Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,301 to 31,320 of 56,066
  1. Τόποι κράτησης και μνήμης: Nαζιστικά στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης στην Ελλάδα (1941-1944)

    • Places of Detainment and Memory: Nazi Concentration Camps in Greece, 1941-1944
    • Topoi kratisis kai mnimis: Nazistika stratopeda sigkentrosis stin Ellada, 1941-1944

    The project’s aim was the detailed description of three designated places of detention in Greece: the Pavlos Melas Camp in Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki, the Haidari Camp in Athens and the Larissa Camp. An additional aim of the program was the scientific documentation of the camps’ characteristics, of their mode of operation and of the purpose they served, according to: a) the conclusions drawn from the living conditions and the experiences of prisoners in the camps and b) the categorization applied by the German authorities (places of detention, ghettos, transit centers, concentration camps, e...

  2. Visual History Archive.

    This important collection contains testimonies of Jewish survivors, rescuers, political prisoners, war crimes trial participants, Roma survivors, … etc. about their life before, during and after the Shoah. It is a crucial source for the history of the Holocaust. On average, the interviews are about 2 hours in length. At the time of writing, the geographical keyword “Belgium” was attributed to 2136 testimonies. 433 Belgian towns, cities and places are mentioned. The interviews provide information on all aspects of Jewish life in Belgium – political, religious, social and cultural life, youth...

  3. Document collection – Varia.

    For the sake of completeness, this description contains information on the various personal papers, separate archival documents and other material from the “Document collection” of the Wiener Library, too limited in extent to describe separately. The collection constitutes the largest archive of personal papers relative to Jewish refugees from occupied Europe. By searching the database on keywords such as “Belgium”, “Brussels”, “Antwerp” etc. we find a number ‘collections’ related to the Jewish population in Belgium. We firstly note archival material donated by a couple of individuals and/o...

  4. Συλλογή Ιωάννη Μέγα

    • Megas Ioannis Collection; Syllogi Ioanni Mega

    The Megas Ioannis collection includes letters, photos, postcards related to the history of Thessaloniki. A large number of postcards depicts Jewish people or buildings belonging to members of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki.

  5. Judaica

    Die Judaica-Bestände enthält Unterlagen zur jüdischen Geschichte Münchens vom 17., insbesondere vom 19. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Die Schriftstücke, Fotos, Druckschriften und Bücher, Graphiken, Gemälde und weiteren Objekte stammen meist aus privater Provenienz.

  6. Einheiten und Einrichtungen der Sanitätstruppe der Luftwaffe

    Erhalten geblieben sind nur Aktensplitter einzelner Sanitätseinheiten und -einrichtungen. Von nahezu allen Kriegsschauplätzen sind Fragmente von Kriegstagebüchern und sonstigen Aufzeichnungen überliefert.

  7. Hoedenfabriek Gebr. Verduin

    Het archief bestaat voornamelijk uit persoonlijke documenten, contracten, correspondentie, personeelsadministratie en financiële administratie. Daarnaast bevat het archief bouwtekeningen.

  8. Nationale Trust Maatschappij NV

    Het archief bevat voornamelijk financiële jaarverslagen van het naoorlogse beheer over de Deutsche Revisions- und Treuhand A.G. en O.E. Bauer. In de stukken over Bauer zijn veel namen te vinden van overleden (joodse) personen wier nalatenschap hij beheerde.

  9. Offerhaus, J.

    Kern van het archief zijn de stukken over Offerhaus' betrokkenheid bij de zuivering van burgemeesters in Zuid-Holland. Van historisch belang is tevens zijn correspondentie om joodse bekenden te behoeden voor deportatie en over zijn pogingen verbetering te brengen in de positie van joodse advocaten in Duitsland. Daarnaast zijn stukken aanwezig over adviezen die Offerhaus na de oorlog gaf over kwesties die speelden in bezettingstijd.