation and the investigation of the atrocities of the German-Fascist invaders in Zhytomyr region", 1944, 29 p. File 4. Report “Results of activities of Zhytomyr Regional Commission on damage calculation and investigation of atrocities committed by the German-Fascist invaders and their accomplices in the Zhytomyr region of t...

  6. Крюківська міська управа (міськуправа), пос. Крюків м. Кременчука Полтавської обл.

    • Kriukiv town board, town of Kriukiv, Kremenchuk district, Poltava region
    • Kriukivska miska uprava, pos. Kriukiv m. Kremenchuka Poltavskoi oblasti

    Orders concerning activities; requests for obtaining passes; lists of Germans and Volksdeutsche; certificates for goods confiscated from evacuees; lists of inhabitants; lists and certificates for obtaining bread and ration cards; budget documentation; receipts. Selected files containing information about the Holocaust: File 25 – Statistical data about population of Kriukiv; register of Beletsk ceramic factory, 1942. The first 7 pages of the file contain statistical information (population data) from Kriukov which was provided to the district board of Kremenchuk; there is a separate column f...

  7. Архівний відділ виконкому Дніпропетровської обласної Ради народних депутатів

    • Archival department of the Executive Committee of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council of People's Delegates
    • Arkhivnyi viddil vykonkomy Dnipropetrovskoi oblasnoi Rady narodnykh deputativ
    • Архивный отдел исполкома Днепропетровского областного Совета народных депутатов

    Files of inventories 1-add., 2 and 3 relate immediately to the World War II in the region and contain information about human losses and material damage during the German occupation, information about the structure of the occupation regime, population policies and the Holocaust. Inventory 1-additional (Opys 1 dodatkovyi). File 91/19. Correspondence with district branches of NKVD concerning compiling lists of establishments, organizations and enterprises which existed during the German-Fascist occupation in the region. 1944-45. 43 pages. File 94/21. Statements about annihilation of the Germa...

  8. Претура Мостівського району, с. Мостове Мостівського району Березівського повіту.

    • District Pretura of the Mostovoe District, Village of Mostovoe (Berezovka County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents on “the Jewish question” contained in the pretura fonds may provisionally be divided into the following thematic groups: 1. Directives of the Romanian civilian and military authorities that defined the legal status of the Jewish population of Transnistria; 2. Orders of local authorities dealing with the forced labor of the Jewish population; 3. Documents on the situation of Jewish doctors and on hygiene and sanitary conditions in which the Jews of Transnistria lived; 4. Materials on financ...

  9. Зіньківська районна управа (райуправа), м. Зіньків Зіньківського р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Zinkiv district board, town of Zinkiv, Zinkiv district, Poltava region
    • Zinkivska raionna uprava, m. Zinkiv Zinkivskoho raionu Poltavskoi oblasti

    Local administration documentation can contain information connected to the history of the Holocaust. Titles and sizes of the selected files potentially related to the subject: File 4. Decisions of Zinkiv district board, 1941. File 9. List of the elders of village boards in the district and of other employees, 1942 File 10. Information about statistical changes of population in the district. 1942 File 11а. List of Ukrainian policemen who were outstanding in the fight against anti-partisans, 1942 File 157. List of the staff of village boards and of other institutions of the district, 1943

  10. Volodymyrivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Володимирівська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Volodymyrivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders by Field Commandant, Kirovohrad Chebitskommissar, Pidvysotsk district administration, and the district land commissariat on administrative, agricultural affairs, mobilization of labor to Germany, the fight against partisans, the organization of committees of the Red Cross, the collecting of things for the German army. Book of orders of Volodymyrivska village administration. Lists of Soviet prisoners of war and the population living on the territory of the village Volodymyrivka, workers and employees of the village administration. Lists of persons sent to work in G...

  11. Levivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Левівська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Levivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders, instructions from Kirovohrad Gebietskommissariat on administrative, agricultural and economic issues, the fight against the partisan movement, sending of prisoners of war to Germany, the mandatory supply of agricultural products, the taxation and collection of fines from the population. Information on the payment of tax by the residents of the village. Lists of prisoners of war who were on the territory of the village. Lists of employees of village administration, local police and population of village Levivka. Collection includes order by Pidvysotsk district adm...

  12. Управління німецької жандармерії, м. Київ.

    1. Administrative orders dealing with organizational matters for the city of Kiev 2. List of gendarmerie/police services in the Kiev general district and staffing schedules with the distribution of positions in the various services 3. List of members of the Kiev gendarmerie staff and geographic maps/plans
  13. Nerubaivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Нерубаївська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Nerubaivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection contains Orders by Kirovohrad Gebietskommissariat, Podvysotsk district state administration, and district councils on administrative and economic issues, mobilization of the labor force and its export to Germany, the fight against the partisan movement, the mandatory supply of agricultural products, the labor duty and taxation of the population. Information on the population of the village. Lists of persons who arrived to the village. Lists of persons who were in service in the German army. Collection includes orders to register the Jewish population and to impose 20% tax on them...

  14. Torhovytsia village administration in Pidvysotskyi district

    • Торговицька сільська управа; с. Торговиці Підвисоцького району
    • Torhovytska silska uprava, s. Torhovytsy Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection includes lists of the Jewish belongings which were distributed for free among the Germans and local non-Jewish population in the village of Torhovytsi on 22 May 1942 (file 13, p. 6-10); list of the Jews in Torhovytsia (file 13, p. 16); list of the Jews who were imposed with taxes according to the order of the German commandant (file 13, p. 3).

  15. Perehonivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Перегонівська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Perehonivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raiony

    Collection contains decisions, orders, appeals of the district commissariat, district administration, district commissariat and land commissariat on administrative, agricultural and economic issues, the mobilization of labor force in Germany, labor duty of the population, the fight against partisans and the execution of unreliable persons, the payment of fines and taxation of the population, the procedure for registration of marriage, birth and death, and the fight against epidemics. Permits and certificates of registration and the right of departure of individuals outside the board. Lists ...

  16. Vlizky village administration in Lebedinskyi district

    • Влізьківська сільська управа Лебединського району
    • Vlizkivska silska uprava Lebedinskoho raionu

    The collection contains the order of the city commandant's office on the organization of the Ukrainian auxiliary police, on the activities of the city commandant's office, on the registration of persons to be sent to Germany, on the punishment of citizens who distributed leaflets and helped the partisans, on the registration of population. Certificates of confirmation of ethnicity. Collection includes order from Ortskommandantur to stamp letter "I" in the Jewish passports and IDs. (file 1, p. 164).

  17. Сенчанська районна управа (райуправа), с. Сенча Сенчанського р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Senchanska district board (raiuprava), village of Sencha, Senchanskyi district of Poltava region

    Selected titles of the files containing information on occupation and local administration, population policies and the Holocaust: File 2. Orders and instructions by the general commissar of the city of Kiev and gebiet commissar of city ... (sic). 1941-1942. Holocaust-related documents in the file: Pages 14-15 contain ‘Governmental Notification No. 4,’ a ‘Temporary order on the levying of taxes and other payments on the territory of Reichskommissariat Ukraine from October 21, 1941.' Paragraph 11 of the document contains regulations on payment of salaries of Jews. Paragraph 12 of the documen...

  18. District polyclinic at Romny Board of health

    • Роменська районна поліклініка Роменського відділу охорони здоров'я
    • Romenska raionna poliklinika Romenskoho viddilu ohorony zdorov`ia

    Collection contains orders, decisions of the mayor of Romny, and of the head of health department on the education of the labor force, the fight against typhus, cleanliness of the city of Romny and the villages. Instructions for treating tetanus. Applications, certificates. Collection includes order by the major of the town of Romny to register Jewish population not at town's Labor Registry Office but at the office of the Commissioner for the Jewish Labor (file 1, p. 1).

  19. Nursing home at the Romny town administration

    • Будинок інвалідів Роменської міської управи
    • Budynok invalidiv Romenskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains orders of the German command and the chairman of the city administration on the order of allocation land and gardens to the population, on the taxes. Property lists. Information on the payment of wages. Lists of disabled persons. Collection includes lists of the Jewish patients of the Romny nursing home (file 3, pp. 2,12), and materials about admission of the Jews to the nursing home (file 3, pp. 13-19).