Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,441 to 33,460 of 33,714
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Language of Description: Multiple
  1. Archives du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (ACICR): G44 Hostages and Political Detainees (microfilm)

    Archives du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (ACICR) collection, 1939-1952, comprises files, reports and correspondence on the following subject areas: general background on hostages and political detainees; hostages and political detainees in Germany; hostages and political detainess by country and nationality (except Germany); assistance to hostages and political detainees; repatriations of deported; case files (all nationalities); civil war in Greece.

  2. Dachau concentration camp: postcard

    Postcard from Dachau concentration camp collection comprises a postcard and translation from Ernst Fulda in Dachau concentration camp to Louise Fulda.

  3. Adler family: official personal documents

    Collection of official personal documents, correspondence and press cuttings of members of the Adler family who emigrated to the UK in 1936. Includes certificates of birth and death, speeches, work references, certificates of naturalisation, passports, marriage certificates, declaration of acquisition of British nationality and school reports of Bruno and Meta Adler (1664/1), Erich and Ursula Adler (1664/2), Moritz Israel and Elise Mecklenburg (1664/3), and Feist and Betty Landau (1664/4).

  4. Elise Steiner: personal papers and correspondence

    This collection contains the personal papers of Elise Steiner, a former Jewish refugee from Vienna who arrived in England on a Kindertransport in 1938. Her parents and younger brother were murdered at Kowno concentration camp in 1941. Includes family correspondence (together with typescripts) documenting the day to day activities and aspirations of a Jewish family in Vienna. Reoccurring themes include their gratitude that at least one child was able to escape and continue with her education, efforts to find a place on the Kindertransport for Elise's brother Leo Steiner, news of the fate of ...

  5. Peter Ury: personal papers

    This collection contains the papers of Peter Ury, a Jewish composer from Cologne who emigrated to England in 1939 to escape persecution in Germany. Included are some musical scores of his work, correspondence and press cuttings. Also included are various membership and ID cards of Alfred and Ernina Unger (parents of Peter Ury's wife).

  6. Concentration camp correspondence from various prisoners

    This collection mainly contains correspondence relating to Jewish inmates of concentration camps in Nazi Germany, such as a letter sent by Boleslaus Deja from Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg concentration camp (1940); censored postcard sent by Emil Gans from Lodz (Litzmannstadt) ghetto (1941); postcard sent by Bernhard Steckowski from Buchenwald concentration camp (1942) and his receipts of postings of money ('Einlieferungsschein') received at Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg (July 1940), Dachau (October 1940) and Buchenwald (September 1941) concentration camps; and letter from Konstanya Nowakowska at R...

  7. The Finnish Jewish Archives

    Archives of the Jewish Community of Helsinki, its institutions and related associations; archives of the Jewish Community of Vyborg (Viipuri) and Tampere, the Central Council of Jewish Communities in Finland, and other Finnish Jewish central organizations; personal archives.

  8. The Gilbert Collection: Documentation written by senior Nazi war criminals in detention during the Nuremberg Trials

    In the collection there are interviews with these Nazi leaders and officials, as well as essays and manuscripts written by them while they were imprisoned during the trials. Among other items in the documentation:- Hans Michael Frank, Governor of the Generalgouvernment, who described his experiences and personal encounters with Hitler; - The diary of Rudolf Hess, Hitler´s deputy in the Nazi party, written during his imprisonment in England and notes he prepared for a declaration before the trial;- Article by Alfred Rosenberg regarding the persecution of the Jews; - Bibliographical notes by ...

  9. Клеванський гебітскомісаріат, м-ко. Клевань Рівненської області

    • Gebietskomissariat in Klevan

    Opis 1 Folder 12, Statistical information on civil population. 1941. 1 p.

  10. Рівненська міська управа, м. Рівне.

    • Rivne Town Administration

    The copies of the documents from this collection are stored in USHMM and described as follows: Opis 1 Folder 4, Correspondence with the medical (sanitarian) department. (undated). 1 p. Folder 18, Reports of the sanitarian department. 1941. 1-85 pp. Folder 10, Correspondence with gebitkomissariat. 1941. 233 pp. Folder 8, List of Jewish craftsmen. 1941. 6 pp. Opis 3 Folder 1, List of the Jewish cutter shops (owned by Jews). (undated). 37 pp. Folder 16, List of the house owners in Rovno (Jews-VA) by street from A to B. (undated). 90 pp. Folder 7, List of the closed business (owned by Jews-VA)....

  11. Володимирська районна поліція м. Києва

    • Vladimirskiy rayon Ukrainian guard police

    USHMM has copied from this fonds and describes the copies as follows: Fond 4437: 1: Orders of the commandants of staffs of the city and rayon police for October 1941-December 1942 (copies). List of employees of the city and Vladimirskiy rayon police. 1941-42. 385 pp. Fond 4437: 2: Registry book of persons arrested. 1942. 48 pp. Fond 4437: 3: Registry book of persons arrested. 1942-1943. 200 pp. Fond 4437: 4: Police duty roster book. 1941-1943. 500 pp. Fond 4437: 5: Police duty roster book. 1942. 200 pp. Fond 4437: 6: Police duty roster book. 1943. 234 pp. Fond 4437: 7: Sketch of police rout...

  12. Штаб имперского руководителя (рейхсляйтера) Розенберга для оккупированных восточных областей, г.г. Берлин — Киев

    USHMM has copied from this fonds and describes the copies as follows: Opis 1, Einsatzstab Rosenberg Folder 2: Einsatzstab Rosenberg for the occupied eastern territories. Correspondence on transport of books, article translations from the foreign press on Lenin and Stalin, a letter on reworking documents of the German playwright Hans Mühlenstein, lists of permanent employees of Einsatzstab Rosenberg, lists of POWs and interrogation results. 11 III 1942-3 IX 1944. Folder 7: Circulars and correspondence on personnel (locally recruited workers). Inquiries on goods shipped to the headquarters. F...

  13. Рівненський гебітскомісаріат, м. Рівне Рівненської області.

    • Rovno Gebietskomissariat 1941-1944

    The copies of documents from Rivne archive are stored in USHMM and described as folllows: Opis 1 Folder 3, “The Government Gerald.” 1941. 1-3 pp. Folder 15, Appeals to the civil population. (undated). 1-5 pp. Folder 2, “How to treat Russians.” 1941. 38 pp. Folder 20, List of the houses owned by Jews. 1941. 89 pp. Folder 19, Documents of the Judenrat. 1941-1942. 29 pp. Folder 18, Orders concerning the Jewish police in the ghetto. 1941. 10 pp. Folder 7, Instruction and draft conclusion, creation of the gebitcomissariats. 1941. 25 pp. Folder 17, Orders concerning the Jewish population. 1941-19...

  14. Управління бургомістра м. Біла Церква Київської області

    • Administration of the burgomaster of the town of Belaya Tserkov
    • Управління бургомістра м. Біла Церква Київської області

    Opis 1. 1. Directives and orders concerning personnel of the administration, correspondence with organizations and institutions of the rayon 1a. Orders of the burgomaster 2. Orders about the administration and its personnel. ID documents and certifications of employees. Lists of employees of the police and of the bread factory. Rules on internal order for employees of prisons and for prisoners. Lists of imprisoned Jews and lists of starostas and members of the guard. 3. Examples of book-keeping documents and card-indexing 5.Information on the detention of prisoners, their place of permanent...

  15. Уманська міська управа, м. Умань Київської області

    • Uman city administration, Kiev oblast

    Opis 1. The majority of the folders consist of declarations and statements regarding the right to issue patents to private persons for carrying on handicraft or trade activity. 682. Orders of the German military and civilian authorities 840. Orders of the Gebietskommissar of Uman 841. List of the apartments of polizei members, correspondence of various individuals and organizations with the city administration regarding housing issues Opis 3. 15. List of members of the city administration as of 15 July 1942

  16. Συλλογή Ασσέο Ι. - Χαμπούρη Α.

    • Collection Asseo I. - Chabouri A.
    • Syllogi Asseo I - Chambouri A
  17. Projekt Dotrščina: Zagrepčani - revolucionari, antifašisti i žrtve fašističkog terora 1941. - 1945. (podserija)

    • The Dotrščina Park Project: citizens of Zagreb, revolutionaries, anti-Fascist fighters and victims of fascist terror 1941-1945

    The Dotrsicna park in Zagreb is the site of the mass murder where around 18 000 citizens of Zagreb and its surroundings were shot during the Fascist regime due to their ethnic background, or the fact they were anti-regime. Thanks to archivists Josipa Paver and Igor Graovac, there was systematic work on the names of the victims from 1967 until the late 1990s. The project started in the State Archive back in 1967, and lasted, with interruptions, until April 1985. The project examined the records of the Croatian State Archives, the former archives of the Institute of History of the labor movem...

  18. Česká liga proti bolševismu, Praha

    • Czech League against Bolshevism
    • ČLB
    • ČLpB
    • Národní archiv
    • 739
    • English
    • 1944-1945
    • The collection consists out of 0,5 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents.

    The official reason for the founding of the Czech League against Bolshevism (Česká liga proti bolševismu) was the Czechoslovak-Soviet treaty of alliance in December 1943 signed by Edvard Beneš in Moscow. The Founding General Meeting of the Czech League against Bolshevism (Česká liga proti bolševismu) was held 23rd January 1944 in Prague. The organization reported directly to the Ministry of Education and Propaganda, led by Emanuel Moravec. Since its founding until January 1945 the Liga organized 231 public speeches and lectures. The Propaganda of the Czech League against Bolshevism was not ...

  19. Národní souručenství, Praha

    • National Community, Prague
    • Nationale Gemeinschaft
    • N Sour.
    • Národní archiv
    • 453
    • English
    • 1939-1945
    • The collection consists out of 30,5 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 0,62 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The National Community included all male citizens of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia. The membership was virtually a formality. The Preparatory Committee was established soon after the occupation, namely 21 March 1939 under President Hacha. The aim was to create a mass organization which would support the Protectorate government. Subsequently on 6th April 1939 the Národní souručenství was declared the only political party in the Protectorate. About ninety percent of the male population of the Protectorate were members of Národní souručenství. The organisation Národní souručenství was a...


    • The County Court in Brod