Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 47,041 to 47,060 of 55,889
  1. Yosef S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yosef S., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1921, one of four children. He recounts attending public school; participating in Hashomer Hatzair and a sports group; German invasion; one brother's escape to Lʹviv; a non-Jew smuggling him and his father to Warsaw to meet this brother and escape to the Soviet Union; his father's return to Łódź; attemptinig to enter the Soviet zone with his brother via Siedlce; capture by the Soviets; being sent back to Warsaw; returning to the Łódź ghetto; working as a carpenter, sabotaging furniture he built for the Germans; building ...

  2. David O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David O., who was born in a Polish village in 1916, one of five children. He describes his orthodox childhood, attending a local public school and cheder; his bar mitzvah in 1929; attending yeshivahs in Kielce and Be?dzin; living on an orthodox hachsharah for a year, preparing to emigrate to Palestine; working in Olkusz; conscription into the Polish military in March 1939; German invasion six months later; capture by Germans; a Polish farmer informing him Jews were being sent away; escaping with assistance from the farmer; returning home; his mother's death in 1941; h...

  3. Yehoshua L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yehoshua L., who was born in approximately 1923 and raised in Lakhva, Poland (presently Belarus), one of five children. He recalls attending a local Yavneh school, then yeshiva in Luninets; his father's death in 1938; Soviet occupation in 1939; his sister's evacuation east during the German invasion in June 1941; his futile attempt to flee east; slave labor for Organisation Todt; ghettoization in spring 1942; solidarity promoted by the Judenrat led by Dov Lopatin; bringing food to Jews in a Hungarian slave labor battalion when they passed through; non-Jews informing t...

  4. David P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David P., who was born in Tilsit, Germany (presently Sovetsk, Kaliningradskai?a? oblast?, R.S.F.S.R.) in 1912. He describes living in Ri?ga; friendships with non-Jews; Latvians killing Jews immediately before the arrival of German troops in 1941; ghettoization; forced labor; burial of Jewish documents, including writings of Simon Dubnow; learning of the mass murder of almost all of Ri?ga's Jews (including his family) at Rumbuli; and the arrival of Austrian, German, and Czech Jews to the ghetto. Mr. P. recalls severely injuring his hand while working on Rosh ha-Shanah;...

  5. Laura M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Laura M., who was a social worker for the National Refugee Service, then the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. She recalls arriving in Havana, Cuba in February 1939; dealing with many German Jewish refugees; knowing in advance the St. Louis was arriving and its passengers would not be allowed to disembark; the staff not sleeping for the eight days the ship was in harbor in their efforts to assist; her colleague visiting the ship daily; arranging disembarkation in European countries other than Austria and Germany; transfer to Shanghai in April 1941; working...

  6. Sonia H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonia H., who was born in Oleye?vo-Korole?vka, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1933. She remembers cordial relations with non-Jews; Soviet occupation; her father hiding to avoid deportation to Siberia; Hungarian, then German invasion in 1941; hiding in bunkers in her grandmother's house; her paternal grandparents being caught in a round-up; moving to Bi?lche to hide in a grotto; her mother and sister being caught; their release after her father bribed officials; hiding in her father's friend's barn, a forest, then another grotto beginning in May 1943; local peasants pro...

  7. Maximilian L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maximilian L., who was born in 1924 in Vienna, Austria. He tells of his father's service for Austria in World War I; hearing of Jewish persecution in Germany from emigre? relatives; his strong Austrian patriotism; harassment of Jews following the Anschluss; being able to leave Austria because his father retained his Czech citizenship; arrival in Paris; satisfaction at fighting back at anti-Semitic incidents in school; family applications for emigration to Australia, Canada, or the United States; and German invasion of Paris. Mr. L. recalls leaving Paris in a massive e...

  8. Israel and Shalom L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel L., who was born in Subotica, Yugoslavia in 1936 and his brother Shalom L., who was born in 1940. They recall their extended family; their orthodoxy; their father's compulsory service in a Hungarian slave labor battalion; moving to Budapest with their mother and sisters; living with their maternal grandparents; forced relocation; being placed with the Kasztner group due to their grandfather's and cousin's influence; deportation from the Dohany synagogue to Bergen-Belsen via Linz; remaining with the group which received better treatment; transfer to Saint Gall, ...

  9. Maria S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maria S., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1926, the younger of two sisters. She recalls her mother's death in 1937; her sister's emigration to the United States in 1938; completing primary school in 1939; German invasion; bombings; escaping with her father three months later to the Soviet zone; living in Białystok and a nearby town; deportation with her father to Siberia; forced labor in a forest; the supervisor helping her avoid the difficult work; being allowed to leave after the German invasion; moving to Tashkent; marriage to a Polish Jew; working as a telephon...

  10. Joseph B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph B., who was born in Proszowice, Poland in 1923. He recalls antisemitic incidents during his childhood; German invasion; slave labor in Piotrkowice; hiding with his parents in the fields during the first deportation in 1942; moving to the Krako?w ghetto; hiding with his parents, brother, and uncle on a nearby farm; assistance from a Polish woman; returning to the ghetto; deportation with his parents to Birkenau after the ghetto's liquidation on March 12, 1942; slave labor in the coal mine in Jawiszowitz; praying with other inmates on Yom Kippur; acquiring a priv...

  11. Peter G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape of Peter G., who was born in Baden-Baden, Germany in 1918. He recalls a comfortable childhood; attending public school in Baden-Baden and religious school in Karlsruhe; attempts to expel him from school due to the Nuremberg laws; the principal's insistence that he finish school; his family's emigration in 1938; an eight month internship in Switzerland; returning to Germany; joining a brother in Warsaw; working in Zakopane; returning to Warsaw; German invasion; fleeing to the Soviet zone; his arrest while trying to illegally enter Hungary; imprisonment in Odesa; being sentenced to ...

  12. Lillian Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lillian Z., who was born in 1928 in Czechoslovakia. She recalls Hungarian occupation; conscription of men for forced labor; German invasion; her brother's illness and death; transfer with her extended family to the Munka?cs ghetto in April 1944; transport to Auschwitz in May; separation from her family; a pregnant woman whose baby was killed shortly after its birth; transfer to Gelsenkirchen; a German who helped the prisoners hide during an air raid; transfer in September to Soemmerda; a six-week death march in March 1945; disappearance of the guards; and liberation b...

  13. Thea S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Thea S., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1921, an only child. She recalls visiting relatives in Poland; living with her mother in Germany for a year in the late 1920s; attending gymnasium; participating in Maccabi and other Zionist organizations; the Anschluss in March 1938; dismissal of her Jewish teachers; prohibition from employing their non-Jewish maid; Nazi harassment; being forced to move many times; her boyfriend's arrest on Kristallnacht; non-Jewish neighbors hiding her father; obtaining British travel documents with assistance from an uncle in London; trav...

  14. Shlomo P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shlomo P., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1925. He recounts living in Čadca; his father's position as a railroad physician; attending Jewish and Slovak schools, then gymnasium in Žilina; increasing antisemitism in the 1930s; participating in Makabi ha-tsaʻir; his brother's emigration to Palestine in 1939; attending a Zionist youth camp; expulsion from school; his father being forbidden to practice medicine; the Hlinka Guard confiscating family belongings; his father's non-Jewish colleagues supplying drugs when his grandmother was terminally ill; living on a Zion...

  15. David K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David K., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1924. He describes the rich and cultured Jewish prewar life in Krako?w; his happy childhood; German occupation in 1939; his uncle's unsuccessful attempts to help his family emigrate through Brussels to Uruguay; fleeing to Cie?z?kowice; his deportation to a labor camp in Pustko?w; his shock at the brutal shooting of a prisoner; forced labor building sewers; observing Jewish holidays; his sickness and hospitalization; returning to Cie?z?kowice; imprisonment with his father in Tarno?w; returning to Cie?z?kowice; and his deport...

  16. Martin H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin H., who was born in 1929 in a small village, one of four children. He recalls his family's affluence; moving to Prague; recuperating from an illness in Banin; living with his grandparents in his birth village due to his health; attending cheder and public school; his younger brother joining him in 1938; Hungarian occupation; illegally traveling to Budapest; living with a Jewish family in IV. Keru?let; becoming ill; admission to a Joint hospital; returning to his birth village; ghettoization in Khust; hiding with his brother; round-up to the train station; depor...

  17. Jacqueline W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacqueline W., who was born in Epinal, France in 1928. She recounts her parents' emigration from Poland; the outbreak of war; her father's enlistment; German invasion; fleeing with her mother, younger sister (Josette), and cousin to unoccupied France; returning to Epinal; antisemitic restrictions; her father's return; her parents hiding Josette with non-Jews in another town; arrest with her father in July 1942; her mother's arrest; separation from her parents (she never saw them again); reunion with Josette; moving to her cousin's home in unoccupied France; attending ...

  18. Berek S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Berek S., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1915, one of four children. He recalls his family's poverty; his father beating him; his mother's decency; military enlistment in 1935; his mother's death; military discharge; working as an electrician; recall in 1939; deserting after defeat; escaping to Brest; posing as a non-Jew; traveling to Warsaw, then Łódź; remaining with a non-Jewish girlfriend during ghettoization; entering the ghetto, fearing recognition; joining the fire brigade; marriage; his son's birth and his murder by Nazis at ten months; deportation with hi...

  19. Jack S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack S., who was born in Cze?stochowa, Poland in 1915, one of six children. He recounts his family's poverty; German invasion; "Bloody Monday" following the invasion; ghettoization; forced labor; deportation to Ciechano?w in 1941; slave labor digging trenches; escaping with two friends; hiding in a forest; returning home; hiding briefly in 1943; his sister being shot trying to join him; his parents' and sisters' deportation; slave labor with his brothers at the HASAG Pelzery munitions factory; liberation by Soviet troops; marriage to a survivor; traveling with his wif...

  20. Ibolya E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ibolya E., who was born in Eger, Hungary in 1911. Mrs. E. recalls her religious upbringing; leaving home for the ghetto; deportation three weeks later to Auschwitz; her last images of her father, mother, and grandmother; thinking she was in an insane asylum; efforts to remain with her sister; dehumanizing conditions leading to the loss of identity and previous moral structures; and selection with her sister for a transport. Mrs. E. describes forced labor clearing rubble in Bremen; transfer to Bergen-Belsen in 1945; huge piles of dead bodies; giving up hope; temporary ...