Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 101 to 120 of 163
Country: Moldova
  1. Executive Committee of the Glinoe (Hlinaia) village council of workers' Deputies in Grigoriopol district

    • Исполнительный комитет Глинянского сельского Совета депутатов трудящихся Григориопольского района
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Glinyanskogo sel'skogo Soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Grigoriopol'skogo rayona

    The register of damage caused by the Fascist invaders to the Glinoe (Hlinaia) village council in 1944

  2. Executive Committee of the Tașlîc village council of workers' Deputies in Grigoriopol district

    • Исполнительный комитет Ташлыкского Сельского совета депутатов трудящихся Григориопольского района МССР
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Tashlykskogo Sel'skogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Grigoriopol'skogo rayona MSSR

    Registration of military cemeteries; lists of soldiers buried in 1944-1945

  3. Executive Committee of Tiraspol city council of people's deputies

    • Исполнительный комитет Тираспольского городского совета народных депутатов
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Tiraspol'skogo gorodskogo soveta narodnykh deputatov

    Decision to create a commission to investigate atrocities and damage caused by the German Fascist invaders to state-owned enterprises and institutions, collective farms and residents of Tiraspol; List of citizens forcibly driven into slavery during the flight of the Germans; the decisions of the executive committee to commemorate more than 1,000 Soviet citizens arrested by the Romanian occupiers for assisting the Red Army Workers' Committee and shot by the Germans in early April 1944 in Kirpichnaya slobodka area; list of repatriated Soviet citizens шт 1949 - POWs taken from from Tiraspol an...

  4. Hotin district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Hotin – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Претуры и примарии Хотинского уезда
    • Pretury i primarii Khotinskogo uyezda

    Correspondence of pretura Briceni plasa with primarias regarding the identification of residents’ citizenship. Files of the primaria of Briceni village: the list of owners of commercial, industrial, and agricultural properties; statistical information about the households, manufacturers, and merchants; statistical information about the economical situation of the village and the list of merchants and manufacturers members of the communal council; correspondence with pretura of Bcriceni plasa regarding human resources and the lists of officials of villages’ institutions. Files of the primari...

  5. Hotin Gendarmes Legions, County Branches and Offices

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Hotin
    • Жандармский легион и посты Хотинского уезда
    • Zhandarmskiy legion i posty Hotinskogo uyezda

    Cases of the Hotin Gendarme Legion: cases on charging residents of neighboring villages with communist activities and intelligence activities in favor of the USSR; cases on the disclosure of the communist organization in the town of Briceni; The gendarme post of the village of Edineţ: cases on charges residents of the surrounding villages in anti-Romanian activities; The Gendarme Post in Lipcani village: personal files of suspects in communist activities; The Gendarme Post of Michalasheni village: personal files of the accused of activities against the Romanian authorities

  6. Regional Inspectorate of Security in Bessarabia

    • Inspectoratul Regional de Siguranță din Basarabia
    • Бессарабский областной инспекториат полиции
    • Bessarabskiy oblastnoy inspektoriat politsii
    • Arhiva Naţională a Republicii Moldova
    • 680.1
    • English, Romanian
    • 1918-1929
    • Inventory 1 - files from no.1 to no.1443; inventory 2 - files from no.1444 to no.2953; inventory 3 - files from no.2959 to no.4014; inventory 4 - files from no.4015 to no.5179

    Articles about Jews in Chisinau; data on mixed marriages; lists of Jews who have not converted and those who have converted to another religion; a copy of the order signed by General Headquarter of Romania's Army on the Jews in labor brigades; information on the work of the group headed by Filderman; census on the Jews; personal files of the police employees in Bessarabia, files on secret agents and the Jews accused of spying for the USSR. Surveillance materials related to activities carried out by the political Romanian party- "Blocul cetățenesc pentru mîntuirea țării" (Citizens' Block for...

  7. Ismail district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Ismail: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate
    • Примарии сел Измаильского уезда
    • Primarii sel Izmail'skogo uyezda

    Orders and directives of the Ministry of the Interior on the accounting of property left from the residents evacuated to the Eastern regions of the USSR; orders for the surveillance of religious sects; orders and directives on mobilization for labor duties; correspondence on verification of “trustworthiness” of the residents; correspondence on taxation procedures; guidelines for the restoration of nationality records; registration cards of those deported by the Soviet authorities, etc. The fund contains the following groups of items: Town hall of Giurgiulesti village (1941-1944); Town hall ...

  8. Ismail district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Ismail: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate
    • Примарии сел Измаильского уезда
    • Primarii sel Izmail'skogo uyezda

    Orders and resolutions of town halls; correspondence on sanitation; on combating epidemic diseases; reports on the mood of the local residents; orders on the procedure for the exploitation of church lands; correspondence about keeping records of the property of deceased residents; a directive from the Bessarabian governorate on the staffing and replacement of the cooperative personnel by Romanians; complaints of villagers; cases on collecting donations to help Romanian army and the public; correspondence about the administration of property left by the Soviet citizens; orders on the exploit...

  9. Jewish Pedagogical Courses in Chișinău city

    • Cursuri pedagogice evreieşti din Chişinǎu
    • Еврейские педагогические курсы в городе Кишиневе
    • Yevreyskiye pedagogicheskiye kursy v gorode Kishineve

    Statements for the payment of salaries to employees of pedagogical courses for the 1921-1922 academic year; students' petitions for exemption from tuition fees and teachers’ petitions for granting them vacation days

  10. Lăpușna district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and primarias

    • Judeţul Lăpușna – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor
    • Лапушнянская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Lapushnyanskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Correspondence with Ministry of Internal Affairs and sub prefectures regarding passport regime and control of foreign subjects; files on the issuing of foreign passport to the locals of Lăpușna district; materials about the firing of workers who did not pass the exam of Romanian language; the list of praying houses and number of members of sects in the district in years 1923‐26; files of the permission to leave the country for the locals of Lăpușna district; documents, requests, correspondence with the Ministry of Internal affairs regarding the transfer of confiscated property to the prefec...

  11. Orhei district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Orhei: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate
    • Оргеевская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Orgeyevskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Calarasi Police reports on activities and incidents held in Calarasi. Political marches of the National Agrarian Party, led by Octavian Goga, whose objectives were to fight "jidovism [Jews] and communism, which here in Bessarabia is the greatest danger", "expulsion of Jews from rural communities, army and civil service "etc. Statistical information on the number and composition of the population and economic situation of the villages in Rezina. Correspondence with Pretura of Bravicea regarding identification of the citizenship of the the villagers, information on the withdrawal of Romanian ...

  12. Soroca district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Soroca: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate
    • Сорокская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Sorokskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Files of the Administrative Division: correspondence with Bessarabian Directorate of internal affairs regarding administrative separation of the district; information regarding number of population in the villages of the district; inquires on the complains of the villagers of Atachi of being beaten by the gendarmes; instruction of the ministry of Internal Affairs of Romanian regarding the fight with speculation; the list of lawyers from Bessarabia; correspondence with preturas and primarias of the district regarding the work of praying houses, churches, and synagogues; lists of the visitors...

  13. Tighina district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Tighina – prefercturile judetene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) si comunelor subordinate
    • Тигинская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Tiginskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Documents that enable Jewish citizens of county Tighina to leave the country between 1920-1923. Lists and status of members of the consumer society in 1921. The status of the philanthropic Jewish organization from Căușeni, "Damen ferain". Lists of manufacturers specialists who could provide the needs of the population in case of war. Materials related to the election of Members of the Commerce and Industry Chamber in Tighina in 1938. Information on the county inhabitants' affiliation to different religions and religious sects between 1938-1939. Correspondence with religious institutions in ...

  14. Lǎpuşna commission for checking the files of the public sector employees that remained on the territory of Bessarabia in 1940-1941

    • Comisiunile centrale şi judeţene pentru verificarea dosarelor funcţionarilor rǎmaşi pe teritoriul Basarabiei în 1940-1941. Direcţia Lǎpuşna
    • Уездная комиссия при префектуре Лэпушнянского уезда по проверке служащих, оставшихся в Бессарабии в 1940-1941 гг.
    • Uyezdnaya komissiya pri prefekture Lepushnyanskogo uyezda po proverke sluzhashchikh, ostavshikhsya v Bessarabii v 1940-1941 gg.

    Personal files of public sector employees, including Abramovich Vladimir, Arsinevich-Pinkevich Xenia, Bekoshevich Leon, Weyland Olga, Meikus Praskovya, Radzikevich Michael, Rosenberg Sevastyan

  15. Lǎpuşna commission for checking the files of the public sector employees that remained on the territory of Bessarabia in 1940-1941

    • Comisiunile centrale şi judeţene pentru verificarea dosarelor funcţionarilor rǎmaşi pe teritoriul Basarabiei în 1940-1941. Direcţia Lǎpuşna
    • Уездная комиссия при префектуре Лэпушнянского уезда по проверке служащих, оставшихся в Бессарабии в 1940-1941 гг.
    • Uyezdnaya komissiya pri prefekture Lepushnyanskogo uyezda po proverke sluzhashchikh, ostavshikhsya v Bessarabii v 1940-1941 gg.

    Personal files of officials, church singers, priests, officials of the financial administration, clergymen, railway workers, etc. who remained in the territory of Bessarabia in 1940-1941 (during the Soviet rule)

  16. Lăpuşna County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянский уездный трибунал
    • Lapushnyanskiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Cases of the chancellery (lists of county gendarmes; reports to the Attorney General about daily incidents in the city); cases of determining the date of birth (including date of birth of Joseph Birman; Pinya Zilberman; Basya Kleiman, etc.); cases of legalization of children; cases of recognition of the fact of marriage (including marriage by Rosa Schwartzman with Schwartzman Copel; Heikel' Schwartzman with Welya Schwartzman); divorce cases; property division cases; cases of registration of trade enterprises and firms (including the fruit shop owned by Herman Abramovich; grocery store owned...

  17. Lăpuşna County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянский уездный трибунал
    • Lapushnyanskiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Investigative material on the charges with the communist activities of Shoym Palancker and Leiba Goudis; material on the charge of Itzik Weitzmann with participation in the communist movement; investigative material on charges of Ida Ostrinskaya with communist activities; the same for Elic Kigel'; the same for Benjamin Weinberg and Z. Goldstein; investigative material on Rosa Gladshteyn; Reizi Sherman et al.; the same for Chaim Katsal; the same for Mendel Presem; the same for Esther Poghel' and Gersh Zuckerman; the same for Liya Jester, Feyga Averbukh and Sheyndiya Kuchuk; the same for Meer...

  18. Lăpuşna County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянский уездный трибунал
    • Lapushnyanskiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Affairs of the chancellery; of the prosecutor's office; of the department of judicial investigator et al. Decisions on criminal and civil cases; documents on property sale; tribunal decisions on commercial affairs; alphabetical lists of individuals who have concluded transactions approved by the tribunal, etc.

  19. Lăpuşna County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянский уездный трибунал
    • Lapushnyanskiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Reports of the Chişinău Prefecture about the incidents; correspondence with the Chişinău police questura on issuing a permit for the right to carry personal weapons; correspondence with the Chişinău police questura on individuals suspected of anti-Romanian activities; correspondence with Romanian prisons on individuals arrested for communist activities; the case of Etya Kichel and Zelman Griber that are suspected in communist activities; correspondence with the central prison on the prisoner Chaim Rabinovich; a case against the residents of the town of Călăraş Zelman Glos and Voza Luft susp...

  20. Lăpuşna County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянский уездный трибунал
    • Lapushnyanskiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Civil and criminal cases; cases of the tribunal chancellery (including testimony of judicial officers about their non-involvement in the political parties of Romania; personal files of the officials of the tribunal); prosecutor's office cases (including daily reports of the questura and police about incidents in Chişinău; information about epidemic diseases in Chişinău; lists of residents of the county who received permission to use weapons); court investigator cases; cases on certification of dates of birth (including dates of birth of Rosa Aizin; Khaim Aleyvi; Miriam Alper; Khava Bendersk...