Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 961 to 973 of 973
Country: Ukraine
  1. Historical archive at the Romny town's Department of education and propaganda

    • Роменський історичний архів Роменського міського відділу освіти та пропаганди
    • Romenskyi istorychnyi arhiv Romenskoho miskogo viddilu osvity i propahandy

    Collection includes leaflets, announcements, appeals, orders by the German occupation authorities and local administration on various aspects of the life of the Jews (file 1, pp. 1, 10, 19, 23, 24, 31, file 4, pp. 1, 9, 16, file 6, pp. 6, 36, 98, file 27, pp. 44); Order by Ortskommandant of the town of Romny about the execution of the Jewish partisans (file 1, p. 25, file 2, p. 29); a poem flyer with a call to struggle against the Jews (file 4, pp. 2-5); the Easter letter of the Kiev bishop Panteleimon against the Jews (file 4, p. 13, file 27, p. 31).

  2. Sumy Regional committee of the Communist party of Ukraine

    • Сумський обласний комітет Комуністичної партії України
    • Sumskyi oblasnyi komitet Komunystychnoi partii Ukrainy

    Collection includes: Acts of damage and materials on crimes committed by German fascist invaders. Information about the mass graves (inventory 1). Documents about participation of the Jews in the Soviet partisan and underground movement during the WWII. Lists of Soviet partisans and underground fighters include individuals of the Jewish origin: inventory 3п, file 15, pp. 1-10, 12, 14-17, 19-21, 25, 26, file 88, pp. 13, 17, file 106, pp. 7-12, 21, 23, file 190, pp. 7, 18, file 238, pp. 19, 20, 22-24, 28, 33, 35, 38-40, 73, 74, 76, 77, 102, file 239, pp. 3, 6, 7, file 256, pp. 5, 6, file 257,...

  3. Chervonyi partisan unit

    • Червоний партизанський загін
    • Chervonyi partyzanskyi zahin

    The collection contains lists of manpower, report on the political and military activities of the detachment. Collection includes lists of staff (including partisans of Jewish origin) of Chervonyi partisan unit, which operated in several regions of occupied Ukraine and Russia (file 1, pp. 1, 11, 23-26, 29).

  4. Konotop city committee of the Communist party of Ukraine

    • Конотопський міській комітет Комуністичної партії України
    • Konotopskyi miskiy komitet Komunistychnoi partii Ukrainy

    Collection contains minutes of conferences, plenums, meetings of the bureau, meetings of party and economic officials, city-wide meetings of secretaries of party organizations, heads of enterprises and materials to them. Plans, work reports. Information, memos, acts, correspondence on the implementation of the decisions of the highest bodies on issues of organizational, propaganda, social and economic development. Materials and correspondence about the underground activities of the sabotage group at the steam locomotive plant in 1942-1943. Acts of damage inflicted by the German invaders dur...

  5. Operational group of the Ukrainian headquarter of partisan movement in Sumy region

    • Оперативна група Українського штабу партизанського руху Сумської області
    • Operatyvna hrupa Ukrainskoho shtabu partyzanskoho ruhu Sumskoi oblasti

    The collection contains lists of manpower, partisan autobiographies, personal files of agents in the Sumy region, reports of partisan units, commanders' orders, correspondence with the headquarters of the partisan movement and partisan groups and detachments. Information on weapons, ammunition, food for the units. Collection includes lists of wounded Jewish partisans (file 1, p. 41); lists of decorated Jewish partisans operated in Sumy region during the German occupation (file 1, pp. 53, 53).

  6. Sumy regional extraordinary commission on investigation of the German-Fascist crimes

    • Сумська обласна надзвичайна комісія по встановленню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників
    • Sumska oblasna nadzvychaina komisiia po vstanovlenniu zlochiniv nimetsko-fashystskyh zaharbnykiv

    The collection includes acts and statements about crimes committed by the German occupiers against the Jewish population of the following districts of Sumy region: - General statement of the Commission about the German crimes in Sumy region, (inventory 1, file 101, pp. 7-8); - The same Statement (inventory 1, file 103, p. 85); - Statement about the German crimes in Krolevets district (invenory 1, file 103, p. 116); - Statement about murder of civilians, including the Jews, in the town of Konotop (inventory 1, file 102, pp. 18,19); - Statement about the German atrocities in Lebedin district ...

  7. Nerubaivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Нерубаївська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Nerubaivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection contains Orders by Kirovohrad Gebietskommissariat, Podvysotsk district state administration, and district councils on administrative and economic issues, mobilization of the labor force and its export to Germany, the fight against the partisan movement, the mandatory supply of agricultural products, the labor duty and taxation of the population. Information on the population of the village. Lists of persons who arrived to the village. Lists of persons who were in service in the German army. Collection includes orders to register the Jewish population and to impose 20% tax on them...

  8. Lypniazhka village administration in Dobrovelychkivskyi district

    • Липнязька сільська управа; с. Липняжка Добровеличківського району
    • Lypniazka silska uprava, s. Lypniazhka Dobrovelychkivskoho raionu

    Collection contains decrees, orders of the Dobrovelychkivskyi district administration on administrative and economic issues. Statements of the dispossessed and repressed persons on the allocation of land. Lists of officers of the Ukrainian Police in Lypniazhka village. Lists of members of public households of the village for the donation of money to orphans. Information and correspondence on the issues of accounting of the population, on agriculture, taxation, judicial proceedings, on cattle plague, on the registration of the Soviet prisoners of war, who stayed on the territory of the villa...

  9. Levivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Левівська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Levivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders, instructions from Kirovohrad Gebietskommissariat on administrative, agricultural and economic issues, the fight against the partisan movement, sending of prisoners of war to Germany, the mandatory supply of agricultural products, the taxation and collection of fines from the population. Information on the payment of tax by the residents of the village. Lists of prisoners of war who were on the territory of the village. Lists of employees of village administration, local police and population of village Levivka. Collection includes order by Pidvysotsk district adm...

  10. Perehonivka village administration in Pidvysotsk district

    • Перегонівська сільська управа Підвисоцького району
    • Perehonivska silska uprava Pidvysotskoho raiony

    Collection contains decisions, orders, appeals of the district commissariat, district administration, district commissariat and land commissariat on administrative, agricultural and economic issues, the mobilization of labor force in Germany, labor duty of the population, the fight against partisans and the execution of unreliable persons, the payment of fines and taxation of the population, the procedure for registration of marriage, birth and death, and the fight against epidemics. Permits and certificates of registration and the right of departure of individuals outside the board. Lists ...

  11. Nyzhne village administration in Derazhnia district

    • Нижнянська сільська управа Деражнянського району
    • Nyzhnianska silska uprava Derazhnianskoho raiony

    Collection contains correspondence with district institutions on various issues, personal data of taxpayers, population lists for 1943. Collection includes order from 20 January 1943 by the head of Derazhnia district administration to the elder of Nyzhne village to send next day 5 men equipped with axes to demolish former Jewish houses (file 2, page 38).

  12. Vasilkivtsy village administration in Mikhalpiltsy district of Iarmolyntsy gebiet

    • Васильківська сільська управа, с. Васильківці, Михалпільського району
    • Vasylkivska silska uprava, s. Vasylkivtsy Mykhalpilskoho raionu Iarmolynetskoho okruhu

    Directives and orders of district administrations, reports of agricultural councils, receipts on the delivery of state taxes and insurance, tax and procurement documents, lists of persons obtained insurance for buildings and inventory. Collection includes regulations about organization of Jewish workshops in Iarmolyntsy gebiet to serve the local non-Jewish population (file 3, p. 123).

  13. District Council of the Peoples' Delegates and its Executive Committee in Oleksandriia

    • Районна рада народних депутатів та її виконавчий комітет, м. Олександрія
    • Raionna rada ta ii vykonavchyi komitet, m. Oleksandriia

    Collection includes statement by the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the town of Oleksandriia about atrocities committed by the German occupiers against the population of the town and the district, particularly in regard to the Jewish population (inventory 3, file 3).