Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,081 to 3,100 of 4,487
Holding Institution: Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
  1. Ursula M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ursula M., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1918 to a Jewish-Romanian father and a Christian mother who had converted to Judaism. She recounts attending school; expulsion of the Jews after Hitler's ascent to power and issuance of racial laws; remaining because she was a foreign national and child of a German non-Jew; her mother's refusal to divorce her father in order to attain "Aryan" status; her future husband's emigration in 1937; hiding Jews in their home during Kristallnacht; her parents' emigration to England in May 1939 (she was to follow shortly); her father...

  2. Bery S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bery S., who was born in Galați, Romania in 1930. She recounts her family's move to Izmaïl; her parents' divorce; celebrating Passover with her extended family; her mother's remarriage and move to Bucharest; living with her grandmother; attending public school; their move to Bucharest in 1940; her grandmother's return to Izmaïl; anti-Jewish restrictions; attending a Jewish school; hiding during violence against Jews; seeing corpses in the street; renting part of their house to the Swiss embassy, which provided some protection; being protected by her stepfather's fr...

  3. Max L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Max L., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1923, the youngest of three children. He recounts his large extended family; his father's death in 1926; attending the Katzenelson school; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; German invasion; joining the Polish military; fleeing to Warsaw; fighting in Mszczonów and Warsaw; surrender; returning home; ghettoization; attending a clandestine school; his sister's hospitalization; retrieving her when warned of the hospital's liquidation; selection to clean the empty ghetto; deportation to Oranienburg, then Sachsenhausen; hospitaliza...

  4. Morris G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris G. who was born in Praszka, Poland in 1914, three months after the death of his father. He tells how he lived in Praszka with his uncle and worked in his uncle's bakery until the age of sixteen. Living in ?o?dz? at the time of the German occupation of Poland, Mr. G. describes his flight to Warsaw to escape the Germans and his return to ?o?dz? shortly thereafter. He worked as a baker in the ?o?dz? ghetto until 1940, at which time he volunteered for a labor transport to Spiegelberg, Germany. He remained there building roads until 1943. Mr. G. recounts his transfe...

  5. Eva T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva T., who was born in Sombor, Yugoslavia in 1926. She recalls Hungarian occupation in April 1941; attending school; her father's forced labor; German invasion in March 1944; her father's arrest; arrest with her mother in April; transfer to Baja, Bac?ka Topola, then Auschwitz/Birkenau; a deep sense of humiliation; becoming numb; hospitalization; daily visits by Josef Mengele; her mother's block chief arranging transfer to their barrack; slave labor sorting prisoners' belongings; transfer to another barrack; digging trenches; a three week hospitalization; friendship w...

  6. Shaul S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shaul S., who was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands in 1925, one of six children. He recounts moving to Middelburg when he was a year and a half; his parents' divorce; his father's remarriage to a German non-Jew; visiting her family in Germany; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; a German soldier (his stepmother's friend) warning them to emigrate; forced relocation to Amsterdam in 1942; round-ups; his father's former customers sending them food; learning his older sister had been deported; deportation to Westerbork; assistance from an older prisoner; train transpo...

  7. Dov B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dov B., who was born in Cze?stochowa, Poland in 1914, the youngest of three children. Mr. B. recounts attending school; antisemitic violence; participation in Hashomer Hatzair; his brother's emigration to Palestine in 1932; attending university in Warsaw; moving to a hachsharah; returning home due to illness; German invasion; fleeing with his girlfriend; returning; ghettoization; contact with the Judenrat; his sister's round-up and deportation; living on a kibbutz in the "small ghetto"; contact with Jewish resistance leaders from Warsaw, like Arye Wilner; helping to o...

  8. Gary B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gary B., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1924 to Polish e?migre?s. He recalls their affluence; summer visits to relatives in Poland; participating in Hashomer Hatzair, planning to emigrate to Palestine; transfer to a Jewish school in 1937 due to antisemitism; his bar mitzvah; his father's deportation to Poland in 1938; his father's brief return to liquidate their assets; his mother and siblings joining his father in Poland; his arrest on September 13, 1939; incarceration in Sachsenhausen; a barrack mate being beaten to death (he testified against one perpetrator in...

  9. Samuel S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel S., who was born in Mýtna Nová Ves, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1934, the older of two brothers. He recalls his father losing his business due to anti-Jewish laws; attending a Jewish school in Topol̕čany in 1941; returning home in March 1942; deportations of grandparents and other relatives; escaping with his brother and parents to Nitra; the smuggler taking them to Hungary, abandoning them, and stealing their suitcases; hiding with non-Jews in Obdokovská Pusta for three months starting in October 1942; moving to a brick factory in Nitra, where a...

  10. Sam G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sam G., who was born in Poland. He recounts antisemitic harassment; attending school in Piotrko?w Trybunalski; working in ?o?dz?; bringing his mother there for surgery in late summer 1939; German invasion delaying the surgery; her death; difficulty providing a Jewish burial due to German restrictions; returning home; eviction from their home by the Germans; his brother's disappearance (he suspects he escaped to Soviet territory and harbors the hope he is still alive); a childhood friend who was a German officer warning him to leave town; the mayor providing him with f...

  11. Margarita F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Margarita F., who was born in 1925, one of four children. She recalls her father was a miller in Minsk; his atheism (he was in the Communist Party); her mother's orthodoxy; being sickly until age four; attending a Russian school; her father's arrest during the 1937 "purge"; his release after six months; attending college; German invasion in June 1941; fleeing with her parents and two siblings; being wounded; receiving medical treatment in Chervyenʹ; reaching Mahili︠o︡ŭ (Mogilev); ghettoization; round-ups for mass killings, including her father; her mother ordering he...

  12. Esfira F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esfira F., who was born in Belopol?ye, Soviet Union (now Ukraine) in 1924. She recalls friendly relations with non-Jews; attending Ukrainian school; German bombardment and invasion in 1941; anti-Jewish restrictions and violence; translating to the Germans for her kolkhoz director; refusing a marriage offer from a German soldier; ghettoization in Berdychiv; escaping; returning to Belopol?ye; escaping a mass killing with her family; escaping a mass killing by Germans and Ukrainian police in May 1942 with help from a German who pushed her into a pit (her mother and broth...

  13. Jay M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jay M., who was born in Bia?ystok, Poland. He recounts growing up in a Jewish neighborhood; his father's emigration to the United States; German invasion; Soviet occupation a week later; German invasion in June 1941; a mass killing; ghettoization; the role of the Judenrat; hiding with his mother and sister during mass killings; working with his mother and sister at a munitions factory; hiding with his mother and sister in bunkers after liquidation of the ghetto was announced on August 16, 1943; constant fear of discovery; escaping to the forest in November 1943; learn...

  14. Jozef W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jozef W., who was born in Pušovce, then the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, in 1916. He recounts his father's death in World War I; his family's orthodoxy; cordial relations with non-Jews; visiting his grandfather in Chmelov; attending yeshiva in Gelnica, then teachers academy in Prešov; an antisemitic professor; teaching in Levoča; working with Hashomer Hatzair preparing youths to emigrate to Palestine; traveling to Berlin in 1939 to obtain funds to rescue Polish children; smuggling them to Čadca; organizing a communal farm; teaching in Trenčin in 1940; marriage in M...

  15. Jacques F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacques F., who was born in Paris, France in 1938. He reflects upon how few memories he has of his childhood, among them he and his younger sister living with a Catholic family on a farm outside Paris, probably in 1942; the father of the family hiding with Mr. F. and his sister in a ditch and seeing soldiers and dogs; associating with nuns; Allied soldiers parading through town throwing candy; living happily in an OSE home near Normandy from 1946 to 1947 and in Taverny from 1948; and first learning he was Jewish there. He recounts being adopted with his sister by an A...

  16. Helen F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen F., who was born in approximately 1930 in Cra?ciunes?ti, Romania, an only child. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; a happy childhood; attending theater in Sighet; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; her father's trip to Kos?ice in 1944 (she never saw him again); transfer to a ghetto in April; deportation to Auschwitz in May; separation from her mother (she never saw her again); crying all the time; losing her belief in God; smuggling herself to her cousins' block; transfer a month later with four friends to a camp in Germany; slave labor in a muni...

  17. Sam N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sam N., who was born in Rzeszo?w, Poland in 1929. He recalls the German invasion; fleeing with his family to another town; hiding while SS troops murdered 300 Jews and burned the synagogue; their return to Rzeszo?w; anti-Jewish restrictions; an unsuccessful attempt to escape to the Soviet zone; ghettoization; his mother's arrest and interrogation; and his father's death while in hiding. Mr. N. tells of the influx of Jews from surrounding areas; frequent deportations; his bar mitzvah, for which he studied in secret; transfer to Reichshof labor camp in Rzeszo?w; his sis...

  18. Cecile S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cecile S., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1937. She recounts her father was a jeweler; German invasion in 1940; seeing a Jew beaten in the street; her mother shielding her from the brutality; anti-Jewish restrictions; her father's arrest, beating and release; Germans looting their home; her father's deportation; an uncle's maid hiding them in Boom with relatives who were in the underground; warm relations with the family; being treated for an illness in Mechelen; her mother obtaining gold her father had hidden; illegally traveling with the Belgian underground to ...

  19. Ilona G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ilona G., who was born in Putnok, Hungary in 1921. She recalls her family's comfortable life; their orthodoxy; attending a Jewish school until age ten, then a secular school; studying languages in Czechoslovakia for a year; learning dressmaking; deportation with her family in 1941 as non-Hungarian citizens; an officer verifying their Hungarian citizenship at the border; returning home; her sister's marriage; draft of her father and brother-in-law into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in 1940; German invasion in 1944; deportation with her family to Auschwitz (her gran...

  20. Alexander A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alexander A., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1928, the oldest of three children. He recounts his father's military draft immediately before the war; his capture by the Germans; a one hour visit when he was en route to Germany as a POW; anti-Jewish restrictions, including expulsion from school; non-Jews assisting their move to Mogiła to avoid ghettoization; forced relocation to the Weiliczka ghetto; his grandmother's hospitalization (he never saw her again); relocating to the Kraków ghetto with assistance from German soldiers; slave labor at an airport; his mother...