Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 46,601 to 46,620 of 55,889
  1. Ruzena V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruzena V., who was raised in Sečovce, Czechoslovakia, one of six children. She recounts a Hlinka Guard advising her father to hide his daughters; not heeding him in order to remain together; relocation to Poprad; deportation to Auschwitz with two sisters; slave labor; obtaining a privileged position in the political department; sharing extra food with her sisters; transfer with them to Birkenau; their selection for gassing in January 1943; her privileged position in the laundry; brief transfer to the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager); its liquidation; assignment to the new...

  2. Salek H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Salek H., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1919. He recalls his tightly-knit, observant, Jewish neighborhood; working in a factory; German invasion; fleeing to ?o?dz? with his family; joining the Polish army; serving in an anti-aircraft battery; bringing an injured soldier to Warsaw; the siege of Warsaw; incarceration in a German POW camp; escape; joining his family in ?o?dz?; ghettoization; working as a streetcar driver; smuggling rotting food by mixing it with coal; driving Polish civilians to work in the ghetto; frequent deportations and arrivals of Jews from othe...

  3. Herman D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Herman D., a religious Protestant, who was born in 1909. He describes hearing antisemitic remarks in his youth; teaching in Swolgen, Netherlands; recognizing the danger of Nazism having read Mein Kampf; German invasion; joining the underground; hiding Allied pilots who had been shot down; offering to hide a Jewish friend and his family (they refused); he and his wife hiding two Jewish sisters for two and a half years; sensing danger and relocating the hidden Jews; arrest; separation from his wife; interrogations; transfer to a prison boat; forced labor digging anti-ta...

  4. Morris G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris G., who was born in Praszka, Poland in 1914, three months after his father's death. In addition to information in a previously recorded testimony (HVT-19), Mr. G. recounts his mother's remarriage; moving to Cze?stochowa, Be?dzin, then Warsaw; working in a bakery; moving to ?o?dz?; living with a cousin; ghettoization; working in the kitchen of the Grunow-Spiegelberge labor camp; transfer back to the ghetto, then Kreising; public executions; burying prisoners in mass graves; liberation by French troops; living briefly in Ostrach; assistance from United States tro...

  5. Jacob H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacob H., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in approximately 1929, the youngest of three brothers. He recalls German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; moving to Czyz?yny because his father thought it would be better; studying with a non-Jewish tutor; ghettoization in Krako?w a year later; hiding during round-ups; transfer with his family to the camp at the airport, then P?aszo?w; a public hanging; constant fear; transfer with one brother to Starachowice a month later; caring for his brother when he was hospitalized; slave labor and illness, from which he still bears s...

  6. Judith H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judith H., who was born in a small village in Czechoslovakia in 1924. She recalls being the only higher class family there; antisemitism; living with her grandparents to attend school in Pres?ov; Hungarian occupation; attending school in Budapest; learning of Jewish persecutions in Slovakia (her grandparents were deported and perished in Majdanek); her brother joining her in 1943; German invasion in March 1944; an unsuccessful attempt to return home with her brother; her depression upon learning her parents were deported (she never saw them again); living with her bro...

  7. Harry S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry S., who was born in Piotrko?w Trybunalski, Poland in 1929. He recalls their poverty; attending public school; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; ghettoization; smuggling food to his family; lying about his age to obtain a job in a glass factory; deportation of his parents and sister (he never saw them again); a man exempted from deportation choosing to stay with his baby (an image that he still sees today); mass shootings in nearby woods; deportation to Cze?stochowa in 1943; slave labor in a munitions factory; transfer to Buchenwald, then Rehmsdorf; friend...

  8. Victoria B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Victoria B., who was born in Athens, Greece in 1942. She recounts a Greek policeman advising her mother to leave her two children and niece when he arrested her in March 1944; their non-Jewish neighbor posing as their grandmother; her aunt taking them to hide in the countryside; her aunt agreeing to let her parents' non-Jewish friends take her (Victoria) to their home; learning later that her aunt sent her sister and cousins to Palestine; her mother's return in 1945; not recognizing her; gradually building a relationship with her; her mother's remarriage; moving to Th...

  9. Margalith C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Margalith C., who was born in Du?sseldorf, Germany in 1928. She recounts her parents' move to Scheveningen, Netherlands (her father was Dutch); German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; having to move to Utrecht with her mother; her father joining them; a policeman warning them of round-ups; her mother receiving a deportation notice in summer 1942; feigning appendicitis so her mother would not go; moving to Amsterdam; receiving another deportation notice in 1943; finding a hiding place for them with her aunt's landlady in the Hague; the landlady's daughter finding an...

  10. Michael J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael J., who was born in Konin, Poland in approximately 1925, one of six children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; antisemitic harassment in public school; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; a public execution; transfer in cattle trains to the Ostrowiec S?wie?tokrzyski ghetto; smuggling food and supplies into the ghetto; a round-up in 1942 (two siblings hid and were caught); his parents' deportation; remaining in the smaller ghetto with his brother; his brother's escape (he was killed with the partisans); obtaining weapons for the underground; forced la...

  11. Ben K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ben K., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1921. He describes antisemitic incidents; German invasion; being drafted into the Polish army; discharge after Polish capitulation; his father fleeing to the Soviet zone and returning because his mother refused to leave Warsaw; ghettoization; slave labor and beatings; joining the underground; obtaining train tickets through a Polish friend; escaping with friends to Jo?zefo?w; joining partisans near Lublin in 1941; military actions against Germans; learning that Polish partisans were killing Jews; fleeing with Soviet prisoners ...

  12. Viera F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Viera F., who was born in Liptovský Hrádok, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1921. She recalls her family's secularism but attending synagogue every Saturday; moving to Martin when she was four; cordial relations with non-Jews; attending school until she was expelled in 1940 due to anti-Jewish regulations; converting to Christianity; a local policeman helping her hide; her mother convincing her to marry to save herself; an arranged marriage to a Jewish man who had also converted; moving to Dubova, his town; learning her grandfather had been deported and the pr...

  13. Tatiana S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tatiana S., who was born in Olʹshana, Ukraine in 1925. She recounts attending Jewish and Ukrainian schools; German invasion in June 1941; her older brother's draft; fleeing with her family to Cherkasy; her father's draft; returning to Olʹshana with her mother and younger siblings; ghettoization; anti-Jewish measures; her father's return; receiving food from local people; a mass killing of Jewish men; transfer in May 1942 to a prison in Zvenigorodka, then to Nemorozh; slave labor building roads; transfer with her family to Smilʹchentsy; her father's and brother's murde...

  14. Zev H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zev H., who was born in Romania in approximately 1930. He recounts being one of two Jewish families in his town; moving to Baia Mare when he was eight; antisemitic violence by German fascists; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor; ghettoization in April 1944; a non-Jewish neighbor bringing them food; deportation to Auschwitz in May; separation from his mother; transfer with his brother and father five weeks later to Mauthausen, then three days later to Ebensee; slave labor in a quarry, then digging tunnels; occasionally seeing his brother and f...

  15. Fele F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fele F., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1921, one of four children. She recounts attending a Jewish school; her father's death in 1933; participating in Betar where Menachem Begin was one of her leaders; visits from Vladimir Jabotinsky; her brother's Polish military draft; German invasion; working on a farm with her other brother in Hrubieszów as part of Betar; returning to Warsaw in small groups; all the other groups being killed en route, including her brother; ghettoization; working in a leather factory; her mother's round-up (she never saw her again); particip...

  16. Bela Y. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bela Y., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1924, the youngest of ten children. She recounts her family's orthodoxy and affluence; ghettoization; transfer to the Baron de Hirsch quarter; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her family; deaths from starvation and disease; slave labor; a German guard twice saving her from selection; fellow prisoners sharing extra food; briefly encountering a brother; a guard injuring her when she insulted him; smuggling water to a cousin; sorting shoes of the murdered Jews; taking valuables hidden in the shoes to tra...

  17. Emily V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emily V., who was born in Patras (Patrai), Greece in 1913. She recalls moving to Athens; marriage and return to Patrai in 1934; her daughter's birth in 1936; the outbreak of war in 1940; her husband's army service in Albania; his return in 1941; the benign Italian occupation; her second daughter's birth in 1942; German occupation in 1942; and fleeing a round-up in October 1943. Mrs. V. describes the arduous journey to Mikhalai?ika; hiding with a non-Jewish family; receiving food and money from non-Jewish friends in Patrai; escaping to Karou?sian during a German search...

  18. Margolith R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Margolith R., who was born in Hague, Netherlands in 1919. She describes a warm and sheltered Jewish environment and growing up in a large, extended family; teaching Dutch to German children in Amsterdam beginning September 1939; living in Hilversum in 1940; German invasion; anti-Jewish laws; deportation to Westerbork in August 1941; escaping; working in a Jewish hospital in Hague; her family's deportation; hiding with assistance from her brother's non-Jewish friend; posing as a non-Jew and moving when people became suspicious; delivering arms for the underground; libe...

  19. Joseph S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph S., who was born in Lut?s??k, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1933, one of four children. He recounts German invasion in June 1941; mass shootings, including three of his uncles; ghettoization; pervasive deaths; his mother's emphasis on running, rather than acceptance; scouting the ghetto at night for escape routes; escaping with his mother and sister in June 1942; staying briefly with non-Jewish friends; learning from them the ghetto population had been killed in a mass shooting; hiding in the forest; and liberation by Soviet troops in February 1944. Mr. S. note...

  20. Ida L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ida L., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1923. She recalls antisemitic incidents during her childhood; activities in a Zionist youth group; harsh conditions in the Krako?w ghetto; smuggling food to share with her sister; one sister's deportation to Auschwitz; transfer to P?aszo?w when the ghetto was liquidated in 1943; working in the laundry; random killings by camp commander Amon Goeth; a Jewish doctor being severely beaten and displayed in a wheel barrow as an example of punishment for helping others; declining to escape with help from a Polish friend fearing retr...