Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,021 to 3,040 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Selected records from Telšiai County Branch Archives in Lithuania related to restitution of the Jewish property after WWII

    Records of various county agencies (State Notary, County Executive Council, People's Court etc) related to the restitution and inheritance of individual and communal Jewish property located in the Telsiai County after World War II, includes sales contracts, wills, sales records and personal documentation of Jewish residents trying to re-establish ownership over their property and/or inheritance rights.

  2. Felix Lilienthal family papers

    The collection contains pre-war and wartime correspondence between members of the Lilienthal family of Wiesbaden, Germany. Pre-war correspondence includes letters sent to Saul Lilienthal, a cantor and teacher, from when he was living in Posen (present-day Poznan, Poland); Freiburg, Germany; and Wiesbaden; as well as general family correspondence. Wartime correspondence primarily contains letters sent to Felix Lilienthal, who immigrated to Treinta y Tres and then to Montevideo, Uruguay in 1938. Included are letters sent by Saul and Bertha Lilienthal from Wiesbaden in 1938, and then from Amst...

  3. Selected records from Klaipeda Regional State Archives in Lithuania related to expropriation of private property in Klaipeda County by Soviet authorities after WWII

    Minutes and decisions of the Agricultural Committees regarding the expropriation of the private property (farms, shops, small business etc.) in the Klaipeda County by the Soviet authorities during and after World War II.

  4. Collection of German prints Zbiór druków niemieckich (Sygn. 122)

    Posters, brochures, and leaflets issued by the German authorities during their occupation of Poland during World War II. Directed at the Polish population, these materials instructed residents about their obligations during the occupation, such as calling on Poles to lay down their arms, and also includes the ultimatums for the people of the city of Warsaw, the call to leave Warsaw, etc.

  5. Cactus breeding; gymnast; skiing in Grinzing; boy plays with a telephone

    Lizzy-Film Produktion. "Heute Doppelprogramm" “Wochenschau Feber 1931” [Alice Kessler's amateur version of a weekly newsreel.] “Kakteenzucht Ziechentrick” “Sehr schnell waechst hier der Kaktus, die Pflege man verstehen muss.” A series of cactus graphics appear on screen, interspersed with film of live cacti. Cactus breeding. 01:02:05 “5 Minuten Akrobatik” “Ausgefuehrt von Frau Hilde Altmann Gymnastiklehrerin” “Aufgepasst!!” A woman performs a gymnastics routine indoors. 01:03:17 “Grinzing im Schnee” Passers-by carry wooden skis as they walk through the snowy streets of the Austrian city of ...

  6. American propaganda leaflets

    Two American propaganda leaflets in Hungarian warning Hungarian people that the perpetrators of the Holocaust will be brought to justice. The first leaflet is titled “Te Is Mosod Kezeidet?” [“Will you, too, wash your hands of this?!”] and is illustrated with a pair of hairy hands washing-up in a bowl. On the reverse is an image of blind justice and a quote from President Roosevelt. The second is illustrated with a uniformed man carrying a gun in a doorway and asks “Kellett Ez Nektek?” [“Did you Need this?”].

  7. Georges Despaux stone relief

    Stone relief of a man in profile (looking left); verso: inscribed "K.L. Buchenwald" [in Russian] "1-X-1944"; Attributed to Georges Despaux (1906-1969) an artist who was a prisoner in Buchenwald.

  8. Photographic print of Chaim Simcha Mechlowitz

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn613486
    • English
    • overall: Height: 13.940 inches (35.408 cm) | Width: 10.940 inches (27.788 cm) pictorial area: Height: 13.500 inches (34.29 cm) | Width: 8.940 inches (22.708 cm)

    Gelatin silver print, portrait of Chaim Simcha Mechlowitz, a farmer and tanner, Vysni Apsa, Carpathian Ruthenia, ca. 1935-38.

  9. Poster

    Mikhail Gordon (1918-2003). [We Will Destroy The Hitler State And Its Inspirers!], Iskusstvo, Leningrad.

  10. Prayer book

    Prayer book owned by Leopold (Lajos) Blum (donor's cousin). He found it at his neighbor's home after he returned to his home town of Sanicoara, Romania after liberation. When he returned, he found his business had been looted and learned that his wife and children had been murdered in Auschwitz. He found this prayer book and a few others at his neighbor's home. Decades later, when Leopold decided to emigrate to Israel, he was told that he could not take these with him, so Leopold left them with his cousin Zoltán (donor) in Gherla, Romania. Zoltán was interrned with Lajos in Mauthausen, and ...

  11. Carl and Gertrud Lutz in a garden

    Carl and his wife sit close to one another on a set of steps, holding hands and talking, in Chicago (date unknown). She kisses his cheek. He gets up to adjust the camera and rejoins her, putting his arm around her. They smile for the camera. Gertrud in a fur coat and hat. Carl sits with a group of people in rocking chairs. Carl and his wife on a pier, smiling for the camera. The two walk arm in arm on the deck of a ship, looking out over the railing, and in a garden (seen in RG-60.6976). They kiss. Gertrud wears sunglasses and sits with another man (Emil?) on a bench. Carl joins them. CUs, ...

  12. Family vacation at sea in Opatija

    Lizzy Film Produktion. Mitglied des Klubs der Kinoamateure Osterreichs. “Ferien am Meer. Abbazia 1933”, “Ankunft in Abbazia” (00:00:36) A planes flies overhead and then lands on the water in Abbazia (Opatija, Croatia). A ship, the Lorenzo Marcello, comes in to dock. Hans [Hans Otto Kessler] watches the boat, possibly with his father Jakob. Sailors peek out of the port holes. “Blick vom Meer” Camera shows the harbor and waves crashing. “Fröhliche Tage” (00:03:33) A women, possibly Lizzy, rides a board being pulled by a boat in the water. Hans smiles while he watches Lizzy. “Springkonkurrenz”...

  13. Prayer book

    Sukkot Mahzor, published in 1878, that belonged to Martha Bermann Loeb.

  14. Anti-Semitic & Anti-Communist Poster

    Jews Hiding Under a Table; printed for the "Grand Anti-Masonic Exhibition" in Belgrade. Image of Joseph Stalin inviting Churchill and Roosevelt to sit at the table under which Jews are hiding reading a book titled "a plan to bolshevize England and America."

  15. Photographic print of Elie Wiesel, 1977

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn613482
    • English
    • overall: Height: 8.810 inches (22.377 cm) | Width: 13.440 inches (34.138 cm) pictorial area: Height: 8.810 inches (22.377 cm) | Width: 13.440 inches (34.138 cm)

    Gelatin silver print depicting Elie Wiesel in 1977.

  16. Vilna broadside

    Bekanntmachtung Nr. 19 des Buergermeisters der Stadt Wilna [Notice No. 19, Mayor of Vilnius]; Vilnius, Lithuania; in German, Lithuanian, and Polish; Broadside issued on August 22, 1941 three months after the German occupation of Vilnius, ordering the refugees who arrived in the town after September 1, 1939, and who did not get Lithuanian citizenship until June 1940, to register in the municipal offices. The broadside also calls all of Vilnius residents to register in the police headquarters in their neighborhood and get an identity card. At the end, the broadside states that the decree does...

  17. Two short films: Hansi eats; Hansi grows up; amateur film equipment and studio; toys

    Lizzy Film Produktion. “Bei der Sause” Two people, possibly Jakob and mother, talk while a man eats with Hansi [Hans Otto Kessler]. Lizzy? (Hansi’s mother) sits down to eat. The family drinks coffee and breaks bread. “Wenn munt’re reden sie begleiten…” Hans learns how to cut bread. “Speck und jam passen gut zum kaffee” Hans feeds the man. “Die fetten bissen verschlingt der patterbom” The man with a mustache, possibly Lizzy’s father, cuts food for Hans. “Ende” 01:03:09 Lizzy Film Produktion “Dem leben eines” “Filmstars” “1 Teil” “Hansi beschӓftigt sich” “Die morgen lekture” “Hansi ist hier 2...

  18. Prayer book

    4 volume sete of holiday mazhors: First Days of Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot, and Last Days of Passover.

  19. Photographic print of two sisters

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn613480
    • English
    • overall: Height: 8.000 inches (20.32 cm) | Width: 10.000 inches (25.4 cm) pictorial area: Height: 7.310 inches (18.567 cm) | Width: 9.750 inches (24.765 cm)

    Gelatin silver print of two sisters in a village in Carpathian Ruthenia, ca. 1935-38.

  20. Files of the bailiff in Mogielnica Akta komornicze w Mogielnicy (Sygn.1326)

    Files of the bailiffs of Mogielnica, Poland, related to the recovery of Jewish debts. Selected cases relate to Jews from different towns and villages of the Grójec county, mainly from Mogielnica. The files generally contain documents typical for the execution of debt: a motion to the Court of Peace, the statement of a defendant, the claim of execution, i.e. the Verdict and Sentence of the Court of Peace, the warrant for execution, requisition of an estate on account of a debt, announcement of selling by auction, payment of the debt.