Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 201 to 220 of 296
Language of Description: English
Country: Ukraine
  1. Documents and Materials on the History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 in the Territory of the Odessa Region: The Underground and Partisan Movement

    Documents on the underground and partisan struggle that took place in the territory of the Odessa region during World War II began to be put into storage in 1944 at the former Party Archive of the Odessa Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, where they were stored in fond P-11, op. 45 (Odessa Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine). These documents were made into a separate consolidated collection (f. P-92) in 1975. In subsequent years, a number of units therefrom were transferred to the corresponding party archives of the Nikolaev and Kirovograd regions, and s...

  2. State Archive of the Odessa Region

    The fond includes four inventories systematized chronologically and, for personal files in op. 2L, alphabetically. Included are materials (op. 1) connected with the work of archive personnel in assisting the Odessa Regional Extraordinary State Commission, in particular, the album Fascist Atrocities in the Odessa Region during its Temporary Occupation, with photographs of the ghetto near the village of Bogdanovka (Domanevka district, Odessa region) showing external and internal views of living quarters, excavations of burial sites in places of mass shootings of Jews, a medical commission’s w...

  3. Archival Section of the Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Odessa Region, City of Odessa

    The fond includes forty-three inventories, in which documents are systematized chronologically and, for personal files in op. 11, 39, and 40L, alphabetically. Documents in the fond include (op. 2, 24) correspondence with the Main Archival Administration of the Ukrainian SSR, subsections of the NKVD and Ministry of Internal Affairs, and local organs of executive power on ascertaining and investigating crimes of the German-Romanian invaders in the Odessa region; chronologies of the occupation of population centers in the Odessa region, including information on instances of mass terror perpetr...

  4. Archival Section of the Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Izmail Region

    The fond includes one inventory systematized chronologically. Included are chronologies of the German-Romanian occupation of population centers of the Izmail region; these contain information on instances of mass killings of Jews, toward whom the occupiers harbored “a particularly horrifying hatred,” including in Akkerman (from 1944 on, Belgorod-Dnestrovskii), the towns of Artsiz, Kiliia, Tatarbunary, and Tarutino, and the villages of Briiany, Manzur, Novyi Fershampenuaz (Artsiz district), Sarata, and Shabo (1946). A number of documents indicate the names of victims. There are also lists of...

  5. Покровсько-Багачанська районна управа (райуправа), с. Покровська-Багачка Покровсько-Багачанського р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Pokrovska-Bahachka district board, Pokrovska-Bahachka village of Pokrovska-Bahachka district of Poltava region
    • Pokrovsko-Bahachanska raionna uprava, s. Pokrovska-Bahachka Pokrovsko-Bahachanskoho raionu Poltavskoi oblasti

    Selected titles of the files containing information on occupation and local administration, population policies and the Holocaust. File 3. Orders and decrees by the district board. Lists of personnel in district board and village boards. 1942. File 4. Orders by gebiet commissar. 1942. File 6. Orders by district board. 1942. File 7. List of personnel in district board, POWs and deserters. 1942. Files 11-13. Statistical data on population changes in the village areas of the district, 1942. File 37. Lists of populations. 1943. File 39. Orders by gebiet commissar. 1943. Holocaust-related docume...

  6. Крюківська міська управа (міськуправа), пос. Крюків м. Кременчука Полтавської обл.

    • Kriukiv town board, town of Kriukiv, Kremenchuk district, Poltava region
    • Kriukivska miska uprava, pos. Kriukiv m. Kremenchuka Poltavskoi oblasti

    Orders concerning activities; requests for obtaining passes; lists of Germans and Volksdeutsche; certificates for goods confiscated from evacuees; lists of inhabitants; lists and certificates for obtaining bread and ration cards; budget documentation; receipts. Selected files containing information about the Holocaust: File 25 – Statistical data about population of Kriukiv; register of Beletsk ceramic factory, 1942. The first 7 pages of the file contain statistical information (population data) from Kriukov which was provided to the district board of Kremenchuk; there is a separate column f...

  7. Зіньківська районна управа (райуправа), м. Зіньків Зіньківського р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Zinkiv district board, town of Zinkiv, Zinkiv district, Poltava region
    • Zinkivska raionna uprava, m. Zinkiv Zinkivskoho raionu Poltavskoi oblasti

    Local administration documentation can contain information connected to the history of the Holocaust. Titles and sizes of the selected files potentially related to the subject: File 4. Decisions of Zinkiv district board, 1941. File 9. List of the elders of village boards in the district and of other employees, 1942 File 10. Information about statistical changes of population in the district. 1942 File 11а. List of Ukrainian policemen who were outstanding in the fight against anti-partisans, 1942 File 157. List of the staff of village boards and of other institutions of the district, 1943

  8. Сенчанська районна управа (райуправа), с. Сенча Сенчанського р-ну Полтавської обл.

    • Senchanska district board (raiuprava), village of Sencha, Senchanskyi district of Poltava region

    Selected titles of the files containing information on occupation and local administration, population policies and the Holocaust: File 2. Orders and instructions by the general commissar of the city of Kiev and gebiet commissar of city ... (sic). 1941-1942. Holocaust-related documents in the file: Pages 14-15 contain ‘Governmental Notification No. 4,’ a ‘Temporary order on the levying of taxes and other payments on the territory of Reichskommissariat Ukraine from October 21, 1941.' Paragraph 11 of the document contains regulations on payment of salaries of Jews. Paragraph 12 of the documen...

  9. Державна надзвичайна комісія СРСР по встановленню і розслідуванню нанесених злодіянь німецькими загарбниками Полтавській області, м. Полтава Полтавської обл

    • State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of the German Crimes in Poltava Region, city of Poltava, Poltava region
    • Derzhavna nadzvychaina komisiia SRSR po vstanovlenniu i rozsliduvanniu nanesenykh zlodiian nimetskymy zaharbnykamy Poltavskii oblasti, m. Poltava Poltavskoi obl

    Most of the files contain information about the material damage caused to various towns and villages of the region. Files 1618, 1623-1625, 1627, 1634-1646 contain statements of the Commission about civilians killed by the ‘German-fascist invaders’ in various localities of the region.

  10. Колекція періодичних видань (наказів, розпоряджень, листівок, плакатів, брошур і т. ін.) періоду німецько-фашистської окупації України, м. Полтава Полтавської обл.

    • Collection of periodicals (orders, instructions, leaflets, posters, brochures, etc.) of the period of German-Fascist occupation of Ukraine, city of Poltava, Poltava oblast
    • Kolektsiia periodychnykh vydan (nakaziv, rozporiadzhen, lystivok, plakativ, broshur i t. in.) periodu nimetsko-fashystskoi okupatsii Ukrainy, m. Poltava Poltavskoi obl.

    Collection of orders, instructions, leaflets, posters, brochures, etc. contains the following Holocaust-related pieces: Opys 1 (Inventory 1) File 9 – Draft project of the General bezirk Kiew (contains statistical data on economics, industry, agriculture, culture, and population, including the Jewish population) Files 16-20 – Single copies of “Information issue of General Commissariat Volhynia-Podolia”, “Official information of Wehrmacht” Files 21-35 – “Information issues on the politics in the East” Files 55-110 – “Official issue of the Reichskomissariat Ukraina” Files 111-113 – “Official i...

  11. Shostka district office of the Ukrainian auxiliary police at Sumy city administration

    • Шосткинське районне управління Української допоміжної поліції Сумської міської управи
    • Shostkinske raionne upravlinnia Ukrainskoi dopomizhnoi politsii Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains minutes of interrogation of partisans, questionnaires. List of policemen and elders killed and wounded in the fight against the partisans. Report on the partisan attack in the villages of Chaplevka, Sobichevo. Applications for admission to the police. Communist personal cards, communist lists, denunciations of citizens, report about Jewish family, reports on fighting partisans. Personal file of a policeman. File 7, page 5 - contains request from a dweller of the village of Chapleevka to the head of the Shostka police to pay him a reward for reporting to the Germans about...

  12. District administration in the village of Lutsykivka

    • Луциківська районна управа
    • Lutsikivska raionna uprava

    The collection contains decrees by Ortskommandantur and by head of the district on the activities of village heads, the deportation of laborers to Germany, delivery of food for the German army, tax collection, population lists, lists of prisoners of war, payroll information for teachers. Collection includes order by the major of the village of Lutsykivka to compile the lists of the village families with the Jewish families marked with the letter "E" (file 2, page 114).

  13. Office of the Ukrainian auxiliary police in the town of Konotop

    • Конотопське міське управління Української допоміжної охоронної поліції

    Collection contains orders of the district elder about the passporting of the population, dismissal and recruitment. Lists, identity cards and personal applications for issuing passports. Accounting books for issuing passports. Search records. The book of the property of the police. Payroll information for police officers. The collection includes: 1. Lists of the dwellers of Konotop, including Jews (inv. 1, file 35, pp. 196, 201, 214, 223-225); 2. Statements about confiscation of property from the Jews of Konotop (inv. 2, file 2, pp. 17, 31, 33, 35, 305, 311, 371-377).

  14. Sydorova Iaruha village administration in Velykopysarivskyi district

    • Сидоровояружська сільська управа с. Сидорова Яруга Великописарівського району
    • Sydorovoiaruzhska silska uprava s. Sydorova Iaruha Velykopysarivskoho raionu

    Collection includes orders of the head of Velyka Pysarivka police about registration of the Jewish families (file 1, p. 65), making lists of the Jewish population (file 1, p. 129), marking Jewish IDs with the letter "Ж" or “ I ” (file 1, p. 365); announcement about introducing labor duty for the Jews in the front rear line (file 3, p. 13); list of the Jewish authors prohibited by the occupation authorities (file 3, p. 261).

  15. Sobycheve village administration in Shostka district

    • Собичівська сільська управа с. Собичеве Шосткинського району
    • Sobychivska silska uprava, s. Sobycheve

    Collection contains order by village elder of Sobychivo village about registration of the Jewish population and reporting to elder when the Jews appear in the village (file 1, p. 15); order by commandant about isolation of the Jews and prohibiting communication between the Jews and non-Jewish dwellers beyond the curfew (file 1, p. 140).

  16. Obody village administration in Hotin district

    • Ободівська сільська управа Хотінського району
    • Obodivska silska uprava Hotinskoho raionu

    Collection includes order by the local police to the Jews of Obody village to register within 3-day term (file 2, page 1).

  17. Bilytsia village administration in Iampil district

    • Білицька сільська управа Ямпільського району

    Collection contains orders by the local auxiliary department at the commandant's office, senior officers of the district on ensuring road safety, census of the population. Lists of Jews, Communists, citizens living on village Khutir-Mikhailovsky, prisoners of war, police officers. Collection includes list of the Jews of the town of Seredyno-Buda from December 1941 (file 2, p. 3).

  18. Magistrate of the town of Romny

    • Роменський магістрат

    The order about the city administration. The orders of the burgomaster about execution of the organizers and participants of the guerrilla movement. Postcard by Archbishop Nikanor, heard of Kyiv diocese. Collection includes anti-Jewish orders and antisemitic propaganda materials issued by the occupation authorities and local administration (file 2, pp. 3, 39, 48, 49, 52).

  19. Вінницька обласна управа

    • Vinnytsa regional administration
    • Vinnytska oblasna uprava

    Inv. 1, file 8. Order of occupation authority on supply of meat by population, including requirements for Jews and orders regarding animals belonging to Jews. Inv. 1, file 9, 17, 23, 270, 274, 278, 283, 286 - information on the socio-economic directions of the persecution of Jews. Inv. 1, file 9, 17, 23; file 236, p. 7; file 237, p. 21; file 238, p. 11; file 240, p. 4-5; file 246, p. 17; file 247, p. 74-76 - contain correspondence with subordinate district councils on "Jewish question". Inv. 1, file 1-4, 7, 8, 16 - correspondence from Sidor Bernard, head of the administration, with the Germ...

  20. Вінницька міська управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Вінниця

    • Vinnytsia city administration
    • Vinnytska miska uprava

    Inventory 1, files 1, 2, 12, 13, 22. Documents on the use of Jewish labor at the objects related to Hitler's headquarter in the suburbs of Vinnitsa, the eviction of the local population, in particular Jewish, from the city districts, where later the German military and occupation agencies were stationed. Inventory 1, files 12, 18, 22. Documents on activity of the passport registration department of the city administration: obtaining passports, residence permits, registration of the Jewish population, the search for fugitives, etc. These issues and similar ones are covered in the instruction...