Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,881 to 3,900 of 10,181
  1. Albert Grunberg

    1. Archives de la Commission d'histoire de l'occupation et de la libération de la France (CHOLF) et du Comité d'histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, fonds privés et documents divers relatifs à la période 1939-1945
    2. Fonds d'origine privée
    3. Persécutions, antisémitisme

    Journal d’Albert Grunberg, coiffeur juif réfugié dans une chambre de bonne de la rue des Écoles à Paris, de septembre 1942 à août 1944 : original comprenant en tout 1213 pages manuscrites (22 novembre 1942-2 octobre 1944), accompagné d’une notice et d’une transcription partielle réalisées par son fils Roger Grimberg (février 1998 et septembre 1999). Ce journal a été partiellement publié par son fils, Roger Grimberg, sous le titre , Paris, Les Éditions de l’Atelier/Éditions ouvrières, 2001.

  2. Béatrice Miropolski.

    1. « Ça m'est arrivé »... Être juif en Dordogne entre 1939 et 1944.
    2. « Ça m'est arrivé »... Être juif en Dordogne entre 1939 et 1944.
    3. Mémoire

    Strasbourgeoise, elle est réfugiée avec sa famille à Tourtoirac (Dordogne). Elle évoque l'incorporation de son père, Srul Miropolski, au 665e GTE de Soudeilles (Corrèze) puis son passage dans la Résistance en Corrèze et l'intégration de son oncle, Paul Chrapaty, dans l'organisation Todt à Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), d'où il est déporté, le 15 mai 1944, à Kovno ou à Reval, par le convoi n°73.

  3. Yvette Molho.

    1. « Ça m'est arrivé »... Être juif en Dordogne entre 1939 et 1944.
    2. « Ça m'est arrivé »... Être juif en Dordogne entre 1939 et 1944.
    3. Mémoire

    Réfugiée avec sa famille à Siorac-en-Périgord (Dordogne), elle évoque l'excellent accueil de la population et les bonnes conditions de vie dont sa famille a bénéficié, malgré l'arrestation et la déportation de son père, Samuel Molho, le 24 févirer 1943 (il est déporté par le convoi n°51 à destination de Maïdanek (Pologne) ou de Sobidor (Pologne) le 6 mars 1943). Elle évoque aussi les a priori des gens envers les Juifs et l'impact de la propagande à cet égard.

  4. Lettres de Jean Folliet au sujet de Camille Folliet adressées à Rita Katz (1945).

    1. Archives de Camille Folliet
    2. Correspondance

    Comprend deux lettres et une carte représentant le portrait de Camille Folliet. Jean Folliet, frère de Camille, était lui aussi religieux. Rita Katz était juive (probablement d'origine autrichienne), réfugiée à Annecy après avoir tenté en vain de franchir la frontière suisse. Pendant une partie de la guerre, elle a vécu cachée chez les religieuses, avenue du Parmelan, à Annecy. Elle a activement participé à la Résistance.

  5. Blue and silver HIAS badge acquired by a Polish Jewish refugee

    1. Paul Hendel collection

    HIAS pin acquired by Pinchas Hendel when he left for the US after the war with the aid of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. On September 14, 1939, German troops occupied Hrubieszow, Poland, where Pinchas lived, along with his parents Aron and Rachel, his brother Izak, and his sister Keile Taube, with her husband and children. The Germans handed it over to Soviet forces on September 17 to comply with the German-Soviet Pact in which they divided Poland. The Germans reoccupied Hrubieszow on October 3 when the partition line was changed to the Bug River. As the Soviets retreated, many residents...

  6. Small suitcase with a metal handle used by a Jewish Austrian physician

    1. Salzmann family collection

    Stollwerck suitcase used by Berthold Salzmann as he emigrated from Vienna, Austria to England and then to the United States. Berthold and his sister Ernesta were medical students at the University of Vienna throughout the 1930s. On March 13, 1938 Germany annexed Austria and created new legislation that restricted Jewish life. Consequently, Berthold graduated but was unable to practice medicine and Ernesta was unable to graduate. Berthold was selected for a refugee program organized by the Central British Fund for German Jewry, and immigrated to England early in 1939. He was held at the Kitc...

  7. The Torah and the language: The second book of Moses Book of Exodus primer owned by a Jewish Austrian physician

    1. Salzmann family collection

    Religious primer book owned by the Salzmann family in Vienna, Austria before 1939. The book contains the story of Moses with commentary by Rashi, a medieval Jewish religious commentator. Berthold and Ernesta Salzmann were brother and sister who were studying to become physicians at the Medical School of the University of Vienna. On March 13, 1938 Germany annexed Austria and created new legislation that restricted Jewish life. Consequently, Ernesta was unable to graduate and Berthold graduated but was unable to practice medicine. In June of 1939, Ernesta immigrated to England where she worke...

  8. Child's white rabbit fur hand muff received in a displaced persons camp

    1. Ephraim Robinson family collection

    White rabbit fur hand muff worn by Alice Robinson, age 2, in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp in Germany, where she lived from 1945-1948.Alice's parents, Ephraim and Sarah had left Poland soon after September 1939, when it is occupied by Nazi Germany. They fled east to Russian controlled territory where the Soviet Union demanded that Jewish refugees keep moving further east. They had a daughter, Fay, in 1941, in Odessa, and Alice was born in 1944 in Romanovka. When the war ended in May 1945, they returned from Uzbekistan to Bessarabia, where they crossed the border to Poland. In October...

  9. Child's white rabbit fur bonnet received in a displaced persons camp

    1. Ephraim Robinson family collection

    White rabbit fur bonnet worn by two year old Alice Robinson, in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp in Germany, where she lived from 1945-1948. Alice's parents, Ephraim and Sarah had left Poland soon after September 1939, when it is occupied by Nazi Germany. They fled east to Russian controlled territory where the Soviet Union demanded that Jewish refugees keep moving further east. They had a daughter, Fay, in 1941, in Odessa, and Alice was born in 1944 in Romanovka. When the war ended in May 1945, they returned from Uzbekistan to Bessarabia, where they crossed the border to Poland. In Oct...

  10. Комитет по делам еврейской эмиграции (ГИЦЕМ) (г. Париж)

    • Emigration Association (HICEM)
    • Komitet po delam evreiskoi emigratsii GITsEM HIAS JCA

    The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. The inventories are arranged according to structure. The collection contains the HICEM charter (January 1935); accounts of HICEM activities for 1926-39; circulars to HICEM branch offices (1933-40) on rules for filling out a central card file of émigrés; on conditions of emigration to Uruguay, Ecuador, Haiti, and other countries, and on procedures for statistical calculation of émigré data; minutes of sessions of the HICEM administrative council for 1930, 1934-39, as well as of the HICEM commission on émigré doctors for 1934-35, ...

  11. Julius Kühl collection

    The Julius Kühl collection consists of photocopies of documents relating to the life and career of Dr. Julius Kühl, a diplomat employed at the Polish embassy in Bern during the War and, his assistance to hundreds of Jews fleeing Nazi tyranny. Records include general correspondence, telegrams, articles and clippings, reports and pamphlets, miscellaneous reports, Professor Penkower’s interview with Dr. Reuben Hecht, a Treblinka report, and Dr. Kühl’s autobiographical report. General correspondence relates principally to Julius Kühl's wartime service at the Polish embassy in Bern, and his effo...

  12. Interior of the Wacs' home in Shanghai

    1. Ilie Wacs collection

    Drawing by 18 year old Ilie Wacs of the room and window next to his father’s workspace in Shanghai, China, where he sat and sketched the activities on the street below. Ilie’s family left Vienna for Shanghai soon after Kristallnacht in November, 1938. Nazi Germany had annexed Austria in March 1938 and the persecution of Jews was increasingly violent. In 1943, the Japanese, who controlled Shanghai, forced most Jewish refugees into ghettos. Conditions were very harsh, but Ilie’s family survived the war. With the assistance of the American Joint Distribution Committee, a Jewish aid organizatio...

  13. Makeshift stove in the Wacs' home in Shanghai

    1. Ilie Wacs collection

    Drawing by 17 year old Ilie Wacs of the cooking stove made with a flower pot, used in his family’s home in Shanghai, China. Ilie’s family left Vienna for Shanghai soon after Kristallnacht in November, 1938. Nazi Germany had annexed Austria in March 1938 and the persecution of Jews was increasingly violent. In 1943, the Japanese, who controlled Shanghai, forced most Jewish refugees into ghettos. Conditions were very harsh, but Ilie’s family survived the war. With the assistance of the American Joint Distribution Committee, a Jewish aid organization, Ilie received a scholarship to study art i...

  14. Street scene in Shanghai

    1. Ilie Wacs collection

    Drawing by 18 year old Ilie Wacs of the Shanghai street scene viewed from the window of his family’s apartment. Ilie’s family left Vienna for Shanghai soon after Kristallnacht in November, 1938. Nazi Germany had annexed Austria in March 1938 and the persecution of Jews was increasingly violent. In 1943, the Japanese, who controlled Shanghai, forced most Jewish refugees into ghettos. Conditions were very harsh, but Ilie’s family survived the war. With the assistance of the American Joint Distribution Committee, a Jewish aid organization, Ilie received a scholarship to study art in Paris.