Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 101 to 120 of 296
Language of Description: English
Country: Ukraine
  1. Romny Executive committee of the District council of people's delegates

    • Роменський виконавчий комітет районної ради народних депутатів
    • Romenskyi vykonavchyi komitet raionnoi rady narodnyh deputatov

    Collection includes statement by the Soviet extraordinary commission on investigating the German-Fascist crimes about the atrocities committed against Jews, prisoners of war, Soviet activists in the town of Romny and Romny district (inventory 3, file 2, pp. 2-7).

  2. Shepetivka gebiet administration

    • Шепетівська окружна управа
    • Shepetivska okruzhna uprava

    Collection contains orders of the gebiet administration on economic and administrative issues, correspondence, lists of employees of the Shepetivka gebiet administration, applications, autobiography and questionnaires for appointment to work, lists of enterprises and institutions, their employees in the districts of the Shepetivka, accounting records inventory and materials of the Shepetivka paramedic school, description of the property of the agricultural department, materials on the granting of pensions and assistance, information on the payment of wages. Collection includes order from De...

  3. Shepetivka Gebietskommissariat

    • Шепетівський гебітскомісаріат
    • Shepetivskyi gebietskomisariat

    Collection includes population census (with divisions on age) in various localities of Shepetivka district as of 20 January 1942, particularly Jewish population (inventory 1, file 21, p. 36); information about ghetto in Dunaivtsy (inventory 1, file 62, p. 83); information about taxes imposed on the Jewish ghettos and sums obtained from them in Sudylkiv, Shepetivka, Berezdiv, Slavuta and Hannopil in February-March 1942 (inventory 1, file 184, p. 52); regulations about organization of Jewish workshops in Shepetivka gebiet to serve the local non-Jewish population (inventory 1, file 192, p. 18).

  4. Shostka district office of the Ukrainian auxiliary police at Sumy city administration

    • Шосткинське районне управління Української допоміжної поліції Сумської міської управи
    • Shostkinske raionne upravlinnia Ukrainskoi dopomizhnoi politsii Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains minutes of interrogation of partisans, questionnaires. List of policemen and elders killed and wounded in the fight against the partisans. Report on the partisan attack in the villages of Chaplevka, Sobichevo. Applications for admission to the police. Communist personal cards, communist lists, denunciations of citizens, report about Jewish family, reports on fighting partisans. Personal file of a policeman. File 7, page 5 - contains request from a dweller of the village of Chapleevka to the head of the Shostka police to pay him a reward for reporting to the Germans about...

  5. Sobycheve village administration in Shostka district

    • Собичівська сільська управа с. Собичеве Шосткинського району
    • Sobychivska silska uprava, s. Sobycheve

    Collection contains order by village elder of Sobychivo village about registration of the Jewish population and reporting to elder when the Jews appear in the village (file 1, p. 15); order by commandant about isolation of the Jews and prohibiting communication between the Jews and non-Jewish dwellers beyond the curfew (file 1, p. 140).

  6. State Archive at the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

    • Государственный архив при Совете Министров Автономной Республики Крым

    The files relating to the Nazi occupation regime and the Holocaust can be found in the files of the Inventory 2: File 1Б. Materials on the former soviet citizens who served in the German military units. 25.05.1943-22.04.1955. 25 pages. File 1В. List of the German-Fascist criminals, who committed crimes on the temporarily occupied territory of the Crimea. 28.08.1944. 4 pages. File 1Г. List of pseudonyms of the newspaper “Golos Kryma” reporters. 9.03.1945. 179 pages. File 11А. Reference list of the publications in the Crimea during the occupation period. 31.01.1996. 10 pages. File 13Б. Refere...

  7. State Archive of the Odessa Region

    The fond includes four inventories systematized chronologically and, for personal files in op. 2L, alphabetically. Included are materials (op. 1) connected with the work of archive personnel in assisting the Odessa Regional Extraordinary State Commission, in particular, the album Fascist Atrocities in the Odessa Region during its Temporary Occupation, with photographs of the ghetto near the village of Bogdanovka (Domanevka district, Odessa region) showing external and internal views of living quarters, excavations of burial sites in places of mass shootings of Jews, a medical commission’s w...

  8. State Commission for Planning at the Council of Peoples’ Commissars of the Crimean ASSR

    • Государственная плановая комиссия при СНК Крым АССР

    Information about statistics of the Crimean population (including Jewish population) could be found in the files of Inventory 9. File 7. Data about composition and quantity of population of the Crimean ASSR. 1941-45. 33 pages. File 14. Data about quantity of population of Crimea from 1897 to 1941. 1941. 72 pages.

  9. Statistical Bureau of Simferopol City Council

    • Городское статистическое бюро Симферопольской городской управы

    The following files contain statistical information about Jewish and Krymchak population of Simferopol and the Crimea during the Nazi occupation: File 1. Statistical reports for November and December 1941. File 2. Statistical reports for January 1942. File 3. Statistical reports for February 1942. File 4. Statistical reports for March 1942. File 5. Statistical reports for April 1942. File 6. Statistical reports for May 1942. File 7. Statistical reports for June 1942. File 8. Information on the age and gender composition of the population of Simferopol and its suburbs. 01.12.1941 – 01.01.194...

  10. Sumy city committee of the Communist party of Ukraine

    • Сумський міський комітет Комуністичної партії України
    • Sumskyi miskyi komitet Komunistychnoi partii Ukrainy

    The collection contains protocols of Communist party conferences, plenums, meetings of the bureau, materials to them. References, informations, reports on issues of organizational and propaganda, social and economic development. Information about the damage inflicted by the Nazi invaders. Inquiries, specifications, awards letters to the fighters of the Great Patriotic War. Statistical reports on the numerical composition and movement of the party organization. Accounting books, registration membership cards, candidate's and registration cards. Lists of communists left behind in the occupied...

  11. Sumy Regional committee of the Communist party of Ukraine

    • Сумський обласний комітет Комуністичної партії України
    • Sumskyi oblasnyi komitet Komunystychnoi partii Ukrainy

    Collection includes: Acts of damage and materials on crimes committed by German fascist invaders. Information about the mass graves (inventory 1). Documents about participation of the Jews in the Soviet partisan and underground movement during the WWII. Lists of Soviet partisans and underground fighters include individuals of the Jewish origin: inventory 3п, file 15, pp. 1-10, 12, 14-17, 19-21, 25, 26, file 88, pp. 13, 17, file 106, pp. 7-12, 21, 23, file 190, pp. 7, 18, file 238, pp. 19, 20, 22-24, 28, 33, 35, 38-40, 73, 74, 76, 77, 102, file 239, pp. 3, 6, 7, file 256, pp. 5, 6, file 257,...

  12. Sumy regional extraordinary commission on investigation of the German-Fascist crimes

    • Сумська обласна надзвичайна комісія по встановленню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників
    • Sumska oblasna nadzvychaina komisiia po vstanovlenniu zlochiniv nimetsko-fashystskyh zaharbnykiv

    The collection includes acts and statements about crimes committed by the German occupiers against the Jewish population of the following districts of Sumy region: - General statement of the Commission about the German crimes in Sumy region, (inventory 1, file 101, pp. 7-8); - The same Statement (inventory 1, file 103, p. 85); - Statement about the German crimes in Krolevets district (invenory 1, file 103, p. 116); - Statement about murder of civilians, including the Jews, in the town of Konotop (inventory 1, file 102, pp. 18,19); - Statement about the German atrocities in Lebedin district ...

  13. Sydorova Iaruha village administration in Velykopysarivskyi district

    • Сидоровояружська сільська управа с. Сидорова Яруга Великописарівського району
    • Sydorovoiaruzhska silska uprava s. Sydorova Iaruha Velykopysarivskoho raionu

    Collection includes orders of the head of Velyka Pysarivka police about registration of the Jewish families (file 1, p. 65), making lists of the Jewish population (file 1, p. 129), marking Jewish IDs with the letter "Ж" or “ I ” (file 1, p. 365); announcement about introducing labor duty for the Jews in the front rear line (file 3, p. 13); list of the Jewish authors prohibited by the occupation authorities (file 3, p. 261).

  14. Torhovytsia village administration in Pidvysotskyi district

    • Торговицька сільська управа; с. Торговиці Підвисоцького району
    • Torhovytska silska uprava, s. Torhovytsy Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection includes lists of the Jewish belongings which were distributed for free among the Germans and local non-Jewish population in the village of Torhovytsi on 22 May 1942 (file 13, p. 6-10); list of the Jews in Torhovytsia (file 13, p. 16); list of the Jews who were imposed with taxes according to the order of the German commandant (file 13, p. 3).

  15. Ukrainian auxiliary police of Volochysk village

    • Українська допоміжна охоронна поліція, с. Волочиськ
    • Ukrainska dopomizhna ohoronna politsiia, s. Volochysk

    Collection contains weekly reports of the local police about their activities in the village. Collection includes weekly report of policeman in Kupil village from August 1942 particularly mentioning exploitation of the Jews in the village (file 1, page 54).

  16. Vasilkivtsy village administration in Mikhalpiltsy district of Iarmolyntsy gebiet

    • Васильківська сільська управа, с. Васильківці, Михалпільського району
    • Vasylkivska silska uprava, s. Vasylkivtsy Mykhalpilskoho raionu Iarmolynetskoho okruhu

    Directives and orders of district administrations, reports of agricultural councils, receipts on the delivery of state taxes and insurance, tax and procurement documents, lists of persons obtained insurance for buildings and inventory. Collection includes regulations about organization of Jewish workshops in Iarmolyntsy gebiet to serve the local non-Jewish population (file 3, p. 123).

  17. Vlizky village administration in Lebedinskyi district

    • Влізьківська сільська управа Лебединського району
    • Vlizkivska silska uprava Lebedinskoho raionu

    The collection contains the order of the city commandant's office on the organization of the Ukrainian auxiliary police, on the activities of the city commandant's office, on the registration of persons to be sent to Germany, on the punishment of citizens who distributed leaflets and helped the partisans, on the registration of population. Certificates of confirmation of ethnicity. Collection includes order from Ortskommandantur to stamp letter "I" in the Jewish passports and IDs. (file 1, p. 164).

  18. Volodymyrivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Володимирівська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Volodymyrivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders by Field Commandant, Kirovohrad Chebitskommissar, Pidvysotsk district administration, and the district land commissariat on administrative, agricultural affairs, mobilization of labor to Germany, the fight against partisans, the organization of committees of the Red Cross, the collecting of things for the German army. Book of orders of Volodymyrivska village administration. Lists of Soviet prisoners of war and the population living on the territory of the village Volodymyrivka, workers and employees of the village administration. Lists of persons sent to work in G...

  19. Volyn regional administration

    • Волинська обласна управа
    • Volynska oblasna uprava

    Collection contains order of the Gebietskommissar on the organization of the work of the district administration, the structure of the administrative department, the departments of education and health care; instructions, reports of departments of the regional administration and rayon departments, reports of the congress of teachers; lists of hospitals of the region, heads of district administrations, teachers, medical staff, intellectuals; lists of individuals repressed by the Soviet authorities, prisoners; questionnaires of employees of enterprises and institutions of Lutsk, teachers, inf...

  20. Volyn regional comission for calculation of damage caused by the German-Fascist invaders

    • Волинська обласна комісія по обліку збитків, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками
    • Volynska oblasna komissiia po obliku zbytkiv, zapodiianyh nimetsko-fashistskymy zaharbnykamy

    Registers of documents, statements of material damage caused to individuals, collective farms, state enterprises, institutions. Summaries of information on losses incurred by occupants in the cities and districts of the region. Acts, registers, questionnaires containing information about the executed, tortured communists, Soviet activists, prisoners of war, civilians, Jews. Lists of individuals deported to forced labor in Germany. Questionnaires, testimonies, memories of persons who returned from German captivity. Report on the results of calculation of losses and the investigation of crime...