Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 26,641 to 26,660 of 55,838
  1. Processo de pedido de visto para Carl Gustav Rein, Gunnar Kulvic e Hannes Jahson

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Washington para Carl Gustav Rein, de nacionalidade finlandesa, com destino à Finlândia. Sem informação de autorização de visto. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Washington para Gunnar Kulvic, de nacionalidade finlandesa, com destino à Finlândia. Sem informação de autorização de visto. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Washington para Hannes Jahson, de nacionalidade finlandesa, com destino à Finlândia. Sem informação de autorização de visto. Processo contém menção ao processo n.º 1063

  2. Processo de pedido de visto para Hanna Fogal, Fanny Fogal e Constance Fogal

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Nice para Hanna Fogal, de nacionalidade britânica, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Sem informação de atribuição de visto. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Nice para Fanny Fogal, de nacionalidade britânica, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Sem informação de atribuição de visto. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Nice para Constance Fogal, de nacionalidade britânica, com destino aos Estados Unidos da América. Sem informação de atribuição de visto.

  3. Pedido de visto para Vasilatos, Tsenlentis, Trataris e Gaitanos

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Atenas para Vasilatos, de nacionalidade grega, com destino ao Congo Belga. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Atenas para Tsenlentis, de nacionalidade grega, com destino ao Congo Belga. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Atenas para Trataris, de nacionalidade grega, com destino ao Congo Belga. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Atenas para Gaitanos, de nacionalidade grega, com destino ao Congo Belga. Visto autorizado.

  4. Starostwo Powiatowe w Gnieźnie

    • Landratsamt Gnesen
    • Gniezno County Governor's Office

    Zespół obejmuje dwie jednostki sprawozdań budżetowych.

  5. Αρχείο Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου Δωσιλόγων

    • Archive of the Special Court of Collaborators
    • Archeio Eidikou Dikastiriou Dosilogon

    The material is indictments, case files, judicial decisions regarding the Collaborators of the Nazis in Greece.

  6. Prefettura di Bergamo

    Diversi sono stati i versamenti in archivio di materiale della Prefettura fra il 1961 e il 2005: il primo riguardò le carte relative a cittadini di origine ebraica; nel 1973 il primo corposo nucleo di materiale amministrativo relativo al periodo compreso fra l'unità e il 1934 e i quasi 700 faldoni del subeconomo dei benefici vacanti. Nel 1979 l'archivio dell'UPAI, l'anno successivo oltre 750 faldoni di documentazione relativa alle istituzioni assistenziali della provincia; nel 1991 alcune centinaia di volumi di leggi e decreti. Nel 1993 le concessioni di licenze di deposito oli minerali; ne...

  7. Moldenhauer, Karl Julius (Divisionspfarrer)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Divisionspfarrer Karl Julius Moldenhauer geb. am 17. Juli 1833 in Beltow bei Stargard, gest. am 30. August 1912 in Derenburg am Harz Mai 1866: Divisionspfarrer der 10. Division unter Generalleutnant von Kirchbach (Nachod, Stalitz, Schweinschädel, Gradlitz); Septmeber 1867: Divisionspfarrer der 4. Division (Gravelotte); 1892/93: Verabschiedung aus dem Militär Orden: August 1870: Eisernes Kreuz 1866: Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71: Kriegsdenkmünze und Erinnerungs-Medaille Roter Adler Orden 4. Klasse Kronen Orden 3. Klasse Bestandsbeschreibung Tagebuch 1870/71; Korresp...

  8. Boris Wolosoff collection

    Consists of records relating to the emigration and post-war experiences of Boris Wolosoff, originally from Russia. Mr. Wolosoff emigrated to Germany in the 1923 and to France in 1936. He arrived in the United States in 1941. Also includes a handmade album of photographs and drawings entitled, "Souvenir du Masgellier Vos Petits," dated August 31, 1941, created by chidlren in the Masgelier children's home as a gift to Mr. Wolosoff, who was the director of the OSE home there from 1937-1941.

  9. SA marching through streets

    Hitler, Goering and others review marching SA troops. A title in German indicates that the whole population has turned out to greet the SA. SA men accept cups of water from bystanders. Hitler and the others salute the men as they pass by. Good shots from behind of the men marching down a street crowded with onlookers, who cheer and wave flags. A title says, "The second hour, and still no end." Another title, not entirely visible on the screen, seems to be mocking the KPD by saying that they KPD would claim that the lanes in the street were very narrow, and that only a few curious people mad...

  10. Wenzel, Siegfried

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners geb. 10. Aug. 1929, gest. 21. Juni 2015, Stellvertreter des Vorsitzenden der Staatlichen Plankommission Bestandsbeschreibung Bestandsgeschichte: Nachlass-Übereignungsvertrag Jan. 2010 abgeschlossen, erste Übernahmen Jan., Apr. und Sept. 2010 Inhaltliche Charakterisierung Enthält v.a.: Tätigkeit in der Arbeitsgruppe Währungs-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialunion 1990, Materialsammlungen für Bücher u.a. Veröffentlichungen v.a. zur Wirtschaftspolitik und zur ökonomischen Situation der DDR, Vorträge, Ausarbeitungen, Zeitungsartikel, Disskussionsveranstaltungen, Rezensio...

  11. Botsch, Walter (Generalleutnant)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners 27.02.1897 in Braunsbach/Kocher, gest. 7.01.1969 in Schwäbisch Gmünd Generalleutnant 8.10.1939 Ia Generalstab XXX. Armeekorps 26.10.1940 Chef Generalstab XXX. Armeekorps 1.04.1941 Oberst Juni 1943 Chef Generalstab 19. Armee 1.09.1943 Generalmajor 1.09.1944 Generalleutnant 8.05.1945 - 1947 Amerikanische Kriegsgefangenschaft Bestandsbeschreibung Generalleutnant Unterlagen aus der Dienstzeit, u.a. als Chef des Generalstabes des XXX. Armeekorps (1940-1943) und der 19. Armee (1943-1945); Arbeitsunterlagen zu Studien für die amerikanische Historical Division; Schri...

  12. Fonds CCOJB.

    Ce fonds contient de la correspondance, des documents administratifs, des rapports d’activités, des notes et des documents comptables produits par le CCOJB. On y notera des pièces relatives aux Juifs d’URSS (1971-1972), à l’action menée en faveur de la libération des prisonniers israéliens en Syrie (1974), des dossiers relatifs à l’Association des Universitaires pour Israël (1974), des PV, des dossiers relatifs à l’organisation de dîners collectes, aux tombolas, à l’organisation d’activités et de cérémonies, comme la célébration de l’Indépendance de l’État d’Israël – Yom Haatzmaout, ou de l...

  13. Orhei Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Orhei
    • Оргеевская городская примария
    • Orgeyevskaya gorodskaya primariya

    City Hall orders on strengthening the air defense of the city; correspondence about the repair of institutions and enterprises; correspondence about supplying the population with food; list of hospital employees; lists of air defense personnel and brigades; the case of name changing by the Orhei citizens; financial reports of enterprises of the surrounding cities, statistics on the number of population in villages; lists of families mobilized into the Romanian army, etc.

  14. Министерство на труда и социалните въпроси

    • Ministerstvo na truda i sotsialnite vŭprosi
    • Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

    Contains agreements between the Bulgarian Government and Soviet military representatives regarding passports for Jews and Turks; assistance for Jews after World War II; correspondence with the National Committee of Liberation regarding homelessness and destitution, persecution of Bulgarians by Nazis, and immediate relief after liberation; correspondence with the Central Jewish Consistory regarding assistance with coal; appeals from Jewish organizations for restitution of property and money confiscated under the Defense of the Nation Act; appeals (arranged by geographical place) from politic...

  15. Visiting Switzerland

    On a boat in Switzerland, views of villages, including Hotel Beaux-Rivage and Hotel "Gotthard" (sign). Seaside views of mountains.

  16. Oral history interview with Helena Tygier-Bialek

  17. German Army moves through village

    Soldiers laden down; horses, trucks, food truck with billowing steam. A few homes along dirt road, three men watch from outside their homes.

  18. Stephen de Bastion collection

    Transcript of an interview given in 1987; also history of the Hollzer family by Stephen de Bastion an abridged translation of an article about about Szeyed, home of the Hollzer family; copy family photographsReaders need to reserve a reading room terminal to listen to Stephen de Bastion interview.