Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 46,181 to 46,200 of 55,889
  1. Stanislav T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Stanislav T., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1925. He describes his wealthy family; German invasion; anti-Jewish regulations; ghettoization; hiding during round-ups; witnessing suicides; his family's sense of being protected due to their wealth and connections; forced labor at the airport in October 1942; sabotaging the work; distributing resistance flyers; deportation with his family during the ghetto uprising; jumping from the train in May 1943; hiding in a forest; assistance from local Poles; returning to Warsaw; hiding with his sister; their move to the Hotel P...

  2. Charles S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles S., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1936. He recalls the outbreak of World War II; German invasion in 1940; his family's brief flight to northern France; his father telling him he was not Jewish; placement with his sister in a Protestant orphanage; a priest taking them to a convent in Bruges; the convent policy not to convert the Jewish children; liberation by British troops; hearing from his parents who had fled to the United States (they were detained in Oswego, N.Y.); transfer to a Jewish orphanage in Lasne; briefly living with relatives in Brussels; a...

  3. Leah K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leah K., who was born in Gertsa, Romania (presently Hert︠s︡a, Ukraine) in approximately 1932, the youngest of seven children. She recounts attending private Hebrew school; her mother's role as a midwife and healer; antisemitic violence; joyful holiday and Sabbath observances; Soviet occupation; Romanian takeover; fleeing with her family after being warned they would be killed; a reprieve from execution when a Romanian soldier recognized her mother as the woman who had delivered him; returning home; a death march to Edineț in fall 1941; continuing to Ataki; her father...

  4. Ivar S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ivar S., who was born in Klaipeda, Lithuania, in 1930. He recalls his sheltered life as an only child in a close family; the city's de facto unification with East Prussia in 1939; his family's departure for Lithuania; and several relocations to small towns. He tells of the Soviet and German occupations; moving to Kovno; ghettoization; a German Jewish member of the Judenrat who hid them from round-ups; training as a machinist in an ORT school; and his bar mitzvah in the ghetto in 1943. He describes the ghetto's liquidation; deportation with his parents to Stutthof; sep...

  5. Rahela A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rahela A., who was born in Bijeljina, Yugoslavia in 1927. She describes cordial relations within the multi-ethnic town; statehood for Croatia under the pro-Nazi Ustaša; anti-Jewish restrictions; her father's deportation to Jasenovac in August 1942 (he was killed); confiscation of their property; assistance from Serb peasants; a non-Jewish friend warning them of a round-up (he was recently honored by Yad Vashem); hiding with her siblings, mother, and aunt in a Hungarian neighbor's house; their move to Zagoni in partisan-controlled territory; membership in SKOJ; return...

  6. Juraj B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Juraj B., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Sásová, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1920. He recalls extreme poverty in his childhood; harassment against Romanies; observing arrest of Jews; military draft in 1940; assignments in Trnava, Rimavská Sobota, and near the Polish border; the Germans confiscating their rifles and impressing them into forced labor; particularly harsh treatment by the Hlinka guard; having to wear different uniforms; being sent to work for private farmers where they received better food; inadequate clothing for the harsh winters; esca...

  7. Aron S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aron S., who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 1928. He describes his parents' backgrounds; his father's decision not to return to Germany from a business trip abroad when Hitler came to power in 1933; traveling with his mother, brother, and sister to Antwerp to join his father; a happy period in Antwerp; German invasion in 1940; fleeing with his family to Brussels, then to France; returning to Antwerp after unsuccessful attempts to find his father whom they lost along the way; his father's return; hiding in Brussels to avoid deportation; fleeing to Paris; and...

  8. Allen S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Allen S., who was born in Miko?ajow, Poland, in 1929. In these detailed and graphic testimonies, Mr. S. recounts prewar life in Iwje; the rise of Nazism and Polish antisemitism; Soviet occupation; deportation of relatives to Siberia; German invasion; Polish harassment and violence against Jews; Einsatzkommandos killing his father; ghettoization of Iwje; hiding during a mass killing of 2,500, including his mother, in 1942; and forced labor. He recalls escaping; hiding with a neighbor in Miko?ajow; joining the partisans; smuggling himself to Iwje to find contraband for ...

  9. Leonid O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leonid O., who was born in Minsk, Belarus in 1929, one of four children. He recounts attending school; his brother volunteering for the Soviet army (he never returned); his sister and father traveling to Moscow; German invasion; briefly fleeing during bombings; not knowing he was Jewish until defined as such by the Germans; round-ups and executions; ghettoization; forced labor in a carpentry shop; the arrival of German Jews in 1942; contact with the partisans; bringing Jews to the forest to the partisans led by Shalom Zorin in the forest; building hiding places for ot...

  10. Chaim B. Holocaust testimony

  11. Alfi N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfi N., who was born in London, England in 1923. He describes his childhood in an affluent family; joining Habonim when he was eleven; attending technical school; active participation in Hechalutz; working at a kibbutz with young Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria; joining the British military in 1940; fighting throughout Europe; attending a Gordonyah meeting in liberated Brussels; contacts with the Jewish brigade; entering Bergen-Belsen; posing as a Polish soldier in an attempt to locate relatives in other camps; associating himself with the Palmah? to smuggle...

  12. Lilly G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lilly G., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1930. She recalls her family's comfortable, assimilated life; German invasion; fleeing with her family; separation from her father (he was conscripted into the Belgian army); their return home; antisemitic measures; hiding in their apartment with the help of their Catholic housekeeper; the housekeeper arranging her placement in a convent in La Hulpe, her brothers' in an orphanage, and her mother's on a farm; attraction to Catholicism; baptism; hiding with Jewish girls during a German search; traveling to Brussels for an o...

  13. Ida B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ida B., who was born in the Smolensk region of Russia in 1919. She recalls a happy childhood; participating in Komsomol; medical studies in Smolensk; internship in her town; German invasion in 1941; her family's futile attempt to flee; finding their house destroyed; receiving food and housing from non-Jewish friends; Germans taking her and her brother to Demidov; forced labor; sexual assault by a German soldier (another woman was raped); escaping with her brother; ghettoization; slave labor digging trenches; mass shootings; her father planning their escape; leaving se...

  14. Tamar G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tamar G, who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1933, one of three children. She recounts her family's affluence; vacations skiing and in Vienna; her brother's bar mitzvah in Piešt̕any; his emigration to Palestine shortly thereafter; attending a Jewish school; deportation to Žilina with her family in 1942; an influential uncle bribing the commander to release them; returning to Bratislava; hiding in a vineyard outside the city with assistance from her uncle; returning a few weeks later; hiding in an apartment owned by her father's friend;...

  15. Israel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel G., who was born in Piotrków, Poland in 1930. He recounts living in Łódź; attending a Jewish school; German invasion in September 1939; immediately fleeing with his mother and grandfather to Lublin; his father's arrival; their return to Łódź; joining their family in Piotrków; ghettoization in October 1939; Germans murdering his grandparents; slave labor with his father in the Hortensia glass factory (his father paid for him to work there and "changed" his age to eighteen); confinement to the factory during round-ups; his mother's deportation; returning to...

  16. Dina J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dina J., who was born in Lavochne, Poland in 1925, one of five children. She recounts attending a local school until fourth grade; living with her maternal grandparents in Sinevir-Polyana to attend school in Stryi?; Soviet occupation; German invasion; her father sending a non-Jew to bring her and her sister home; escaping with her father during a round-up; traveling to Hungary; hiding with a non-Jew in Berehove; one brother joining them; obtaining papers as non-Jews; traveling to Budapest; moving to Be?ke?scsaba; arrest in 1944; imprisonment there, in Budapest, and De...

  17. Aleksandar M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aleksander M., who was born in Yugoslavia. He recalls attending university in Belgrade; German invasion; applying to the military in Sarajevo; being warned by a Jewish soldier to leave; traveling to Herceg-Novi, Dubrovnik, then Split; benign Italian occupation; good treatment from the local population; receiving financial support from the Joint through Delasem, an Italian-Jewish welfare organization, and the local Jews; transfer to Korc?ula Island; organizing support of children without families, schools, and cultural activities; learning of imminent danger through a ...

  18. Samuel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel G., who was born in Szastarka, Poland in 1926. He describes his large family; forced relocation after German occupation; taking his older brother's place as a slave laborer; his family bribing a Pole for his release after three months; hiding with his family for two weeks with help from a Pole; their capture; about two years in Budzyn? concentration camp; atrocities committed by camp commander Reinhold Feiks; incidents of mass punishment after escape attempts; transfer to Ostrowiec; and a mass killing including his father. He recalls transfer to Auschwitz in 19...

  19. Iakov N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Iakov N., who was born in Minsk, Soviet Union in 1925. He recalls his parents laboring in factories; hunger until 1938; speaking Yiddish at home; German bombing in June 1941; fleeing and returning to Minsk twice; ghettoization; mass shootings in which relatives were killed (one cousin survived by crawling out of a mass grave); forced labor; building hiding places to use during mass shootings; arrival of German Jews; escaping in summer 1943 with help from the underground; joining the partisans in the forest; Hersh Smolar directing them to another unit; learning his par...