Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 41 to 60 of 99
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: Arhivele Militare Naționale Române, Ministrul Apărării Naționale
  1. Counter-espionage of civilian population. Legionnaires, communists, espionage, terrorism, sabotage.

    Lists of suspicious and presumed dangerous persons from various districts of Moldova. Reports of minor events and incidents in the region. A number of 20 Jews are taken, hostage in Botosani and kept in a synagogue. Similar actions are reported from other cities. Detailed report from the Regional Inspectorate of Police in Iassy from July 27, 1941, describing the mood of the population and its attitude toward the Jewish minority in various localities. A biased report on the massacre of the Jews in Iassy, says that the German troops from the German Organization Todt did kill the Jews in the ba...

  2. Military reserves

    Tests for NCO personnel. Assignments of military personnel to various units. Instructions and census of officers and NCOs in reserves. Lists from military districts.

  3. General orders

    Problems related to the food distribution for the military units. Results of inspection of the troops, regarding equipment and personal cleanliness and living conditions.

  4. Organization of army mobilization for temporary service

    Regulations for maintaining secrecy: correspondence, picture taking etc. Creation of Censoring services for news release and personal correspondence. Restrictions of military service for some minorities. Orders and regulations after the occupation of Bessarabia and the Northern Bucovina by the Soviets. Due to the supposed non-patriotic attitude of the Jews in the province Moldova, every contact with army personnel is forbidden. Confidential reports regarding the actions of the Soviets in the occupied territories. The association German Embassy hat sent letters denigrating the Romanian state...

  5. Orders of operations

    Organizing of fighting and defense positions on the Eastern border, on the rivers Siret, Ceremus-Prut, Dniester and on the territory between these two rivers.

  6. Actions against partisans in Transnistria

    Reports of counter-espionage. Fights with bands of partisans by German and Romanian troops. Reports of attacks by partisans on railroads, military installations, hospitals. Interception and fights with parachutists. Full scale fights against partisans with considerable human and material losses. Lists of victims.

  7. Military Corps of Engineers - Communications.

    Situation of railroad and road transport in Transnistria. Reports of conflicts with the German army personnel. Handling of convoys of Russian prisoners.

  8. Reports

    of mobilization, evacuations and internment of Jews (Jidani). Evacuation of Jews from Moghilau to the Northern part of Transnistria, for military reasons. Creation of ghettos for Jews. Report of 6,500 and of 8,000 Jews from Bessarabia and Bucovina sent over the Bug; other 60,000 are assembled in Berezovka waiting to be transferred. A report of the Jewish Committee for the coordination of the work force and for assistance of the Jews in Moghilev, sent to the Jewish Center in Bucharest, is intercepted by the censor; it generates admiration at the Commandment of the III-d Army for the organiza...

  9. Mobilization

    Camps for Jews communists from Romania. Report on guarding of prisoners and of the deported Jews. Evacuation of Jews from Moghilev is proposed. Situation of internees in the camp Vapniarka.

  10. Internment

    Internment of communists from Romania and from Transnistria. Organization of the camps and of the counter-espionage service. Preventive measures against soviet parachutists.

  11. Guarding and control of the territory

    Guarding and control of the territory. Fumigation of the catacombs in Odessa, to eradicate the partisans and parachutists. Terrestrial/ aerial protection of the ammunition depot in Nikolaev. Reorganization of the military command in Odessa.

  12. Remarks

    Terrorist activities, sabotage, espionage, partisans, Atrocities committed by German-Hungarian troops. Dec. 20, 1944 and up to April. 25, 1945.Capture of two Hungarian partisans. Information regarding creation of a school of partisans in Hungary, to commit acts of sabotage in Romania. Hungarian partisans and terrorists infiltrated into Romanian territory. Material based on interrogations of apprehended terrorists. Reports of atrocities committed by German troops in the battle against the Soviet troops, killing and wounding a great many Romanian military. Information on the activity of the G...

  13. Army Engineering Corps requests

    permission to use Jews in communication services and other special positions. Jewish women to be also mobilized; to be used for hospitals or other institutions and should not be put to heavy manual work.

  14. Instructions

    for Jewish forced labor brigades, forced labor, guards, field work, instructions for procurement of cattle food, concurrence between the base units and the spread-out formations for improving the situation of the villages. April 1 - August 3, 1944. Instructions for the formation of guard units. Documents related to the above.

  15. Suspicious elements in the Army

    Communists, Legionnaires, Irredentists, Sectants, terrorists. Due to the international situation, an increase in the activities of various factions requires higher vigilance in the detection of suspicious elements in the armed forces. Under suspicion are officers of German origin (Saxons, swabs). Reports and analyses of personnel from various minorities and provinces: German, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Bessarabia, Transylvania.

  16. Remarks

    Requests for lists of all military personnel, divided by categories in accordance with their activities, belonging to a political movement, or who committed acts of terrorism, maiming or killing. Follow lists from various Units.

  17. Campaign against Hungary

    Activity of the propaganda groups. Distribution to the troops of materials received from the Soviet Union. Preparations for a military gazette. Atrocities committed by the Hungarian army.

  18. Jews

    Problems related to use of Jewish hospitals and workers, Various requests from Jewish communities and individuals, mostly related to forced labor. Lists of Jews provided with certificate of dispensation from forced labor.

  19. Propaganda, Counter-propaganda, Intelligence, Censorship

    A calendar is distributed containing texts elogious of the Hungarian army.

  20. Orders and requests.

    Orders of permanent nature, for military personnel and organization. Colonization of Bessarabia. Request to settle there, from a number of NC officers. Officers’ wives requested to perform duties at social services. Instructions regulating the duties of Jews in the working brigades. Order from Antonescu to limit the body weight of the officers to 75 Kg. Obligatory physical exercises are instituted. Casa Ostirii (Army Club): description, history, functions.