Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 116
Country: United States
Holding Institution: Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
  1. Hélène A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hélène A., who was born in Sevluš, Czechoslovakia (presently Vynohradiv, Ukraine) in 1926, one of seven children. She recounts a happy childhood; attending Czech public school; antisemitic harassment; Hungarian occupation in March 1939; her parents sending her with a sister to Budapest in 1942; working for a tailor; anti-Jewish restrictions; a Hungarian soldier from their hometown assisting them; obtaining false papers; hiding in their apartment during Allied bombings; denouncement; arrest and interrogation; transfer to Gestapo custody; deportation to Kistarcsa; re...

  2. Rose S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose S., who was born in Minsk, Byelorussia, in 1921. She tells of her family's move to Kon?skie, Poland; the outbreak of war in 1939 while she was nearby in Przedbo?rz; fleeing with her boyfriend to Ostro?w Lubelski in the Soviet zone; his return; and her marriage to a local artist/musician. Mrs. S. recalls the German invasion; ghettoization; her husband's murder in an Aktion; working as a housekeeper for German soldiers; hiding during a round-up in which her in-laws were taken; being forewarned of Aktions by a German soldier; and escaping with false papers to Zdolbu...

  3. Jacques B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacques B., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1923. He recounts his family's emigration to Paris in 1924; their poverty; membership in sports clubs; leaving school for an apprenticeship at age twelve; German invasion; antisemitic measures; arrest with his brother in 1942; Gestapo interrogation; incarceration in Romainville; their transfer to Compiégne and Drancy; deportation in February 1943 to Birkenau; transfer to Auschwitz; return to Birkenau; separation from his brother; learning his brother was in the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager); assignment as a chimneysweep, wh...

  4. Ire?ne Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ire?ne Z., who recalls evacuation with her family from Paris to the Nie?vre region after the outbreak of war; her father's death; living in a village for a year; returning to Paris; working with her mother in their boutique; her older brother's arrest and deportation (they never saw him again); hiding on July 16, 1942; arrest of her mother and brother; unsuccessfully trying to join them in the Ve?lodrome d'Hiver; learning they were sent to Pithiviers; arranging to hide her twelve year old brother; acquiring false papers in Lyon; joining the Resistance as a courier in ...

  5. Robert W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Robert W., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1924. He recalls his parents' divorce; his mother's poverty; antisemitic incidents in school; obtaining a scholarship for high school; increased official and public antisemitism beginning in 1939; German occupation in March 1944; Allied bombing; conscription for labor in Va?c; observing boxcars transporting Jews; munitions work in Magyaro?va?r; volunteering for farm work; bribing a sergeant for a transfer to Budapest; obtaining Portuguese passports for himself, his mother, and grandmother; living in housing protected by ...

  6. Simon R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Simon R., who was born in Ozorko?w, Poland in 1916 to an orthodox family of six children. He recalls his family moving between Ozorko?w and ?owicz; working from age ten; disbelief that anything bad would occur; opening a store near Ozorko?w in 1939; German invasion; fleeing to Ozorko?w; learning the Gestapo was looking for him; hiding in a village; returning to Ozorko?w; and three months in jail in ?e?czyca. Mr. R. tells of his return to Ozorko?w; his brother's arrest; ghettoization; forced labor; the community saving a boy from public hanging for not wearing the yell...

  7. Azriel L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Azriel L., who was born in Klaipėda, Lithuania in 1923, and raised in Skaudvilė, the oldest of four sons. He recounts his family's affluence; his father's Zionism; attending cheder, public school, yeshiva, then a Hebrew gymnasium in Tauragė; the family moving to Kaunas; Soviet occupation; remaining in Kaunas when his family returned to Skaudvilė; clandestinely participating in a Zionist youth group; visiting Vilnius; German invasion; Lithuanian violence against Jews; receiving a letter from his parents (he never saw them again); ghettoization; forced labor at the ...

  8. Anna R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna R., a Lutheran, who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1918. She recalls her family's commitment to and activities on behalf of the Social Democrats; the rise of fascism; her arrest for anti-Nazi activities; two one-year jail terms; release; helping found a home for children of suicides; hearing the Gestapo was seeking her; hiding; illegally entering Switzerland with assistance from the Communist Party; acceptance as a political refugee; meeting her future husband, a German-Jewish refugee; receiving contraband from an unknown source; arrest; learning she was pregnant...

  9. Hanna F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hanna F., who was born in Czemierniki, near Lublin, Poland in 1923. She mentions prewar life in a mixed neighborhood and details the changes which occurred in the wake of the German occuption, including her slave labor. She relates her family's evacuation to Parczew in 1942; their hiding during round-ups for deportation; and the splitting up of her family (she alone survived the Holocaust). She tells of escaping from a slave labor camp near Parczew, securing false papers, and joining a Polish (non-Jewish) labor transport to Germany, where she remained from October, 19...

  10. Israel A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel A., who was born in Plotsk (P?ock), Poland in 1925. He relates his family's transfer to the Starachowice ghetto in 1940; the worsening conditions there in 1942; and the action of the Einsatzkommando and subsequent deportation of his parents and brother to Treblinka, while he and his older brother were driven to a factory which comprised the Starachowice concentration camp. He tells of the brutal conditions in the camp (he later testified against its gestapo head at the Frankfurt war crimes trials) where, eluding selections and mass murders, he remained until th...

  11. Celine P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Celine P., who was born in Zgierz, Poland, one of four children. She recalls her family's affluence; visiting relatives in Warsaw; a close and large extended family; attending a Polish school; antisemitic harassment; German invasion in September 1939; her father's flight east; exemption from deportation due to an uncle sending foreign visas to her, her mother, and siblings; assistance from a former nanny who worked for the Gestapo; transport to Belgium via Berlin; reunion with their uncle who had arranged their emigration; traveling to Paris where "everything was back...

  12. Rolf F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rolf F., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1916. He recounts his father was a German industrialist and his mother the daughter of a Jew who had converted in 1908 (she was baptized and raised as a Christian); half siblings from his father's previous two marriages, the first to a non-Jew, the second to his mother's sister (both wives had died); not knowing he was legally Jewish until his expulsion from school in 1933; attending technical school in Mittweida because he was barred from university; draft into a forced labor battalion; returning to school after his release...

  13. Georges D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Georges D., a non-Jew, who was born in Ixelles, Belgium in 1911. He recounts his mother's death in 1918; his family's move to Brussels; training as a mechanic in a technical school; military service beginning in 1931; working as a policeman; marriage in 1936; the births of two daughters; German invasion on May 10, 1940; military draft; fleeing to France on May 16; encountering Germans; returning home the day after Belgian capitulation; joining the Resistance; delivering underground journals; hiding individuals sought by the Gestapo; obtaining false papers for Jews; ar...

  14. Saul C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Saul C., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1925. He recalls his family's relative poverty; attending Bund summer camps; German occupation; the family's move to Cze?stochowa; forced labor in the ghetto; transformation of the ghetto into labor camps (his mother, sister, and one brother were deported to Treblinka); hiding during a round-up; capture and escape; rejoining his father in the camp; separation from his father; escaping with a friend; building a bunker in a forest; hostile Polish partisans (AK); returning to camp because he feared death; denunciation; imprison...

  15. Beba L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Beba L., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1925, the oldest of four children. She recalls her father's emphasis on Jewish education; attending private school; aspiring to a university education; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; anti-Jewish restrictions; hearing about mass killings at Ponary; ghettoization in September 1941; her father arranging her escape with assistance from a Polish officer; obtaining false papers; hiding on a farm; returning to the ghetto to be with her parents, although she never saw her family again; working for the Judenrat; witne...

  16. Victor W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Victor W., a Catholic, who was born in Belgium in approximately 1925, one of three brothers. He recounts living near Namur; his family's focus on religion, family, and patriotism; attending a Catholic school; participating in a Catholic youth group; German invasion; helping to bury Belgian soldiers; joining the Resistance in 1941; printing and distributing leaflets; obtaining weapons; a friend who worked for the Gestapo warning him of his imminent arrest; a futile attempt to escape to England via France; arrest in Buxy; interrogation and torture in Chalon-sur-Saone; t...

  17. Renate R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Renate R., who was born in Berlin in 1923. Mrs. R. describes her family background; life in Germany; and their move to Yugoslavia in 1933; her father's illness and death in 1940; the German invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941; and the forced move with her mother and brother to a Jewish section. She describes living with a Yugoslav family and her mother's imprisonment by the Gestapo. Mrs. R. recounts working for the partisans; having to leave the Yugoslav family due to fear of betrayal; thinking of suicide; and being aided by the mother of a school friend who helped arrange...

  18. Emmanuel F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emmanuel F., who was born in 1922 in Kosiv, Poland (presently Ukraine), the oldest of six children. He recounts his family's affluence; attending engineering school in Warsaw beginning in 1936; German invasion; returning home; Soviet occupation; military draft; German invasion before he could report for duty; forced labor with his father and brothers in a brick factory; his father's death; selection as a mechanic (the rest of his family was deported or killed); transfer to Kuty; escaping with assistance from a German soldier; capture; escaping; joining partisans in fo...

  19. Jacqueline F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacqueline F., who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1921, an only child. She recalls her family's affluence; close relations with grandparents; emigrating to Strasbourg with her family in April 1933 after her uncle's arrest and torture; moving to Tours in 1934; her father's business success; relatives en route to the United States urging them to leave; her father's refusal; the outbreak of war; incarceration with her family in Gurs as enemy aliens; liberation in 1940; living in Limoges; moving alone to Grenoble; studying law; participating in the communist Resistance; ...

  20. Ernie M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ernie M., who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1916, one of three children. He recounts his father was an American citizen, thus he was as well; attending Jewish school; working as an auto mechanic; participation in Habonim; becoming a counselor at a Youth Aliyah camp outside of Berlin; police confiscating the identification papers of everyone there in November 1938; traveling to Berlin; arriving on Kristallnacht; observing Jews being beaten and synagogues burning; visiting a friend who had just been released from a concentration camp; returning to the youth camp; lear...