Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 45
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Lithuanian
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Country: Sweden
  1. Göteborgs stads kurator för statslösa flyktingar

    • City of Gothenburg counselor for stateless refugees
    • Göteborgs kommun. Göteborgs stads kurator för statslösa flyktingar

    The series include 1,529 personal files in 16 volumes. The files contain information about refugees and Holocaust survivors who came to Sweden and stayed in Gothenburg from 1937 to 1947. One volume also contains circular letters and guidelines for the treatment of refugees from the authorities and one volume contains correspondence.

  2. The Jewish Community of Gothenburg

    The archive of the Jewish Community of Gothenburg contains the records of the community from the period of the first Jewish immigrants in the late 18th Century until the archive was deposited with the Regional Archives in Gothenburg in 1980. In the archive, there are many records relating to the Holocaust. These include documents about the aid activities for Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors that the community and other Jewish organizations in Gothenburg carried out during and after the time of Nazi persecution and the Holocaust. The community's relief committee (see the series: Judis...

  3. Civilförsvarsstyrelsen

    • Swedish Civil Defence Board
    • Krigsarkivet
    • Civilförsvarsstyrelsen
    • English
    • 1944-1986
    • 467 linear meters of mainly textual records.

    Among the documents are letters to and from authorities, correspondence, activity reports, as well as documents relating to the operations in Lübeck and in camps in Sweden. The documents also include reports from inspections of refugee camps. In one of the archive's series (D), there are registers of refugees (and survivors). In another series (F 7), there are a large number of documents regarding the reception and initial care of survivors from concentration camps in Nazi Germany who were evacuated to Sweden in 1945. In these documents, there are also details about the conditions in the va...

  4. Anna Lindhagens samling

    • Anna Lindhagen's collection
    • Stockholms Stadsarkiv
    • Anna Lindhagens samling
    • English
    • 1874-1941
    • 5,1 linear meters of mostly textual records.

    In the series Brev och andra handlingar (Letters and other documents) there are four volumes (28-32) named Handlingar ang. Internationella Kvinnoförbundet för Fred och Frihet, IKFF (Documents concerning International Women's Federation for Peace and Freedom, IKFF). 1917-1941. One volume containing documents concerning the Save the Children Association 1920--39, and several volumes of documents from other refugee aid committees with scattered documents concerning Jewish refugees in Sweden.

  5. Generalkonsul Olof Herman Lamms arkiv

    • Stockholms Stadsarkiv
    • Generalkonsul Olof Herman Lamms arkiv
    • English
    • 1866-1955
    • 22 linear meters of mostly textual material.

    Olof Lamm's archive includes documents concerning his involvement in refugee aid, and relief activities for Jews in Nazi Germany. There are also correspondence between Lamm and other Jews in Sweden, and abroad, about the situation for Jews in countries under German control. The correspondence includes negotiations with Swedish and foreign state representatives and relief organizations about refugee aid, relief and rescue initiatives.

  6. Länsstyrelsen i Malmöhus län, civilförsvarssektionen

    • Civil Defence Section of the County Administrative Board of Malmöhus County
    • Landsarkivet i Lund
    • Länsstyrelsen i Malmöhus län, civilförsvarssektionen
    • English
    • 58 linear meters of textual records.

    Among other records, the Civil Defense Section's archive contains documentation concerning Holocaust refugees, around 1941-1949. The series Ö I: a Registerkort över flyktingar inkomna til landet contains 29 boxes with more than 20,000 register cards of refugees and survivors from concentration camps, who came to Sweden from 1944 to 1946. The cards include their name, date of birth, place of residence, nationality, date of arrival and the name of the reception center where they were received, and sometimes information on transfers. On some cards there is a note if the person was Jewish, in...

  7. I Förintelsens närhet 2000

    • In the midst of the Holocaust 2000

    The collection contains interviews with two women about their upbringing and experiences during World War II in Poland and in Auschwitz during the winter of 1941/42, and about life in Sweden after the end of the war. Transcripts of the interviews, photographs, and maps of the places mentioned in the interviews are also included in the collection.

  8. KW Gullers arkiv

    • Nordiska museet
    • KW Gullers arkiv
    • English
    • The collection consists of about half a million pictures. There are also photo negatives, a copy of the first editions of sixty-two books, press cuttings, and two cameras.

    K.W. Guller's archive contains a large number of reportage photos showing survivors from Nazi camps arriving at Malmö harbor and their first time in Sweden. Some of the pictures were published in Swedish weekly newspapers. The collection has also been used as illustrations in books and exhibitions.

  9. Jewish Community of Stockholm

    • Judiska (Mosaiska) församlingen i Stockholm (JFST)
    • Riksarkivet Täby
    • Judiska församlingen i Stockholm
    • English
    • 315 linear meters. Textual material such as protocols and minutes, financial and statistical records, correspondences, and reports and memos, and periodicals and ephemera. There are also a smaller amount of photographs and drawings.

    Archivists at the National Archives have archival holdings have organized and cataloged the holdings into over 80 sub-archives. The overarching structure is as follows: 1 Central archive 2 Church records 3 Community bodies 4 Funds and foundations 5 Organizations and associations 6 Business organizations 7 Rabbis and other staff 8 Personal archives 9 Music sheets 10 Image and photo collections The Central archive includes the administrational records and documents related to the community's core activities. Until 1910, the community had the official duty to keep population records for its me...

  10. Svenska Röda Korset

    • Swedish Red Cross
    • Riksarkivet Täby
    • Svenska Röda Korset
    • English
    • 1830-2010
    • Around 2,000 volumes of textual material and photographs.

    The Swedish Red Cross archives contain documents about the organization's involvement in aid shipments to Jews in Nazi Germany and occupied countries, and about the expedition with the white buses and the negotiations in connection with it. For example, the Swedish Red Cross Archive I, in the series Överstyrelsen (06), contains a list of personnel who participated in the Swedish Red Cross's relief action for Norwegians and Danes interned in Germany. It includes a (not complete) list of personnel and a map of transportation routes. There is also extensive correspondence. Also in In the Övers...

  11. Socialstyrelsen

    • National Board of Welfare
    • National Board of Social Affairs
    • Riksarkivet
    • Socialstyrelsen
    • English
    • 1912-2005
    • 2227,3 linear meters of mostly textual records and statistics.

    There are four different sub-archives in the National Board of Welfare's archive holding records from the handling of Holocaust refugees and survivors coming to Sweden: (1.) The archive of the Bureau for Social Affairs in General (Byrån för sociala ärenden i allmänhet, 1:a byrån), 1st Bureau: Foreigners Affairs. It contains minutes, letters, reports and correspondence relating to refugees and other foreigners up to 1939. The F series contains personal files on foreign nationals, including refugees from Nazi Germany. The 1st bureau's tasks were taken over in 1938 by the (2.) Foreigners Burea...

  12. Arbetarrörelsens flyktinghjälp

    • Fackliga och politiska emigranters hjälpkommitté
    • Labour Movement Refugee Relief

    The series E/1/12 contains correspondence with the Matteotti Committee in Copenhagen, the refugee committees in Oslo and Helsinki regarding the entry and support of German and Sudeten German refugees 1938-1944, and with Social Democratic refugee aid committees and other organizations in France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, and Poland 1938-1939. Some of the refugees that the organization corresponded with and about were Jews. The archive also contains personal files from the period 1933–1961, some of which contain documents about Jewish refugees in Sweden.

  13. Jacob Ettlingers arkiv

    • Riksarkivet
    • Jacob Ettlingers arkiv
    • English
    • 1916-1952
    • 4 linear meter of records. Textual material, financial records, printed material, photographs and film.

    Jacob Ettlinger's (1880-1952) archive consists of a total of four shelf meters and includes many records related to the Holocaust. For example, series number 3: Jacob Ettlingers ”privata” pärmar 1932–1952 (Jacob Ettlinger's "private" binders 1932-1952) consists of 27 volumes in cardboard boxes. They include alphabetically arranged correspondence containing information from survivors of war and camps, lists of relatives and friends sought through the Red Cross and other aid organizations, and lists of survivors. There are also documents relating to Ettlinger's work in sending aid to German...

  14. Folke Bernadottes, greve av Wisborg, arkiv

    • Personal archive of Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg
    • Riksarkivet
    • Folke Bernadottes, greve av Wisborg, arkiv
    • English
    • 1798-1984
    • 0,5 linear meters of mostly textual records.

    The archive contains (in vol. 1), among other things, Folke Bernadotte's pocket almanacs from 1944-1945 with notes on the Red Cross campaign and notebooks with notes on meetings in Berlin during the negotiations (March-April 1945) in connection with the Red Cross operation with the 'White buses'.

  15. Kriminalpolisen i Malmö

    • Malmö Criminal Police
    • Stadsarkivet Malmö
    • Kriminalpolisen i Malmö
    • English
    • 1874-1970
    • 240,7 linear meters of textual records

    The archive includes the F7 series, which contains 12 volumes of extensive material on refugees and survivors, including survivors and refugees who arrived in Sweden during and after the Second World War. The documents from 1943-44 contain documents concerning refugees who came to Sweden from Denmark, including those who fled to Sweden in the autumn of 1943. Later documents concern refugees and survivors from other countries. The series also includes lists of survivors who came to Malmö using various boat transports and interrogation protocols. Volume F7: 9 contains the Malmö police's alpha...

  16. Hollanderbolagen

    • Riksarkivet
    • Hollanderbolagen
    • English
    • 1862-1996
    • 36,1 linear meters of textual records, financial reports, print material, and photographs.

    The archive originates in Fritz Hollander's documents which were deposited with the National Archives, and contains documents after Baltiska Skinnkompaniet, A.J. Hollander, Fritz Hollander and successors for the period 1862-1996. Hollander, Fritz Hollander and successors for the period 1862-1996. The archive also contains documents relating to Swedish and foreign Jewish organizations, documents relating to the Mosaic congregation in Stockholm, Zionist organizations, as well Hollander's father-in-law, Jacob Ettlinger's, surviving documents. The archive consists of two main parts: The first i...

  17. Elias Joelsons samling

    • Elias Joelson'c collection

    The two-volume Joelson Personal and Family Archive contains correspondence and other archival documents that testify to the different fates of the Joelson family during the Holocaust.

  18. Advokatfirman Julius Hepners arkiv

    • Law firm Julius Hepner's archive
    • Riksarkivet
    • Advokatfirman Julius Hepners arkiv
    • English
    • 1920-1976
    • 12,7 linear meters of textual records, organized in 141 volumes.

    The archive of Law firm Julius Hepner contains client files from victims of Nazi Germany's persecution of Jews and the Holocaust whom the firm assisted in seeking reparations, known as Wiedergutmachung, from West Germany. There is no index or catalog, but the client files are in alphabetical order A-Z. The archive contains series of correspondence concerning Wiedergutmachung and other documents relating to legal aid for victims of Nazi persecution.

  19. Parlamentariska undersökningskommittén ang flyktingsärenden och säkerhetstjänst

    • State commission on the treatment of refugees and the intelligence service
    • Sandlerkommissionen
    • Riksarkivet
    • Parlamentariska undersökningskommittén ang. flyktingsärenden och säkerhetstjänst. YK 984.
    • English
    • 1945-1947
    • 57 volumes of textual records.

    The archive contains 57 volumes of archive documents from the commission's assignments during the period 1945-1947. The series Personakter till anmälningsdiariet (F: 2) contains 390 files containing reports and other documents with information about refugee cases reported by aid organizations and private individuals because they were treated incorrectly by the authorities when they tried to come to or stay in Sweden as refugees. Many of these were Jews. There is an index of the files in volume C: 1. A selection of the reported cases is also summarized anonymously in the commission's report ...

  20. Justitiedepartementet

    • Ministry of Justice
    • Riksarkivet
    • Justitiedepartementet
    • English
    • 1840-1996
    • Textual records.

    Series E1 A and E1 B contain consular files containing the so-called citizenship acts, i.e., applications for Swedish citizenship with accompanying documents. All refugees from Nazi persecution, and Holocaust survivors, who later became Swedish citizens have a citizenship file in the Ministry of Justice's archives. In addition to applications and notifications of citizenship, the files contain all other documentation that the Ministry considered relevant to the decision. In the files are short accounts of personal experiences reproduced in police interrogation reports, biographies, certific...